What the fuck was the point of this girl power scene?

What the fuck was the point of this girl power scene?

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Is there a problem?

cheers of "YYYAAAASSSS QUEEN" crowd

So smut artists have something to work on this coming week.

>Os Vingadores: Ultimato? Que filme horrível, os anônimos vermelhopilhados no quatrochan estavam certos! Não acredito que os outros anônimos que sempre diziam "tenha sexo" estavam errados! Meu deus. Que descaso.

to have a girl power scene was exactly the point.
what was the point of you making the thread?

We are in 2019 bro? Girls are in power now, where have you been?, in a cave?


i unironically liked the fact it was all hamfisted into one scene

think about it: if the entire movie was ruined by really obvious cases of female power fantasies, it would be even worse. i'd rather have them pack the 'muh stronk women' shit into into one single scene then never reference it again in the movie

The girl power stuff is probably 1 minute total running time. Yes, Cap Marvel is a charisma black hole, but the feminism angle is pretty fleeting.

There are bigger problems with the movie than this.

russos did the unexpectedly good thing by not letting cpt marvel or muh wymn infect the movie too much, it was still mostly about the original avengers and about iron manlet/cap

Yea an hows that working out?

Have sex.

Uuhh, what

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It was cringe but whatever, ended in 5 seconds

to trigger incels like you?

So there's a camrip out now?

>everyone who disagrees with me is an incel
This insane level of projection needs to stop, get help and have sex user.

How has worked out men being in charge all history, honey?

Be a little less angry to see women finally taking his right place in society. Remember that they are 50% of humanity too.

>women finally taking his right place in society
>that Freudian slip

>How has worked out men being in charge all history, honey?

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It was stupid because of Mantis, Gamora, Shuri and Okoye.

Mantis is a fucking empath, Gamora has a sword, Shuri has a gun and Okoye has a spear. Why would Captain Marvel, who literally flew through a spaceship to destroy it, need help from those four?

Valkyrie magic'd a winged horse from somewhere so I suppose she's semi-useful in getting from A to B. Rescue can fly. Wasp can fly and shrink things if need be.

This. The the case of capeshit movies, critiquing any feminist agenda is fucking pointless because the entire premise is retarded.

>one scene

what about thor giving up his crown to a nigger female?

It serves three purposes:
>getting people triggered
>pleasing the growing number of female audience
>aiding miss fungus who clearly can't carry the feminist spotlight since she's a charisma blackhole

hollyjew believes their money making target groups are now teen girls and minorities.

>""minorities"" will be the US majority in our lifetime
>capitalist corporations who invest millions in analytics and market projections gradually begin to aim products at them instead of whites
How can anyone actually be angry at them for this?

"wow that's a lot of unimportant side characters and love interests"

The force is female.

to flex on the Patriarchy

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This, its all rich white/jewish business men/women fleecing them by selling them a 14 year olds dreams - take allll these dummies cash.

It's a film for toddlers.

How? user has huge gaping wound in its crotch.

Mantis and the wasp are the only attractive female super heroes.

average bait - but projecting your agitation on random internet users is pretty telling.

>Scarlet witch and pepper potts

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If they were all white men you wouldn't even notice. That's the point

I don't know what you're talking about it. it was completely non agenda driven and VERY powerful.

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It was stupid and i like it but i would have loved it if black widow was leading them.
But nah let's have her, one of the only original female avenger, die halfway through the fucking movie.

There was no point to this entire movie.
Infinity war wrapped everything up and they go and ruin it by killing off different characters anyway

Pepper is cute

Its a bad scene because the hand to hand fighters are a waste of space and time.

I wonder if movie Valkyrie would have been less awful if she'd acted like movie Valkyrie but looked like comic Valkyrie.

Even Mantis was there. What the fuck could she do in a serious fight? She has no weapons. No training. Her powers only work if she can touch enemies.

If you like a shaky 240p version, sure.


I find it offensive as a male that they don't have Evangiline Lilly in the Avenger movies or at the front of this.

I think this is a hint of the future where there will be an Avengers movie with an all female cast. I think Gwyneth Paltrow (Potts) said this was her last movie as Potts, but if Marvel wants her back then she would probably say yes. She could join, using her own suit.

I actually stood up and left at this scene.
I hope all empowered males do the same.

>watch Infinity War last year
>people are cheering, laughing, and gasping at the right moments

>watch Endgame this morning
>no cheers, a few chuckles, a few tuts and headshakes at this scene, a massive groan at the end after the credits when no scene is included, and people grumbling about it being shit
The reviewers are completely detached from reality. This film was shit.

>people grumbling about it being shit
hahaha, okay.

>We are in 2019 bro? Girls are in power now, where have you been?, in a cave?
Girls aren't in power. Powerful men are in power. And elimination of other men is what they want.

is it legal if my pp got hard during this scene in the cinema? am I fucked?

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Sorry if that upset you.

>implying you even leave your basement

>am I fucked?
The exact opposite, my permavirgin friend.

That's a weird coping mechanism you've got there.

I’ll take this over Brie Larsons power hour, it was a short silly few minutes out of a 3 hour movie.

It would've been better if they'd just had Thor and Captain Marvel duo the whole fucking army, instead of having Thor cucked and the girl power scene.

>His crown

Asgard is a couple hundred fisherman in Maine or whatever. He’s not exactly giving up a golden palace in the sky now is he.

u mad white boi

Sure but I was expecting much worse then what we got in regards to grrlpowah.

> Murrican army propaganda in half of action movies
I sleep
> some females walking in a group for a picturesque female-only shot

triggered snowflakes itt

what if we hate both

that's why we have 50 "copton morvol bad" threads daily but no fucks are given towards the actual imperialist brainwashing by our overlords

friendly reminder that idpol is a capitalist invention to make the members of the working class fight each other and distract them from the real leftist ideas

jesus you people complain about the most trivial things

They're in norway.....home of the mighty

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pretty good

>Thor giving up his rulership of like 20 people living on Earth so he can go on kino adventures with the Guardians is bad

> Male characters exclusively team-up: "Oh wow so cool such bros!"

> Female characters exclusively team-up:
"OMG Criiinge!"

Women make horrible leaders.

Reminder women would be merely babymakers without the technology men gifted them to put them on the same level.
Birth control
Modern medicine in general
guns (imagine female cops/soldiers without this advantage)

Same as with the "she's not alone" from Infinity War. It was just a cool moment in a fight sequence full of cool moments.

I feel like Josh Brolin could beat up all these women at once irl.

Infinity War literally has multiple scenes where men talk about the main plot. The two main women in that movie have primarily romantic arcs that are only there to generate fee-fees.

The Russos have yet to give us a scene where female characters actually interact (note that they don't even fucking interact in any meaningful way) properly.

disney wants money

Women don't care about capeshit and despise all that, Diney bought Star Wars and after that Marvel, because they didn't have shit for boys, you dumbfuck

I think quite alot of the female audience wanted to see Wanda meet Strange.

The thing is, aside from Gamora and Valkyrie, none of those ladies have any real commonality or reason to team up with Carol.