It's all so tiresome, it's hard to be excited anymore

I use to be a huge Marvel fan during the first "phase." I watched nearly every film that came out. Up until "Winter Soldier" I didn't think Marvel could do any better. I still feel Winter Solider is the best film out of all of them.

Afterwards I became tired of the franchise, I was forced to watch Infinity Wars being invited by friends to watch, didn't want to be rude. Did I like it? No not really.

Lets be straight here, Disney owns the movie industry. Movies are going to be leftist propaganda carbon copies. Gone will be the days of original ideas, themes, and film making.

I honestly don't even want to attempt to watch this movie for knowing what it really is.

Anyone else feel this way?

(Looking forward to Godzilla though, big G-Fan)

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Other urls found in this thread:

i stopped when they went full retarded and decided to copy star wars with aliens, intergalactic and magic force

The bigger you go, the more chances you have to fail. Down to earth superhero movies are generally better because of that

>Mommy, I want the new Avengers lego set!
Everyone in the store watches the woman, with her apparent son, a 30 year old man.
>Mommy I ate all my vegetables! I want my avengers set now!
>You forgot to clean your room sweetie. No more legos for you.
An old couple watches as the man grabs an entire case of onions and puts in it the grocery basket.
>user, we already bought a case yesterday..
>I finished that one! You know I need to keep up my protein! Look at my gains.
Some teenagers laugh out loud as he tries to flex on his mom.
OP runs out of the store crying, and waits at mommy's car to go home.

I just don't really care about most of the characters now.

Vision was cool, but he's out, and might be regulated to a Disney+ show.

Cap was boring, and always has been.

Thor could continue to be interesting, but they need to incorporate Beta Ray Bill.

Iron Man was by far the most entertaining and interesting character, but now that's done.

The only saving graces now are Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.

What happened in Endgame? Spoil it

That "girl power" scene at the end was a fucking joke. Almost enough to leave right then. Force feeding the public on that shit.

>girl power scene
explain? i don't plan on watching the movie

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See, while part of me agrees with you, the Guardians first debuted (with a different lineup, though) in 1969, so the intergalactic side of Marvel has been there for a while. Also, GotG was alright, and definitely a better Star Wars movie than most of the new Star Wars movies.
But yeah, I miss phase 1 when it was mostly just advanced technology type shit instead of magic and stuff. The more grounded ones (Iron Man, Winter Soldier) are definitely the best.

Based post, but onions don't come in cases; they come in bags.
You can also braid them using their long leaves, but that's something you only see in farms or small grocery stores that buy directly from the farmers.

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>Gone will be the days of original ideas, themes, and film making.
they were having this conversation about hollywood since the second decade of film and it happens over and over. "they don't make 'em like they used to." and it's always true. look at hollywood studios as a product of natural selection: if they didn't give people what they asked for, they wouldn't be getting paid and there'd be no industry. people get what they fucking pay for, and more people pay for this than you do for the alternative. you're not wrong, but i think that it's a safe bet you're also not rich.

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Painful to watch

Literally who gives a shit

>all the themes have been used up, turned into theme parks.

Winter Soldier blew chunks though, capeshitters truly have no standards.

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The only real lefty moments are
the all female fight scene, thanos cpt marvel headbump and cap/Thor giving their mantles to colored people, rest is centred around the og avengers with a non political plot, brie larson doesn't do anything more sagnificant than fucking warmachine if that was your main pantpooper, really felt like they cut her out the movie. The real downers were hulk-dab and korgg playing fortnite with Thor as a discord squeaker. the movie was overall just not that amazing too tho, just as a movie.

