Wildfire edition
Wildfire edition
Other urls found in this thread:
they're dead, like tony stark
keep doing the god's work, pal.
>like tony stark
Poor family, can't catch a brake
>mfw Rickon and Dickon become the gay emperors of Essos
Reminder that the season trailer shows no clips from episodes 4, 5 or 6 for a reason.
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
They shitposted through the day
And into the night through the frogs that swept through the threads
From sneed to feed and "fuck niggers" again
'Til the board did purge and sage
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
why did she swallow?
i told her to
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
there's not a single "meme" in this thread you idiot
Not today jannie
>final battle of humanity vs the dead
>Bran is warged into the past, being protected by Jaime and Brienne
>white walker stabs Brienne with her own sword, she lays on the ground dying
>cut to young Jaime kneeling, with Aerys Targaryean saying "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave..."
>Jaime kills the WW, and after a brief moment of grief, draws the sword from Brienne, now aflame
>cut to Aerys: "Do you swear to defend the innocent and the helpless, in the name of the Seven?"
>Jaime looks at Oathkeeper, then sees the Night King appearing
>young Jaime: "I swear it"
>Night King stares at Bran, his ultimate target
>Jaime steps in between them, chuckling to himself
>"Do you know what they call me?"
>as Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from past seasons cursing:
>"Kingslayer.. Kingslayer! KINGSLAYER!"
Arthur Dayne made Jamie a knight. Aeris made him a member of the kingsguard. Vows are different.
Night King doesn’t die. He just retreats back north if his army fails and rebuilds again. Why would he die this time?
How the wildings survived north of the wall during the white walkers previous attacks is a bit mysterious.
Only in the books. It works better for the scene if aeris does it, and therefore the show because its not relevant anywhere else.
Syrian Lannister
can someone post the leaks
what if the night king brings back theons dick?
What if Mountain isn't just a mindless zombie, but that Qyburn removed a benign brain tumor putting pressure on his medulla oblongata and limbic system or some shit that was making him so unstable all the time, now he's grateful for his second chance at (un)life and just has a better temperment? How would that change Cleganebowl?
We aren't getting any Cleganebowl
Hound will die in episode 3
> tfw no Slav gf
>The Manlet that rides
>when you get cosplayed by someone with bigger tits
fucking based
>Vary's dies
Will this activate a counter-strike from the Squishers?
The Mountain was just a poorly understood soul who had constant crushing headaches. Without them he could be a poet.
It's so bad, I love it
>there are none, Your Grace
>no one's posted leaks
nice lad, i got sad in the does it for free part
BASED character list:
Robert Baratheon
The Hound
>no Beric
>no Pod
>no Qyburn
>no Cersei
>no Roose
Honestly a shit list. Hound, Gendry, and Theon are all shit.
We see episode 4 when Jon and Dany are at dragonstone.
Looks like she shits from her navel in this picture.
Pod is getting there
Forgot about Beric he is good
Qyburn le science man
Cersei is not based
Roose is alright
imagine slipping your nose between there
thats peak varys right there, hope he actually does something this season
missing Ned and Cersei
He was the victim of a cock joke and had some throwaway lines, what more do you want?
But in all seriousness, this was also peak-Varys. youtube.com
In fact, this was the peak for all of these characters.
Yeah, he'll die in a most pathetic manner.
littlefinger aint dead
>a scene 8 minutes long in which no one dies and there's no dragons flying overhead for us to go WOOAAAAHHHH
God, I truly miss this show when it was good. I miss these long-ass fucking scenes in which almost nothing substantial happened. What is the longest scene in GOT that isn't a battle or whatever?
Reminder that GoT dialogue used to be like this.
> I drink and I know things.
> I really wanted those elephants.
> You want a queen, earn her.
worst part is im 99 percent sure this scene DIDN'T happen in the books, which means it was OC of the show. So basically the showrunners are perfectly capable to have kino scenes without babysitting from the books but they are just lazy
Can someone post the rest of these?
Shit must be very dire if the NK puts Hordor in charge of anything
God the dialogue really used to be so much better
Yes? How do you not realize that by now? There were many improved scenes. Including
Which is one of the best fucking scenes ever.
