What are your favorite television shows to watched subbed in English?
What are your favorite television shows to watched subbed in English?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've always liked Korean television.
Saved. Will post in all azncel threads.
thats a japanese webm you posted XD
What do Koreans feel when they see someone who is naturally and effortlessly beautiful without makeup, surgeries and blown out white lighting?
Thats japanese dummy
lol every time
Feels bad as a chink
I don't watch anything subbed because any language that's not English sounds like absolute fucking shit.
Fuck foreigners.
>t. seething white roastie
Same thing they feel when they see a flying spaghetti monster lmao
Is this the thread where two incels fight over different kind of women, even though neither of them will ever fuck any of them?
Even more when talking about gooks.
The betrayal and backstabbing of Pearl Harbor won't be avenged until Japan is a nuclear wasteland.
Death to all who bring harm to America.
Yes. It's also the thread where incels like you act as if you're actually above anyone here
Hey, at least you admit that the advantages the two races of women have over the other that you are going to bring up in your following posts are completely baseless and that you'll rely on your folders of cherrypicked internet screencaps instead of actual experience.
Now go on and fight over an idealized version you have of white and asian women that differs so much from reality that you might as well just waifu a 2D girl.
Could always be worse
GCCX, burnt through this way too fast. Subs coming out slow now is painfur.
Parody series that I enjoyed:
Cheers Warriors After V
The Hero Yoshihiko
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
U liek Korean gril
Based haha
You got the one where some korean bitch starts stalking some guy and telling him to fuck her?
Man I need to travel back to Asia 2bh
we get the same treatment from blacks. also there are many crazy teenagers here in europe for asians because of kpop bands so I'm pretty sure you'd find something.
asian traps are kino desu senpai
Three Kingdoms (2010)
So this is the power of the Asian male.
Yeah that's cause it's the natural state of the azn ''''''''male''''''''
How do you say Bazinga in Japanese?