What is this guy's obsession with this beautiful, strong woman?


Attached: shot_2019-04-25_12-16-08.png (379x292, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Os Vingadores: Ultimato? Que filme horrível, os anônimos vermelhopilhados no quatrochan estavam certos! Não acredito que os outros anônimos que sempre diziam "tenha sexo" estavam errados! Meu deus! Que descaso.

literally king of the incels

>Mommy, I want the new Avengers lego set!
Everyone in the store watches the woman, with her apparent son, a 30 year old man.
>Mommy I ate all my vegetables! I want my avengers set now!
>You forgot to clean your room sweetie. No more legos for you.
An old couple watches as the man grabs an entire case of onions and puts in it the grocery basket.
>user, we already bought a case yesterday..
>I finished that one! You know I need to keep up my protein! Look at my gains.
Some teenagers laugh out loud as he tries to flex on his mom.
OP runs out of the store crying, and waits at mommy's car to go home.

he probably doesn't actually care, but it gets clicks from autists and that pays the bills.

Give me Jeremy's opinion over yours any day, OP.

Nah. Thequartering was a ganergate and comicsgate faggot. He 100% unironically cares.

oh, how sad.

Fuck emcels 2bh

Attached: 1555956575499.png (1500x1000, 3.15M)

His wife must be so mad!

Also no.
Yeah I doubt this too.

>defending someone that gets mad because woman and minorities exist

>ganergate and comicsgate faggot
so he's a good guy?

cry more reddit fag


at least you didn't post his ugly fuckin mug this time, i call that an improvement over your other shitposting you literal faggot


Not sure who I dislike more, brie or this quartering guy.

Why not both?

>Recommended for you

>be on /tg/
>threads about jeremy

>be on Yea Forums
>threads about jeremy

Baseado postadorhue.

seething, better make sure your open wound doesnt close instead of shitposting here

his insider guy told him that Disney is engaged in buying billions of its own tickets
it's the truth I swear

TheQuartering is a Russian agent of influence.

Interesting that he'd be focusing on the Briespiracies lol.

Reminder that scandal baiting about Brie is this election cycle's attempt at recreating the cult that arose out of gamergate.

Keep shilling Ivan.

Attached: Russian-Social-Media-Capabilities.png (837x634, 627K)

>the quarterincel


Bow before a true master.

Attached: 1552397438267.jpg (1408x2048, 925K)

>THIS is the guy calling you people incels and telling you to have sex on Yea Forums

Attached: 42B13313-CD15-4600-94C5-11461F72E1A3.png (769x755, 406K)

unironically Russians. The IRA controls this board. The fact that you're not up to speed and still refusing to come to terms with this suggests that you're likely primarily consuming Russian messaging strategy. You're being abused by people that hate you and want you to kill yourself.

Attached: literally russian propaganda.png (1726x742, 484K)

Based Russians helping us all along

Attached: ff8b1085b4feecafe9a3a2586b46a8d8.jpg (439x587, 62K)

Imagine screencapping this and thinking the post was actually unironic.
Feminists are so fucking stupid goddamn

Prove it basedcel :^)

Attached: 1554709059137.png (350x350, 55K)

>source: "think"-tanks that exist solely to provide the appearance of unbiased legitimacy to partisan narratives
>Wow, it has "center" and "policy" in its name! And isn't Homeland Security a federal agency? Must be legit!
You're retarded.

I can't believe he is entertaining the idea that the other actors give a fuck that their role in the series is ending. These are onions theories. They don't care, they got paid. Brie larson is just a bitch

This video is so fucking embarrassing. Incels are just seeing shit that isn't there

the goal is to increase the number of suicides, homicides, spree killings, cases of depression, unemployment, disaffection, social anxiety, rapes, terrorist attacks, etc. They're helping you destroy yourself. And you're such a lonely dipshit nigger that you swallow the yogurt uncritically.
There is 5+ years of writing about this. It's not a secret. The only people that don't understand this are you sniveling useful idiot cucks inside the hivemind.

All will be revealed when you shoot yourself in the brain.

Attached: depression memes.png (1907x770, 79K)

Jeremy's no prize himself.


>retard basedboy doesn't understand what banter is
capeshitters are so embarrassing
holy shit

'writing' is nothing. There's >5 years of writing about Flat Earth theory. Give me data, peer reviewed studies with citations, any kind of actual evidence or shut your filthy lying mouth, you worthless subversive subhuman.

Attached: hey rabbi.png (563x571, 453K)

This guy makes lefties seethe for some reason I never heard of him before they started crying about him on various boards daily

He doesn’t like someone who is hateful and antagonistic, but because that someone is a woman he is literally incel Hitler or whatever.

>If I use cuck and nigger they'll think I am one of them!
If they want people to kill themselves they should just make more trannies.
Also aren't you that schizo that had a meltdown in a Disney Wars thread a few weeks back?