Hated this scene. In the book he tells the same story but it's left to the reader to decide if it's true or just another made up story
Dabid went and made it explicit by showing that he'd somehow found the exact guy who did it to him
And of course it's never mentioned again
>"The Molester..."
>"My father's bannerman."
I didn't quite get this scene from season 2. Why would Hoster Tully keep a known sex offender as a lord, and how did he end up dead at Harrenhal?
Realistically what Robert said the Dothraki would do in an invasion would be the exact thing the white walker army would do, rather than attack Winterfell.
you can't really sing but that was based
Funny how Joffrey was right.
Doesn't change the fact that the writing and directing was far superior than anything we're getting today. Nobody said S1-4 were without faults.
pure kino. Tywin Lannister was the real king of the seven kingdoms.
Yes can someone please these are so funny
I never considered this could happen, what if Jaime does kill the knight king to Dave bran?
I miss Tywin.
who will sit on the iron throne after it's all over?
In 5-8, besides lacking enough source material, feels like they are always in a hurry, that's why they can't slow down the pace of the dialogues and lead to good conversations. The reunion between Arya and Jon was just...
>you're making me uncomfortable
That smug smile. Funny how Cersei was way more of a bitch when totally powerless.
>this season thus far
>It's the last season
I still don't understand why they made this the last season. Why is there such a rush? Maybe salaries for stars getting out of hand?
Ramsay toots as he pleases!
Azor Hotpie
I really don't think the source material is the problem. They stopped caring. It's clear that D&D were heavily involved before. As much as we shit on them, they're smart Jew fucks and each know a lot about writing. I imagine it went from
>okay let's write this thing and edit a few drafts and then pass it on to george and see if we can get a final version during the readings
>oh, the writing team finished the scripts already? nah, we don't need to have a look at them, just pass them on to the actors
post good scenes from the first 4 seasons
Stark fuckin shits
'member when Tysha was still a thing? 'member when scenes weren't just 30 seconds of quips?
Potentially a change in direction to cover the new audience. The show's popularity exploded after S3 and S4, with all those reaction videos of the RW, Oberyn, etc. so they started to cater to that new audience. Even some of my best friends, who are turbo-normies, started to watch it. I got to explain stuff every Monday to them though...
Can you record this specific part on vocaroo so I can make a choir or something
For example
>And he always does it for free
>Always does it for free
>He always does it for free
>Always does it for free
what happened, bros? :(
tf is this from
fat man couldn't finish one book in 8 years
dialogue get so much funnier every season
i love the migdet and asya
>backstabbed his own brother and burned his daughter alive for some literal bloody whore and her wet dream
If he was anymore based he'd be windex
I miss them.
what's this from?
It's been a hot minute since I read the books, but I remember Euron being a much more dangerous sounding character. He drank that potion that turns your lips an odd colour. He'd seen things no one else had seen. He was basically a weird sorcerer type figure. In the show he's kinda just a guy with a fleet who's a bit crazy but not really.
yeah it sucks doesn't it
they show combined his character with victorian or something
Bobby was simply the greatest
Jeoffrey was right time and time again. just imagine what the world would've looked like if he was living and learning from Tywin himself. by the gods every single BOAR would shit his pants when he hears the Kings name
>we should kill Daeny ASAP
>we shouldn't take the chance that the dragons are just little monsters, they might grow to be large and unstoppable
>we should've a standing army instead of faggot lords with their peasants
Jeoffrey was too smart for the world.
Victarion was a literal cuck.
fucking hell the guy who played Tywin absolutely destroyed this character
Indeed, user.
Remember this?
>i'm going to serve robb's head to sandra at my wedding feast
>>a joke, joffrey did not mean it
>yes i did, i'm going to have it served to sandra at my wedding feast
What an actual chad. And as you said, he was fucking prescient in some ways.
>a knife, perhaps, a good sharp one
>and a bold man to wield it
so good
I think it was obvious that Joffrey would be a smart ruler if only Cersei was able to control his urges
Missing a certain fooking legend from gin alley
the worst thing is that every single "leak" is so damn stupid or cheesy that it could actually happen
Lol these guys are about 7 feet tall.
by now the "leaks" have covered so much ground that no matter what happens, people are gonna be "see, the leaks were true"
Charles dance makes any show he appears on so much better
the more she drank the more she shat
What are /got/'s top 5 memes when all is said and done? For me it's
1. 20 good men
3. you were so beautiful sansa
4. i looked for you on the trident
5. cleganebowl
Bad Poosy have one of these?
very true
>if only Cersei was able to control his urges
or stop being a overly protective mother. she couldn't teach him FUCKALL. Tywin didn't have a great opinion of Jeoffrey
but that could have changed if he saw first hand what this little faggot was able to do.
i bet Jeoffrey had masturbated to the Story of Tywins wins and what he had done to House Tarbeck and Rain.
