Justice League Odyssey 019 Storytime

Here comes New God Starfire

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>Orion jobs again
>to fucking STARFIRE
>no I don't care if she's a New God now look how easy they took out that squad of New Gods that weren't Cyborg
>And needs random mechanic girl's help to down ONE


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>Epoch can take out the Great Darkness
>The darkness equal to GOD
So one timey-wimey boi can take on the fucking Presence now?

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That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.

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The Weaponers have surpassed Metal Gear.

cat's are assholes.

what happened with this artist? Why is it so bad all of a sudden?

Anyone else getting a Miracle Machine vibe from the construction of this device?

It worked for Doom.

Pretty sure the Great Darkness he's referencing there is Darkseid (the title of that old Legion story).

>Hope you enjoyed this book.
I enjoyed this book's well meaning intent.


He mentioned multiple Great Darknesses

Dex-starr is the 2nd best thing from this book.

He’s superior to Jessica’s ass, fight me.

>a Jose Ladronn cover in 2020

Abnett gets such a bad wrap trying to deal with peoples dogshit decisions.

Orionbro. He jobbed since morrison's final
The New Gods movie made by Tom "I hate BullyOrion" will be the final nail of the coffin.

>fight me
But why would I fight my brother?

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I can imagine all the notes from the editor reminding Abnett to make sure you reference Snyder's event comic in every other issue.

JLO is on of my favorite DC books right now. Nice to see DC figuring out their space books beyond GReen Lanterns

I’d feel kindlier to him under normal circumstances because it’s very clear editorial asked him to do something, anything, with a bunch of characters they couldn’t put into the main storylines but were also too influential to just outright ignore.

But god DAMN is he doing Orion dirty

Same shit with Earth 2

Does JLO get better with abnett?

T. Read the first 6 issues by Williamson(?) and thought it was boring

It's like a night and day difference of quality.

Yes, Abnett know his space books.

I despise absolutely everything that has been written in this issue.

I’m getting World’s End flashbacks while reading this book.

She’s got a nice body of work

Such is the fate of all new gods after kirby's death. No one at dc gives a shit about them.

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