Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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reminder - flopped, sequel never

Blessings in Zalem's name. I'm Zapan, rich privilege white man who run Zalem. I have 90k credits locked away in vault, and need help from Iron City resident to act as my next of kin/beneficiary. Highest confidece and only most trustworthy responses only, please my friend.

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>he's still at it.

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reminder - flipped, sequel whenever

Hello new bread, please be healed by Rosa.

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Rosa is strong but she cannot heal!

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just like you incels and your flop general

I beg to differ.

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Reminder none of you even talk about the movie and the memes are cringe. You belong on a subreddit.

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So he's /ourguy/ right? I could see Alita alongside him.

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>David Cage "games"

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Zapan a rich white man
He dindu nuffin
He not capable of doin nuffin

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hahahahahaha i really really really like this image. Can I save it? Did you make that when you were having sex?

Looks like you struck a nerve. He's absolutely seething.

Shit I lost my Caged Souls meme folder, Ellen Page must have been grateful for David ruining her career so she could come out of the closet

The absolute state of movie critics

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seethe harder

On the plus side, this reviewer appears to have actually watched the film, comments from others strongly suggest that they didn't.

Better save up those dollars for the bluray goy, you need to buy at least 6,000,000 copies in order to get a sequel

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Might have watched the movie, but didn't pay attention
>This film also failed the Bechdel test big time.
Nope, two named women talk to each other about something else than a man.
>Alita exists to defeat the evil genius Zapan who controls Iron City and the upper-class utopia of Zalem.
My sides.

seethe harder. actually a discord would be more comfortable for you fags can I set one up for you?

Attached: Half of you drones don't even name your retarded images.jpg (280x287, 8K)

Feel free, maybe it'll even get rid of the /soc/ guys.

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Okay Jerome

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>tfw the collective incel consciousness names their biggest fear, and it's a black male

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>It's a Discord. Somebody in Hollywood is raiding us.
>There are out of work blue checkmarks behind the keyboards all over the chans. Pretty common after the Disney downsizing.

Imagine being such a cuckold that you'll continue shilling for a company that just fired you.

Oh boy idk how to put it to you, but you couldn't be further from the truth...

You are 100% without a doubt the biggest incel in here atm.

>no u
can we please get back to posting alita?

Would love to

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The bechdel test is retarded and I do not understand why they still care about it. Shit like Sucker Punch and 50 Shdes of Grey pass, it's laughable. Besides, pic.

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>sexist movie can't even pass a basic test

These "creatives" are "independent contractors" typically, so they're always hoping to be hired back on some project, and have almost zero protection against being fired. They're constantly trying to pitch ideas. This is how you get this many failed reboots in so few years. But instead of a good idea, trying to impress an executive through virtue signalling online is a more effective way to get hired on to a project.

I'm phoneposting with an iOS app, all my images get converted to image.jpg

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>it's an user lacks reading comprehension episode

Is there a point to these threads? The movie isn't even out anymore.

It is still out in theaters, both in regular 2D and 3D, and in budget thaters, in several countries.

Huh okay, but what have you got against the meet up guys, I know they pretty much dominate the thread when they're is one, but it's not like there's much new stuff to talk about atm. And it help keep life in these old breads.

And more importantly its wholesome.

also why the fuck you got a iPhone bruh

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I'm literally seeing it at my local cinema in 50 minutes.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so these will stop when the brown people have finished watching it?

Do you think the Alita social media will make a subtle jab at the new Marvel film like they did when Captain Marvel came out?

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>USA, etc.

I love you all

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No i'm just insinuating your payroll ends when the last wave of theaters aren't showing it.

Just found out that some cinema's around me are bringing her back for "senior" screenings around May 9th, thought she was gone forever here in he UK. Shits so far but ima still make it.

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Do you guys have any movie recommendations while I play minecraft? besides alita

A Bridge Too Far

Dark City if you haven't seen it.

Love you too frend, I wish I could be here right now.

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based silent generation

Decided to frame /ourgirl/.

And hopefully :p

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that's so good

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good morning frens

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Morning Satan

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While playing Minecraft? Some shit on youtube.
While devoting your full attention? Too many to list. Tarantino, Matrix, Nolan, and The Rocketeer are some good ones.

Danke, they very smol tho.

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This. This threads should have died weeks ago. There is literally no conversation or OC in them anymore. Its just a bunch of trash being repeated over and over.

>reddit memes

Attached: Alita history x.webm (1280x720, 272K)

Yep. Reddit to the core. Probably made by a MAGApede who splits their time between reddit and /pol/.


holy fuck I could do better in ms paint lmao

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lmao make it better with ms paint lmao

Feels like it's been a few days, Jerome, we were getting worried. These are the slow hours and your bumps are appreciated.

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Jerome has to sleep as well, give him a break

How exactly does that city stay in the sky? wouldn't it need a fuckton of downward thrust to stay up like that? It'd be absolutely deafening to anyone below. I really wish movies would explain or at least think out their Sci-Fi elements first.