>i'm going to serve robb's head to sandra at my wedding feast
a bit over the top but quite fitting for this sardistic little shit. no one wouldve dared to question him ever again
those are all reddit memes
good list. though i seem to have missed 4.
Amazing moment wasnt even in the books
Are we just going to ignore the fact that with all of the best military minds on the continent in one place the best stratagem they could come up with to protect the women, children and old people from a army of Necromancers was to lock them in a crypt full of corpses?
20 good men is the only good one there, give your head a wobble
And now it begins.
This a thousand times. Jaime dying and then being killed for good by Jon, and Tyrion thinking Jaime was still alive? It's so stupid I almost believe it. I swear to fuck if Jaime dies in Ep3 I will quit the show. If Arya kills the Night King, I quit the show. If Arya kills Cersei, fuck you HBO you stupid sacks of shit.
I want Euron to coup Cersei and the final battle to be Jon's Forces vs Euron and the Golden Company. Maybe they will give us something with the Dragon Horn or whatever it's called in the books. Kraken vs Rhaegal?
>a good character, perhaps, a loud fat one
>and a bold actor to play him
Are we just going to ignore the fact that with all of the best military minds on the continent in one place none of them bothered to ask bran how the white walkers were defeated in the past?
Damn I feel bad for their career
literally the only good one you posted is 20 good men. everything else is funny if your 14
It's overused at this point. It's like people forgot that other memes existed.
did cleganebowl start the whole -bowl thing? If so then that since it spawned derivatives. otherwise bran seeing E V E R Y T H I N G is my pick
Well, if those necromancers get close enough to use those corpses, they're dead anyways.
How dumb were Davos/Stannis to fall for that wildfire trap?
They weren't dumb at all. They didn't know about wildfire, and even if they did, Stannis is too much of a lad to think that's fair to use in war.
There was just no way to see it coming.
They weren't you daft cunt
The wall was what kept them up North. They have hundreds and hundreds od years worth of corpses and almost a 100 White Walkers from Craster. Daenerys and Jon fucked up by giving the Ice King Viserion. Without the dragon he would probably take a long fokin time to break through
Or the fact that they have not considered the most basic strategy the NK could use, namely walking around Winterfell and ignoring them.
>trusting a guy named Ruse to stay loyal
That's like trusting a guy named Madeoff with your money
No, the wall was made after the long night. The White Walkers were defeated without it.
The Nightking actually made a tactical mistake. If he had waited for winter to come, all the armies would have starved and/or dispersed and walking over the living would have been a cakewalk. But he was too eager to get past the wall, all giddy about his new dragon pet.
Well then probably the Three Eyed fucking Raven defeated him with the help of the Forest Kids. But Bran probably lost half of his fucking brain cells, because he has yet to look into the past to see how they have defeated the WW before.
So it's once again the "Aegon fucks up but everything turns out for the better because he's the main character". Growing pretty tired of it, but honestly, fuck it. It's the last season, I just want to see my boy Bronn get his fucking castle
winter came, though. it snows in KL in the season 7 finale
Attack, attack
the only good thing to come out of the last few years of GOT are the lore animation things that come with the dvds
god i wish she were my sister
That and D&D are sick of this show. They have said that they originally just wanted/expected to adapt the first three books and did not expect the show to become such a big time investment from their part.
god i wish i were her fetus
What else should happen? Everyone is dead or fucked. It's just the Night King and the Mad Queen to beat. Well, maybe they should have one more season of Stark and Targaryen fuckers fighting over the throne. But the throne wil probably be gone
>Adapt the first three books of a beloved fantasy series
>Expect to just be able to fucking end with absolutely no closure to the story
What the fuck
Nowi tends
>Maybe salaries for stars getting out of hand?
