What made him being a Bladerunner made the girls not want to fuck him?

What made him being a Bladerunner made the girls not want to fuck him?

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It's because he was white

They're replicants, too risky.

>Why are prostitutes afraid of an LAPD officer

Bladerunners are the incels of the future
K even had his own waifu

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You can be a literal 10/10 but the moment you reveal your true autistic beta self, they start thinking that you're some kind of a mentally ill psycho that will impale them on a pike and it's pretty much over

t. autistic beta

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>bleid Rane :-D

>Why are replicants whores and whores afraid of replicant hunter cop

If he's a robot, couldn't he have gotten an upgrade?

Is that her pussy or her chubby belly?

First time I've ever called someone an incel. You are an incel.

>that so.ylent on the table
the future is estrogen, drumpfies

this shit tbphwyf. Being "ugly" has nothing to do with your face shapes. Shlubbos and uggos get fukt every day. And niggers like Eliot Rodgers are pretty objectively attractive (not to mention rich and hollywood conencted), and that didn't prevent him from being founder of the incels,

If you embrace the personality of a malignant unfuckable faggot, don't be surprised when nobody likes you. It's nobody else's fault if you act like a miserable can't cope faggot full of frustration and bitterness. That shit is UGLY and the second you make it clear that's your "true self" it's over. Nobody wants to deal with that shit.

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i know this feel so well.. when a bunch of girls tries to walk up to you all at once to intimidate you

>Is that her pussy or her chubby belly?

the absolute state of Yea Forums

top laff

I’m sorry?

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best post on Yea Forums for the day

Still would desu

yike and oofpilled

for some reason the "front cunt" seems like a common delusion among hopelessly autistic virgins, regardless of porn

>Tää jätkä on bleid ranner :D

go drink yourself to death in your igloo you fucking faggot
god i hate finns so goddamn fucking much

Graduated in human anatomy from the university of Kampala too brother? zulul

God I wish I were a cute female replicant hooker

>se on ihan vitun vaarallinen :DD

>this dude is blade runner :DD
>get the fug out of heres :DD

thats an efficient way to farm (You)'s

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we live in a doggy dog world