Is his career ruined?
Is his career ruined?
Unironically yeah. I had his show on my to-watch list, but removed it yesterday.
a literal who e-celeb
No, if you think him and Joe share the same audience, you are a brainlet.
Also, he is a hollywood yes man, he will still have a carrer until he outright makes the network loose money.
People who watch JR podcast don't watch his show so I don't think so.
youre right though, he being a yes man allowed him to get where he is but it also means he's close minded to people who disagree or have other opinions. He goes along with the majority and only allows those people around him.
also fuck white people
What happened to le White People Bad man? I don't pay attention to bug people.
i thought he was gay until i read his wiki
Why do *these* people have to look like sòy infused clowns on the outside as well?
What do you look like?
Have sex
People like him fail upwards.
nice try doxxing him, adam
How is parroting Hollywood propaganda harmful to a career in showbiz doggy?
uhhhh umm uuhh maybe
his face is so punchable
He looks like a gay zoomer Drew Carey
imagine someone making a typo on an imageboard
>I've spoken with the transfolks
>Well so have I and I've heard the opposite, these people exist, you can't just pretend your friends are an accurate representation of all transpeople
>I don't really want to get into anecdotal evidence
Adam is so fucking stupid
the people that are fans of his and watch his show either have no clue who Joe Rogan is or think he's some uber alt-right guy, so no
>Unironically yeah. I had his show on my to-watch list, but removed it yesterday.
Like, I don't understand why you only dislike him because of a big embarassment and not because he was always a flaming rabid shill.
hollywood changes. if jews all of a sudden hate tranies and blacks, adam is done
>5 minutes 42 seconds
Good Lord
The people that watch these garbage lib shows don't care about facts, or even if the host knows what they're talking about. All they care about is hearing the same message they're accustomed to hearing. Most people on the far left are only there because they didn't fit in with normal people. It's their way of getting back at the popular kids for no including them. That's why liberals are generally extremely immature.
Still probably is.
I've never seen a bunch of incels rage so hard over the continued success of what they deem a "Soi Boy".
Stay mad faggots lol
What exactly did this guy do. Say some SJW shit?
He argued with Joe a little bit over trans in sports and stuff, so this whole board is acting like it was a death match debate with the two red in the face spitting in each others face, but luckily both Joe and Adam have sex so it's nbd.
Made a career out of saying sjw shit
>Girls make up 50% of all gamers and yet no games are marketed for girls
>Zero girls play video games because the videogames were always put in the BOYS TOY AISLE also known as "the electronics section"
>Even though boys were historically more receptive to video games at their inception, over 80% of all people who play games are female, the other 20 percent are trans women
>Candy crush is as much a game as Halo, which is why it's so insulting that games like candy crush are relegated to phones and there has never been a single release of candy crush on a console, which is why only 30% of people who play games are female the other 70% are black male children who bully girls out of playing video games
What'd this fag do?
He got red pilled on child trannys by joe rogan
It's not a type, is a common spelling mistake. Probably not a native speaker, unless they are just a retard.
This could be reworked a little and be a pretty good pasta
Adam never refers to trans child as children, just people.
He doesn't even call them people, he calls them "folks" like a southerner talking about "them queer folks" idk how trannies can listen to Adam repeatedly call them transfolks and not be insulted
Because he's giving them attention and validation, which is what they're really after. They'll only turn on him when there's no one else to fight.
Did he finally move to China?
>Sees that face
>Thinks to himself: Whoa, I should watch this
Pic related is your brain
>writes a strawman solely to make a "womyn make and play video games too, misogynerd!" grand-standing
Stopped watching him right there in his first season. Guess he's done something else more retarded now?
wheres the picture?
While he'll still retain his hardcore fans, he's definitely taken a hit, the biggest being to his own ego. I can see the Joe Rogan thing haunting him for a while, as it's easy to reply to someone posting one of Adam's videos with a video of Adam completely falling apart at the seams on the podcast.
No, anyone who still watches him after season 2 is an idiot or a cuck. His fans probably don’t care that he got his asschewed by Rogan. Its not like his show was very credible to begin with since his main source was the Huffingtonpost.
Me on the right.
He exposed himself to being a brainlet who doesn’t know shit without a script made by his writers.
>Uhhh, uhhh....UHHHH,,,uhhmmm
right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right?
so yeah, ummn....................
total reliance on scripted material
>UHHHHHH can you expand on the question
That other deep media shill vsauce is the same way, he's a complete retard without a memorized script.
I think it was more about he couldn't betray his liberal bosses
I bet his rectum was ruined long ago
a literal dinky doodle
No ideia who he is, but that shirt, with that tie, with that hankie... Just why?
The jacket is alright. Peak lapels are cool.
Listening to this legit mad me angry, not particularly because of the subject matter but because this fucking idiot can't complete a single goddamn sentence
>~6 min ums, uhs, rights, yeahs
>in a 2hr 47min podcast
That's 3%. Record yourself talking with someone you don't know about controversial topics, some of them explicitly about your own shortcomings, and see how much your % is.
>Adam Ruins His Own Career
It's Joe Rogan. The guests only get to talk for about 40 minutes. The rest is all him talking about bears.
Ummmmm..... folks!
bears are just really hairy chimps
Joe Rogan is a fucking moron and so is this guy, their audiences are morons and so I don't see how either of them will lose anything from this.
can you imagine if one of those things got a hold of you? it would be game over man
fucking kek
This is a meme.
t. seen a lot of guys naked
it's entirely possible bears would be running the world if humans died out
Finally after all this time Adam ruins something.
I remember seeing a bunch of edits of her comics to make them about fucking dogs, but I never found them again.
Nah, he basically stopped people who might have been interested in him from watching him for now but at least he didn't alienate his core demographic by siding with someone just because he couldn't articulate a decent argument.
The dude fucked up but he chose the right path given his image.
>Jamie pull that up
No. Asians have small dicks.
t. I live in Asia and go to the gym and saunas.