>What keeps these general threads going?
>No, something more powerful, tourists from tumblr, reddit and twitter.

its the bottom bit of a huge space elevator hanging down.

Remember when Jerome made that flurry of suicidal posts in the wee hours of the morning and then (You)'d all of them? That was cute.

>"it ain't me" starts playing

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>tumblr tourists
Perhaps you could link us to the massive Alita community on Tumblr?

Its held up by science you utter pleb. Its been explained before many times. I am too lazy to find the picture though.

dude have sex lmao

It gets tiresome coming up with new ways to harass you so I'll repost the same shit ad nauseam like you fags do.

>Jerome's extremely lazy posts

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>Tourist meme comes back the moment Jerome comes back.

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what a handsome marsian general you got there user

It was done in the early ABAG threads. The mods considered doxxing. Posts got pulled and posters were banned. Its all been proven though. Yea Forums doesn't actually take part in these threads. Only tourists whose vacation on Yea Forums is winding down. Won't be long now till these Alita generals fade away forever.

Does anyone have a link to an archive or the review?

Honestly what's the point of these threads? No one says anything new, no one even talks about the movie. It's all aimless posting at no one.
Repeat infinity with literally zero content. It's like reading an AI's perfect interpretation of incel behavior.

That looks like it would be fun as fuck IRL.

>*bzzzz bzzzz*
>*bzzzz bzzzz*
>Battery below 5%

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Yeah, ha-ha.

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It's been 400+ threads already. It's more than enough. I'm sure it'll die soon-

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>posting frog memes
Newfags like you are cancerous. Yea Forums has gone to shit since you arrived on the Alita train in February. Now that the movie is leaving theaters its time for you to move on. I speak for Yea Forums when I say you tourists won't be missed on our board.

>linking to a tumblr is doxing
>Alita is everywhere in tumblr I swear guise

Here it is: archive.is/CzMwk


Pretty much. I've tried to stir the threads into a more productive direction but seems like people here just want to post same old shitty memes and ERP. Well, we all knew it would happen eventually. This is the fate of every general. /ALITA/ is no exception.


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It's been 26 years already. That's more than enough time. I'm sure he'll have sex soon-

Wait!? did the article get taken down? LMAO

desu you reply to bait every single time because there's nothing else to do in these generals. Just make a subreddit and stop resurrecting this dead cringefest.

underrated edit

Someone sell me on seeing this movie please
actual movie reasons, not "it will get you laid"

No, it's still up, but the site is caught by the spam filter.

Well weaboos have zero standards so judging by the amount of generals: the movie is "fine."

It's cool

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In the sea of today's capeshit saturated market. It is a breath of fresh air, and a good one as well.

Honestly check out the BR rip when it release's, its a fun movie even if you dont end up liking it as much as we do. :)

it will get you laid tho

It's an honest and heartfelt cyberpunk movie without a hint of irony. It's a cool and heartwarming film which also genuinely believes in its own coolness. The CGI is top notch and our girl Alita is the most likable and relatable sci fi protagonist in years. The film is tight, with no wasted space, and the world it creates is fleshed out while still leaving room for exploration for the future. Though it's not perfect, it's one of the best films I've seen in a long time.

This. Jerome was right. >Reminder to the lurkers. Yea Forums DOES NOT like this pleb trash
>the cycle is never wrong
>plebs come to Yea Forums to talk about it and spew their optimistic and positive opinions about it
>the patrician regular posters either wait for for the rip or are in the minority
>the plebs leave because they have other boards to shitpost on
>all that's left are the regular Yea Forums posters
>they usually hate it since movies like this tend to be shit

It's foundational cyberpunk, and a fine sci-fi action movie with some very good acting, and no fluff or hidden agendas. It's the best live action manga or anime adaption made so far. Not a 10/10 movie, but it's just 2 hours long and never gets boring. The main problem is that it's too short, or biting over just barely what it can chew.

cyborgs + martial arts
cute protagonist
no agenda, no quibs, movie takes itself serious with no 4th wall breaking or popculture references
actually nice and competent filmed action
great VFX and OST

Meant to attach this. -_-

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god the bar brawl is good

There may be a bit too much "healing" posting, especially at the start at of the threads, but it generally transitions in to discussion, unless shitposters come in to stir stuff up, like this thread did.
The problem is the blu-ray isn't out right now, so it's hard for some anons to discuss specifics about the movie since there isn't a source to point to. It's easy for me since I have the camrip, but then that makes discussion and analysis a bit one sided. I offer the camrip, but some anons refuse to take it because "muh waifu deserves HD" and shit.

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>actually nice and competent filmed action
Forgot to mention this, yes. There's no reliance on tricks like shaky-cam, explosions and blurring to hide shitty action sequences. Rarely have I seen a western made movie where the action scenes are so clear and well planned out.

Yeah seems to go by so quickly in the movie, you kinda forget to appreciate it.

