Name a show more beloved by NPCs

name a show more beloved by NPCs
protip: you can't

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S2-S5 is undisputable kino

NPC identified

i dispute it

t. NPCs

Just a Pam looking for her Jim...

never seen a single second of this normie shit

"Looking for the Jim to my Pam" and vice versa is one of the most popular thing to put in Tinder bios.

i have sexual relations with your female progenitor

I think you're right. I've only seen the "hilarious" parkour skit and it was one of the least funny things I've ever seen in my entire life

Game of Thrones

I don't think anybody actually watches The Office anymore. Its pretty much used as an excuse to have something in the background that you can look to every now and then to have a chuckle at.

Family Guy and The Office are also quintessential "I have a girl over so I need something to drown out the noise of us fucking so our parents/roommate/neighbors don't know" background noise.

I never got the people who fawn over Pam, she looks surprisingly average

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Big taytay

why do women love this show?

it really isn't that "hilarious", there's plenty of better scenes

Normies love this show, Parks and Recreations, 30 Rock, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and The Good Place which are all made by the same guy and follow the same formula
It's like the new era of sitcom

Karen is where it's at


fuck niggers

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is insufferable fucking Tina Fey brand garbage.

i used to think i was hipster af for watching it back in the 00s. this is coming from a guy that hates game of thrones and today's other normie shows

Fox News

the office has very few jokes and people tend to say that it is funny because the situations it portrays are funny (i disagree). I prefer pure comedy, the best example is 30 Rock. 30 Rock has actual jokes.

I like The Office, Modern Family, Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 9-9 and I am not a normie. You guys need to take that stick out of your ass.

game of thrones obviously

I prefer funny stories over dumb le random gag humor.

i beg to differ

I make girls watch trailer park boys and they always hate it

>he doesn't fuck exclusively to the first six seasons of Trailer Park Boys

That's a funny image to me.

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Imaging saying normie unironically, pathetic

Normie NPC identified

Boomer detected. 30 Rock is unwatchable

Not watching shows because "normies" like them makes you the "NPC". I find it very ironic how the people spamming the "NPC" meme act like them themselves. Making the same posts and never replying to any criticism.

Hating things solely because they're popular and well-liked is peek NPC behavior

if you've ever watched more than a season of game of thrones you have no grounds to call other people an NPC



I Don't not watch cuz normies watch, I don't watch because I saw episodes and decided it was normie tier garbage and it was confirmed through general observation that NPCs watch this shit. Neck your faggot self

im watching it right now :)

Let me guess, you also say things like "they only pick on you because you're jealous"


Is a vile person like you even capable of understanding humor? Or do you find it all "cringe" and only like your "based" edgy memes?

Imagine imagining scenarios, what a faggy thing to do

I found out about Trailer Park Boys from a girl at a party once.

The whole show was shit.

The Office is evening background noise for this generation.

Who dat?

People don't even point this shit out anymore

Every character is ghastly

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Doctor Who

>Hur dur what I find funny is universally funny
>*Giggles to self when Jim looks at camera*

I'v never seen it but when mike and jay said the same thing, as in, they said they only watch the office on netflix, i knew it....the most normie show of all time. it's this generation seinfeld and friends, so it makes sense people keep rewatching it.

>every other 18-20 y/o girl on Tinder mentions The Office and Friends in their bio
>The Office (2005-2013)
>Friends (1994-2004)
Do they just hear other people rave about shows and bandwagon? Why do they all want me to buy them a day at Disneyland? Why aren't they responsible enough to own their own dogs? Don't they know that P&R was just a ripoff of The Office?

it was funny in 2007 or whatever

The thing is tho. When it first aired. Normies didn't watch it, they actually didn't like it because no laugh track/awkward humour(newish at the time).

It's only once Netflix picked it up and the chicks flocked to it because they like the Jim and Pam story more than the actual funny stuff(micheal). To people who watched it as it aired before season 8. Its certified kino. Mostly season 1-5 but still good until 7

They repeat this show over and over again on foxtel I can't believe how fucking awful it is what is wrong with you cunts honestly.

Michael Scott is a pretty well-written character; normies and tryhard faux-patricians both fail to recognize his complexity.

it really wasn't

>A show set in a fictional wagecuck office that is apparently "fun" when nearly everything on that show would not realistically happen.

America loves sucking that corporate cock doesn't it. Realistically Micheal would have been fired a long time ago and none of the shenanigans would ever happen irl.

It is literally a TV show glorifying being a mundane office worker.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Straight up grade A NPC shit shoveling.

I'm on season 2 now. Dwight is overused.

But Michael is literally me

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it was because parkour was the gimmick of the day

Michaels quotes are pure kino though and actually very clever writing

>Cleaver Writing



Two words:

Hella. Fucking. BAZINGA.

>likes 30 Rock
>calling others plebs

You literally got humour all wrong, jokes are not funny, its all about situations. Thats why stand up comedy is god awful.

Just a Sneed looking for his feed...

Are you retarded? It was very popular the entire time it aired. You have such a skewed perspective I have to assume you're underage

>he doesn't like 30 rock
Fuck off retard. One of the best comedies of all time
It was really popular, thing is it was a hipster show at first. I really don't understand why people say it wasn't popular,

I enjoy it because it embodies a simpler time, you couldn't make the office in this current year


nah, by definition popular things appeal to the lowest common denominator, that's how they get popular. This makes those things mediocre by definition. It's simple math.

If you had a normal distribution of people that liked stuff, a popular thing would take up more of that normal distribution than an unpopular thing. So in theory unpopular could be very good, or very good, but popular by definition in this case includes that large middle ground

*very good or very bad

My favourite sitcoms:
Malcom in the Middle
The Office US
Am I a NPC?

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nothing wrong with cuck stories to make women feel good about themselves

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>things have to be unpopular to be good
one more retarded posts I've read on Yea Forums

That's how whole point retard

It was fine desu, but not nearly as good as people hype it up to be. It's good background noise if you want a mildly amusing friend simulator

>there are people on Yea Forums that haven't watched the office

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Brooklyn 99 is peak npc

>they call it the office
>not the AMERICAN the office

to be fair a lot of it is lost on you if you've never had a decent job

As a Brit I meet people pretty regularly who say that they prefer the American show to the original. Perfect way to spot an NPC. I can understand Americans preferring it but if you've grown up in Britain and prefer that drab shit then you must be pretty fucking simple.

I'm just a Ferret-Face looking for my Hotlips :(

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First couple seasons of Modern Family are good, but it when downhill. I enjoyed The Middle for much longer.

I'm just a whatever that dude's name was in Irreversible looking for my nippy Monica Bellucci

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Erin is the best thing about the office. She is pure and not for sexuals

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game of thrones
breaking bad
stranger things

Erin is a brother-fucking whore

Things can appeal to more than one of these demographics at a time. Sometimes a thing is popular because it speaks to everyone at once.

>watching TV shows
>"No u the NPC"

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seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm and peep show for me

Ive been seeing this,meme recently, but every woman I know loves tpb. My boomer mom even likes it because she's from south Carolina and half her family is like that.