All asians have small dicks
it was noticeable whilst watching the show
I honestly couldn't watch him on JRE. Has there been a dumber guest than him?
is there era of onions finally ending?
So much power in one picture.
No they'll keep on financing them and pushing them to the mainstream even if noone watches them.
>Women are attracted to strong confident men
>Uh yeah i don't really agree with that
What world does Adam live in?
Right? They'd probably be worse considering the rampant autism spectrum here.
SJWs claimed the word 'folks' years ago dude. They think it sounds warm and homey, plus they think it makes them sound cool like the black people they love so much. Plus it's a gender neutral term.
It's actually not that deep, ano. He just likes using the term clearly.
>It's actually not that deep, ano
yes, it is. It's called "code-switching".
could you IMAGINE if bears got a hold of DMT, ufos could be bears from the future checking us out like wtf man
you ever here about panspermia?
Jamie pull that thing up about octopuses being aliens
>defending him.... with bad arguments.
He didn't talk for 2hr and 47 min u absolute brainlet.
SJWs intentionally try to control and manipulate language, user. It's a very important and extremely effective part of their strategy.
yeah. But most mentally healthy people desire partners like this
>Strong: depends what you mean by that. Physically, strong as in huge, no unnecessarily.
how much would you have to eat per day to maintain that big guy's body size
Alr right seems to do that more but this is a silly thing to focus on desu. Folks is a word. He likes to use that word, so uses it. It not that deep. Social interactions aren't that complicated though it may seem that way to you.
>Folks is a word. He likes to use that word, so uses it. It not that deep.
man I wish I was this naive
taste my steel, onions guzzler
>"I don't agree"
>"Well the data shows"
>"Well okay it's not real data buuuuuut alpha males aren't real"
>"No I disagree, I don't think women prefer athletic men"
>"The GM in a dungeons and dragons game is the alpha in that situation"
>"Yeah I disagree"
>"Have you ever listened to contrapoints?? I learn something new everyday"
>Folks is a word. He likes to use that word, so uses it. It not that deep.
Have you been living under a rock the past few years?
Adam is a retard but imagine spending the time to edit the whole thing down like that. What the fuck is wrong with americans?
>Alr right seems to do that more
Stopped reading there. Get a fucking clue.
Ah. I see. Its paranoia, not autism.
No, but you're making a big deal over nothing. I've not seen many sjw or liberals
Use the word "folks." I'm pretty sure for me, it's only him.
>I've not seen many sjw or liberals use the word "folks."
Okay, so you have been living under a rock then.
They do but sure. Either way, dont go into reading ino every little thing an all
Alt right moron says our of paranoia.
Damn phone
You have to be a genuine extremist or not thinking at all to not see that Contra's just a lunatic.
>SJWs claimed the word 'folks' years ago dude. They think it sounds warm and homey, plus they think it makes them sound cool like the black people they love so much
I always despised this.
a fucking phoneposter what a surprise
>thinking that going on a fucking Joe Rogan podcast and goofing up is somehow going to be on anyone's radar enough to "ruin" his career that spanned almost a decade with a single company and a popular show
Imagine seeing the universe through the lens of a /pol/nigger where Joe fucking Rogan is popular or even remotely mainstream enough to damage a literal who that you don't like because he makes you seethe?
It must be exhausting.
But again, he's not an expert...
Rogan is very mainstream. What fucking planet are you on, nigger?
Joe Rogan is getting pretty mainstream, most of his podcasts with bigger guests have millions of views on YT alone and he gets regularly talked about in media.
Oh fuck off. Rogan's profile is about as underground as underground as a helicopter.
I honestly wish I could get through a few episodes of contrapoints to understand some of his views and balance out my opinions somewhat, but I get a genuine headache listening to a philosophy dropout show off film-making and alcohol abuse for one minute let alone over an hour. I also don't know if I'll ever be able to take someone who's surgically removed their own sexual organs seriously.
>smug face talking head doesn't actually know anything
i'm shocked
He's not. Your street normie may know him from X Factor but nobody is going to have a catalog of his conspiratard guests on their watch later list or even care.
But those ums, uhs, rights, yeahs are all throughout the podcast not only in this clip. Actually I noticed a bit of a difference. When he is just talking about whatever and not being confronted he says 'like' twice per sentence to substitute half the ums, uhs, rights and yeahs
>Undocumented immigrants
>Gender confirmation
>Democratic socialist
>Reproductive Rights
>Universal background checks
Yeah keep telling yourself that liberals aren't the ones using weasel words in perpetuity
He lost the beta male argument, but I disagree with Joe on the tranny thing.
If you put a boy on test blockers and pump him up with estrogen, he will grow up just like a biological girl. They would have no advantages in sports against other females.
>he has millions of views!
That's not a major feat? His format of having longer videos doesn't get a boost by the algorithm like it used to. Look, I like Joe...I think the man is pretty much a retard who entertains the idea that we faked the moon landings and has actual autists I laugh at on his show, but let's not pretend his niche pocket on the internet is somehow the end-all-be-all standard for content or that he's going to tank anyone's career.
Just wear the proper attire and they can't do shit to you. Bears are actually pussies unless they feel cornered or you threaten their cubs. Pic related, Siberian bear hunting armor.
>X Factor
it was Fear Factor you fucking idiot. How do you even sleep without forgetting to breathe, you blubbering fool?
There's not really a "balance" for that kind of thing, either you're an idealogue and you buy into the progressive dogma or you recognize that they're all basically crazy religious people
>"Well okay it's not real data buuuuuut alpha males aren't real"
His point here was correct. Alpha and Beta is the dumbest concept for human beings to try to conform to. It's the most "dude bro" philosophy you can adopt. Human social order is dynamic and fluid.
