Got one?

Are you sure?

He's getting a standalone movie inspired by the last two movies you have watched, much like Joker was Taxi Driver-meets-The King of Comedy.

Is it kino?

Attached: Joker.jpg (828x775, 96K)

A Calander Man movie based on Stardust and Dawn of the Dead... I have no idea what this would even look like

>Lex Luthor
>The Day After Tomorrow
>The Last of the Mohicans

I can't even.

>Sumikko Gurashi, the story of friends lost, found, and lost again
>In This Corner of the World, the story of a young woman surviving WW2 and Hiroshima

I have no idea but people will cry.

Attached: in-this-corneroftheworld.jpg (1152x720, 60K)

>kill bill
>city of god
So he basically goes on the hunt for revenge to keep himself from being drawn into a gang war?

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movies: watchmen and star wars

>A Harley Quinn movie based on Jumanji 3 and Sonic
>She has to rescue her friend from a video game, but the video game is Sonic '06 - glitches and all.

Yes, it's kino.

Attached: sonic-the-hedgehog-trailer-internet-reactions-00[1].jpg (320x180, 15K)

yes and?

Directed by Russo bros

A Bane movie inspired by the Invisible man and as above so below?
I have no idea how that'll work

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Mordu inspired by only lovers left alive and parasite.
So, an eldritch god of chaos, living in the modern world, leeching off others and causing the strifes of modern humanity, while broing(fucking) with other eldirtch horrors that are living on earth.


Attached: 1370838-snowflame.jpg (342x413, 53K)

>Frozen II meets Star Wars TRoS

This is perfect. Mojo makes a space opera musical with pretty princesses. Starring Mojo.

Attached: Fatty.jpg (299x168, 15K)

>Dancer in the Dark
>Blue Velvet

Yeah, it's kino


Forgive me for what I have done...

>Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions: The Rikka Wars & its sequel LCOD: Take On Me
>Batman is actually a delusional mental patient whose family are constantly trying to make him come to terms with the fact he's not a superhero, just suffering from childhood trauma
>He runs away with someone he thinks to be part of his world (Joker probably, cause of the mental patient thing) who is perfectly sane in comparison & despite considering the benefits of being a normie, decides to remain a retard forever
>Happy ending, I think?
Holy shit OP, I think you're actually on to something here

Attached: GarbageFilm.jpg (454x640, 77K)

Fuck. Ok, just replace Batman with Killer Moth, works just the same

>A Monster Calls meets Requiem for a Dream
So it be Thanos Rising.

Attached: 6835484946890.jpg (602x962, 244K)

>Lord of the ring: The fellowship of the ring
>Django Unchained


aqua teen hunger force colon the movie

best guess is pic related

Attached: 1583304352686.jpg (627x900, 63K)

Yeah, probably.
Throw Mamma from The Train and Bird of Prey.
What do you think? Origin story for anti-batman?

Attached: unnamed.png (335x512, 102K)

>the riddler
>inspired by Jay and silent Bob reboot & JoJo Rabbit

So riddler gets really high and has an imaginary friend that tells him to go to Hollywood to IDK take down all the Jews with riddles

>Killer Moth
>The Big Lebowski meets The Wolf of Wall Street

Sounds kino as fuck to me.

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Condiment King

Honestly it works a little too well

>The Shocker
>The Wraith
>Hell Comes to Frogtown

I dont know what the fuck I've even created...Shocker dies, comes back as a ghost with a ghost Shockermobile and tries to impregnate a ton of women while fighting...I dunno, Ani-Men? Molemen?

Pied Piper origin for a Latverian Gypsie Royal who damaged his face dabbling in magic and American rocket technology?
That's a lucky break for you.

_a Boy From Brazil tries to make his clone dad proud by rebooting an old stale property with ugly old hacks and nepotistic casting?

>You're not going to be a stock boy you're going to be a Stock Broker.
>You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Tarantula in a film inspired by Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier and Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country.

Why were you watching day after tomorrow?

>An Elephant Sitting Still
>Portrait Of A Lady On Fire

Bane is now a depressed, gay, Chinese man

>Umar Movie
>Based on the Sonic Movie and Murder on the Orient express

Just what.