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nah I barely touched the last thread, and from just skimming it there are people talking about crossdressing and thots pining for attention. 90% of these threads are pointless filler, with or without my lazyass shitposting.

appreciated frendos, ill wait for a good rip or rent, whichever I come across first

OK, but it's also out in discount theaters some places now. The Fox-run website has been pretty shit in terms of listing all the screenings.

Don't be a jew, user. Buy several tickets like the rest of us.

Mad Max and the latest Mission Impossible come to mind.
But yeah, Hollywood usually totally fucks up when it comes to hand to hand combat. I watched Mile 22 recently, and they totally fucked up by not using the talent of Iko Uwais correctly. I facepalmed so hard i had red handprints on my face.
It makes me so angry, they had everything to make great action scenes, but they where either fucking lazy or fucking incompetent. (Probably both).

No, I actually agree with you, a lot of the thread is more /soc/ shit, that's why I offer a copy of the movie to heat up discussion, since it's really only a few anons that try to talk about the movie in a deeper sense than just reposting old fan art and OC's. But even with their problems, these threads are leagues better than anything else on Yea Forums right now.

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I don't care if you spent money or not, but wait for a quality rip. Watching it in low quality will decrease your enjoyment.

im an ausfag and every title got dropped once CM arrived,
foxtel should deliver it soon and these Loatian cabbage picklers typically deliver magnets around the same time


Nah, cunts. You’re wrong. Every fucking thread we make fresh OC, talk about the movie, talk about characters, talk about the box office, talk about the Blu-Ray, talk about the potential sequel, and more. You cherry pick a just a few examples of us goofing around or greeting each other and intentionally ignore everything else.

>Watching it in low quality will decrease your enjoyment
I agree with this. Watching it in low rez you miss how tight Alita's perky tits are. That's half the reason to watch the movie so may as well wait for a good rip.

Fuck off, Quebecuck

>Goblina poster

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So what's the best English version of the manga to get?

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The subject matter is my ally, so if i enjoy it ill most likely buy the BR

Kodansha reprints and their digital counterparts.

This really pisses me off, because not only is is wrong in general, but I’m a diehard 4channer and have made a point to never fucking even visit twitter, reddit, or tumblr. Asshole.

Some threads are better than others, but you're right, that's why I said these threads are still better than anything on Yea Forums.

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>tight perky tits
redundant information
you beliefe anybody would build cyborgs with floppy hanging tits?
Wait, don't answer i don't want to be reminded that we live in a clown world.

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There's literally ONE question about the movie in this thread, and then he got berated because it's been asked "too many times." Putting cat ears on an alita pic, and then reposting the same thing 60 times because no one will give you (you)s isn't content. There are more posts ABOUT jerome than there are posts discussing the movie.

Good morning, /ALITA/. Let's all try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens.

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Point in case I'm glad we could have this posted AGAIN for the thousandth time. Can we at least talk about the fucking movie instead of talking about talking about it?

One post out of 300+?? your point exactly?

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Oh. Not so good a morning, /ALITA/?

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No one in the Iron City government or at Zalem thought it would be a good idea to completely remove all evidence of the URM? Or send a team to scuba dive in to the ship to recover anything valuable inside? Nova is obviously immortal and been around for hundreds of years, but just thought it was okay this ship was just sitting here?

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Apparently not... but found out that there are some more screenings near me, to I can stay topped up in between the BR releasing. :))

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some days are better than others but we persevere. remember, for every person shitting up the general there's people like this who are new here and want to share what we love with the film with us. it's worth sticking around for that

>Scrappers have taken some parts for metal but it's hard to sell a lot of the stuff because no one knows what it does
In universe explanation there user. As for Nova, he has eyes all over Iron City but that doesn't mean he knows/cares about this defunct ship. Until Alita herself came along no one could use the tech. Also having a mythic enemy which you defeated helps enforce factory law since it seems justified against this terrible enemy.

Idk maybe Nova thought there was no point as it dosen't look like the URM are returning anytime soon... And he would have to gather quite a few peeps that would be able to keep those secrets or that he could "dispose of" afterwards.

novas a hack

Yeah it's all worth it so shills can convince someone to watch a free movie. Be healed, wholesome :)

I think leaving the URM ship there undisturbed actually acts as a suppressive force Zalem can use to keep the citizens of Iron City scared and submissive. If the mystery of the ship is intact, the URM can remain a boogieman that keeps Zalem in-control. If Zalem or Nova were to scrap the ship or publicly announce that they disarmed it, say, the URM (just look at the way Tanji says that line) would lose its scariness.