>the face of inceldom

Attached: 1534290919617.jpg (1400x1400, 281K)

>the quarterpoundering

Don't care long as he attacks the right """"people""""

Attached: kindle.jpg (3024x4032, 1.28M)

>look at ALL this cope
You're being abused my nigger shill friend. The people you trust do not care about you. They do not have your best interests at heart. They are happy to see you kill yourself for them. Keep going,
>source: "think"-tanks
literally every single thing you think to talk about or say is coming from think tanks. Billions of dollars are being spend to train you. You wouldn't have ever said söyboy so heartily over the past few years if Trump hadn't tanked the basedbean industry with his tariffs, for instance. That came straight out of a "think" tank.
> that exist solely to provide the appearance of unbiased legitimacy to partisan narratives
again literally just projecting about your daddy.
>You're retarded.
You're being abused my dude. You're a shill for bad people. You're being trained to be a reactionary miserable nigger for Exxon and health insurance industries and arms dealers and literally fucking Russia and all these bad actor agencies that DO NOT care about you AT ALL. They are happy to see your life get worse because that just makes you more likely to radicalize out for them.

Just kill yourself retard. Get it over with.

>there are people on Yea Forums right now who don’t hate subhumans
Cringe af

Soiboi predates Trump. Easy to prove by looking at Yea Forums archives


Why are there so many cucks and shills hating on this guy? He mostly agrees with Yea Forums‘s consensus on her.

>That beard
I scream

>'writing' is nothing.
We're talking about academic, journalistic, diplomatic, internal memos, everything. The Russian active measures war is not up for debate. It started in 2014 after the west sanctioned Russia over Crimea over Euromaidan.
>There's >5 years of writing about Flat Earth theory.
Yep. Russian active measures. Bastardized translation of "anti-globalism" messaging strategy that similarly works just to train idiots to believe psychotic shit.
>Give me data, peer reviewed studies with citations,
nah dude just kill yourself I don't care about you AT ALL. Such a degenerate consumer. This is why you're going to die alone. This is why you're such an easy target.
>you worthless subversive subhuman.
prove you're even an English speaker you actual shill.

Prove you're not literally posting from St Petersburg right now LMAO.

Attached: active measures cause and effect.png (2024x1230, 175K)

see You need different medication.
What you are on is not working.

Holy...he looks so handsome.

your avarage pedo, lads and gents.

I'm not one of you. You're a degenerate newfaggot invader from reddit and you should actually kill yourself. I don't like you at all. You're cancer. You're unironic cultists for a malignant oligarchy that is destroying your sense of self.

You're actually fucked. You'll never get better now. You can't uncorrupt someone.

>If they want people to kill themselves they should just make more trannies.
Well that is Russian messaging strategy. They are boosting and promoting every instance of degeneracy on the internet to trigger niggers like you. The people saying "discord tranny" are Russians and their useful idiots. It's messaging strategy for you to radicalize against.

Attached: how russian active measuresworks.jpg (720x1440, 434K)

So what you're saying is, Russians want me to kill myself by doing some esoteric bullshit you can't post the proof of, yet I should trust you who is actively and literally telling me to kill myself when I ask for basic information?

Sounds legit.

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im anti-sjw but thequartering is just as bad

>Yea Forums‘s consensus

lmao what a faggot you are

Okay, Mr. regular poster who didn't just get here to concern shill

I don’t even know who thequartering faggot is but these faggots who unironically defend Brie Larson and unironically use the term “incel” make me wanna puke.
PLEASE go back to r/feminism.

this schizo again. do you actually type all this stuff out each time?

He’s /ourguy/, the blatant leftist shills trying to turn this board against him is laughable.

Can you link that thing in your screencap? Looks like something I could learn from.

Attached: Beyond It's OK to Be White.png (672x686, 141K)


no shit it predates trump. You don't need to create new words to create newspeak. You just start pushing it and defining it and setting it up as THE word The Other for awhile. Now they're focusing more on tranny.

Just spam it in threads and turn it into the thing everyone says. Look at that spike in 2017. That was thanks to "think" tanks deciding to push it as messaging strategy to keep kids distracted and even happy to see Trump nuke the basedbean industry.

Attached: soyboy depression memes sjw.png (1728x1244, 206K)

>butthurt incels obsessed over a potato skull random celeb bitch calling a married guy an incel
He may look retarded but even so he managed to put a ring on someone unlike you stinkcheese fanatics.

Attached: 1323018960881.jpg (300x360, 77K)

This is Info Wars except with mental illness instead of water filter salesmen.

how many videos has this guy made about her? severe autism

As many as drive him clicks from butthurt SJW incels and Disney Defense Corps.

t. leftypol cuckold

yikes, back to r*ddit

>You just start pushing it and defining it and setting it up as THE word The Other for awhile.
>Just spam it in threads and turn it into the thing everyone says. Look at that spike in 2018. That was thanks to "think" tanks deciding to push it as messaging strategy to keep kids distracted
This but about the term “incel” which I guarantee you have no problem with and even use.

Right. Because literally everything is pushed by think tanks. Based retard.

Attached: 1556196426487.jpg (801x876, 244K)


Jeremy Reiner sits quietly while Brie answers a question

>Holy SHit THat WAS BRUTAL!!!!!

At least TheQuartering is redpilling normies on SJW agendas in media, he’s a good guy overall.

Info Wars is Russian. The supplements are a money laundering scam. Alex Jones has always been a shill for whoever is giving him money, and Russia's been doing that for a decade.

Keep clucking little cuck.

I dislike him, but he's signalling the right shit and probably helps people drift in the Right direction.

