Why does diversity in film never refer to latinos? There are far more latinos in the US than blacks.
Why does diversity in film never refer to latinos? There are far more latinos in the US than blacks
diversity is code for anti-white
the jew fears the latino
most spics can't understand a word they're saying on the movies unless they're chicanos
"Diversity" is a weapon against whites, and using blacks is more degrading than asians or latinos.
US media is marketed towards white women, who pay for their media, and white women prefer to fantasize about themselves with black men over latino men.
Latinos actually build their own successful entertainment platforms.
Latinos are racist
Latinos are white though.
latinos are considered white in burgerland
We’re less represented in the media when compared to Asians and our respective population size.
Has to be (((them))) but I don’t understand why. Mexico even took some refugees after the war.
Why come they don’t like us man
I will take niggers over spic subhumans any day.
At least black people have been in this country since the start and have earned their place here.
It sucks because I have a fetish for latinas too. I've only gone out with Spanish speaking chicks which is actually quite hard since I'm in England
Parts of America was literally Mexico at one point, though
(((They))) don't want you to realize how many Spics are in this country until it's too late to do something about it.
>oy vey i dont feel so good--
Their target audience is white women.
Latina are a threat to white women.
diversity is just racism the other way
lmao white women are most likely to marry latino men out of any non-whites. white women love spic cock
the sooner whiteoids are wiped out, the better
Mexicans are unironically pretty based and I'd honestly have no problem whatsoever with illegals being here if this country wasn't already saddled with 40 million niggers.
You're all just gonna ignore Roma? Del taco? Cuaron? Innaritu?
Bunch of fucking retards
she's fucking hot for a fattie
How'd that work for south africa?
Latinos aren’t white
There are way more than 45 million black people in the U.S. they've been at like 13% of the population for like 20 years. There's no way their numbers are increasing so slowly when every black family I know has like five kids.
Like George Lopez?
Latinos are the product of the new world order. They have no real heritage or race. They are a deviant sludge of different races. Unless you want to make a soft porn piece of entertainment, you don't talk about latinos in films.
There needs to be more BMWF pairings in movies and tv tbqh.
Who gives a fuck about South Africa
Thx for missing the point beaner. He’s talking about how latinas are the biggest threat to white womens chance of getting a white dude. Latina girls love white cock, or what’s more likely is since the largest minority group in the US are hispanics, it makes sense that the largest number of interracial relationships would be hispanic-white
Latinos don't strike hard enough in the narrative as they aren't dark enough. People bitched about Will Smith not being black enough for a role.
Also simply being a woman is enough to label you on the "oppressed" side so they don't need to go further than that and you mostly see white women. Plus there's also the idea that they want to push "black man-white woman" in order to have more children that are at least mutts, anything but white men basically.
You’re thinking of zimbabwe, and that has as much to do with literal communist regime as much as nigs
What are you even talking about, poes? Stop guzzling so much /pol/ shit, man.
t. White South African somehow missed by the wh*te genocide patrols.
>Expecting poltards to understand or even care about geopolitical history.
>He’s talking about how latinas are the biggest threat to white womens chance of getting a white dude
why would white women care if they can have a spic? also, white women are more likely to marry a spic than latina marry a white boy. have sex.
>white women are more likely to marry a spic than latina marry a white boy. have sex.
That’s not true though, most spics I know are short little fellas. they aren’t exactly the most desirable people out there. Am I talking to r/hispanic_masculinity?
Actually after looking around a bit seems like theres no major difference
>For whites and Hispanics though, Pew found no gender differences.
Uh-oh, are [[[[[they]]]]] out to destroy the aryan race again?
Fuck off back to /pol/, you race baiting neckbeards need to get a life
>blacks didn't immediately ask for whites back to save their agricultural production
Yes, it held a mostly depopulated wasteland for a couple decades about 170 years ago. That has no bearing on why one now constantly hears Spanish in fucking rural Pennsylvania or a million other places thousands of miles from any part Mexico holds or held long ago.
Zimbabwe and South Africa are not the same place geographically, user. You need to at least understand this if you're going to group think
>Why does diversity in film never refer to latinos? There are far more latinos in the US than blacks.
America is 56% white because of illegal immigrants. As you said blacks are just 13% of the population and have never increased beyond that number. Latinos are the ones growing out of control. The media is purposely trying to distract people with blacks as the latinos take over.
>the jew fears the latino
Nobody said Will Smith wasn’t “black enough”, both his parents are black. He looks nothing like Richard Williams. It is a fair critique.
Latino isn’t an actual race and there are plenty of dark skinned Latinos.
He wants more diversity though...
They don’t want representation if their represented by real indigenous Mexicans, it ruins the perception they want to uphold. So their forced to keep quite, catch 22.
>That pic
I don't know, user, maybe (((they)))'re doing us a favor for once. No offense.
she white though, right? Give me a fucking break. California is riddled with these people and all put white on the census, from the data you would assume LA would be purely white but upon arrival you’re confused that these people are the only thing you see, smell and hear...them you ask yourself where the FUCK are all the white people...spooky.
>Nobody said Will Smith wasn’t “black enough”
Except they did. Did you take at least 30 seconds to look or are you just saying that cause you feel like it?
>Colorism matters..love will Smith but there are other black actors for this role
>Well, Will Smith just doesn't match the skin colour of Richard Williams, you have to concede that
I'm not gonna link tweets and articles, all you need to do is paste in google if even typing it is too much of a hastle for you
Some even give examples of what black men would be better than Will and most of them don't look like Richard either, their skin is just a darker tone
God I wish I were a cute blonde girl getting blacked every night
>There are far more latinos in the US than blacks
Latino and black are not mutually exclusive terms. There are white, black, and asian Latinos. Latino doesn't mean anything other than a collection of cultures.
found the NIGGER
>implying Zimbabwe’s massive failure wasn’t due to collectivizing the farms, the exact same thing that led to starvation issues within the soviet block
Come on user the vast majority of Africa has no major issues with food production