Wednesday /shelf/ thread

Don't know where to buy? Try these: (known to manhandle books with bad packaging) (worldwide shipping, often has sales) (worldwide shipping) (Amazon alternative, it doesn't have the usual fees, it ships worldwide and accepts PayPal)
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these: (EU) (UK, hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK) (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books) (worldwide shipping) (AUS/NZ)

Price Comparison website(s):

New list of things out next week:

Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

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I don't usually make shelf threads, but I just received my box set of Jim Starlin's Dreadstar. I found it for €35 on german amazon

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Cover price is $300, just sayin

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>Cover price is $300

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I bought a hard cover collection from amazon and it arrived with a jacket that had a fold so bad on the inside of the front cover that it was ripped. I can't even imagine how they managed that. Absolutely fucking terrible I hope Bezos dies of ebola.

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lol I wouldn't pay 50.

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that's pretty awesome, mate.

wouldn’t it have been cheaper to get single issues on eBay?

Does it have Metamorphosis Odyssey and The Price or is it just the ongoing?

lol collectionfags don't read floppies they read digital and put these things on shelves never to be touched.

wtf is going on at Instocktrades. First the Daredevil by Bendis 1 sells out in a few days. Then Daredevil 2 in less time. Now Uncanny Xforce within a few days. Do they just not order enough or is Marvel not printing enough or what?

Thread for autistic incels? I'll alert Yea Forums.

I picked up the silver age justice league volume 1, the silver age LoSH omnibus 1, and DC: the new frontier for my birthday

Pic is from eBay

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I recently started getting some cape comics. Right now all I have is All Star Superman, Watchmen, Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Superman Red Son. The rest of my collection is the old hardcover collection of Carl Barks comics, Dallas Barr, and XIII. I'm slowly getting there.

Got some stuff. The CRPG Guide Book isn't really Yea Forums material but it was in the same package and boy is it good.
I also have a package that got held in customs and I handled the payments and bureaucracy last Friday and I still don't have it AAAHHHHHHHH

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Oh wow. The new printing of Uncanny X-Force is already out of stock at ist

I guess that's pretty popular.

I do love the feel of those pages I have to say

Some fine choices but I will say All Star Superman works best with a stronger knowledge of Superman comics. If you end up enjoying it come back to it down the road after reading other superman books and I bet you'll enjoy it more

Last book I picked up was the Deluxe Edition of Superman For All Seasons. It's a gorgeous book with a touching story. Far and away my favorite Loeb/Sale collaboration.

I've got an Amazon gift card for $100 coming soon, so I think I'll splurge on some older stories I've wanted to collect.

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Oh, I've read a lot of Superman, just digitally. I'm just getting paper to give to friends to read or because I think they're cool. Us comics were a bitch to find at a reasonable price here but I happened to move to somewhere near a LCS, before that all you could really get were Disney comics like Donald Duck at supermarkets or newspaper stands.

That "signature" depresses me

It’s got those, the original graphic novel and 1-40 of the ongoing

That looks baller and I want that without even knowing the story.
Also Ben Kenobi got FIT.

Why does it look like fucking Comic Sans

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Should be getting the hox/pox paperback omnibus next week.
Currently not sure if I should complete my collection of Moomin comic strips even though the last issues were written and drawn by Lars Jansson after Tove died.

Because starlin is a boomer and just scanned the art onto his computer and signed it with comic sans because it’s called comic sans

Or that’s what his handwriting looks like kek

This is my fav thread on Yea Forums desu. Which current runs you think will be remembered in the future?

Immortal Hulk seems like a safe bet.

Huh. Holy shit. I gave up on Dreadstar. Dynamite just delays or cancels the next volume every few months.

Do the Starlin comics even wrap up?

I'm going to sell like 80% of my comic collection. How should I sell it? I live in Europe.

This will absolutely be one. Let's see how Hickman's run on X Men goes, and the same goes with Zdarsky's Daredevil.

Morrison's Green Lantern if for no other reason then simply for being written by Morrison.

Where in Europe?
From my own experiences: Selling at a LCS you get maybe 20% tops of the original price. eBay is okay but a lot of work, sites like momox (dunno if it exists where you live) can be okayish too. Honestly most of the stuff I don't care about anymore I give to my nephews

It went out of stock within the hour, idk who orders their inventory but they need to be fired because this book was obviously a hot item that people have been wanting. Now I have to wait for it to go back in stock and I might not even get the 50% off now, seriously this, the X-men box set, and the recent BMB DD books selling out first day is some bullshit.