Attached: White Anger-1.png (500x561, 241K)

So Darnell Tremp and Russian think-tanks crashed the soibean industry, created memes, made us hate trannies and Disney movies - because they want us to kill ourselves?
Kek, you're sleeps-in-a-subway-station-and-mumbles-to-masturbates-tier.

The only thing more cringey than Larson's negative charisma, is her army of emasculated thirsty fan boys than defend her and her cunty attitude as if she was the second coming if Christ

Imagine unironically having this on your list of priorities.


Go put your tinfoil hat on before the Russians hack your brain waves

Imagine unironically not caring about people who openly state they want you to have less power.

>This but about the term “incel”
yeah it started with Eliot Rodgers. Was being boosted as a meme cult BY RUSSIA for years when Alek Minassian made global news for his "incel" van killings in Canada.

This is ALSO Russian active measures. It trains rootless white males and virgins to think of your virginity as celibacy, while also blaming everyone else for it. It's a FANTASTIC radicalization strategy.
>which I guarantee you have no problem with and even use.
reflexive appeals to hypocrisy is ALSO something you're taught by Russian messaging strategy. It's famously Russian.

And like all of these newspeak terms have an expiration date. They're used lowkey to radicalize kids and don't become commonly known until it explodes into popular culture, and then once normies know about it you start getting mocked for it.

Like look at that cuck spike in april 2017. That was the Unite the Right shit. After that cuck became a joke on the people that had been unironically saying it for the past 3 years.

Attached: cuck incel sjw .png (1672x1264, 156K)

And what are your thoughts on the much more common occurrence of people using incel as a pejorative to shut their male opponents down and to shame them?

>Alliance for Securing Democracy
Next proceed to cite the Fringe Insurgency pdf released by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, about how alt-right trolls are using Discord to distribute "spicy memes" to secure the German election

>Avengers Cast Savagely Roast Brie Larson & Her Lies About Doing Her Own Stunts
Except they absolutely don't. Fucking clickbait garbage video.

I don't care about Brie, but I also don't spend any time thinking about her. To have a youtube channel and constantly complain about everything is fucking pathetic. One second into the video as he vigorously rubbed his hands together and had that fucking gay smile from ear-to-ear and shouted "oh!" like he was about to cum, I wanted him to die instantly. What an annoying faggot.

>He's back

>It's unarguable
>You aren't worth replying to
>Educate yourself
>Kill yourself
>Prove to me you aren't Russian

Based schizoposter

Attached: 1535492489712-ck.jpg (312x560, 56K)

>And what are your thoughts on the much more common occurrence of people using incel as a pejorative
it's the same thing that happened with cuck. Fucking retards unironically personally attach themselves to these fucking cringey words, and then when everyone starts to catch onto it they start getting mocked about it.

Like there's no such thing as an "incel." Celibacy is a choice. It's a knowing vow. You can't be "involuntarily" celibate. So if you self-identify as this, you're setting yourself up for fucking mockery by EVERYONE ELSE. It's a goddamn cringey, embarrassing thing to unironically think about yourself.

And more to the point, THE GOAL IS TO AGITATE YOU. Encouraging people to make fun of your sexual insecurities is fantastic. Half the time they're fucking the ones doing it. You don't need to know English to type Have Sex.
>o shut their male opponents down and to shame them?
A: This isn't some female-on-male thing. It's fucking retarded. You're building your whole worldview around sex, which you're not even fucking having! Malignantly projecting your sexual angst at everyone else is fucking gay and cancerous.
B: If you don't believe that you're "involuntarily celibate" you don't feel shamed by being called that. You can't control what other people do. You can only control yourself. Reacting to people hurting your feelings about your virginity is what suicide bombers are doing when they push the button. The people you trust are the ones causing you shame. They're the ones keeping you from happiness.

Just be best!

Attached: feminazi propaganda.jpg (880x4276, 1.13M)

You sound retarded but you put so much effort into these posts I can’t hate you, you’re too much fun. Keep being you, based schizo retard.

alt-right trolls are using discord. Russian shills and useful idiots are using discord.

That's the whole purpose of the "discord tranny invasion" messaging strategy. They're telling (You) that there's a lot of shit happening on discord. They're projecting what they know about themselves at The Other.

Like Gamergate was designed around organizing and radicalizing virginal media addicts against girls and spooky black people. Discord has been a HUGE platform to that end. Every PC gamer is already using that shit to start with. And they're the ones circlejerking themselves into oblivion.

Meme warfare is real as fuck. It's literally how people are starting to think. Pictures of boogiemen, pictures of "stats," pictures of talking points, pictures of messaging strategy, etc. Nobody is fucking reading shit. If you can get a few seconds of The Enemy saying something that can agitate your true believers, that'll keep them occupied for a week.

Attached: active measures.jpg (663x960, 78K)

>using virgin as a way to shame those for their opinions
Hello R*ssian troll

brie larson is a charisma vacuum. it's insane to plaster her in the press junkets - she's terrible in the film and there's 10 years worth of great actors to choose from.

Russians aren't trying to turn my kids into trannies also trannies are more likely to collapse the economy with another AIDS epidemic than Russians are with shitposts.

So if you really asking me to choose the lesser of two evils you aren't going to like the answer.....