>literally seething
I don't even remember Fear Factor, just proves my point you mongoloid. The show was how many years ago? Over a fucking decade? Normies aren't salivating to hear Joe Rogan sit there and repeatedly go "right, ohhh...yeah, could be!" for 3 hours while Alex Jones rants about interdimensional demons working with Hitler.
seethe and copepilled
>muh video games
I’m going to tell you to have sex, and know that I am doing it without irony.
you will never be a woman
>no u
you're literally mad that I'm not sucking Joe's cock like some teenager who just started browsing your "alternative/hip nu-conservative" boards a few weeks ago.
>brings up cock for no reason
oh so you're gay too
I can tell what you think already because you sprung to alex jones to try to write rogan off
Alpha and beta are more like personality types not a hierarchical status. Alpha males are just more likely to be in dominant social positions due to their behavior. It's like saying confident and assertive men don't exist.
>muh phone posters are such normies
Sorry that not everyone is a worthless NEET never required to leave their house.
>If you put a boy on test blockers and pump him up with estrogen, he will grow up just like a biological girl.
>They would have no advantages in sports against other females.
This is unproven. Regardless, there is no right to play a competitive sport in a professional league if you aren't good enough. Female leagues are special leagues created for women because there's at least some audience for that kind of conditional competition. Mostly people just want to see "the best human" but some people are interested in "the best woman." There are other special categories such as college leagues and leagues for people with disabilities.
Female leagues should be exclusively for biological women, that's it. I really don't care if some tranny who loves boxing can't box with women in a professional league. If they can't compete with men, tough shit. Most men aren't good enough to compete, either. That's life, fucking deal with it.
>he can't read
You must have poor reading comprehension skills, I'm not "writing him off". The Jones podcast was unironically some of the best material he's produced in years. I like his show, I liked that episode. The point was your mainstream Youtube boomer or millennial isn't actively anticipating the next conspiratard faggot on a Joe Rogan podcast, his channel barely has over a million subs. It's not something mainstream or even a channel that YT actively trends.
>I can tell what you think already
No, you can't. That's called a strawman you reactionary newfaggot. Kill yourself or go back.
Yes the concept of "Alpha" and "Beta" is bullshit, the reality is obviously way more complex than that, everyone not retarded knows this. They're used as shorthand terms to describe ways people think and engage with other people.
you should legitimately consider suicide.
Then anyone, male or female can be alpha. Seems like a useless term. Might as well just use the word assertive or something.
>he was continuously talking for the entire podcast
you probably look like a drone while phoneposting consider moderation
Stop making stupid posts and maybe people will stop throwing shit at you.
I'm not the one who can stand behind their computer all day because you literally never leave your[parents'] house.
>I'm not the stupid one for regurgitating a literal script over and over and over again
It describes more than just assertiveness. Nobody is particularly attached to the name, feel free to think up a better term, if you do it will probably catch on since the only people attached to those words are people still trying to sell themselves as PUAs
You fool, children barely know what they want at any given hour you think they know what they want when they are fully grown? They are incapable of seeing the bigger picture because they are too young. Letting these children make a decision that will permanently go against what their bodies are hard wired to do set an incredibly dangerous precedent. Children aren't tried as an adult specifically because they are incapable of making rational decisions.
Scientifically we don't have any idea when the brain develops fully enough to know when a child can decide they are gay or have body dysphoria. It's funny how supporters of this movement claim sexuality is on a sliding scale but magically think that scale is going to stagnate just because a child of 8 thinks it will.
Not really. Only at intervals.
How would I look like a drone? It's just like texting.
>he thinks it's legal in the first world to give children hormone blockers
>Scientifically we don't have any idea when the brain develops fully enough
You're an actual retard, I hope you know.
Beta talking ^^^
That is literally not what Alpha and Beta is for though, that doesn't fit the actual definition. Personality A and B are already a thing. Even now they aren't sure that A and B types stay the same, context is important.
maybe rubbit is more your speed then. plenty of friendly normalfags.
or facebook.
but I was serious about the suicide thing. normally I jest, but not for you.
>Scientifically we don't have any idea when the brain develops fully enough
Someone with an actual fucking brain.
Its funny because there are libcucks who get their views from him....and dare to call themselves intellectual.
>Scientifically we don't have any idea when the brain develops fully
based pedoposter.
Very based
The fuck you talking about? Why is that line triggering so many brainlets?
No shit, they didn't hire him because he's a scientist of intellectual. He's just some College Humor writer who had the idea for the show, other people do the research
so close! I only had libtard and libshit on there! Damn.
Strong, assertive, extroverted personality. Am I missing anything?
PUA are wannabes and clowns. Let's not reference them.
It's "triggering" because it's flatout retarded and wrong.
He's had people who get bashed in the head for a living that were more articulate on a podcast. Being unprepared about a topic is one thing but not being able to even speak properly is different.
>hes just a far left puppet
Thanks for finally acknowledging, faggot
I am genuinely curious, in your worldview, are there any far right puppets? Or no? Are they all #epic and based?
Dont have a reddit account and never browsed extensively.
I have too much of a life ahead of me to consider suicide. Anyway, I'm not a normie in the traditional sense. I just actually leave my house involuntarily most days and voluntarily once in a while.
>haha its actually le ebin and funny when you bully us for being pro-child abuse cuckolds
Kill your discord tranny
Good sources you provided there faggot. We don't know if people are born gay or if their brain developed in a way that makes them gay. The development of sexuality is not necessarily inherent from the womb. The actual mechanisms are poorly understood.
If you'd like to actually make an argument against that by all means give me some information.
Alpha means leader. If there is more then one leader in the room they will murder each other. This is the way of all pack animals. Applying Alpha to humans is just retarded, that's all that the Adam guy is trying to say,.
See even those terms are too vague and off mark, though, because all of those descriptors also apply equally to sociopaths and narcissists but these people are clearly distinct from those. It's more subtly about setting the tone for interactions and drawing other people into your pacing, making people view things on your terms and even want to do so.
lol the irony of a pedo on Yea Forums talking about child abuse
>contrapoints is a former phd
what did zoomer hair man mean by this?
>discord tranny NPC response
>crying about being bullied
abloo abloo, fagtard.
