Now that Endgame is finished, most of us are free or better said, can be.
There is no reason to watch the new Spiderman or the new Black Panther or whatever else marvel is doing right now.
This is your chance to break free from this shit once and for all.
You dont need to know what happens next. Endgame is a nice finish and you should keep it that way.
Stop as long as you can. Watch other movies, write a book, play guitar or jerk off.
Let lose of this madness, free your mind and let go.
Endgame for Marvel
Other urls found in this thread:
last one I saw is Ant Man 1
good mate, im happy for you.
you are truly free.
No I'm waiting for Doctor Doom, fuck you
Imagine being so weak-willed that you cant stop watching jewish propaganda until a particular movie comes out.
The only post endgame movie I'm going to see is GotG3.
I'll still watch GotG since it's fun-kino.
this will bring you down a rabbit hole
duuude this is how they get you
Which books have you read in the past year?
Lord of Souls, the first three Royal Assassin books, 2 other assassin books I dont remember, Into Thin Air, The Saturn Myth.
Mein Kampf, For My Legionaries, Origins and Doctrine of Fascism
> capeshit is done
> /got/ will die
Yea Forums will be dead lmao
I read dr strange, ant man, and black panther
hey sneed
I've never seen a Marvel movie and the kinoplex. I just torrented the Guardians movies and the Thor movies.
I still haven't seen Infinity War.
I haven't even seen much of the MCU. Only phase one, both GotG and Thor Ragnarok.
This is kind of true. All the main characters of the Marvel universe have been killed off or taken out of the equation in some way or other: Thor is now a fat depressed loser who isn't even 1/10th as powerful as Captain Marvel and has given up his crown to a black woman, Tony Stark is literally dead, Captain America is an old boomer who has given up power to his black friend. The coolness of Bruce Banner bursting out and transforming into the Hulk has been destroyed, he was 100% cucked by Thanos and now he's smaller and talks. He's basically Korg2.0 now and his arm seems destroyed. For anyone who cared about Black Widow, she's pretty much 100% dead. They may show a prequel movie but who cares if we know her fate anyway, there is no tension in a prequel.
Literally the only remaining avenger is Hawkeye and Nick Fury (a blackwashed Nick Fury who was 100% cucked in Captain Marvel). What's left? Captain Marvel? A bunch of wymyn and second rate characters? I can only imagine they will try to go for Fantastic Four or Xmen from a different dimension and build up to Galactus in a sort of reboot of everything that led up to this point.
But they literally just imploded their whole franchise so they are really starting from square 1. They are left with characters that basically nobody likes. It will be interesting to see how this develops.
>Watch other movies, write a book, play guitar or jerk off.
also checked
Non-Stop (sci-fi, highly recommend) and the first six discworld novels
>gotg 3
>oh hi Thor you’re looking ripped again
>thanks I went to the space gym
>Satan encouraging masturbation
Jesus warned me about you
the best part is now that they have introduced time travel they can simply bring back any dead characters if the new movies start tanking
It might mean that the comfiest threads get an opportunity
sadly they’re jazz threads
What's laughable is that if DC had played the slow game and if they had just been smart and patient they could have taken advantage of this and got AHEAD of this new world building thing of Marvel. If DC had not blown its wad and tried to combining the Justice League so quickly and sloppily they could have built up independent films for each character and tested the water to find what was successful and what wasn't over the past few years and waited till about the end of this year or this summer and released the first Justice League movie. Then all the people with nostalgia for the Avengers could have converted over to DC as they got ahead of Marvel. But they blew it completely and are handling the DC universe like total retards! HAHAHA! Fucking morons. Now Marvel is going to get ahead of them on based diverse Marvel2.0 characters while DC thumbs it's butthole. cavedinheadwojak.jpg.
Infinity was a better ending
You're in for a great ride if you haven't read Mort yet. The Discworld books are gold.
Pretty much everything I could find by Stanisław Lem, The Magus, finally read The Count of Monte Cristo (never read it before)
It's quite sad, actually. DC has minimal diversity, the characters don't feel shoehorned at all when there is. They were probably the optimal type of capeshit flick
>dc has minimal diversity
>two white main characters
Muh jews so what is it they are inferior because they are beating you fucking edomites left and right fucking pink skinned faggot
guardians 3 with boomer thor looks like it could be kino
Swallow my balls
They are both shit. DC and Marvel. I was just laughing at how the people handling DC have the travelings of a clown. I imagine a bunch of coked up CEO's watching Marvel movies screaming at each other "DATS WAT WE SHUD DO!!!!!" then decide to combine the introduction of Batman with Batman v Superman with Death of superman and formation of the justice league. HAHAHAHAH! Imagine them all sweating and popping adderalls snorting blow like scarface and rushing the whole thing like brainlets switching out Zack Snyder at the last minute and getting all retarded. It's truly a clusterfuck. Watch this scene for a laugh:
Based and redpilled
I hope Galactus pushes everyone's shit so hard in they never recover
>being held hostage by a fucking movie company
I hope Molecule Man destroy the fucking universe
>There is no reason to watch the new Spiderman or the new Black Panther
Spiderman's only redeeming feature is that its after-credit scene starts the next 10 year story arc.
