Did Rick and Morty get worse or did we grow up?

Did Rick and Morty get worse or did we grow up?

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It got worse

Worse, it got popular.

Reminder - gatekeeping is a good thing.


>Grow up
It's not even that old

both and

It didn't get worse and you certainly haven't grown up (not if you're still hanging out here)

The show was built on the very thin premise of "What if Back to the Future was full of failures and degenerates?" The first season blew that load and had no where else to go. The other seasons were comparable in quality to other 30min animated serials. Anons just sperged out because DIFFERENT IS BAD

The show hasn't exsisted for years now, the last season wasn't noticed as much as 2.
And the "upcoming" eps/seasons didn't come fast enough.

People talking about rick and morty, might as well talk about hey arnold or some dead show.

The get schwifty episode was always terrible.
Season 1 had duds.
Season 2 is better than 1.
Season 3 is almost all bad.
Season 4 is forgettable.
Bushworld Adventures is the best episode of the show.

Got worse.
Happy tree friends and friends was growing up. This isn't that.

What's with all the stupid people using phrases wrong? Do you fuckers ever think about what's the context, or are you trying to be funny?

S1 was 7 years ago, 10 year old kids that watched it are 17 now.

I think the latter. This show was HILARIOUS to me when I was 11, but now that I am 18 & will graduate high school in a couple of months, my newfound maturity has opened my eyes to how crude & juvenile it can be.

Not all childhood nostalgia is bad, though. I recently dusted off my PS3 & my vintage copy of Skyrim that I have had since I was nine &, surprisingly, it holds up. I forgot about my childhood crush on Lydia & Ysolda, lol. But your rose tinted glasses won't hold up for everything, I cringe over how funny I found Rick & Morty in middle school.


>Rick and Morty is 7 years old
Fucking Christ.

>Bushworld Adventures is the best episode of the show

>tfw you ask one of your animator friends if he wants to make an episode of your show and he roasts and outdoes you so fucking hard your creative soul commits suicide

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rick and morty was probably meant to only be a one season wonder. [as] has plenty of shows that dont last very long for whatever reason but ever since the disney+fox thing [as] has been scrambling to revive old shows and shit
mama called me sheriff
another fucking ballmasters
christ it looks like mike tyson has cancer and hes contractually obligated to do those new episodes christ did you even hear his deliveries in the new season as well as those little aftershow live action lines?
oh and fucking shit tigtone and shivering truth got a second season
i mean tigtone sure there are plenty of high fantasy tropes to mock but shivering truth? that much semi creepy/unsettling stuff and narrating nonstop for 11 minutes a pop writing AND stop motion animation?

And to back up the whole scrambling shit, you can feel some quality dropoff from trying to make this show a yearly thing

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This is why you never trust Australian shitposters

>my newfound maturity

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It got worse. Season 2 was fine. Season 3 was smelling their own farts and making the show significantly worse. Season 4 is their own cynicism destroying good ideas, how the fuck do you make an episode about Coomer dragons and a mysterious talking cat that wants to go to Florida boring as fuck?

Gatekeeping is for losers.

>grow up

The specific mood of the show changed from season to season. It's understandable if you didn't like it, but I wouldn't say that you 'grew up' because you're probably still a baby faggot OP.

It got worse.

It got better

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It got worse after S2.

The problems are numerous. Like for example: rick and morties personalities just went flying out the window.

Pre S3 morty was still a naive kids but deep down he was still good, and was a counter balance to ricks madness.

Now hes literally a mini rick 2.0, and is the same psycopath as rick is (which might be a storyline they are building with evil morty, but eh whatever).

Rick went from a genius but someone who ran from danger, to a literal god with an iron man suit built into his damn skeleton.

Like in S1/S2, there were many times where rick had to figure out a way out of his problem instead of just resorting to pure strenght/violence.

Like imagine the episode with hte dogs/scary terrie/the devil or whatnot taking place in S3/S4. Instead of a fun way of him solving the problem, rick would backflip into the house with the dogs with a minigun tracking missiles killing them all. Oh is that so fun?

Which also brings the whole violence thing into play.

In s1/s2 there were many episodes with 0 death/action scenes, and with no one dying. Like just good ol fun, rick having a spat with the devil (but not killing/extracting his soul like he would do now).

S3/S4, EVERY single fucking episode now requires there to be long and brutal action scenes, with ton of animated gore. There has not been an episode where someone didn't get killed in some brutal way since S3 started.

Characters speak out loud at the audience about their feelings. What, the fuck. Like when Morty is killing some madmax guys in the arena, hes talking out loud at no one about his internal feelings and shit. The things that people pick up with subtlety are just gone, and are force fed at the audience. ARE YOU SURE THE VIEWER GOT THAT? THEY GOTTA KNOW MORTY FEELS BAD ABOUT DAD. And it's the same for all other characters, all speaking out loud how they feel. Fucking 4th grad writing.

Top it off, all the good writers from s1/s2 quit over bad blood. Like mike mcman is gone, ryan ridley posted on his twitter he left the show over disagreements with its direction (its why his voices are not in s4). I could write a whole essay about how everything went to shit and how its sad to me.