>Alpha means leader.
Right, of the society. Care to show me the Alpha of the human race? There isn't one, this isn't a debatable topic, people who use the term literally don't know what they are talking about.
>we don't know that homosexuality has a biological component
Yes, we do. But that's not why I'm calling you a retard, I'm calling you a retard for saying "scientifically hurrr durrr, we don't know when a brain fully develops" which is so absolutely incorrect that it doesn't warrant a real response outside of me laughing at you.
You are very likely a pedo.
he forgot to add "student", he's a PhD dropout
>deflecting this hard
>implying im far right
God you fucking millenial corporate cocksuckers are stupid. That is a totally separate issue. But now that you mention it, most public figures on the far right make their own content and arent ordered around by their corporate masters. Keep watching steven colbert and voting for bernie sanders while thinking you are fighting the establishment and evil megacorps.
So far it seems on average:
21 females
25 males.(explains car insurance rates desu)
seeI'm convinced half of you just don't even think about proper responses, you're just shills.
Yes. When you make posts so unbelievably stupid that addressing them would require spoonfeeding a huge pile of basic facts and principles that most people have from simply growing up while not being retarded, you're going to see a lot of dismissive insults in response.
Opinion discarded.
>muh spoonfeed meme
>literally doubling down on repeating /pol/nigger meme words
That will be a yikes from me, underage.
>thinks im the person you were calling a pedo
Idiot. You just sound gay and fucking stupid to people with IQs over 115.
You couldnt sound like more of a crossdressing redditor queer if you tried
Start cutting yourself
Correct, used to be 21, then 18, then 16. It literally changes every decade or so. That is just for the full maturation of the brain, not even whichever part of the brain in charge of sexual desire. I can't understand why people are having such a hard time understanding my point.
>I discard your opinion because it contains facts I dislike
We can fucking map neurological development in late adolescence to adulthood to see when parts of the brain are fully formed over time you stunted /pol/nigger, there is no mystery about when a brain develops. Are you baiting me?
>Trump isnt an Alpha
This is just a "muh discord tranny" response. Do you have anything unique to say?
>being a fag is biological
You have no authority to lecture people about science, you total fucking dumbass.
>slander people who disagree with you as pedos
Typical sjw crybaby
Trump isn't in charge of the human race you brainlet.
if you want to stop being called a discord tranny maybe you should stop being a discord tranny
>people make fun of me for being a faggot with a low IQ and backwards beliefs
>they must be shills
>let me keep using this shitty old pol meme because im a coward
Libcucks everyone
>public figures on the right don't have corporate masters
the rest of your post is some r/the_donald shitpost about Bernie or something.
Maybe you should stop acting lkke a far left redditor faggot who has aids and brain worms?
>You are very likely a pedo.
Its disturbing to me that you keep calling me a pedo. There is nothing in my post that would elicit such a response so it leads me to believe that you are the pedo here.
>beta males who think they're "alpha males" are upset someone denounces their dumb simplistic world view
a true beta male reaction
That was NEVER scientific. That was based on past ideas of adulthood.
Yeah, was initially and still kind of is culturally, but scientifically, they find that at least 21 is when the frontal lobe full develops(hence why teens are so impulsive).
>all of modern genetics and neuroscience across the globe argues that there is a strong biolgocial and genetic component to homosexuality that is prevalent in most of the animal kingdom
>but some faggot on a teevee board doesn't like that, so it's wrong.
A chimp alpha isn't in charge of all chimps.
The point is that 'alpha' a misleading term since it is already a defined concept in zoology and human behavior isn't as predictable as other animals.
Nah. If it wasn't over before, then it won't be now. People will still watch his shit because he's "giving them the facts" or whatever.
If you didn't think he was an annoying douche full of hot air and no actual wisdom/knowledge before, then you won't think so now.
What does that have to do with being alpha? Being alpha simply means you are a leader and you take what you want. I am alpha, youre a beta cuck. In general right wingers are alpha while leftists are betas who need the state to take care of them
I think what’s so disturbing is how nonchalantly Adam starts talking about kids becoming trannies and taking hormones, as if to say “oh we’ll see more of that and it’s good they can find themselves.”
It’s fucking sick, disgusting, and twisted. Now there’s more reports of those child drag stars appearing in gay bars too, and if you voice concern, they just reply with “yeah but child pageants should be banned too!” as some weird strawman. It’s all pedoshit and ruining humanity.
I don't even think you know what my beliefs are. You just have a stew of things you think everyone left of Hitler thinks and you're never sure to what degree anyone believes in your meme-versions of that political alignment.
I bet you couldn't guess my core principles if you tried. Perhaps you are getting mocked for using the same /pol/bait terms over and over that nobody actually likes or cares? Crying about imagined discord trannies because you saw an r/Yea Forums shitpost once doesn't mean you belong here.Or even that anyone takes you seriously, because I can assure you they don't.
You deliberately typed out my quote incorrectly to misrepresent my position. That is a strawman. I specifically said far right, and you changed it to right, so you could cry about muh fox news, as if everyone hasnt known about them since 2001.
You are pathetic. Try again, child.
Fair enough. I guess I should have added aggressive in there too. But yeah, I agree it's not useful to describe human behavior which is more altruistic and cooperative over all.
Name a single thing I even said that's "far left". Screencap it, kiddo.
ideology isn't principle
you don't have any principles
>libcucks in a nutshell
I dont understand why they even post here. Yea Forums is aligned with the right wing in the current paradigm.
>We can fucking map neurological development in late adolescence to adulthood to see when parts of the brain are fully formed over time you stunted /pol/nigger
That's my point you fucking retard. Neurology is still in its infancy. Only retards believe they have all the answers without any proof. There is absolutely nothing proving that children have the ability to make a decision that will alter themselves permanently which goes against their natural development. The burden of evidence needs to come from these abusers that children are capable of making such a choice.
The fact that we know the brain doesn't even develop fully until 20's only strengthens my argument.