People will flock to this movie exactly for that reason.
It was a genius marketing move to not put any after credit in Endgame. That's why you niggers don't work in the marketing industry.
Capeshit is dead with the death of Thanos, all hail the new animeshit hollywood addiction that will soon take over the cinema. Yea Forums will slowly turn into Yea Forums
I imagine the soibois will fall for the "based galactus" meme and Marvel of course, if they have any brains, will be pushing him as the new Thanos. They can honestly pull this off imo. There are people that are dumb enough to endure the SJW brainwashing and programming even if it's cranked way up past 11 on full blast just so they can see "muh galatcus", and there will be paid reviewers giving their "i loved it" and crying bugmen on youtube.
they can ABSOLUTELY restart the franchise, all they have to do is carefully retrace their steps on how they got to where they are: keep trying out independent franchises until they are mildly successful and seed them with tie ins to other films and a greater overarching plot, then work back up to another epic cash cow.
DC could have done this too. They are laughably stupid.
>Os Vingadores: Ultimato? Que filme horrível, os anônimos vermelhopilhados no quatrochan estavam certos! Não acredito que os outros anônimos que sempre diziam "tenha sexo" estavam errados! Meu deus! Que descaso.
They seriously should had recast this one
Actually, what would have been smarter, and a HIGHLY missed opportunity, would have been if they had instead had not killed future Thanos and instead had past Thanos come to the future and recognize that what future Thanos did was wrong and have it be everyone, including past Thanos vs future Thanos. He was a very popular character. They could have had a similar battle at the end but instead had it with the future Thanos. This would have allowed for a newer, less genocidal Thanos to leave at the end of the movie and they could pull him back in for the fight with Galactus. A lot of people loved that fight between Galactus and Thanos. It would have made soiboi dicks hard AF. I guess they can always pull him from the past or something. lol. This capeshit is 100% crap..
So why didn't they steal this armor when they killed him off
this is literally one of the toughest armors ever forged in the universe and they just left it there.
Most of us are free faggot, anyways I see this movie being the beginning of the end for capeshit, surely the profits go down a bit at the very least.
Haveny seen a Marvel movie since the first avengers. I just go to the threads to shitpost.
Nah fuck you sad DC cuck
>my company who doesnt give a shit about me is better than your company that doesn't give a shit about you
Fuck Marvel, DC and capeshit tbqh
Give it to me straight. Are they really trying to make this ugly unfunny dyke the next Thor? If so the pr battle surrounding her movie is going to be insanely entertaining.
She's now queen of asgard
You are literally rooting for some giant corporation. Both Marvel and DC are eye cancer you epic faggot.
That's exactly what I was hoping for. Plus they said it would take a while before the X-men get introduced into the MCU anyways. As excited as I once was of the prospect of having an MCU X-men movie, I kind of find myself not even caring anymore.
they never said Jews where inferior, just that it was propaganda, there is a openly funded charities that exist just to promote Jewish interests and shills or stupid bitches go "muh pol" when someone highlights the fact that Jewish propaganda exists.
>he thinks the movies pay any fucking attention to the source material
I wanna watch 2 hours of fat Thor mogging Quill.
I have some questions 1.) what did tony stark do when he had the gauntlet and used it, 2.) how did Thanos lift Captain America holding Mjolnir ?. 3.) how did Captain America put the soul stone back in the water?
Nice try Satan, but the new Spiderman is the ending of Phase 3
I probably won't see it anyway, Endgame ended perfectly
You know nothing about Yea Forums. Best era was LOST combined with peak Nolan fanboying around Inception and Dark Night Rises.
>she has literally never lead, has always been a follower, even in Ragnarok she was following Thor the whole time
>that fucking asinine GRRRL POWER scene
Pretty much the only two bad parts of Endgame
but hang on, it's implied that Cap was Peggy's wife all along, even in the Prime Timeline, which would mean that in Civil War, Cap was lusting after his daughter
That's what every addict says. See you again when Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out
No, Thor is still the god of lightning and still has Stormbreaker. She's the new queen.
1)He snapped his fingers to make Thanos and his entire army turn to dust. Did you even watch the movie?
2) The hammer itself barely has any weight. You can't lift the hammer, but you can lift a person worthy holding the hammer.
Sharon is NOT Peggy's daughter ffs
Honestly I think this is a cope. And believe me, I've been in that same situation. After every shitty capeshit flick, thinking "this will finally be the point where people grow tired and move on to something else". But it just keeps happening.
they'll continue to shit out dozens of capeshits a year and the brainlets will continue going out in droves.
Let’s see how much Black Panther makes when it’s just niggers buying tickets
Won't be a problem.
so how did the soul stone get back in the water?