I just want to know what happened on the night of the fall, and what remains of the URM? Did they get their ass fisted so hard they really didn't have the power/strength or the ability to reconsolidae and come back for Zalem. To finish the mission

i don't really understand why you're here. either the thread survives because people bump it, or it doesn't. if you're so sure we're shills, why not just ignore it until we inevitably leave when we stop being paid? perhaps if you stay i could discus these things with you.

i strikes me as a mutually assured destruction type thing. both forces get hit really hard, but zalem has the production base to survive and rebuild

It's all left so vague in the movie. If any URM still exists on Mars, or if there are any scattered survivors across the Earth, it's left unknown. Iron City/Zalem/[spoiler}Jeru[/spoiler] seems to be at peace, or at least in a long ceasefire.

Can somebody post stills or a webm of the extras who walk behind Alita when she talks to Hugo the first time. Thought there was a bit of a deja vu situation there.

I asked for an archive because its good to deny these clickbait hacks ad revenue. Remember most of the screeching SJW nonsense is published because outrage culture will make it trend.
Also, am I gonna need a support group for this? I've replaced my porn image OCD with Alita OCD so i guess its a positive one.

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>i don't really understand why you're here.
I ask this question every day and everyone just calls me jerome. Be healed, alitaCUTE!

If The Fall is the movie version of the Terraforming Wars, the URM may not have had the resources left after the war ended to rebuild and make a second attack (Hugo says that on the last night of the war the URM committed all their ships to one final attack, so maybe the URM got desperate). The Terraforming Wars were about resources, after all, and the colonists were angry Earth wasn't giving them what they needed to keep expanding.

I guess, but I would of thought that the technarchy on Mars would of came back to avenge the fall.

Maybe they don't see earth as a threat now so see no need for anymore interferance.

I think I know what we can expect to see of Chiren in the sequel. It's perfect.

Spoilers because chance of being true is high.

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>complaining about a single thread when we've had over 400

They can't all be groundbreaking, but they're definitely more quality content-filled than not. And the thread's still young. Why not go ahead and start a topic yourself?

I don't understand why whenever someone makes a post in here complaining that "we never talk about the movie" they don't instead just start a new topic of conversation or ask a question about the movie themselves.

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Gib deathrobot cyber mommy

>complaining about a single thread when we've had over 400
You have a really short attention span if you think this is the only thread. Almost all of the threads are bloated with nonsensical, aimless, pointless, reposts.

comfy wholesome sukku CUTE!!

Maybe, but I hope they leave it a bit ambiguous if it’s really her.

No one in this thread has ever been paid to talk about this movie. No one in this thread has ever promoted this movie for any reason other than because they genuinely liked it, want others to experience it too, and want the film to do well enough to get a sequel so they can watch the continuation of the story, not because they want a company to make money. There have never been any shills in this thread and there never will be.

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oh ok you're not really trying any more now

>buT tHatS wHat A shIlL wOulD SaY

No, you're wrong. And you're just lying.

Listen, if you really hate these threads so much, leave, filter, and hide. No one's stopping you.

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>doing it for free

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No :) be healed by Rosa

>implying I wouldn't proudly do it for free for Alita.

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Oops haha :) I replied to the wrong person, I meant to say "holy reddit"
and you were meant to receive THIS post I'm glad we could get that sorted out. Stay wholesome :)

Just let Jerome talk to himself he'll soon leave and find somewhere else to be sad, butthurt and bitter.

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Tonight will be the last time I see it in theaters, unless a magical re-relase occurs. Last time in my whole country. Might sneak in orange chocolate.

Wholesome :)

Do you not have a family or responsibilities?

Show me your A-LIT-as for #420, Alitans. I want my folder to be full of images by the time its here.

>pic related: mega munchies

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Do you not have sex?

Have fun user. Orange chocolate is a good call

thanks for the free bumps fren. we'll make it to 999 faster if you keep posting

Alita is not for weed!

I really hope you do :) nothing would be more embarrassing.

Big J for a big guy

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>Jerome's new line of attack is pretending to be one of us, disgruntled over the content of /alita/ despite the fact that it's the same as it's ever been
Keep those bumps coming and gimme a (You) while you're at it, boss.

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Alita will be very hungry during 420.

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Wholesome :)

Well desu I think he may as well be an Alitan at this point he MUST spend more time in here than even some of us, LMAO.

but his opinion means literally nothing

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kek nice work anons

you gotta remember that every person in these threads, good or bad make them what they are. we care about even the people who don't care about us.

Don't tell Ido.

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That’s a yes to both, but families can go see movies together.

>4k BluRay releases
>All shot's will look this HD, probably even better.


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You got that one with Hugo and the bong?

I know what you're doing up in your room, Alita. You're not as good at covering up the weed smell as you think you are.

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hahaha very funny :)

i have

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seems like Ido is the only non-smoker.
I guess i can change that.

McTeauge and Marko buzzing a zoot for the home boys.

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What makes you think he doesn't smoke? He just knows what weed smells like.

Does anyone have the gif of young Christoph smoking?

But seriously, the only white, rich guy in the film is Hugo. He could award a reward of 500,000 for Greivish's head.

sad pup :(

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The movie is bad, not awful, but bad. I knew it was going to be that and the only reason I watched it was because I absolutely love the comic books.