Nice reddit spacing, mentally ill inbred fuck

holy shit the fucking russians?!?!? Woh I never knew I was russian~

You really need to start collecting your checks from the ISD and OSF for all this posting, not even Shareblue worked this hard under Brock

Unless of course you're doing it for free, which if I were you, I would strongly recommend against, тoвapищ

Attached: f3f41085eecdba3ef96e7bdfc42ab34fb04bad058feca6a2abad9cbb9478b8af-pol.jpg (780x636, 54K)

Unironically using 'The Other'

Hi Marxist scum

That's how you're being psychologically profiled my dude. Everything you consume is based around manipulating your feelings about sex.

That's why "cuck" became the big word in 2014. Firstly, it's got racial undertones with BLACKED. Then it's the one thing a virgin can't be. You can't be a cuck if you've never fucked! So now you're already starting to be sorted into a cult that is obsessed with your own virginity as the best way to protect yourself from being the bad newspeak thing (cuck).

Plus there's all the immigration fears, the "we're raising a generation of kids that look different from us" aspect of the term cuck. This is something that is EXTREMELY affecting to someone that is concerned that they'll never have their own kids. Just start worrying about everyone else's.

And then "incel" was just a perfect extension of and radicalization of the gamergate anti-cuck cult. Now you're not just NOT a cuck, you're a fucking celibate social justice warrior. Society is the reason you're alone all the time! Not the people using your media addiction to manipulate you!

And then tranny is just classic fascism control. If you're not a scream incel you must be a tranny! It's all just about sex and gender and gross feelings that people have about themselves, being internalized and projected and reacted against.

Attached: gateway to compliance.jpg (3660x2773, 373K)

You can't feed if you've never been sneed

Go back to leftypol and r/chapotraphouse

If that’s all true, than why are you using “virgin” as a pejorative? Are you a part of this Russian divide and conquer campaign?

The Other is a sociological term that comes from Edmund Husserl, who lived before the two world wars.

It's really boring and uninteresting how you reduce everything to your boogeyman.

Almost all existing evidence points towards psychological profiling not working at all.

It's really boring and uninteresting how you reduce everything to a Russian conspiracy.

Attached: 1532905637526.jpg (1080x1318, 207K)

Literally a sociopath


>Russians aren't trying to turn my kids into trannies
they literally are. They are boosting and propping up every big tranny faggot out there and filling your life experience with it because it increases the likelihood of it corrupting "reactionary" niggers like you. Get all these horny angry virgins hate baiting to tranny porn and now they feel guilty and are even more in your pocket.
> also trannies are more likely to collapse the economy
nope there's like 3000 tranny surgeries a year, in a country with 300,000,000+ people. They literally mean nothing. They're just a good boogieman for useful idiots to endlessly react to.
>with another AIDS epidemic
they're getting rid of their ability to spread AIDS by cutting off their dick lol.
>than Russians are with shitposts.
not shitposts it's literally everything you think about. Bet you weren't going goddamn nuts about trannies a few years ago. BUT NOW THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!
>So if you really asking me to choose the lesser of two evils
You're choosing to support the cause of your problems. You're using the existence of .0001% of the population of people that you feel weird about jerking off to, to justify being a nigger shill for people that want you to die.




>projecting this hard

You already know this, but people are mad because women and minorities are acting like turds and are being defended for it.
Stay seething, prog-zombie libcuck.

What a terrible post. How embarrassing for you.

Yeah, but Yea Forums is now full of unironic obese SJW pink-haired Tumblr-tards, so being correct now makes you wrong.

I can't name a single thing Quartering did that was wrong, or even annoying. Brie, conversely, runs a pretty long list.
Why on earth is there any question?

I don't. I'm not even the person you were talking to. I just felt to need to correct your... wait a second, how does that even make sense. you cannot possibly be that retarded... you just called someone a Marxist and then you say that HE is reducing things to a Russian conspiracy? Not you? But you are literally talking about Marx, and I suppose communism, by extension?


Attached: marx_statue_273105.jpg (379x500, 23K)

>Actually defending Quarterpounder


>everyone from a Norse diety to somene who knows karate and has a handgun were treated as equals

>Brie Larson comes in

>suddenly unequal because of GIRL POWER

They have a right to hate her. She destroyed the chemistry and balance with her and Disney's SJW bullshit.

>Still pushing the Russia Conspiracy.

It's fucking over, dude.
If you legitimately believe this shit and aren't just pushing it disingenuously to further an anti-Right/Conservative/Trump narrative like most Democrats did, you're literally just delusional.

kinda makes me feel sorry for her
>then I hear her speak
fucking bitch

The one who is acting like a turd is you.

inb4 "my turndieness is only a reaction to their turdiness" (which is the same thing they say)

(Reminder to everyone that these are the people who argue over which one of them is a "master race".)

No sir, it is in fact YOU who is the retarded one.

Attached: 57608906_404394320145011_7702349784618631168_n.jpg (776x776, 98K)

>they literally are.
They literally aren't.
The reason you have trannies as a culture is because you dumb western whitecucks have inherited a culture of guilt from the Cucktholic Church's teachings and you've started self-destructing from it, in addition to your Cucktholic Church not allowing priests to marry women like normal people and instead being pushed into boy fucking which is so widespread you have trannies coming out as a result.
The Orthodox Church looks unfavorably upon guilt, self-flagellation, and priests fucking boys and not being married. The only time a priest vows celibacy is when a handful are elected into higher cleric positions which is at an age when their balls are already shriveled and they are allowed to enter married.
Basically all the Russian Boogeyman shit you spew is actually the result of your own inherent weakness and the faggot Cucktholic traditions.