Is it important to know? Did you need to see him giving back Mjolnir to Asgard too?
Probably fucked Red Skull in the ass again until he put it back
Disney knows that the same formula cannot be repeated, so for the next wave they're gonna push social bullshit, as if that's working out for Star Wars.
It is most amusing. This is literally their swan song, an I expect a huge week 2 collapse because of the not-so-subtle SJW bullshit and weak plot device of time travel.
I like to think fat-Thor was Russo brothers taking a deliberate shit on the normie women who only watch these movies to oggle at Chris Hemsworth.
That's why some of the directors are abandoning the ship. They know what the future holds.
Or they're doing like Star Wars with attacking what's considered beautiful by people because the uglies on the Disney story groups want to project their own bullshit into the script.
Intentional or no, roasties are absolutely seething about it.
>Instead, Thor is depicted as one non-stop fat joke.
>Given a prominent beer belly, he’s introduced with his shirt off and the belly out in an obvious attempt at “parodying” Chris Hemsworth’s customary shirtless scenes.
Shoehorning some fag with PTSD after the snap and Capt feeling sorry for him made me laugh no wonder he went back to the 1940's
How did Rocket get the soul stone from Jane after sneaking into her room?
There’s like a dozen fat jokes about Thor, it was definetly not some body-positivity stuff. If Black Widow had become the fatso (and treated as they did Thor) there would be major outcry, hell they may still get outcry over Thor.
I dunno if it’s intentional, but Thor looks like how Chris Pratt did pre-GotG
Remember when Infinity War was hyped up to be the big climax? Or Civil War before that?
They'll come up with a new villain and you'll forget all about this. The MCU train ends when it stops making money, and not moment earlier.
Fifty Shades... the list goes on
Only one who seems to be still going is Thor, rest of the avengers are retired at this point.
There's especially no reason to watch any more of this Marvel shit. The last 15 minutes is torch passing to the lamest characters. Who the fuck actually likes Falcon?
>Praetorian of Dorn
>Slaves to darkness
>Prospero burns
Because only Nazis wear gold plated space armor.
I wish they’d gone the whole way and given Thor a receding hairline and a can of white monster.
How can you cry about Infinity war being hyped up as the climax when it was always a 2 part movie.
Holy fuck imagine being actually enslaved to watch a generic tentpole series.
>Wakanda for blacks only
>Asgard for everyone...... and under the rule of a black queen
>to criticize this is racist.
Oh well. I hope Disney makes all they can from this because they know it's the last time. There is literally nowhere else to go after saving the city - saving the planet - saving the universe.
What else can they do to impress and bedazzle audiences? They're not known for their deep abstract writing; the likes of Neil Gaiman work for DC.
i'm ready for it
There are plans for more Spiderman, Strange, Black Panther movies. Brie Larson is going to be the new main character in MCU and be in 7 more movies. There are rumors of a Avengers movie with all female cast.
i like pepper as rescue though
Got Tony's death spoiled for me in TF2, what are the worst asspulls or bs in the movie?
reminder that no one liked Iron Man, Thor and Cap before the MCU
The movie has been leaked by the Russians and the Chinese:
Also important:
There should also be like a power outage or the lights and anything plugged in that should flicker, that is another way you are being told when to take a piss.
I'll wait for a Power Girl movie.
You know they will make her ugly, flat chested, and wear a uniform which shows no skin.
what a lot of writing about absolutely nothing
you honestly spend your time worrying about this shit, what the fuck man?
you seen oldboy?
The Border Trilogy
Roadside Picnic
Das Kapital
Then I won't watch that movie. I'll spend money on porn if I have any. I hope I get hired for the minimum wage job.
Imagine watching ANY of this shit. Imagine reaching an arbitrary point where you can be “free” from shit movies. Fucking hell.
>I watched Infinity War on a flight out of sheer boredom
>Reading the Wikipedia summary of Endgame was a more enjoyable experience
>Probably fucked Red Skull in the ass again until he put it back
Just gave it to him probably but I was literally lying in bed that night thinking:
>I bet Cap and Redskull would have had some awkward conversation, would like to see how that went.
>Because only Nazis wear gold plated space armor.
I wouldn't even be sure it would be safe to wear if you weren't Thanos. He was sneaky, thorough and prepared. Any of his signature equipment could be dangerous to the wearer/wielder if you weren't him.
Also, Hulk is the only one with a chance of fitting into it anyway and it still wasn't made for him.
I only watched this thing for Ant-Man, not only he was the best part but one of the most important characters.
Ultron snapped me out of the Disney Matrix. Although I still watched Civil War in theaters out of obligation to see Spider-Man, I regret it in hindsight. Never again.
This, but I will not watch anything until Fantastic 4 gets adapted.
Just to clarify something, I don't want the Power Girl movie to be a porn movie or similar to a porn movie. Just an alien from another dimension being a superhero, that is what the Power Girl movie should be, I guess. But no porn.