I have facts to back up my argument. You don't.
Opinion discarded.
Fine, name one of these "far right" people that don't have corporate masters. Since you'd be hard pressed to find them. It's likely that you're probably underage and think "my side is ebin free and so cool ;)" but even Jones is a corpratist shill.
>appeal to nature
>being mentally ill is also biological
>That was NEVER scientific. That was based on past ideas of adulthood.
It was generally accepted. In a time that was pre-science (as we know it) it is acceptable to put it on the same scale.
So the tranny brigade finally discovered the fat fuck threads.
Where have you been for the past few days?
You honestly believe that people don't have principles if they slightly disagree with you?
>biological evidence is an "appeal to nature"
>muh "homosexuality is a mental illness" meme that's been debunked for over 50 years
You can go back to Iran anytime, Muhammd.
They fucking ruined sopranos threads. There’s always a yikesposter tranny who reports shit to the jannies to nuke the thread.
Don't talk shit about vsauce, he's too pure for this world
is funny how /pol and /antipol lock themselves with shitposting while everyside think they are winning arguments, like its said, it takes two to tango.
never stop guys
The brain fully develops at age 25. You still ask your mommy to drop you to the mall when you're 24 years old?
When did you develop your first crush? I was like 6, when I thought a girl was cute.
I wanted fuck my 3rd grade computer teacher also when I was like 8-9.
I used to fucking go on newgrounds and stay up late just to watch softcore porn on cinemax, showtime and hbo.
All these environmental factors made me straight. If a kid grows up today watching Rupaul's drag race, then chances are he's going to be a faggot when he gets older and transition no matter what. Conversion therapy doesn't work. You can't help what you are attracted to, that's just how the brain works.
idealogues don't have slight disagreements with non-idealogues, the entire worldview of an idealogue is always going to be opposed to anyone who doesn't completely share their ideology
Bear hits the side of your head when you're wearing that and your neck'll snap. Bear will have a few shallow puncture wounds to a single paw.
>There is absolutely nothing proving that children have the ability to make a decision that will alter themselves permanently which goes against their natural development.
Right, good thing I'm not arguing that or the user who said that. Especially considering how I'm trying to inform you that giving hormone blockers to underage children is illegal in most of Europe, the US and Canada.
Learn to fucking read.
>accuses me of assuming "her" beliefs
>"You just have a stew of things you think everyone left of Hitler thinks"
>blah blah blah
You're such a fucking gamma faggot. Thank god trannies kill themselves, worthless scum like you deserve to suffer and die. Cry more, redditor. /pol/ are based and you steal all their memes because you're an untalented bootlicking soyy boy tranny numale cuck lmfao
Why, cause he made Joe Rogan look like a dumbass?
So you think everyone with a political leaning is automatically an ideologue? Jesus man, calm down. Having ideologies don't make you an ideolgue. You know those are different types of words, right?
No one's saying bears ain't strong. But like most wild animals, they don't fuck with humans unless you give 'em a reason to.
The entire site is "anti-/pol/" what is this newfag meme where /pol/ was anything more than something to laugh at?
That's pushing it, there were no studies done to confirm that.
Eithrway, I think science is pretty set on 20s, after the time the brain fully matures normally.
anyone who buys into ideology of any kind will probably have to be purged when it comes down to it
wew, lad
user, I...
Are you just unsure what the word ideology means, or...?
Why does this guy always wear absolutely tasteless shirts, ties, and handkerchiefs? This makes me mad.
>Yea Forums is aligned with the right wing
Imagine believing that a trap porn, anime site is "right wing".
How did you manage to continue watching his bullshit up till this point? The second he got his tv show its been liberal bullshit. He made one good video about diamonds and tanked after that.
What did he do?
>alex jones
>far right
Thanks for admitting you purposefully misrepresented me so you could cry about fox and trump. You're an absolute fucking retard if you think Jones is far right. You really don't know a thing about the other side, you just regurgitate what you read on buzzfeed, which is a megacorp owned by billionaires and is less independent than most of the alternative media on the right.
Which corporation does Jones take his orders from? I've heard him be accused of other things, but I've never heard him be accused of that. As for actual people on the far right, look up literally any one and you will find that they are mostly independent creators who speak for themselves, not read off a script like your fucking cucked College Humor hack.
>vsauce is a deep state shill now
I'm gonna need a quick rundown, please
ideology is any system of ideas or world view that holds together to create a particular narrative
all of it must go
>it hurt itself in its confusion
now you're starting to get it
>still hasnt shown that wanting to fuck butts and suck cock is "biological"
>an overweight geriatric trustfund kid, who can't hold together a single marriage, is an "alpha"
Pocket square are always tasteless unless you know how to color coordinate them well with the rest of your outfit but that guy really takes the cake.
>Alex Jones isn't far right
Okay faggot, he's crypto-libertarian, right-wing antiestabishment nu-conservative then...that better? Does that settle your sperg?
For men
For females it can be a bit earlier on average(~21).
Idk what the fuck you're talking about after that.
I know few 3rd graders who dream of sex with their teachers barring precocious puberty. Did you start having erections and evacuations at 9? I didnt care about that until I was 14. I thought this guy was cute at 12. Hit puberty at 11.
Seems like you upbringing allowed you to be a bit hypersexual unless there is something you're not telling us...
/pol/boomers were a mistake
>Breitbart is literally a company run by someone with ties to the White House and friends with the President that is ideologically compelled to spread disinfo that people like Jones regurgitates for money
>PragerU is a blogsite run by a literal billionaire who funds GOP conferences that masks itself as a university to trick kids into thinking they are legitimate
Are you just a retard?
>t. Molested at a young age
He exposed himself as an uninformed fake ally, which his "fans" are going to eat him alive for being.
Libertarianism is right wing. You are confusing the right wing moralism of the past paradigm with the current. You can be on the right and support all those things.