Nikolai is getting 1M $ per episode, I imagine all the main cast is getting the same.
nth for Stannis
Azor Theon
they said multiple time they just wanted to adapt the red wedding and that was their milestone, they had no idea the show would gather it's worldwide following and fame, so they just decided to start writting their own fanfic after geroge dropped out of the show and stopped writting the books, if anyone is to blame, its the fat cunt martin who instead of guiding the two twats better just decided to sit his fat ass at home doing fuck all except writting the actual books or helping the show writers, fuck him
>Nikolai is getting 1M $ per episode,
Considering each episode costs $15MM I somehow doubt one character alone is getting almost 10% of the entire budget
Again it's been a while since I read the books or even thought about this series, but the series so far has compressed and excluded events massively. Only having 10 episodes to wrap up the final war seems like they are fast tracking it. The show does work well standalone though which is all that matters I guess. The books can be the full expanded story.
Can't copy from that doc somehow, but it's in the 3rd page, mid section.
>10 episodes
user...we get 6 in the final season
the fuck lmao, don't really know what that doc is exactly but if its legit thats crazy
>gets paid for all 6 eps
I can't believe the episode hasn't been leaked yet, come the fuck on
Yeah, it's legit. The actor was sued (and lost) by his old representation company and has to pay quite a lot. If NCW is getting paid that, Dinklage, Harington, Emilia, etc. are also getting this amount or more for sure.
Azor jaime confirmed
Technically his brother backstabbed him.
>literally 90% of Yea Forums faggots would open their mouths like that to suck off the Goose
>imagine cheating on her with some slav bimbo
I can't believe the manlet got away with it too
is this a /cursed images/ thread?
Was that ever confirmed other than an instagram picture?
am i retarded? it says he only got paid for 4 episodes
does that mean he's dying?
The show works quite alright I agree. And first, it's 6 episodes
Second, it's going to end in a single battle, then Cersei, then who sits on the Iron Throne and an epiloque. These fucking hacks will finish each plotline in a singld episode
There's another 2 episode charge tacked on at the bottom though
He denied it but where did those pictures come from then?
yeah, but there's no way in hell he got paid 1 mil for episode 1
what? require a /quickrundown/ my dude
hell if I know how that shit works
I'd prefer everybody to die anyway, let the nk win
>ywn reenact scenes with her and have her whisper in your ear the bad poosy line knowing how horny it gets you
>haven't heard a single thing from it besides the 2 days it broke
HBO powerful as fuck boy
Some slav bitch said how they had a fling, she also talked a bunch of shit about him to. Saying he had a small dick, was bad at sex, was an alcoholic and was so retarded that whenever you had a conversation with him he would just say "i'm sorry, what were we talking about". And then posted nude pics of him on a bed.
>biting the ear
>And then posted nude pics of him on a bed.
weeeeeeeew man
and no one believes i's him when it's clearly him, beard, hair, face structure, even th nips are an exact match
still cute
My favourite GoT girl
doesn't nikolaj have a tiny dick
he's probably a grower
Post pic, I can't find the whole version anywhere just his head
If it's not him, it's one of those dudes who fake they are famous to bed naive women.
I fully believe that Kit Harington is an autist but otherwise I think the instathot is lying
wasn't Kit pretty trained? or did he just start..? i mean that pic is very convincing
honestly not 100% sure
I want to die man....
>whenever you had a conversation with him he would just say "i'm sorry, what were we talking about"
Reminds me of almost every Emilia interview I've seen. She stumbles over her words and takes little breaks before talking again, like picking up where she left off.
It makes sense now that we found out she had two brain aneurysms
also puts her bad acting into perspective, she's trying her best lads
>unironically listen to a slavic instagramthot
can't blame him, i highly doubt that the conversation was even worth the time man.
made me feel sorry for her, but that's no excuse for her shitty acting, she has slightly improved over the course of the seasons tho
wasn't he in ireland for the whole year pre-wedding? why would he go all the way to belgium just for random pussy, if he wanted to cheat he could have done that anywhere
He's fit, but when lying on your back, pecs tend to look quite small.
oh shit didn't know about that
>bronn the ugliest anglo on the show expirienced this
it's not gfair
i'm fucking done.
>implying men think this way when pussy is involved
even the hairline is on point
idk lads
It's clearly him.