I want off this ride.
This is probably a shitpost, but you just know there are real people that feel this way.
Hopefully she stays in the back and deals with politics.
A couple of osprey books about the Vietnam air war.
>Literally the only remaining avenger is Hawkeye and Nick Fury (a blackwashed Nick Fury who was 100% cucked in Captain Marvel). What's left?
Hawkeye is going to get cucked by female Hawkeye in the Disney+ stream show. So that only leaves... no one else.
Falcon has potential, but he would need a good team.
Thor and Hulk got cucked for no reason.
This. I and will still like the on screen interpretations that the great actors have done over the last 11 years.
is gamora alive?
It's not that no one liked them. It's that no one knew who the fuck they were.
Do people like Captain Marvel now?
>implying time travel doesnt exist
The MCU is over to me. It was Iron Man's story and now it's over.
dude it gets better now
we will have an all female or 80% female avengers now.
amazing, and they are all hot looking like the men.
No one knows. A dark conclusion would be Tony accidentally Snapped her since she was technically part of Thanos’s invasion force and I dunno if anyone except Quill got to speak with her. Other interpretation is she just ran off, because she wasn’t at funeral or Guardians scene at end.
They really should have shown something.
> Das Capital
Based. Not even politically, anyone who can commit to reading (and comprehending) all of that deserves praise. Plus I don’t even think it should be considered controversial, Manifesto is a rallying call for revolution, Capital is basically a history of capitalism up to mid 19th centuary.
she and Nebula trade places
quill seemed too happy
Thor is Thor, weilds Stormbreaker and Valkyrie rules New Asgard (Tönsberg) in his absence.
Quill got chubby too, so you could get your wish.
I'm surprised by the lack of buzz
Seems like the fatigue set in with captain America lol
Phase 4 is gonna bomb
>reading the equivalent of shounenshit of western books
grow the fuck up idiot
>and a salad sometime.
Nice try, I've already read War & Peace.
Now gtfo Yea Forums
Thats actually my plan. I feel they will start SJWs stuff in MCU like in Soi Wars, and i dont want to turn into pic related-tier due the effects these propaganda products have on human brains.
*tsss* *sippp* ahhh...... asgard? Now there was a place
>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
literally same
*sip* Jane? An old flame of mine
I've seen a total of 4 movies including Endgame
thats five too many
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
His armor and the glove are all made of nanomachines. When he grabbed Thanos, he transferred the stones from the gauntlet over to his armor.
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
Because the original gauntlet was made of solid Uru, magic metal. No nanomachines.
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
Banner could do controlled transformations at will. But that stopped after Hulk was in full control for 2 years and was allowed to grow more independent. They had 5 years to work things out and merge.
Was there a post credits scene in Endgame?
>>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
this. 96% on RT though. The industry is officially doomed
the absolute state of capeshits
>just turn off your brain bro
sure man
>War & Peace.
fine. that's a good read. you win this time.
I assume she has been running Asgard for the entire 5 years since IW, so she must have shown leadership then.
That girl power scene made me cringe too. They couldn't help themselves.
kid from iron man 3
What did that metal clanging sound at the end logo mean?
End Game, in an ideal world, would be the End of Marvel movies. At least, how we know it.
Instead the new Spidey movie is more of the same shit, except without a larger plot on the background.
So it's either going to kick start the next meta plot (which I doubt) or it's just filler garbage.
I can see Black Panther setting the element for the next big plot thread and the Eternals putting it to gear, but I have no interest on any of that.
I will only watch Eternals because Hercules will be there.
I think Dr Doom will be the next saga.
Oh...really? I thought he was some next superhero or something. Thanks
I absolute adore Falcon but in the MCU his character is completely under developed and his solo sucked monkey balls because focused on the least interesting aspect of the character for the entirety of the run (muh political position).
That run was only good when it was about weird capeshit like Falcon turning into a werewolf but it was pretty cringe whenever they hamfisted equated political positions to nazi characters all the fucking time.
GOT S8E03 1080p AMZN link
She'll be the quest in GotG, finding her and bringing her back into the team
>>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
Thanos second activation of stones had only occured 2 days before they told Tony. It's unclear when they tell him, so he might already have been back when they detected it.
>>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
Iron Man didn't solve time travel. He created a time travel GPS system, Banner and Scott built a time machine that didn't work correctly without it.
>>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
He didn't want to travel back in time because he feared his daughter would be erased from existence.
>>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
Gamma rays, experimentation and meditation, Wong might've helped. Also, Hulk was at his weakest inside of him.
>>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
Loki gets it in 2012 and escapes. The Tesseract was not stolen in the 1970s, so Cap and Stark were able to get it there. Only the timeline post-2012 is fucked.
>>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
No. Taking the Time Stone from the normal timeline and not returning it creates an alternate timeline. Returning it to the point it was taken from reconnects the divergent timeline.