It's basically a "why do we fall? To get up" story for the main avengers. Iron-man does the full hero journey including self sacrifice and the only real arc in the movie besides Hawkeye. Hawkeye, Iron man and Thor carried the movie and were arguably the protags. Hulk is now permanent but with banners thoughts because dude chill, Thor becomes a space hobo and is now a guardian, every character that got snapped returns, black widow sacrifices herself after a dickfight with hawkeye who deserves it more, thanos becomes just bad guy, Iron-man snaps thanos and his goons from another time line, speaking of which everything gets fixed with a timetravel plot that loses sense along the way, nebula has a character arc for some reason, antman is important and the new beta fag of the team, cap fucks off and lives his life in the past

Yeah, i was only tagging along for Thanos. I always liked him since my comic book days, and i wanted to see him on screen. He was pretty good, but im all out of fucks to give now.
I literally downloaded the shaky shitty camrip of End Game and fast forwarded to see only the parts i was interested in, took me about half an hour, and now i think i am done with the MCU. I'll probably watch something if it has Galactus in it. I'd be interested in Doctor Doom too, but that dude requires alot of setup. Galactus is a space giant, so if he shoots lasers out of his eyes its hardly surprising, but Doctor doom is a Wizards/Scientist/President in a skelletor suit. He needs some splaining, and i have no faith that they'll do him justice unless they dedicate a few years to him, and i have next to no confidence that they'll manage it.

Thanos gets doublekilled
The plot will piss off /sci/fags
Thor plays fortnite
Hulk dabs
Cap likes his own ass
Girl power scene
Thanos goes full retard and gets the opposite of plotarmor
Giant LOTRish battle at the end, only thing that feels like a comic book movie in this movie
Astonishingly unmemorable and rare quips
Tony is the protag and dies
Cap is old now
Gotg x Thor sequel is the only thing worth to look forward to
No aftercredits scene

Here is a summary of the entire movie

Wait capt marvell fucks warmachine?

Jesus fucking christ.


> probably watch something if it has Galactus in it. I'd be interested in Doctor Doom too

Still willing to give the mouse money

>thor is a fat retard incel gamer
>captain woman is off fighting wars on thousands of other planets in the mean time because womyn stronk
>comes in at the last second to steal all the glory from the white males™ but doesn't actually do anything
>captain america is now black
dare I say..................... the greatest marvel movie..................

I'm fully on board with the West dying and East taking over as they've done before many times.
Hollywood has been losing money outside of Disney for over a decade now anyway.
I've gone back to watching centrist/right slant indie flix

literally hoped I died before leaving the theatre when I saw that

So badly forced, it's not even funny. All the female characters happen to be in the same spot where not a single male character is, and we're going to believe that some regular humans and useless Mantis are going to help Captain Marvel who is apparently stronger than fucking Thor all on her own? Fuck this virtue signalling bullshit.

Putting politics aside, I panned on bailing the MCU after this movie from the start of phase 3. With the original actors leaving too (Like Chris Evans who wants to do a career change).
Despite the ending being lack luster, the stories that got us here were what I loved. And even if retcons happen, in my mind:
>Cap got his dance
>Iron Man saved the day
The only one that got cucked was Thor.

And you know the funny part? Claiming a character is stronger than another character IN FICTION does nothing to actually help "empower" the people who need it most.

based phoneposter

Do the avengers use their ghetto gauntlet to give everyone infinite wealth and free energy or are you just pulling talking points out of your ass?

if you genuinely didn't notice any of the ***EXTREMELY*** obvious leftist propaganda in that movie then you're already lost chief

He's not wrong.
>Bucky passed up as new Cap in favour of black guy with no superpowers
>retarded "girl power" scene that made no sense
>Wakanda army again saving the day despite being literal spearchuckers
>strongest male character reduced to fat, weak, failure for the whole film
>women constantly saving the other characters

that is forceful
that´s the worst part modern writers can´t even implement their propaganda in a kinda storywise logical way

>Movies are going to be leftist propaganda carbon copies.
Sooo, bother to show me a modern movie that has propaganda like working class uprising against CEOs and billionaires?

Idpol is not "left", it's still capitalist bullshit to get people distracted from the exploitation.

picrelated is leftist propaganda
"woman can be heroes" is not

wake me up when Cap starts slandering US imperialism or Tony changes his multinational into workers' cooperative

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>We're on the wrong side of every war!
....EVERY war, cap?

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Do you think they would miss the opportunity to have stronk womyn innterracial relationship to show the ebil patriiarchy ?

TThe problem with hllywood is that in the laasstt 10 years orr so everry major moovvie feels like its being written by 15 yearr old rrich girl trying to get back at herr dad. Its so retarded,, and thatss why we end up witth things like "'bad pussy' and ""thanos headbbutt""

>rey is a good girl

>capt marvel has character flaws

make up your mind, nerds.