Attached: Zaarin2.jpg (448x406, 52K)

He's married

Imagine being so delusional that you think Gamergate was a giant Russian conspiracy to destroy America and not a scandal in the gaming/business/journalism world that everyone pointed and laughed at and pointed and laughed at harder when they tried to censor/shame people for laughing at them.

Actually the term 'master race' is used extremely rarely anywhere on this website, even /pol/. People who use it tend to be outsiders unfamiliar with modern right-wing thought.

>TheQuartering is a Russian agent of influence.

Do you have literally ANY evidence of this?
Any at all?

>you're literally delusional for believing in a provable fact of russian dis-info campaigns

>nope there's like 3000 tranny surgeries a year, in a country with 300,000,000+ people. They literally mean nothing. They're just a good boogieman for useful idiots to endlessly react to.

Found the tranny.


>nope there's like 3000 tranny surgeries a year, in a country with 300,000,000+ people. They literally mean nothing. They're just a good boogieman for useful idiots to endlessly react to.
This but about incels.

What's the new word they use for it?

I'll humor you and for the sake of argument assume that the destitute Russian government is somehow the mastermind behind all of your political oppositions' opinions. It doesn't change the fact that at least one half of America's political parties supports open borders/ethnic replacement of whites, tranny/faggot promotion, erosion of natural rights like free speech and the right to bare arms, etc. Are the Russians manipulating them too? I noticed you haven't taken a firm position on anything, probably because your objectives would become obvious.

incels are not really a boogeyman

Yes, they literally fucking are.

Attached: EF5C3E4B-ECA3-4DD6-8811-E42FCFA569D1.jpg (750x587, 310K)

For what?

Attached: Russia Obsession Trump Derangement Syndrome Cartoon Ben Garrison.png (474x422, 323K)

Toilet - bowl complexion, or alternatively 56%ers

"beautiful" "strong"

>Info Wars is Russian.

Is literally ANYTHING not Russian, according to you?
Anything at all?

What does this single cropped post from an anonymous Internet imageboard state?

I'm not sure I wanted to find out that you don't actually know what the word "boogeyman" means.

Imagine not caring about people openly pushing agendas that seek to destroy you.

>They literally aren't.
no they are.
>The reason you have trannies as a culture is because you dumb western whitecucks have inherited a culture of guilt from the Cucktholic Church's teachings and you've started self-destructing from it, in addition to your Cucktholic Church not allowing priests to marry women like normal people and instead being pushed into boy fucking which is so widespread you have trannies coming out as a result.
nope. there's just always been about 10% of the population that is some kind of unfuckable weirdo. There's always been trannies. Before Catholics and before the modern era trannies were more common. Look at all the crossdressing nazis lol.
>Basically all the Russian Boogeyman shit you spew is actually the result of your own inherent weakness and the faggot Cucktholic traditions.
nope it's just an active measures war. Russia invaded Ukraine after Ukraine overthrew their puppet, Russia got sanctioned, Russia turned the IRA focus on targeting English language and EU countries with shit designed to subvert their democratic processes so they'd break up and Russia would be able to reclaim it's satellites without all the hassle.

Lefty Incels are very much a problem. While Republicans force people into marriages and having families, Democraps are all incel losers who can't keep a single stable relationship and who are proud of being childless and worthless.
There's no worse thing than Inceldom which is culturally embraced by a political spectrum, and that spectrum is the Leftcuck spectrum.
Bring up social media and 90% of the people you see whining about not being able to find a partner are SJW soicucks, feminists, and lefty failures in both appearance and posting history, especially fat white landwhale women who are for the most part feminist leftywhales.

Attached: 1322252239586.gif (295x216, 1.99M)

This is what Russians actually want you to unironically believe.

>Obama ordered the FBI to destroy incriminating Hillary emails, spy on the Trump campaign, undox Trump campaign officials, and try to rig the elections in at least two states. He also told illegals to go ahead and vote.

>Hillary paid goons to assault and harass Trump supporters

>Social media networks colluded to restrict and even ban republicans during the 2016 election

>at least a dozen nations illegally contributed to the Hillary campaign

>Mexico worked with the Soros front Catholic Charities to import as many illegals into Texas and other border states, and register them to vote.

>Microsoft was caught rigging voting machines during the republican primaries to try to install Ted Cruz as the republican candidate

>whoever rigged the voting machines in the general election to count straight-ticket republican votes for democrats is still unknown

>CNN colluded with the DNC to rig the debates


Attached: 40095.jpg (1000x667, 144K)

That you faggots think incels are everywhere and also the root of all problems, i.e a boogeyman. Literally the left’s version of “tranny.” Curious you won’t acknowledge that though. Almost like you have a bias.

Attached: F1BCAC79-B8B8-449A-80BC-2FDF8E11419D.jpg (747x760, 196K)

That was quite enjoyable

>Can you give me proof of it?

This is fucking amazing.
You may have legitimate Schizophrenia. Not some kind of meme-insult, but ACTUAL Schizophrenia. This is some Terry A. Davis-level shit.