Bruce says "it will take him as long as necessary" i.e when ready he'll come back.
I believe the time travel thing is like a phone call where both people from either side need to activate their shit to create the travel. Bruce activate his shit and waited, Captain waited till he was an old fuck to activate his.
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
He doesn't. He just finally sees that killing half of everything just leads back to the same problem and switches to a clean slate policy.
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
Because he put everything back beforehand, there are no branching timelines and he just walks there.
>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
The nanosuit made new gadgets on the fly before (see Infinity War where it becomes a device that stops Thanos from closing his fist). The replacement gauntlet was Starktech and interfaced with the nanomachines.
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
That disrupts the timeline. Now the snap doesn't happen and Ant-Man isn't trapped in the Quantumverse for 5 years, so the time machine that gets them there is never built, so they can't nab the stones.
>>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
Time traveling only creates separate timelines if things or people go missing from them. The only timeline people are missing from is the 2014 Past Nebula pulls Past Thanos and his army from. Regular 2023 must still exist for that to happen, though, so there's just a timeline out there where Thanos and his forces abruptly vanish and everyone lives happily ever after (and that's a Good Thing!) but no-one can access it because the Bad Future created it.
>They are left with characters that basically nobody likes
Well, to be quite fair, it isn't like that Iron Man, Captain America,Thor, GOTG and the others were extremely popular before RDJ arrived. All of them were literally whos. At least now Marvel knows that they can sell anything with their formula.
Most of the fan theories were ten times better than the movie desu. This movie sucks because Thanos, unlike in infinite war, has no character arc and became another generic textbook bad guy. At the end of infinite war, Gamora appeared in front of Thanos inside the soul stone. They could've setup a redemption arc or some kind of psychological downfall, something interesting, but instead he dies 15 minutes in and all of that's dropped. The directors then try to squash a really shitty time travel movie into about an hour, which undoes all the good stuff in infinity war, makes no sense, and opens up a lot of plotholes.
Just saw it. Loved it, but it was to unpack. A second viewing is needed I think.
I liked Thor, but I think the fat jokes went on a bit too long. Him dual-wielding was great, and I loved the braided battle beard like a viking. So cool. Having him GotG gang will be a fantastic way forward.
I think Cap and Tony's arc ended well, they both had magnificent partings from the franchise.
Ant-man was great. Paul Rudd was awesome and watching him smashing leviathans was awesome.
Captain Marvel was appropriate. I thought she would be given way too much screen time than deserved but she's barely in it, at the start and at the end.
Gamora and Loki still alive. GotG3 will focus on her, and with Loki teleporting out I'm sure he'll show up again. The problem is none of them have their character developments anymore.
The girl power scene was cringe, but I don't blame them, they clearly couldn't help themselves. It was quite forced, but oh well.
You sound like a smoker trying to convince himself that the next cigarette will be his last. If you feel the need to see how it ends, you'll feel the need to see what happens next. To quit, you have to accept that you've made a mistake, that you wasted the time and money, that whatever came of it was worse than if you'd never seen them at all. Quitting is more than stopping. It means cutting it out of yourself permanently. You think this means changing who you are, but that's only because you can't see how it's already changed you.
I've been thinking about getting into capeshit. Where should I start, Yea Forums?
you know they wont though, they will complain and cry about captain marvel 2 and a handful of jilted youtubers will make dozens of videos claiming its the worst movie ever made, and the brainlets will lap it up
I have only read three book in the last ten years. Alice in Wonderland, The Hellbound Heart and the Perfume.
I saw Endgame out of obligation and now I am finally free from the curse.
Book of the New Sun. Most of it goes over my head.
>captain falcon
Actually based.
Pretty much the same here.
GotG is just pure scifi and easy to separate from the MCU (although fuck Thor being in it now)
Ragnarok brought him in line with their style and IW established they had chemistry.
Echoes of Tony Stark forging the first armor, signifying how his success gave a green light to the MCU.
Because he just lived "normally" and went to that bench that day?
why the fuck did i get a warning from a mod for posting this picture?
this picture is from the first trailer.. wtf is this shit
why didnt they gone to hank ask more timetravel juice??
next time baby
I wonder if the Loki show will do anything with him getting the Tesseract or is that also another thing for a movie when they inevitably bring Loki back.
What's with Disney's new trend of doing solo movies after the character is dead?
they want to have their cake of dramatic storytelling with high consequences and eat it too
that and Dr. Strange
>not the Fantastic Four
I don't like this as an ending for Captain America, Satan. Especially since his last film as a lead wasn't even really his movie, it was another Avengers movie.
War and Peace
The Magic Mountain
The Man Without Qualities
By Night in Chile
Beyond Good and Evil
The Unique and its Own
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Kreutzer Sonata
The Death of Ivan Ilych
The Sun Also Rises
The Elementary Particles
Blood Meridian
Faust I & II
Death In Venice
On Heroes and Tombs
The Invention of Morel
I've actually watched all marvel movies too
GotG 3 is still coming. Now that Gunn is at the helm again I'll watch it. But that's the only one that still somehow interests me.
