He killed billions

he killed billions

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To save Trillions

I miss Quentin

To save 15% or more

It was only like ten million

was it autism?

his plan was actually decent. fucking rorschach had to go and ruin everything. and yes, I do think the ends justify the means, fuck you very much

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he still deserved to die for his crimes

yes he did, we are in agreement


to save tax derivatives

To save 6 million


His plan was bizarre (which was intentional). He literally comes up with a plan while being high on a mountain top.

sorry, who?

>not playing all along the watchtower during the prison sequence
what the fuck was zack thinking?

>nite owl having a cape

Rorschach was next level obstinate and retarded.

it's still gay and retarded they changed it from the comic book

based and global peace pilled

I was genuinely worried that there'd be a final battle scene surrounding the monster so I'm glad they changed it.

so did russia decide to abandon communism because of this?

His plan fails and they run to Supermans dimenson for help.

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the civilian storyline in the book is so essential to the whole watchmen experience yet it was probably impossible to tie it to the movies narrative. watchmen really was “unfilmable” when you consider everything lost in the translation from the pages to film

any comicbook storyline where they get help from other dimension’s counterparts is instant trash. i’m thinking of the first injustice game

is this story actually decent if you ignore the obvious cashgrab?

To save gorillion

To save tens

>I miss Quentin
me too

It's certainly not Watchmen. And at this rate it's never going to be finished.

I agree. So much of it hinges on the way that it's delivered.

For example, the moment towards the end after Ozy had carried out his plan, when Nite Owl and Laura are embracing each other and their shadows cast a silhouette on the wall that looks like the hiroshima silhouette, the very next panel is a close up of Rorschach's face and the black spots on his mask look like the same silhouette.

>dude let's cripple the US economy th and that will surely stop the reds from expanding, they totsttly wont use this to gain more territory in Europe
Was Moore a brainlet?

He destroyed Moscow, no?

Did you miss the part where Moore purposefully has Dr. Manhattan undermine Adrian's success at the very end? You know he doesn't agree with Adrian or Rorschach? The entire point at the end is that Adrian's plan only successfully put an end to the war, but it didn't actually solve any of the problems in the long term

His plan was stupid and arguably sped up what he was trying to prevent. Dr Manhattan was the biggest fucking nuclear deterrent and he had to chase him away.

Fucking pederast, why didn't blue science guy make antarctic mince from him?

In the book he just attacked New York