Boogeyman means a dangerous monster that needs to be fought because it's dangerous. Incel is just an insult that implies a person whose hostility comes from sexual frustration.

like look at how much more business blacked got AFTER everyone started becoming obsessed with not wanting to be cucks. Guarantee it's the same shit happening with all your tranny faggots. I'd bet a good amount of money that you haven't just jerked off to tranny porn before, but that you do it often.

Attached: blacked cuck gamergate flat earth.png (1678x1242, 176K)

>Russia invaded Ukraine
How can Russia invade an imaginary country?
What you are thinking of is Poland and Russia, the two countries all of Ukraine region's territories belong to.

>It's really boring and uninteresting how you reduce everything to your boogeyman.

Hurry up and call people "nazis" for talking about Cultural Marxism.

>being this much of a sociopath
People died, you stupid shit.

It's really a sad thing that you guys keep hating on me. I'm on your team for crying out loud.

>provable fact of russian dis-info campaigns

Can you prove them?
Can you prove that people expressing opinions you don't like on the Internet is a Russian Conspiracy, and not just people expressing opinions you don't like on the Internet?

>that voice

GodDAMN I can HEAR the fact she is a thicc big titty mommy

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Maybe later.

Right, because normies don’t consider incels “dangerous.”

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Keep your dumb cat outside when you record your videos. I hate cat people. Dogs are better.

Sorry bro, Yea Forums and Yea Forums has converted to hardcore feminism

>The one who is acting like a turd is you.

How? Because I say things on the Internet about Brie Larson that upset you?

>unironically citing Kiwifarms

This is about as trustworthy a source as Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Imagine being so delusional that you think Gamergate was a giant Russian conspiracy to destroy America and not a scandal in the gaming/business/journalism world
It was both. It was a fabricated scandal that happened to be PERFECT for the big companies and big reviewer websites. This was right in the middle of the ongoing scandal about games paying for ad space on sites as the sites were giving their shitty games glowing reviews. This was an actual corruption scandal... before it became a meme about how some random indie gamer fucked some random blogger. It was PERFECT for the big companies to have an entire army lashing out at indy game developers and girls.
> that everyone pointed and laughed at and pointed and laughed at harder when they tried to censor/shame people for laughing at them.
yeah you get filtered into kotakuinaction, tumblrinaction, the_donald, etc. All this "pointing and laughing" is known as content aggregation propaganda. It's designed to fill your life experience with the most sensational, offensive assholes on "the other side" so that when you think of "the other side" you only think of the sensational assholes. Basic tier propaganda.

And how cults work is that you get reeled in by the good times! It's just laughing and pointing in 2014 and 5 years later it's le incel army and GAMERS RISE UP and all this embarrassing autism.

Nazi is a strong term that implies some actual beliefs and conviction. I think most people who that term would rather like to think of themselves as Nazis. It's like a power fantasy, you know. just like how most conspiracy theories are subtle power fantasies.

You must be really strong and important if you need to be conspired against, rather than just simple defeated openly, or manipulated without your understanding. You must also be very smart for uncovering the evil conspiracy. See? Power fantasy. An EXCITING story of great darkness versus great light.

>scythe just hangs there in the air
classic communism
"i don't need to think things through, if I want it to work it will work"

People died indeed when the mad Georgian and Communist garbage decided to create the fictional country of Ukraine, which is why everything Commie trash created to fuck up the world should be undone, continuing with Ukraine.

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These are the objective facts, ED goes overboard with hyperbole.

>And how cults work is that you get reeled in by the good times! It's just laughing and pointing in 2014 and 5 years later it's le incel army and GAMERS RISE UP and all this embarrassing autism.

You're literally parroting MSNBC at this point.
Hard to take you seriously when you're trying to accuse some OTHER group of using mind-control propaganda.

If they're shilling for the oligarchy and Russia Dindus then yeah probably. He's literally one though. He'll literally say there's Lizard People stealing your souls but the idea of the Russian active measures war since 2014 is something he refuses to engage with.

And it's not like he hides that he's a shill. He admitted on his first Rogan appearance that he was knowingly shilling Y2K panic for the survivalism industry. Everything he's doing is implicitly in service of the people making him rich. Just muddy the waters and encourage whatabouting to the most extreme conspiracies as long as they're not the actual ones!

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Imagine being this delusional.

"Incels" are literally a boogieman, who only ever existed as a nearly desolate forgotten sub-reddit that Leftists now use as a scapegoat for literally everything.

>Ryan J. Goldberg

Not helping your case бpaть

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lol I love this shill.

So are you actually IRA? And are you actually a janny?

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yeah the shills pushing alt-right agendas and neocon news stories on Yea Forums are really obvious

Alex Jones also never addresses Holocaust revisionism

Damn incel had a huge jump and drop off


>Boogeyman means a dangerous monster that needs to be fought because it's dangerous.

You're a fucking retard.
A "Boogeyman" is literally the opposite. A "Boogeyman" is a NON-THREAT that those in power prop-up, magnify, exacerbate and scapegoat to keep their subjects afraid and conforming, such as Stalin constantly blaming shit that went wrong on Trotsky and his constant sabotage/subversion while Trotsky was literally on the other side of the planet wielding zero power.

What's the have sex meme?
Where did it come from?