The GotG, Strange and Ant-Man are still there. And they at least had somewhat entertaining movies.
this is just the Yea Forums pleb list
get your own taste
Nigger the last superhero movie I saw was in theaters and it was Watchmen.
Nothing has topped it since.
Not Thor, just Queen of Asgard. The new Odin if you so will.. Thor is still Thor, tough him being a useless fat shit they could easily say that he's unworthy and a new "thor" is needed. iirc Hemsworth still has a contract for one more stand-alone so that could be the story in it, ending with Whor or Bill.
>let go of watching a movie ever few months
Would Incredibles 2 be considered a superhero movie? If not that, then the last "superhero movie" I've seen in theaters was Hellboy 2. And if that doesn't count, then it was Watchmen.
I don't care too much about these types of movies personally. I get their appeal, but sadly they're not for me.
monte cristo
young werther
therese raquin
notre dame
the road
bel ami
mrs bovary
just this year, or were you asking about 2018?
Not many but I tore through Under The Skin on holiday and really liked it. Very well written with lots of gross scifi specifics
Changing the timeline. They take care to only take out stuff they can put back or can be replaced and keep a low profile because no-one else should get knowledge of the future. Them stealing 4 vials of Pym particles removes those 4 vials permanently, but they left 8 behind, so it probably won't make a difference. If they went back, there would only be those 8 left and they'd have to bullshit Pym a second time.
This is also why I think 2012 Loki is not on the loose in time and space, since they take and return the Tesseract from and to a point in the Seventies instead.
So what's the post credits scene?
Thank you. This board is infested with brainlets that think they are Disney marketing level. Those guys are insane I actually respect them. This movie had no end credits so people who want to know what happens next have to watch Spiderman for a taste (maybe) of the next phase.
Marvel logo and echoes of a hammer striking an anvil, signfying Stark building his first armor IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS and with it, the MCU.
>meanwhile he's on Yea Forums and reads it
The irony is with you.
Guardians 1 for me. Before that it was literally Iron Man 1
>Talking to somebody could radically change the timeline
>Thor takes his hammer from his past self
>Tells his mom he's from the future
>Ratchet stabs that jew chick
>Captain America fights himself, tells himself that bucky is alive, and tells Hydra that he's on their side
>Nebula gets captured and tells thanos and gamora everything
>Hulk tells cancer patient everything
>Stark talks to his dad
But asking for infinite retries is out of the question?
Lmao, how the fuck are marvel movies even propaganda. Two out of the 22 movies had an actual progressive message and Infinity War and Endgame both contained only one feminist scene. Doesn't sound like "jewish propaganda" at all to me. You must be fucking paranoid. I bet you check your closet for jews before you go to bed.
>There is no reason to watch the new Spiderman or the new Black Panther or whatever else marvel is doing right now.
there was never a reason to watch any of that shit, you dumb satan poster.
Every fucking time I see this image I laugh
There's none, its just a sound bite.
You do realize they can't just get all the actors back right? These people's contracts have ended, I'd assume they are gone for good.
last one i saw was Winter Soldier, i was interested in the main plot, so i watched IU online and skipping parts, didnt watch Age of ultron/ doctor cumberbatch/nigger panther/ Thor 3/ Ant man/ Captain cunt/ and i saw every minor and major spoiler of Endgame so i can spend my money in other things.
the only thing that really bothered me was
how they just threw the whole character of Cap into the trash in favor of him passing the title to the winged guy.
>for the whole movie he learns how to deal with the past and move on
>motivates others to do so
>even tho it's hard for him he still holds his pride and tries to give others hope
>as soon as he has a chance returns to the past to have le cool happy life because fuck others they can be miserable, i have a time machine to fix everything lol
It's so obviously forced for the franchise shift and new Star Wars tier
>First scene opens with Captain America in a support group helping homosexuals who can't find asshole to eat
>Black Widow for some reason has taken over "shield"
>Rhodes is in mexico talking about how evil the cartels are
>Captain Marvel nearly 1v1s thanos and his entire army
>The postcard scene with all the women
I'm sure there's more if you look for it
Oh captain america is now that black dude with wings who had ONE SCENE in the entire movie "you deserve it". For what? Killing one monster?
>>Talking to somebody could radically change the timeline
Giving future information changes the timeline. "Hey Mr. Pym sir can we have more of your shrinky juice?" "Who told you? Why would you?" "Well, you see..."
>>Thor takes his hammer from his past self
Until Cap returns it to exactly that point in time. It's non-consumable and back in a heartbeat.
>>Tells his mom he's from the future
Mom doesn't want to know about her future and shushes him when he's about to tell her she'll die. Mom plays the time game responsibly.