No offense, but you sound like a millenial who has become increasingly out of touch as she grows older. You arent the cool, transgressive generation anymore. Youre the boring, corporare moralist pearl clutchers except you never left mommy and daddy.
He really isn't right-wing tho.
>the biggest far-right mouthpieces are funded by billionaires.
>muh liberals
unironically kill yourself
>libertarianism is right wing
>libertarianism is hip and cool with the kids
You're just getting duped by classical conservatism because boomers can use the internet too.
This is a fun thread to shitpost
No offense but your totally wrong by your own logic.
Libertarian is about social liberties which both liberals and conservatives want. The Libertarian Party is something different that leans right.
You're just jealous. Fact is, he's over 6 feet tall, blond, does and says what he wants, is a billionaire, has changed skylines across the world's biggest cities, fucks supermodels, was a tv star, and became the president.
You are an indoctrinated fool to believe trump isnt alpha. It says a lot about you and your false view of the world if youre too brainwashed to even admit trump is alpha.
There is literally no existing evidence that it's a choice or a mental illness, Abed.
offended flattards
He's classical liberal / libertarian. Nice deflection, fucking coward.
>muh buzzfeed
These arguments are like, 8 years too late.
This is why I keep coming back here.
Wrong. Gen Z. Most of us are right wing. At least those of us who work or study stem.
no, he has a smug face that drives people crazy. you can't buy that, he was born to do what he does.
Jesus just talk slower and if you need to come up with something to say be silent for a second or two.
Taking short infrequent pauses while speaking makes you sound intelligent.
>muh liberars
Even the flaming smug faggot like Adam is better than some old condescending fag like Prager.
Nick Fuentes
Jared Taylor
Ryan Dawson
Just a few off the top of my head.
He is a gas light conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists are not exclusive to the right
Where's that Stonetoss tug of war comic when you need it?
Sarah Andersen is an angel, why did Yea Forums target her, of all people?
None of the few sources you listed are far right. We've already been over this. You must have some sort of learning disability. Many libcucks suffer from that, dont get more upset
lol he's not a classical liberal you absolute mongoloid
>Shill for Trump
>defends Stormfront writers
>is a personal friend of Gavin "asshole spread"
>constantly repeats /pol/ talking points
>peddles far-right conspiracies like muh Deep State
>thinking this "performance artist" is a classical liberal
Next you're probably going to defend how he claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, huh?
She needed to check her privilege.
>she still hasnt named one
Prove you arent a propaganda victim and name some
Every time I watch/listen to him I can't tell if his I.Q. 20 or 200.
Add charismatic too then. Fine, you may be right there but I just think it's more or a slang term than anything scientific and most intelligent people will agree.
When he was trying to convince Joe that women don't prefer athletic men he was talking out his ass.
Joe made a good point, men who are strong and look good will naturally exhibit confidence, introverts on the other hand cannot handle social situations well.
Alpha = Extorverts
Beta Introverts
It's a simple as that, but Adam felt committed to engaging in mental gymastics to try and convince Joe that women don't get wet when they see Jason Momoa without a shirt because of his physique, and that a fat bald kid who plays D&D would give a woman the same effect.
Jared Taylor is a literal white surpremacist and he's one of your poster-children?
it was listed as a mental illness til the 60s or 70s when a group of fag protesters stormed a psych convention and just yelled until it was delisted.
Factually incorrect. I'd rather listen to an old man than some soi boi Dunning Kruger faggot with a nasally voice.
Maybe the nasally feminine voice is more common in your area but I personally want to murder people like that.
Classical conservatism is the natural next stepvafter libertarianism. Which is right wing. Muh boomers isnt an argument. Most young people now are right wing. No, you being 30 isnt young. You should have a kid by now, millenial failure.
>Breitbart isn't far right
my fucking sides. You're something else.
>I study STEM and that means I’m smart
>Libertarianism is right wing
Are you a valley girl?
He's not a white supremacist by definition. He is a Asian supremacists.
>if I keep regurgitating this alternative history, maybe I'll convince other impressionable children to believe it.
American lolbertarians are republicans that smoke weed. Period.
Yes, it's slang, but many words that are now accepted or even archaic by our standards started out as slang.
The closest thing you could say is "natural leader" probably but even that doesn't quite have the same implication.
I agree that there are some people who want to pretend like there's an evolutionary biology component that isn't there at all though with the implied comparison to wolves (who don't even function that way either)
>Most young people now are right wing
No, not really. I'm not sure why you keep buying into this shit.
So-called liberals are currently against social liberties in all mainstream parties. Libertarian interests are modtly represented by the right wing in this current paradigm. Your analysis is flawed because you are left wing and can't face the truth.
>He fell for the STEM meme
Yes, because nothing gets a woman wetter than knowing how to code python
just because you're far left of breitbart doesn't make it far right, it's measured from the center
>When he was trying to convince Joe that women don't prefer athletic men he was talking out his ass.
Meh, I see his point. Women don't just gravitate to athletic men, it depends on the woman. If you're talking shallow like the women only know the men by their looks then sure, women will obviously gravitate to better looking guys (although they tend to like athletic over muscular which are two different things.) What if you have women who have a choice between an athletic guy or a smart guy? Smart guy will be chosen by some, especially if he's wealthy.
Basically he was trying to say that looks and aggression aren't everything and I'd agree with that sentiment. They are important but they aren't everything.
>still has no argument
>implying it wasnt valid unlike the muh fox news which was pulled out of nowhere as a strawman
>Samuel Jared Taylor is an American white supremacist and editor of American Renaissance, a white supremacist online magazine Taylor founded in 1990. He is also an author and the president of American Renaissance's parent organization, New Century Foundation, through which many of his books have been published He is a former member of the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly and a former director of the National Policy Institute, a Virginia-based white nationalist think tank.[3] He is also a board member and spokesperson of the Council of Conservative Citizens.[4][5]
Please tell me how he's not a far right corpratist shill?
>I don't like what you are saying so I will claim its like literally way more complex than that
>I totally understand how it works to a degree but I can't actually explain it at all but I still know you are wrong
>Most of us are right wing. At least those of us who work or study stem.