Falcon was Cap for a while though

Im the reverse
I hated every single movie besides the first Iron Man in the first phase.
The second phase was hit or miss but mostly miss.
Third phase has its problems, Captain Marvel and Black Panther are literally the most overrated films ever and frankly i think every normie deep down knows it.
Spiderman Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, and Infinity War are the best of the best of capeshit to me.

Spiderman is right there but ok

doesn't apply when her character flaws are just plain shitty writing

Any chance i had left of watching this crap is gone

It felt so forced I could feel the cringe in the cinema. Nothing was leading up to that scene. Probably forced by some Disney suit.

So many right wing nerds are being triggered by this movie and I really am struggling to understand why, i saw it last night, its great but its just a fucking super hero movie wtf is wrong with you people

The best part is how easily Thanos dispatches Captain Marvel after this scene.
He throws her away like nothing literally three times after this and then Iron Man saves the day.

Why are the jannies such faggots?

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>Lets be straight here, Disney owns the movie industry. Movies are going to be leftist propaganda carbon copies.
Imagine being this much of an actual brainlet holy fuck

>I use to be a huge Marvel fan during the first "phase."
>Lamenting the days of "original ideas, themes [lol], and film making."
Big fucking yikes from me senpai. Assuming OPs idea of "film making" is Christopher Nolan.

it's a superhero movie that is projected to have the biggest opening weekend of all time, much of whom are retarded impressionable zoomers that will one day be in charge

Thoughts on this storyboard?

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Bought and paid for by Disney.
If Yea Forums had any balls they'd be posting spoilers everywhere

marvel has always had that you fucking brainlet

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I kind of dropped it around the same time too. Winter Soldier is truly the best Marvel could do and it wasn´t even that good. It was a decent action/spy thriller. Civil War was just terrible and everything after it has just been worse. Honestly i started watching the MCU because i am from the generation where super hero movies where a 100% guaranteed to just take a big dump on the source material and i saw in marvel the possibility that they would not do that, the possibility that they would correctly adapt some interesting dramatic situations that i´ve read in comics. The only movie that achieved the comics dramatic potential was Watchmen and the only one to achieve the aesthetic potential was Sin City. The rest have been all forgettable flicks.

Still i would disagree on one thing. Yes, Disney owns pretty much every expensive existing IP so they can exploit those to infinity and beyond, and they will... but at the same time they´ve lost what made Disney special in the first place. For all their money they are no longer imaginative or creative and this will lead the industry to the same dead end it did last time this happened. Meanwhile good movies are still being made, good dramas, good science fiction, good thrillers and suspense movies. They just don´t have the money to advertise it as they used to. Woody Allen is still filming, Polansky is still filming, Scorsese is still filming, Terry Gilliam is still filming, and so on. Finding new authors is going to take some time but it will happen.

Makes no sense whatsoever because Carol just rushes through the army like a bolt afterwards. I guess it's just pandering like the one scene in IW but at least that one didn't feel so dumb

They piss against a tidal wave of piss.

>snap happens
>world in chaos even 5 years after it
>all of a sudden 50% population increase

how is this supposed to be a good thing? everything thanos was worried about is literally gonna happen now because there are shortages on everything

same goes for western video games its nothing but a rip off with microtransaction of american social justice politics

even worse now that sony hq moved to california they are now censoring even japanese content because its not deemed "correct" by sjw freaks

Why do you think he's not rich?

>Look mommy i posted it again!

>he liked Ragnarok

>Woody Allen is still filming, Polansky is still filming, Scorsese is still filming, Terry Gilliam is still filming,
they're all shit filmmakers

That explains the extreme slug pace of good game releases. I haven't enjoyed a good video game in a LONG time

Why do you get so tired of watching a movie for 2 hours every 4 months. Its fine, people make all this out to be the greatest thing or the worst thing, it just cant be ok and enjoyable

If you watch capeshit (which is glorified television tier) your opinion about cinema is irrelevant matte.

They should do the same with all blacks and chanting some wakandan shiet