>>Ratchet stabs that jew chick
From behind, so she'll brush it off as the Aether messing with her again.
>>Captain America fights himself, tells himself that bucky is alive, and tells Hydra that he's on their side
And then erases his past selves memory with the scepter.
>>Nebula gets captured and tells thanos and gamora everything
Nebula doesn't tell Thanos. Past Nebula receives Current Nebula's memories. All Thanos aligned characters never return to 2014 as they are dusted by Stark. This timeline branches, but needs the time machine to exist in 2023 and insteadw becomes an alternate universe.
>>Hulk tells cancer patient everything
She also plays the game responsibly and tells him how to play it too.
>>Stark talks to his dad SAs Howard Potts, not Tony Stark. Revealing nothing about Stark Sr.'s future.
>But asking for infinite retries is out of the question?
Yes. Because they aren't infinite.
At tonys funeral theres someone who is standing alone, to scarlets left and right before capmarvel.
Who was it again? I missed it because i was looking for gamora like a dumbfuck.
Post the webms/stills please
I'll watch Spider-Man movies till I'm dead though, no matter who makes it. Hell, the only reason I even watched Avengers was because of Spider-Man. The first two I skipped until I pirated them for some context in the third film.
I don't like propaganda as much as you but, the support group scene wasn't that bad. It's not like Captain America stood up, hugged him and said
>Son, I know I'm from the forties but you can rest assured that I have nothing against you and your being a faggot. Why, I'm quite the progressive myself and, even back in my own time, I had no problems with negroes or homosexuals such as yourself. I want you to know that I'm proud of you and accept you for who you are - for who all of you are. We need to remember that, even in this trying time, LBTQ people are still a minorty and its our job to be as inclusive as we can going forward. Thanos has given us a fresh start to make the America what the founding fathers had intended.
He just said he was dating a guy.
>Rhodes is in mexico talking about how evil the cartels are
The cartels are evil.
>The postcard scene with all the women
This is the worst scene in the entire movie because it's so blatantly forced and one I agree with you on.
Kid from Iron Man 3.
last one I saw was Avengers 2
i unironically would watch the new guardians just because Thor is it in now
Genuine question, where is marvel heading to now? Seems like they lost their best characters.
So they'll probably never make an avengers film that's such an 'event' again. Will this mean Feige will ease up on the control of the MCU and we'll get more Marvel films taking risks?
Gunn is the only director who was given real freedom in the MCU because the heros were obscure and (at the time) didn't interact with the rest of the universe. Edgar Wright was fired because he wanted to make a buddy heist film instead of 'introducing the newest Avenger'. The formula is getting stale and it'll only get worse if they do origin movies of replacements.
Wouldn't mind Ms Marvel if they could keep the tone the same as the comics which is fun and avoids the shitty "noble muslim girl defeats evil white male" that so many gender/race swap reboots were filled with.
is fortnite real
Young Werther, the novel about the undisciplined guy who kills himself. Why don't you go jump off a bridge?
Yea that had me confused too
Thanks heres a (You)
Yes. And Hulk dabbing is to. The unbelievable thing about both is that they're still popular 5 years from now.
The whole of The Wheel of Time.
Blood and bloody ashes!
pun filled trash passing as smart
literally ricky/morty tier
>A second viewing is needed I think
Fuck off
>Saw age of ultron with a friend in HS
>Almost passed out and we considered it a wasted evening
Stayed away from marvel since.
You're so cool, Brewster!
I watched Ultron with a hook up
she left me and is a commie now
but it will be thor ragnarok all over again and eventually it will lose all substance
So were the underwater earthquakes supposed to be a hint towards Namor?
Just continental drift happening, as of now.
Last one for me was Guardians I think. I saw bit of one of the other Captain Americas but I turned it off after like 25 minutes
Namor fucks Sue
shit taste
>sci fi, yikes
good shit
not bad, read any more McCarthy?
What do you think about Hyperion?
Gunn puts more warmth into his films, makes the films feel less memey and quippy.
Ragnarok felt like it was aping GotG without the heart.
Borges should be required reading, he's fantastic
This really.
>Vision is dead
>Iron Man is dead
>Cap went samurai jack
>Thor is dude broing with the GotG crew
>Black Widow is dead
>Hulk has erectile dysfunction for the rest of his days
Theres really no interesting characters left cept for Doc Strange and maybe black panther to have solo movies that are somewhat good.
I fucked with iron man but RDJ made me love the character more
>hurr durr what are the xmen and fantastic four
the man who was thursday
awake in the nightland
book of the new sun
>he doesn't read classics
why don't you slit your wrists?
>book of the new sun
Does it get any better after Book 2? Is it worth being utterly confused by some portions of the book when you get to the end?
I hope you're ready for 3-4 films in a row with Disney's "WHITE MEN HATE THIS" marketing onslaughts.
Literally who kung fu hero next.
