Why didn't he just take the sheet off?

Why didn't he just take the sheet off?

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He was the sheet.

it's not a Harry Potter flick

ya ghost story was pretty rad

Why didn't you just suck my cock?

Why didn't she vomit the pie in my mouth?

Attached: rooney pie.webm (720x540, 3M)


art house bullshit.

it literally doesn't matter

because its a womens flick
women whatsoever reason like paranormal crap because they are so self absorbed that they think there's an afterlife for them

*watches your thread*

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Should I watch the movie before getting spoiled?

How did he resist from giving her the ghost dicking?

Do you enjoy solving mysteries on your own?

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Yes, also long walks under the rain.

It was easier for him to wear a sheet than to take it off. He knew he didn't really belong there and the sheet kept him at the distance he knew he had to maintain.

Sounds like you know what you have to do, user.

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its one of those artsy fartsy "lol it doesnt matter YOU choose the ending xD" copout bullshit like the suitcase in Pulp Fiction.

If I had to guess though it was probably just a shitty "Y and X wuz here" note or something.


This whole movie was an artsy fartsy cop out. If it didn't have Roon it would be unwatchable.

I think being a ghost like this would be comfy as fuck assuming things like temperature or gravity didnt affect you.
I would love to just voyeur people and occasionally freak them out or s omething.

I would have LOVED to explore the future city and then also go back in time and explore the old west. Then I would travel across the world and all through out nature taking in the scenery and watching the small quaint personal lives of random individuals.
I would experience the Titanic first hand along with other important events in history then once my curiosity was fully satisfied I would just poof on into the next plane I guess.

Alright user, thanks.

I wish I was a ghost, too. Someday...
If you fuck another ghost do you make ghost babies?

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Theoretically, could you get away with cutting two holes in your bed sheets and walking around in public like a ghost? Would anybody say anything or would they just ignore you? If you never said anything or interacted with anything would people believe you're a real ghost, or at least leave you alone enough that you could larp as a ghost?

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99% of the time no one does jackshit as long as you ain't hurting no one. You can be dressed in a gorilla suit or in a fucking trash bag if you want, people won't say shit, maybe move away from you a bit in public transit and that's it.

they'd probably ask you to take photos with them

they would assume you are part of some weird religion and leave you alone, e.g. some strange sect of Islam

So basically it's a green light if you want to be a ghost irl and to head towards it. I want to do it but I'm scared of what people might say, or if someone might pull the sheet off. Or what if I get stuck in a door?

As long as nobody can see my face that wouldn't be a problem! Sounds fun yo!

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Just make sure to wear a pointed hat before you put on your sheet

He was very depressed.

What do ghosts look like under the sheets? I bet they're cuties and don't even know it.

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If I took the sheet off would he die?