Manga-purist! Long time no see, friend.

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If you are a manga-fag what did you not like about it to warrant it as being "bad". It stuck to the source material well considering they had to merge story arcs together also very small amount of bad dialogue.

>I didn't like the movie!

>I thought it was terrible!

>Awful CGI, bad acting.

>But that's just my opinion!

>Just so you know!

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It was “once I get you a million credits”. Hugo has probably given much of it to Vector already. Vector fucked up when he put a number on it, I think. Hugo was too driven and too good at jacking cyborgs for his own good.

yeah i think it's interesting how Vector was really invested in hugo staying but i guess you can't fault dreams.



Ido is a dirty old hippie and i have images to prove it.

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>Told you, that you'd like it Ido!

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we are 16th

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Oh sorry let me post fan stories instead.

With Chiren, Vector never had to promise her Zalem. He could just make it obvious to her that he had good relations with Zalem, and Chiren would gravitate to him. With Hugo, he needed to motivate him with a goal that seemed achievable, but he hoped to hook him on the lifestyle before he reached that number. He clearly thinks Hugo and Chiren are valuable assets, and is loath to lose them. Even if he doesn’t care on a personal level, he cares enough to set his own plans into motion and make a mess of Nova’s plans.

i also want to highlight how fucking good the nova introduction is. seeing both the physically and the financially powerful cower before even the silmulated presence of this man sends a strong message as to his influence unquestionably

This might be an unpopular opinion, but maybe we should stop here. If Alita's Army is pushing this any further we get an ugly backslash. I can already hear the arguments: russian bots etc.
I know people most likely don't bot these rank lists but from the outside it looks like it.

eh it's a random ranking poll for a meaningless site. they're just asking for spam the way they set it up

Yeah, maybe you are right.

finally got around to watching this, thanks for nothing. it was absolutely ordinary.

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Yeah it does give off that kind of look, but I'm sure they are all REAL votes. And just gives testimony to how much Alita Fans enjoyed the movie and want a sequel. And Im sure its going to slowly creep down over time.

But yeah I hear ya.

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the poll never closes
it is pointless

Good morning

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Your loss

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It merged 2 books into one, leading to a lot of rushed storylines. The biggest example was the motorball career which was an entire book, but there it's like an afternoon. I mean she literally has her entire motorball career in-between the overarching hunter-warrior subplot.
Dialogue was... ok when you compare it to capeshit, but it still had plenty of cringe.
And for a movie that tries to rely so much on emotion, so much of the actual hard emotional moments of the books are lost. Do you remember the cyborg that Nova rebuilt (in the books he's called makaku, in the movie it was something like Groishka)? He had always been scorned by everyone and only found pleasure in mistreating others because he literally had never experienced the concept of love and the fact that others got to know it enraged him. When Alita feels sorry for him he professes his love for her right before dying. That was an incredible moment, but in the movie it was just "big bad guy fights underdog hero, then loses".
Hugo's plot was a generic love story. I liked that in the book he only care about getting to Zalem and Alita is completely in second place to that (up until the very second where he dies). Here he sees her and falls in love. Yawn.
Speaking of Nova, I have no idea where they're going with his storyline. In the books he is a fugitive from Zalem who went insane and joined a rebellion against Zalem. In the movie he apparently reigns over Zalem or is at least very important there, but the entire premise of book 3 and 4 relies on Nova NOT being in Zalem.
Overall I couldn't take the movie seriously. You can argue that "you just hate it because it's different", but it really felt inferior. They had some new ideas like the berserker body being in a spaceship, but overall it was a downgrade.

I have no idea what you're talking about, I think the last time I posted on Yea Forums was in 2018.

Who are you quoting? I didn't say any of that.

morning fren

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is this breed of dog a Brussels Griffon?

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You seem focused on the grewishka/mukaku subplot but it's not where the emotional meat of the story is. The relationship which Alita and Ido have in the movie is far more fleshed out and less creepy than the manga equivalent. It just happens that Grew got the short end of the stick when it came to the movie rewrites. There were positive changes too.

>I mean she literally has her entire motorball career in-between the overarching hunter-warrior subplot.
The motorball arc is coming in the sequel. This was just an appetizer.

I thought they did an good job having to cram so much into a relatively short run time, world building ect.. Also Nova could still get kicked out of Zalem in the sequels, and I totally could see jim/rob doing that.

And on the point of Alita's motorball career I'm pretty sure they are setting the 2nd movie up to feature motor ball much more prominently as the actor Cameron said he wanted to be cast for this movie would have to be a decent one as he mentioned that he would play a more important role in future movies to come.

Regarding Hugo, they kinda need something for the general audience to relate to, as I feel if they made Hugo the Zalem obsessive he was in the manga's, that would alienate Hugo for a lot of people. In the End he still dies trying to get there...

I think it’s the generic street Meximutt

Think so, some kind of crossbreed at least.