That poster is right though.
You faggots are a prostitute nation which is why your ability to elect presidents, when Russia or Poland aren't providing qualified figures as puppets, is either a dumbshit Nazi who was on the genocide list of the Nazis in the past hilariously, or a fucking comedian who is an even bigger joke than Ameriburgers electing Trump. You are a joke Communists invented just to fuck around, a joke which should be disbanded.

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>get asked a question
>don't answer it

OK so you DON'T have an answer?
Just say so next time.

>>lol people don’t consider incels dangerous
>heres an article where they literally call them dangerous
>>s-shut up russian

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You know your country's culture has become a shit hole when the so called foreign shills make more sense than the official media narrative. Of course rather than argue an opinion based on merit you'll instead resort to calling the opposition a shill or manipulated which seems to be the new leftist strategy.

This but even more unironically.

This is unrelated to the topic at hand but I noticed threads being closed instantly and prematurely at least 3 times in the past one month after I make a post that isn't hate-filled but promotes civil communication and seemed to ease tensions between political oppositions.

Hatred is artificially maintained on Yea Forums. It's a psyOP.

>jews control literally everything
>they're making movies put black people in them to trigger me
>it's all a grand conspiracy to cause "white genocide" over the next 3000 years as "white people" are extincted by outbreeding with everyone else.
>they have no real geopolitical goal that can be attained other than just kind of making white people tanner over a long period of time
>this makes sense to me

>Russia got sanctioned and is using social media platforms to encourage western idiots to believe crazy self-destructive shit
>this makes no sense to me

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If only there was a drop off for its usage on here

Are you an actual retard?

Good thing I'm Acscended Master when it comes to shitposting

>These are the objective facts

Source: Your ass.


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That's why they made him king

>cuck and sjw dip at the same time that basedboy and incel first spike

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>muh russia
the 80s called and said they dont want you back, you're too much of a fag

It came from the incel meme.
Retards and SJW's decided that accusing people of being a "virgin" for disagreeing with them was in vogue again. Now Yea Forums and other boards mimic it.

Why are you so convinced Russia is doing this but zero other sources are also doing similar things?

Surprised people still listen to TheQuartering seeing as how Jim was able to BTFO for being the thinned skinned faggot he is.

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nice reddit spacing

keep cucking ivan

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>meanwhile trannies make daily videos of their favorite rentfree youtuber

what do they mean by this

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Jim the incel who had to settle for a 4/10 Asian pussy has no room to talk

>escrevendo anônimos ao invés de anões
Teutāo, por favor...

Nobody cares about your opinions on politics Tatar turd, your only job is to sell your women to all of Europe to rape.

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this is the response to
>getting mad that white people and men exist
reap what you sow

>"incel-calling" started with supreme gentleman
>"being boosted as a meme cult BY RUSSIA for years"
>source: some literally who from Canada

I completely trust the content of this post with 100% sincerity

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they are both huge faggots, jim just rails insults until one hits

neither of these is how you want to end up in your 30s-40s

Jeremy hasn't shown his "wife" or this "successful business" either. Instead he has his manchild Funko Pops behind him and "le epic gamer" gear behind him.

>WALL of videogames behind a grown man

And I'm supposed to...RESPECT...his opinion? Lmfao yeah okay bud.

Not only that but mere days after bragging about his wide fortune he was begging for legal fees for the 'vicious attack' upon him.

He's more qualified than you tranny.

Attached: Jeremy-Hambly1.png (750x400, 514K)

He is ugly as fuck, has at least a 30% bodyfat percentage and has almost no charisma, what little he does he expends on youtube complaining about women in his childish superhero movies

you do the math

for one thing Russia has a long history of active measures. They did the exact same thing in America during the Vietnam war. They propped up hippies and black panthers and radical feminists, while also propping up neo nazis and kkk groups. They've been using these tactics on their neighbors for 100+ years. It's one of their best assets. They realized that nuclear and traditional warfare is essentially impossible so they invested heavily in active measures 50 years ago. Then again in 80s when they started recruiting businessmen and conservatives. Then Putin thought that America was using social media to turn the Russians against him in 2012 and created the IRA. IRA focused on Ukraine through Q2 2014 and then shifted focus to the west after Russia got fucked sideways by western sanctions and Saudis shorting the price of oil.

And everyone spies and tries to influence people. But Russia is at war. It's a big difference. Russia's globaleconomic goals are dependent on the west collapsing. China needs the west to thrive for at least another 100 years. Their economy and future is symbiotically dependent on ours. Same with Israel. Same with all the go-to boogiemen. They need us alive. Russia needs us dead.

have sex lol

sure user said no room to talk, they are both cringy

jim has 15 year olds getting giddy and egging him on like hyperactive edge lords

Jeremy has a fan base of incels who are upset about card games no person in their age range gives a shit about

This guy is also a massive faggot lmao

>that unkempt beard

bruh out here lookin like sum kyna fuckkin homeless ass

>source: some literally who from Canada
It became popularly known when that literally who ran over a bunch of people in Canada and self-identified himself as an "incel." That's what caused that big spike.

learn to read dingdong

It's so cute when the tranny tries to copy /pol/'s tinfoil theory rants but the result is just the same shit we have been hearing on every major western news outlet for the past 2+ years.

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>guy uses his hobby to create a background for his videos

Sounds like you're a joyless roastie that needs to calm down.

>they have no real geopolitical goal that can be attained other than just kind of making white people tanner over a long period of time

This is literally me.

