>be me
>be nigger
>Messaged my wh*te friends on d*scord that iorn man dies (pic related)
>I didn't think they would take it so seriously
>They both get mad at me for posting a picture of iorn man dying
>one of them goes on a sperg rage
>He then tells me if I'm right then I can't talk to them again at college
>tfw I will probably get punched in the face
Be me
at least he didnt say the n word
Wtf, how are these people in college?
>using Discord
No one cares about this. Literally fuck off.
>at college
You have to be 18+ to post here blacky.
what did he mean by this?
>No one cares about this. Literally fuck off.
>You have to be 18+ to post here blacky.
I live in America, not the uk
meant to be responding to
what would you have done if instead of that they called you a NIGGER in response
>what would you have done if instead of that they called you a NIGGER in response
>getting mad over a children's movie
lol based
whites are fucking pathetic
hey Sanny can you screencap this post, send it to your friends and tell them to have a better taste in movies?
Also Black Widow dies, Iron Man has his own Infinity Gauntlet and snaps, resulting in the defeat of Thanos and his army
Yeah because niggers don't watch this. Or
>what was black panther
black panther was fucking pathetic
Stop samefagging. You should be ashamed of your shitty thread. Who the fuck uses discord
>Stop samefagging.
I'm not
i hope your friend's punch drops you and you die from hitting the concrete so you're dead and he's in jail for 20 years
>IP+ 1
Dude, you're out for attention. Grow up and stop spoiling stupid cape shit movies. You're the reason your friendship with these people is shit. They simply don't trust you.
>I'm not
>This post has your (you)
>I'm not
>has a fucking (you) on this post
Stop lying cunt. Be ashamed of you and your shit thread
What happened to pepper pots?
What a shitty greentext story. I hoped at least one of them wouldve called you a nigger.
Why would that not have a you, can you even follow a conversation?
capeshit is cringe
Go back.
>be white
>can't dance
>small dick
>smell like wet dog
>cry if I try to eat spicy food
>invented slavery and genocide
>see spoilers for duh new marbul mubie
Have sex
Your friends sound like fragile fags get some new friends
>Grow up and stop spoiling stupid cape shit movies
I just did it for a laugh I didn't expect them to take it so seriously