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Makaku is pretty incredible, but I think he’s too incredible and edgelordy to work verbatim. A baby would die without physical contact and he’d never develop language all alone in the sewers. You can either have a feral speechless animal in the shape of a person, or you could have a manipulative Nietzsche-quoting sadist with henchmen. You can’t have both without it being comically silly. Someone like movie-Grewishka or Gollum, a person who fell into the abyss, is more believable as a character. What I liked about Alita and Makaku in the manga is that Alita is like the angel who sees the unseen, and delivers judgment but also absolution. Crying for your enemy is something that I did hope would make it into the movie - or a sequel.

That said, I like almost all the adaptive changes they did.

>Here he sees her and falls in love. Yawn.
That is such a disservice to the writing they did for him in the film. It was way beyond that and the only reason he hung around her at first was because he thought she came from Zalem.

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also he was briefly assessing her value as parts given the first interaction they had

my aunt has a Brussels Griffon, and this dog is literally the friendliest and most people friendly dog i ever met.
he will wanna be pet all day long.

sounds cute.

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hugo was better in this movie than in the anime movie
i hated him in the anime

>You seem focused
I gave you an example.
>The relationship which Alita and Ido have in the movie is far more fleshed out and less creepy than the manga equivalent.
I agree with being less creepy, as in he doesn't question whether he is into her (that question arises in book 2 I think). But to do that they invented a whole new character and a daughter for Ido. At a certain point you're not adapting, you're telling a new story.
We got protective Ido, but we lost Ido fighting alongside Alita which was cool.
Also the best Ido and Alita moment was lost, if it weren't for this I'd king of agree with you: remember when her body was destroyed and he crawled, bleeding and nearly dead, dragging her torso to phone his friend to come get them and put her in the berserker body? Him saying he understood that the only way to protect her was to allow her to fight? That was beautiful. Instead we got Ido being a curfew dad and she discovering the berserker body in an ancient spaceship which was just lying around and Zalem didn't care about. It was GoT-tier.

>Makaku is pretty incredible, but I think he’s too incredible and edgelordy to work verbatim.
True, he's like a deviantart villain and it wouldn't work for an american movie. I can actually complain about the part where he steals a badass body being lost because they inserted something else sillier and non-cannon which was Nova using telepathy (!) to get Vector (!!) to rebuild Grewishka. It felt like fanfic.

I didn't interpret Hugo as a Jew.

Haven’t been here in like a week cus ban. What’s with this ridonculous OC I couldn’t spot the general easily.

No, this plays up Nova as a sort of genius hacker. Nova and Chiren aren’t that surprised at a telepresense chip, but they are shocked to see him use it to control other people’s bodies. It’s not telepathy, it’s engineering.

Dude Ido has the berserker in his fucking BASEMENT in the manga. Like that's even more arbitrary than having it in an URM ship. I get that you like the manga but you're being intentionally obtuse in your comparisons.
>Using telepathy
It's pretty clearly explained that the chip in people's brains to briefly take control of their motor functions. It's not magic.
>Hugo jewish

Well at the end of the day, the movie cant be solely fan service for the Manga and anime purists.

I think they made a good enjoyable movie for all walks of people including people who have never heard or Alita before, also casting was amazing and they managed to made it without all of the political BS all movies seem to have nowadays.

I think you have to cut the movie some slack it cant be %100 true to the source material.

Just think about Ghost in the shell...

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Whalecum back fren, I would love to tell you but I got no clue. Sure its means something tho.

it means we're getting closer to 420

Post the webm of /ourgirl/ eating the burrito, and then Little Marks walks over at the end

Movie fucking sucked. I prefer my marvel capeshit thanks.

All fair points (and trust me I appreciate the opposing viewpoints), except the telepathy, but for one thing they remove or tone down from the manga, they make just as equally resonant in the film. For Ido saving Alita from Grewishka at the end of that entire sequence, it becomes a nice pay off from his story that was written for earlier in the film, he can finally do what he couldn't and save his daughter from, ironically another, motorball player, and the doll body being destroyed was his way of coming to terms with who Alita is and letting go of the memory of his dead daughter. It was a growing experience for everyone involved. The berserker body being found in the ship, one Hugo bringing her to it strengths her trust of him, and makes a fuck more sense than Ido just having it in his closet, and it world builds the URM, which obviously did not exist in the manga.

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I honestly think it's equally credible. Let's put aside stuff like "why do you care about realism in a show about a space robot", what they accomplished with Ido having the body was a stronger moment than a fucking racially diverse gang of teenage whippersnappers exploring a spaceship and finding one of the greatest weapons ever made.
>It's not magic.
Right, it's telepathy. I'm not saying it's outside of the context of Alita, but it was a silly headcannon.

The thing for me is, if I hadn't read the manga I wouldn't have seen the movie. I simply dislike ebin capeshit.

Just got back from probably the last time ever seeing her in the cinema. Very bittersweet.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm right about this: early on Alita goes all "haiyah", but after Grew kills the dog she gets so angry she just screams, and after getting the berserker body she also just screams, which to me signals she's grown beyond childish interpretations of martial arts.