"She's interesting enough to carry a film on her own, honest!" Black Widow
Ms Marvel will probably happen after Captain Marvel 2
>read any more McCarthy?
no country for the old men soon, and blood meridian when i get my hands on it in the future
This is REAL Avengers Endgame spoilers, the current copies of the movie floating around are all fake, they were put out by Marvel on purpose. I was lucky enough to see the REAL one, heres what happens.
>Final fight begins
>Hulk charges in ahead of everyone
>Thanos humors him during a powerstruggle
>Casually throws hulk like nothing
>Captain America and Thor both attack with their hammers, Captain Americas shatters
>Hawkeye is focusing on Thanos troops, but is quickly getting overwhelmed and Black Widow doesnt really do anything.
>Someone I dont know does something, I dont watch these movies, but Thanos loses the gauntlet and Ironman picks it up
>He goes in for an Infinity Punch(™)
>Thanos stops it completely, crushing Tonys hand and the gauntlet
>"You foolish human" Thanos says "The power was in me all along!"
>Rips off Tonys arm and slaps him with it
>Avengers are distraught and beaten
>Suddenly Thanos expression changes
>His eyes pop out in a comical fashion and he launches 30 feet into the air holding his bum. Like a chuck jones cartoon.
>The Avengers are all perplexed
>Thanos crashes down near them
>He starts pissing and shitting all over himself
>Out of nowhere Antman appears next to the Avengers
>"Thought you guys could use some ASSistance, so I set his bowel functions into overdrive"
>Avengers watch on as Thanos is laying in a growing pool of piss and shit, he is visabily crying, and his cheeks are red
>"Go back to where you came from you purple pooper" quips Ironman
>Thanos is super embarassed and starts flying away
>Moments later Brie Larson swoops down
>"Who said a girl couldnt be a super hero?"
>She then slips on Thanos piss and shit and breaks her neck and dies, laying in his filth.
>Credit scenes play over the scene with Chris Prat dancing in the background
I could genuinely see DC's streaming service doing a cheesecake PowerGirl based on Amanda Conner's runs. Marvel and Arrowverse fill their series with stick figures but DC seem much more willing to have curvy girls and not to cover them in figure hiding leather.
They need to sign up Gemma Atkinson. Experience in cheesy performances and has the ideal body type (stacked and toned).
>makes the films feel less memey and quippy.
GotG2 felt almost as bad as Ragnarok.
not racist but it's fucked up that Marvel made the leader of Asgård black and Captain America 2 black
As long as Feige is in charge that won't happen.
This tbqh famm
It went into it heavier for sure but it backed it up with an emotional story. Ragnorak had none of that.
I'm kinda surprised that no other film I know has featured Father and Son, such a great song.
>Now that Endgame is finished, most of us are free or better said, can be.
>This is your chance to break free from this shit once and for all.
I refuse to believe a real person wrote this.
I've never watched a single one of these films
>Stature will be in Ant-Man 3
Hope Disney are ready for the fetishists.
I've only seen the first Iron man lol
Where do the Children Play and Sad Lisa are superior Cat Stevens songs.
Also If You Want To Sing Out and basically the whole Harold and Maude soundtrack.
If they merge universes you dumb fuck. I'm strictly talking MCU
>script written by Gail Simone and Quentin Tarantino
We're literally getting two of those three examples and I really struggle to believe Kamala Khan won't at least Cameo in CM2
No Xmen and Fantastic Four can officially be in the MCU, no merging required
"So in this scene, she's going to step on doctor doom but she doesn't want to get her clothes dirty so she'll take her shoes and socks off... Come to think of it the shot should be a close up so the audience knows she's taken them off"
Blood Meridian lived up to the hype for me personally. No country is p good too.
Border Trilogy is great, get around to it after those two
Can't see Disney wanting the First Class cast. Especially as Dark Phoenix is supposed to be a real stinker.
It's the first time on this board I see somebody spell "loose" as "lose" instead of the other way around.
fuck you i better not have laughed myself to tears over a copypasta user
How does cap's arc end? Does he really go back in time to dance with Peggy and stays in the past?
Well, he does appear in the present, only he's much older.
Basically Hulk and Falcon see him go back to the past to put the Infinity Stones and Mjollnir back to where they took them, but when Hulk tries to extract him he doesn't come back. Falcon figures out what happened, and he sees a much older Cap sitting on a bench in the distance. They have a chat, Cap gives him the shield, and then there's a brief flashback of him dancing with Peggy.
Stephen King's Danse Macabe
War of the Flea
Cosmic Trigger
Brainwashing: a Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
Illuminatus Trilogy
Principles of Secondary Education
The Dao of Jeet Kune Do
Strata (by Pratchet)
The Gulag Archipelago
Maps of Meaning
Total Resistance
Starship Troopers
Those are just the new ones. I recently went through my pulp horror collection and started rereading Dracula. Next up is the Three Musketeers and maybe my Crowley collection (occult works seem to be coming back into fashion).
worst ass NA