>implying kit harington would send his agent to hit on women instead of doing it himself
>implying kit harington is smart enough to learn how to speak russian
Always laughed at Bronn looking like he was sporting a sneaky boner after that
his arc was always and is still leading to cleganebowl, tf you talking about?
let's not forget his dubious stay in brasil as well, he has probably fucked a shiton of models
This might be an obscure observation but she's really attractive
To compare. He has a mark on his shoulder on those leaked pics, can't see it on the video. I'm leaning on the model having been scammed by a lookalike.
GOT S8E03 1080p AMZN link
>sneaky boner
I would've broke character and tried to fuck her on the spot
His arc is about learning mercy/compassion, both towards others and being able to accept it for himself. Instead they turned him into le "cunt" man xD and are going to make Cleganebowl a violent revenge orgy instead of the fitting conclusion to his character development. Showrunners are brainlet fags who don't know how to write a satisfying story
Flynn is no fool, he waited til after, off-set
That's why you're no longer allowed in public without a handler.
any user care to risk it?
So does anyone actually think Bronn will try to kill the two brothers?
>Ruskie thottie seduced by a fake
>meanwhile Kit is banging the hottest girl on the show
Makes perfect sense they're going to write Star Wars in the future.
you know spots show up right? his face looks exactly the same
He is a man, so he is allowed to be corrupt and greedy. He wants a fucking castle.
that would be retarded but this show is retarded so probably.
It's a very convincing lookalike if it's fake.
you know, rewatching season 3
commander Mormont was a shitbag, that stupid old fuck deserved to die, what type of retard let his men die to keep an incestuos boomer alive? what the fuck did he expect to happen?
It's not on my private Slav tracker, so it's definitely fake.
nah, he's too much of a bro
>>meanwhile Kit is banging the hottest girl on the show
Reminder that he also fucked Emilia and she is still really into him
how fascinating is it that he has stayed consistently good throughout the show? I can't tell if he was minor enough to not get fucked over by D&D or if it was the performance itself.
If only the real smirkfus tits were that nice
>inb4 we spam their twitters with this
He's lucky that he's not ever at the center of a storyline, he's always just a supporting character throwing out funny lines.
GOT S8E03 1080p AMZN link
cheating fuck doesn't deserve rose
>knight king
>meanwhile Kit is banging the hottest girl on the show
but thats not Carice while being preggo
fuck off
>ruin his reputation before the season finale
>npcs become more critical and suddenly see how shit the final season has become
is this how we save got?
I'm no longer leaning on the model being scammed. Good find.
i just hope you guys realize that behind the camera ther is a naked guy pearce holding an advocado juice
HAHAHA of fucking course they are. Jesus Christ I want to kick them both in the teeth
why is she on webcam with Guy Pearce while naked
neck urself
i ain't even mad. these 2 deserve each other. would still appreciate to FUCKING RAIL HER
What do you mean?
because he's the father of their kid?
Lol! I loved it when they made that joke. It’s subtle, but he’s actually looking at poop.
Cos that would be his baby in her.
Blackwater is still absolute kino
oh right
also offered some of the best stannis moments
Based Rose mogging Emilia at every opportunity
i can summerize the last 2 episodes in just one pic man. maybe even the last 2 seasons at that
it's like Dabid & Dabid tried to write with a crossbar instead of a pen
Show died without him
>seth mcfarlane fucked emilia clarke
Now they can travel to other dimensions, I hoped Tony could have saved Robb, Catlyn and Ned
I don’t think it will schtick
can someone who is retarded nough to have twitter actually do this? the fallout would be glorious, just imagine all the blue checkmarks seething over the "Yea Forums trolls"
I tried going on it once i don’t understand anything about it
how, he beat his wive to death when he found out she was preggers
Dumb undersage autist. That whole thing was big just a few months ago, normies know about that and don't give a fuck, there's 3 kind of fans of the show: Men that can't care less about what the actor do, Women who believe Kit=Jon so the pictures are fake and Women who don't care about that becuase it means Kit would fuck them even if he is married. No one gives a fuck about infidelity outside their own relationships
i just want to watch the world burn user...
Where Bronn?
God cares.
>constantly reminded by tyrone that he'll pay double if anyone ever wants him dead
they're gonna subvert our expectations, he'll kill them and become azor ahai