When Stinger has Alita pinned down during motorball, is that a Hertza Haeon she uses to push herself up from the track and out of his grip? The sound effect makes it feel like more than just a push.

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banned why?

WHAO, Alita isn't capeshit lets just straighten that out.

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Welcome back, Jerome.

What are you gonna do, make angry robot noises at me?

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>Ill do more than that....

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sounds C U T E

>Hertza Haeon
Hertzer Hauen - more accurately; Hertzschlag
I love it when the japs rape our glorious martian language.

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Thanks fren

why japan love germany so much?

>that fucking lardbucket who crosses the frame and denies us nearly a full second of cute Eating Alita

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Meiji Restoration: Japan restructured their society based on the "best" of foreign influences, from countries like Germany and England. The Education system and parliament was based on the German.
Also, many of the best fencing manuals are in German. Those of us who read about historical martial art need to learn a bit of archaic German if we're to understand the source material.
>inbf end him rightly

>I'm in love with the manga yet seemingly don't know motorball doesn't exist until book 3
They adapted book 1 and 2 (Alita birth, Makaku, and Yugo storylines) and some from 3&4 (motorball).
>her entire motorball career
She's just entered the Champion's League, she's won the crowd but has a long way to go to win the game, which they'll presumably adapt in the sequel.
Name some examples that aren't the intentionally cringey speech at the Kansas.
>Makaku in love with Gally
That was honestly one of the most retarded things I've ever read. It comes off as a joke, not a serious emotional moment.
>Hugo love story
It's a lot deeper than it looks at the surface. At first he's just interested in her because he thinks she's from Zalem, he doesn't really fall for her until they kiss. There's also the interpretation that he only quit cyborgjacking because he thinks she can make a ton of money, not because of love.
Valid point. He feels to me like a mix between Nova and Mbadi, which could be great or terrible, only time will tell.
>berserker body in a spaceship
When was the last time you read the manga? It was found in a spaceship, the difference is that Ido found it a bit earlier, instead of Alita finding it.

>Him saying he understood that the only way to protect her was to allow her to fight?
Did you not watch the movie? We get that moment when he puts her in the berserker body.
>telepathy is silly
We have phones, something we didn't have 200 years ago. Is it really such a stretch that we'll have chips that can control us embedded in our brains 600 years in the future?

>totally not an excuse to not animate more of the hardest and most expensive CGI shots: Alita eating.

It's translated from German to Jap and from Jap to English, so that's probably why. Hertza Haeon looks cooler tho.

I have the suspicion its the same reason we love them.
Sometimes differences attract each other.
Japanese culture is exotic and interesting. The phenomenon works both ways.

Here's a cute Alita with sweatpants.

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>Right, it's telepathy.
It's literally hacking into and taking over the body via good old WiFi. He doesn't read the mind over a distance. It's just an extension of radio controlled drones.

Not sure what's with the lion, but Cute gun toting Alita riding on a lion.

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Is 420 the next thread?

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no yes

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>Hertza Haeon
I am not really complaining, i actually find it cute when japanese rape the language, because the end result still sounds like something.

This is beautiful. I'm getting a little sweaty looking at her, if you know what I mean.

And now it's time for a technical lesson by our China media bros.

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Are her eyes organic? If not, why would they turn red?

>and some from 3&4 (motorball).
They did not adapt anything from 3 or 4. Like, name a plot from 3 or 4 in that movie.
>She's just entered the Champion's League, she's won the crowd but has a long way to go to win the game, which they'll presumably adapt in the sequel.
All of this in an afternoon. Sure, I know they said it happened along a few days, but it was literally jammed in-between the main plot, there was no build-up. It took her an entire book just to get to the second league and race against the first league champion, but here she enters the first league in the duration of a bathroom break. It's the best example of shoving a sub-plot inside a major plot that I've seen, it's like the producers remembered "oh right, we have to do the whole roller skates thing, uuuh ok let's see...".
>Name some examples that aren't the intentionally cringey speech at the Kansas.
Every time Yugo opened his mouth. When he says "you're the most beautiful girl in the world" or whatever it was, that was a fair reason to ask for your money back. Or whenever Vector said anything, it's one thing to have an edgy villain, but this was ridiculous.
>Did you not watch the movie? We get that moment when he puts her in the berserker body.
I did see the movie, she puts herself in the body when she's in the spaceship.
>That was honestly one of the most retarded things I've ever read. It comes off as a joke, not a serious emotional moment.
I don't know who Gally is, but if you meant Alita/Yoko then fair enough. I disagree and I explained why he loved her, and I feel like it's a fantastic part of book 1. It definitely had more emotional depth than anything in the movie for me.
>It's a lot deeper than it looks at the surface.
I can say this about anything you criticize.
>telepathy is silly
I never said this. Let's not start the misquotes on purpose.
>When was the last time you read the manga? It was found in a spaceship
Oh yeah you're right.

dude weed lmao

>>Did you not watch the movie? We get that moment when he puts her in the berserker body.
>I did see the movie, she puts herself in the body when she's in the spaceship.
Confirmed for not having seen the movie or not having paid attention at all.

