Will you be browsing Yea Forums when Endgame is out?
Will you be browsing Yea Forums when Endgame is out?
I'm always browsing Yea Forums.
Already read all the spoilers, seen all the leaks, plan on torrenting when a good copy comes out in 3 months.
Capeshit is all shit.
Of course its like watching Braveheart but with autistics, it will be glorious the REAL autistic fans that will defend this turd, the CUTE memers that just like to have fun, the DChads laughin and dabbin their asses off,etc.
This is no longer Marvel's event, this gentlemen is... Yea Forums's: Kek Game.
It is out you retard
Why? I don't care about capeshit
I've been o avoiding Yea Forums for a few days now.
but it's been out for almost 2 days now...
>being this cautious about spoilers for a kids movie
>board is filled with constant marvel, star wars and got shilling
>board is filled with twitter screencaps from capeshit actors
>/pol/ is the problem
When will Yea Forumsumblr leave?
Who cares about spoilers, the real problem is how insufferable capeshitters really are.
>When will Yea Forumsumblr leave?
When Jannies stop being assholes and let us CLOWNS run this place.
Yep, don't care, didn't see the last one and won't see this one. I haven't seen a Marvel movie since Guardians of the Galaxy 1.
>when endgame is ouy
It's been out for 2 days
Well, since Dr. Strange.
Yea Forums has been a fucking mess for the last month
literally nothing but star wars, game of thrones and capeshit
Why not?
And? That is 95% of the movie industry today, what would you rather we discuss?
idris elba's body of work
>That is 95% of the movie industry today
This is what soibois actually believe.
*idris elba's body
normies are fucking disgusting
based and robust