Most of you are fucking code monkeys that pretend they are fucking Bll Gates-tier. Most of you work for a fucking nothing, while losing jobs to Pajeets because, most of the times, Pajeets do it fucking better.
Do us all a favour, evolutional failure, and neck yourself.
>Breitbart is center right
my sides are now orbital, you're clearly retarded.
Yes, but confidence goes a long way. And body confidence is a massive part of that. That's why the majority of people who engage in sport are extroverted. Problem is Adam clearly has a chip on his shoulder about the typical "Jock" types.
>strawmanning this hard
>defending peoples liberties isnt classical liberalism
You're an idiot and a thoughtslave. There is no way you dont get uour news from corporate sources. Try again, jones isna classical liberal
>nu /pol/
Are you pretending as though /pol/ wasn't always racist and full of nazis and that it was once a glorious spot for liberal intellectuals to discuss the patriarchy?
The argument is that your political alignment isn't exempt from being involved with corporate interests when the founder of a literal far-right website (and yes, Breitbart is far-right) sits at the lunchtable with the President and was discussing policy.
No he isn't you fucking retard. Have you ever even listened to him?
You fucking leftists are so pathetic. You get all your opinions from buzzfeed and dont actually listen to what an individual says fkr themselves.
>Shill for Trump
Alex really dislikes Trump a and thinks he has no spine
>defends Stormfront writers
For what? Having rights? Give more infomation
>is a personal friend of Gavin "asshole spread"
The Vice co-founder?
>constantly repeats /pol/ talking points
>peddles far-right conspiracies like muh Deep State
What makes Deep State "far-right"? Secret societies have been a long time conspiacy that's not really inclined to either left or right but if I were to pick I'd say it was more left inclined since leftiests are more concernd with the idea of "the man" keeping the people down.
>thinking this "performance artist" is a classical liberal
Le not an argument le man
Explain to me how he is a corpatist shill
>inb4 everybody with money = bad man unless they agree with liberal social policies
>he cares how 1s and 0s are transmitted over the internet
Based Gen Z right wingers!
repeating what Alex Jones has actually said is a "strawman" now you brainwashed faggot? He doesn't defend the liberties of the people, absolute kek. He's preying on your paranoia to sell products.
Also explain to me how he is a white supremacist. Have you ever watched him speak or do you refuse to listen to anything anyone says if they disagree with the all mighty and wise you?
Breitbart objectively isnt far right. You're a sheltered, gated-community commie if you think that. The actual far right calls them "kikebart" because they are too moderate. You're discrediting yourself.
>Virginia-based white nationalist think tank
It is right center you fucking tranny. They are Israel first civic nationalists cuckservatives.
Could be, although it could be that Joe thinks he does, he certainly acted like it with the way he was propositioning hypotheticals. Felt like he was trying to get under his skin instead of just having a natural conversation.
I think Joe uses that justification to push himself the way he does, which is fine, but its not for everyone and I wouldn't say its the objective best way to go through life.
it's true, all of it
take the HBD biological determinism pill
Smarter than the brainlets wasting tens of thousands on arts degrees lmao. But ya that isnt saying much, you people are NPCs incapable of critical thought
In the current paradigm it is. It can be either but generally left wing libertarian is too utopian, even for libertarians.
Just stop. That is if you are capable of not saying it every time you have an emotional tantrum.
>you're a commie if you disagree with me!
You can't have an honest conversation to save your life.
>Breitbart isn't right enough for literal psychopaths
Of course it isn't, you people have more purity tests than Democrats. One minute Trump is playing 4D chess, the next he's a Jew puppet. You don't deal in logic.
Not even true. Just look at the state of/fit/ most of them are still anxious dorks.
We were just discussing how the term is useless if it just means extrovert or charismatic. We came to the conclusion however, that it means a combination of things. Still, I find it more of a slang term to describe someone very social and assertive at this point than anything really important.
Jason Momoa is mostly hot to me because of his personality combined with his looks (not including how huge he is desu). I didn't find Khal Drogo(a character he played) hot at all for example.
They don't actually watch or listen to anything they say. They're operating on strawman and the refuse to do anything else.
>I have to recommend Contrapoints, (((Natalie))) is extremely funny
Imagine unironically standing on the side of modern Dr. Frankensteins who describe children's genitalia as "like an appendix".
>all women are the same
Depends on the type of woman. You moron. Some of them code python too. Some of them are even as autistic as you.
You are uneducated and i dont value your r3ddit opinion.
They are. I am one of them and know lots of people in gen Z and can compare them to millenials. There is loads of other evidence to support this too. "Popular" kids especially are right wing. Not in the moralfagging christard sense really, in the more "fuck off this is our country, this is my money, i say what i want" sort of sense. You are out of touch or in a bubble in a city.
Kill yourself poorfag.
The fact is that you could never hope to post decent content with a phone. All of your posts are shit posts when you post with a phone.
>Alex really dislikes Trump a and thinks he has no spine
He was shilling Trump for months as an ant-establishment candidate and celebrated his win.
>For what? Having rights?
He has brought on literal white nationalists who are "just misunderstood abloo abloo" and defends their beliefs.
>What makes Deep State "far-right"?
Because it's a scapegoat exclusively peddled now by /pol/nigger types?
No, it isn't. You can be wrong though, it's a free country.
>the entire right wing is one person
You're out of your element.
Incapable of critical thought? NPCs? Weren’t you the one just parroting some made up meme about how right wing Gen Z is? Where’s the evidence? Surely you’ve got some mr hyper logical STEM genius, so why not show us? Because everything I find shows they tend to be to the left of millennials on all social issues.
Wikipedia is not a source. They literally teach kids this in primsry school. Try again, brainlet.
You also havent even made an argument for him being a corporate mouthpiece, he owns his own company. So? They are his opinions. You are very naive.