Maddox here, there is literally NOTHING wrong with being an actual cuck. Learn words.

lmao so this is the kind of stuff you guys look at



yeah this isn't some radical conspiracy m8 it's just what is happening. It's history.

fuck she looks rough. Also needs blue eyes at the very least.

Grow up, have sex, wipe yourself off, hit the showers

Just like how the Muller report is supposedly the end off for the impeachment of the big bad orange man...oh wait.

The whole media has been ranting for 2 years about how there are indeniable evidence and I have yet to see anything solid, if anything I see more news about the chinks trying to infiltrate burgerland more than actual espionage news relating to the russians.

is he the alt-right version of quinton reviews?

he's basically Sargon tier when it comes to politics
i.e. a fuck


Stop caring about capeshit.

Stop caring about capeshit """actors"""

Stop caring about superheros.

Stop watching marvel films.

Stop giving disney money.

Stop making endless pointless capeshit threads.

Just fucking stop.

fake news

Meuller report was incredibly damning. People that really expected Republicans to nuke Republicans were stupid.
>The whole media has been ranting for 2 years about how there are indeniable evidence
There 100% is. Read any of the books about Russian Active Measures. Watch the documentary Active Measures if you're not into reading. inb4 attack source.

When you start to find that everyone is saying the same thing OTHER than the people you trust, you might be being abused.
>f anything I see more news about the chinks trying to infiltrate burgerland
yeah you consume oligarchy propaganda that likes whatabouting to chinamen. They are fellow travelers with the Russian oligarchy. They share messaging strategy.

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Have sex


+ Stop talking about normie-tier political topics

Is there a video of just the roasts without this soiboy looking fuck cutting in and doing the soiface every 15 seconds?

The mass media is so fucking retarded, desperate, and mentally bankrupt, that they are now making articles on how Trump could have "POTENTIALLY" colluded with Russians. This is some preschool tier mental gymnastics by the infantile left. Makes me laugh.

Pic related, how effective the RussiaGaters are regarding the Russia shit. Nobody in general society gives a single fuck about Russia, no matter how much they force it with deluded desperation and retardation.
The definition of insanity...

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>Shadilay my fellow kekistans.
>Gaymergate 4.0 will happen if we say we won't rape Jess Phillips

why does he sound like he's 40 but talk like he's 13?

uh, dude have you read the thing? You're just bootlicking at this point...

Quartering is a drama queen faggot . He keeps talking about this “go woke go broke” shit yet all these big companies are doing it for some reason. You think they don’t see a financial incentive in this shit? You’re fucking dumb if you think it’s all an “sjw conspiracy”. They are doing it for attention that idiots like Jeremy are more than happy to give them

okay comrade

There are seriously better Youtubers they could listen to than this guy on that subject.

>everything is Marxism
It's the whole point of Snowball and Emmanuel Goldstein in the Orwell books. It's basic messaging strategy and cult tactics. Best way to keep people shilling against their interests is if they think they're shilling against The Other. As long as they think everything bad is caused by some vague boogieman they'll let you do whatever the fuck you want.

>The mass media is so fucking retarded, desperate, and mentally bankrupt, that they are now making articles on how Trump could have "POTENTIALLY" colluded with Russians.
He unambiguously did. And he unambiguously obstructed justice. Mueller didn't indict him because he didn't want to upset the DOJ guidelines. Just collected the evidence and punted it to congress.

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It's as retarded to write that than saying that infamously enthusiastic Star Wars fan couldn't get married (while he was in fact married).

As long as you are a minor celebrity on YouTube you are assured to get pussy, no matter the cringe.

Both those things don't make sense. It's like both groups are just now realizing they live in a capitalist society and the bullshit that comes with it. But they can't reconcile that fact so they make up retarded conspiracies about the Jews and the Russians.
Do you want to know the real redpill? We live in a country run by greedy businessmen who own all of the media and influence politics because they're the ones with a shit ton of money to do so, and the only reason they do it is so they can make even more fucking money. It's as simple as that.

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How fucking wrong can one poster be jesus fuck

This guy has went the same way as Molymeme in recent months. Pandering to MGTOW/incel crowds while being married w/ kids. Basically anything a woman does is because of some injustice against men.

Incels are a literal demographic the jew created then infiltrated for shekels.

Big yikes.

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>“go woke go broke”
Get woke go broke does happen sometimes, but you're right that there are also a lot of companies that have monetized liberal political messages successfully. You just kind of have to know your market and do your research, and then I suppose luck falls into it because it just kind of depends on how people ultimately react, which is what they're going for: engagement and reactions. So in a way, Quartering helps out companies that "get woke" by talking about them and adding fuel to the flames.
It also works on the individual level. Kaepernick got woke and got rich doing so. It elevated his career and name. Hell, TheQuartering is one of those Gamergaters who hated on Anita Sarkeesian, a woman who profited not only off "getting woke" but the engagement created by people like TheQuartering.
Again, not to say it always works, but it is a viable marketing ploy. Funny that the liberal politics that are held by people who largely also happen to be anti-capitalist is being taken from them and sold back to them on the capitalistic market, but this irony is sadly lost on fools who'd rather get mad because a razor told them not to rape women.

>the new leftist strategy

>implying right-wingers didn't start the shill meme