That 70s show

>it’s a Hyde rapes four women episode

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Cover up by the church of science(tology)

Hopefully they can’t track down my IP address

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nice try, shill


Hyde your kids, Hyde your wife, Hyde is raping errybody

Ok Danny

checked and keked

Proof he actually raped anyone?

>Sam Hyde

Besides the church literally silencing women?

This. Unless I see the semen dripping from their bruised vaginas while their body is wracked with sobs, I don't believe it

And that proves he raped someone? No.

Provide actual real proof not conjecture.

so no?

Yeah dude, let me just wander into a LAPD office and check the evidence locker and computer files.

It’s an ON GOING CASE, so the public doesn’t know the full details

Look I know there's no body, no murder weapon, no crime scene, no witnesses, or any proof but you have to believe me this guy is a serial killer! Someone even told me to stop spreading vicious rumors about him isn't that proof enough!

Alien hands typed these posts.


So he is guilty until proven innocent?
Why is reddit so dumb?

You're now on the gang stalking list. We're transmitting your coordinates to the men in black right now. Black hawk helicopters inbound also we will pee on your toothbrush.

Guilt in the court of public opinion. You wouldn’t know what this is you fucking NEET

also, checked

Jewish Aliens

>hitting on Eric (your best friends) girl
Truthfully Hyde deserves whatever he gets.

He should do like that voice actor and sue the cunts.

What a sad show

Season 1-2 are pure kino. Most shows dont pick up till season 3, but 70s show came out guns blazing. It's a shame, it clicked well with boomers, but had such good characters that it clicked with all audiences and teenagers.

A fucking waste of a good group of actors and easy enough setting to write good episodes for a long time and they blew it

not if I pee on it myself first.

With this new information we're calling off our attack until our AI supercomputer can determine an appropriate course of action. May take several weeks. Well played.

Reminder that Leah Remini revealed that Scientology has huge influence in the LAPD. Nothing will come of this even if he is actually guilty.

>Chad Tier
Red, Red is the alpha
Bob, banged the hottest, totally a dudebro
Eric, banged donna, left her on the altar, managed to keep bangin her and then left her again to go bang some african woman for a year, come back home and get donna again. Based and redpilled.

>Good Tier
Donna, she fell a little for Randy but never fucked anyone exept Eric
Fez, he managed to bang some hot chicks late in the series exploiting his gay attitude, ended up with the used good jackye, not bad for a mexican
Kitty, always there for the family

>Cuck Tier
Michael, banged some girl offscreen so you cant judge, cant even marry the woman that carried his child
Hyde, gets abandoned literally by everyone, also half nigger

>Whore of babylon tier
Jackye, literally pumped and dumped by the entire group, end up with the shitty immigrant leftover
Midge, literally a whore all the time
Laurie, a trainwreck even in real life

>Who? Tier
Randy, Randy who?

Umm sweatie