C'mon user You can't actually be that
>I am one of them and know lots of people in gen Z
Tits or gtfo
Gen Z arent old enough to really have had careers yet. I learned how to code in my education but dont study comp sci. Its sort of a pre req for anyone planning to have a job that isnt trades at this point. I love how you are frothing at the mouth as you realize how out of touch youve become.
>implying I'm the same guy
chug bleach
>helps run an actual far-right lobbyist group that funnels millions of dollars into spreading disinfo and propping up white nationalists to appear to mainstream audiences
>this doesn't make you a shill or a corporate mouthpiece with an agenda at all! Don't trust Wikipedia man, it's not like the Virginia think tank has a website that dogwhistles to Naziboos or anything!
you sound stupid.
It is center right. You're just far left. Feel free to prove us wrong by explaining your juvenile views. But ya, breitbart us not far right at all, youre totally out of touch.
Are you unaware that you can just go to the National Policy's website and to the American Renaissance magazine? Which is the go-to outlet for neo-Nazi American groups?
You're baiting me right?
>>contrapoints is a former phd
>what did zoomer hair man mean by this?
The whole story of him sponteneously and seemingly out of the blue quitting academia two years into his PhD research, supposedly because he was made to study boring homosexuals and couldn't handle the boredom of it all, that story is itself a lie. He quit because of his alcoholism and because of the Peter Ludlow sex scandal. He deliberately deleted his Livestream with Oliver Thorn where he spoke about the Peter Ludlow sex scandal at Northwestern, because he clearly doesn't want people to know that this went into his decision to call it quits. He can delete Livestreams and videos left and right all he wants, people remember exactly why he left.
The idea was to put minimum effort into his PhD research and to spend most of his time partying with the undergrads in Chicago. Hene the part in that academia video where he complains about his supervisor asking him to go deep on a topic, not merely skim the surface with a superficial analysis like he does nowadays with his Youtuber's Digest videos. His supervisor asking him to go deep on a topic was obviously because that supervisor must have realized that Nyk was putting minimal effort into his research and was hoping to get by on post-modern word salad, like he does on Youtube nowadays. Because of his alcoholism and drug addictions he just doesn't have the patience to really investigate a topic. He cannot concentrate, but rather than admit that this lack of concentration is a side effect of his drug abuse and alcoholism, he blames academia for being so boring. Well, boo hoo, PhD research is not supposed to be a fucking circus.
>you’re in a bubble!
Says the retard who has literally spent his entire life either in a school desk or on online forums for abject fucking weirdos. Get some self awareness Mr. Logical STEM genius, and put those genius critical thinking skills to use.
Do you really think it’s enough to declare Gen Z as more right wing than the millennials because the cool kids in your school are edgy (like literally every teenager on Earth)? Or do you think you’d need a higher standard of evidence than that? You’re a STEM genius, I’m sure you’ve thought about this before.
>You're just far left.
I'm not? It's just easier for your undeveloped brain to think I am for your "arguments".
>Wikipedia is not a source. They literally teach kids this in primsry school.
Go to any page and try to alter it. See how long it takes for it to be put back to how it was and an IP ban. This will prove how stupid this point is.
Sure for scholarly articles its legit a bad choice because you never know if someone might dick around with a page while your article is under review but for arguing with idiots of the internet its perfectly viable.
>still hasnt named a far right mouthpiece for corporations on the level of adam the cuck
Breitbart is center right. They are slightly less neocon that fox, so maybe that is why you are melting down? You have hitherto lost the argument badly.
>all women are so unique
You people are so retarded and incapable of societal thought. All humans are the same. We share many behaviors. All women are the same in that very way. Women are biologically programmed to find muscular capable men more attractive than the guy who speaks with such a soft low voice you can hardly hear what he says most of the time unless its about coding.
There are such thing as alpha males and betas. There are natural leaders and followers. There are social hierarchy systems in every social group of animals. Nobody has ever claimed that you can never become an alpha although its unlikely. Nobody has ever said an alpha will never become a beta.
You people do nothing but strawman because all your information about the topic comes from third parties and rather than listen to the sources you instinctively become hostile.
>continues strawmanning
You are fucking nigger-tier stupid. Try again.
Imagine actually defending a hate group that is on an FBI watchlist that publishes white supremacist material for actual and unironic Nazis...?
>implying that makes a difference in the content of my post
le drink bleach my fellow 12 year old top kek
T. Idiot who never took biology in hs
What is your point? You are changing it. Looking for more wikipedia articles, since you arent informed enough to voice tour opinion yet? Weak.
I don't think you know what a strawman is or means.
Idagf what he does but the amount of poltards SEETHING because of him makes me want to donate to his patreon
And now he thinks Trump is a lizard man
>having white nationalists on a show is evil
>pizza gate
How is that right wing?
>conspiracy are right wing only
False, objectively. Now lurk more.
That's not how that works, faggot.
Also, I could literally just be gay, funny you assume I'm female.
The point is that your list was comprised of actual race-realists and white supremacists. Not "wahh literally like Hitler", I mean REAL supremacists.
>ywn hold cute twunk Willie in bed and fuck the dismorphia out of him
>>having white nationalists on a show is evil
How is that a positive?
>How is PizzaGate right wing?
user, are you new?
>conspiracy is right wing
I said Deep State is right wing, it's major push is by right-wingers.
I said you're a gated-community commie if you think breitbart is far right
Then you go on to mischarscyerize the kthet side entirely, instead of engaging. You are fundamentally weak and unable to support your juvenile, half-baked worldview. That is why the left are no lknger pro free speech and shy away from debate.
You people still haven't explained how Jared Taylor is a corporate shill or a white supremacist.
You just conveniently ignore every point made against your strawmen.
>Breitbart is center right
No amount of repeating this, makes it true. Sorry.
based drunk breitbart poster
>Jared Taylor helps run a white-nationalist lobbyist group that dogwhistles to Neo-Nazi groups
>this doesn't count as being a corporate shill for ideologues because I agree with it.