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>I did see the movie, she puts herself in the body when she's in the spaceship.
Okay, now I'm starting to doubt you watched it.

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Sorry, but I believe that your beyond healing...

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>I did see the movie, she puts herself in the body when she's in the spaceship.
What? No! She needs Ido's help do do that, he refuses her because she's a wandering WMD and is a combination of afraid of her, and wanting to give her a chance of the innocent life that his daughter was robbed of. I found this, and his saving Alita from the underworld, to be more satisfying than how it was done in the manga - even if that wasn't bad.

The URM ship scene reminded me of Horizon's Zero Dawn, in a good way. Both in the aesthetic of it, and how it shows something about the past by just the debris that is left behind.

I honestly remember she unlocking the body, then getting help from one of her teen scooby gang members to getting herself onto it, but maybe she did take it back to Ido. Actually because he initially refused to get her onto it. Idk, I watched this thing over a month ago on the day it came out.

Wow you sure showed me.

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Then you should rewatch it, because that didn't happen at all.

I don't feel like watching a bad movie again.

hi Leeta

Aaaaand you've lost me.

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You have a very different version of events that take place in the movie, which is mostly likely why you thought it was trash.

But appreciate the discussion nevertheless.

Again, manga purist gets basic facts from the movie and the manga wrong. Ah, well, at least this was more interesting than last time.

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>what are you staring at, user?

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>They did not adapt anything from 3 or 4. Like, name a plot from 3 or 4 in that movie.
The entire existence of motorball is adapted from book 3&4.
>motorball rushed
It's a timelapse covering a few months, which was done to show how much she's grown as a character and to get the ending shot. I guarantee they'll spend at least the first half of the next film adapting the motorball arc.
>Every time Yugo opened his mouth. When he says "you're the most beautiful girl in the world" or whatever it was, that was a fair reason to ask for your money back.
It's "You are the most human person I have ever met" and it's an important line for his character arc.
>Or whenever Vector said anything, it's one thing to have an edgy villain, but this was ridiculous.
You cannot with a straight face tell me movie Vector was more ridiculous than Makaku.
>I don't know who Gally is
Sorry, I assumed you'd know Alita's original Jap name since you're a mangafag.
>I did see the movie, she puts herself in the body when she's in the spaceship.
Oh ok, you didn't actually see the movie.

You're either an incredible troll or just the right amount of dense to infuriate the people here. It's factually incorrect that she puts herself in the Berserker in the ship in the film. Like this isn't even a matter of interpretation. It's just fact.

Somebody better be pumping out a delicious new OC for #420 OP

Here's the scene just for further proof
>then getting help from one of her teen scooby gang members to getting herself onto it
More like they all think it's a bad thing because now it turns out she's the enemy.

I'll bake the new thread

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I was gonna make OC
But then I got high
I was gonna bring parts for for a quad servo
But then I got high
I was gonna go to Zalem
But then I got high
But then I got high
But then I got high

Yeah I misremember a couple of details, shame on me. But let's ignore this guy here:

>The entire existence of motorball is adapted from book 3&4.
No, it isn't. Books 3 and 4 have nothing to do with motorball. See when I get a detail wrong it's a calamity, but when you get the entire plot of 2 books wrong it's fine.
>It's a timelapse covering a few months, which was done to show how much she's grown as a character and to get the ending shot.
Pretty good euphemism for "rushed". This also means about 2/3 of book 2 can't be used because they were all about her rising to the 2nd league, but now she's already in the 1st. Bravo.
>It's "You are the most human person I have ever met" and it's an important line for his character arc.
If this is what you consider good dialogue, I don't think there's much to argue here. Not only was the line itself bland, the delivery was awful. The actor that played Yugo was probably the weakest thing about the whole movie for me.
>You cannot with a straight face tell me movie Vector was more ridiculous than Makaku.
Ridiculous how? I already said Makaku was a turbo-edgy deviantart villain and that wouldn't work in the movie. Movie Vector was a stoic who Talks. Like. This. Slowly. And. Pauseful.
>Oh ok, you didn't actually see the movie.
For the 3rd time, I admit I might have gotten that part of the movie wrong. You got 2 whole books wrong because you think motorball happens anywhere outside of book 2, but you'll keep glossing over this.

That's fine, I did admit I might be misremembering. Read my whole post next time.

this faggot watched a bootleg camrip on his laptop while texting the whole time
what a piece of trash.

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Still to early fren

>reeee why don't you remember this part of this shit movie you watched months ago
Meanwhile people here think books 3 and 4 are about motorball, but you keep ignoring that.

>a couple of details,
Huge fucking plot points that lead to the breakdown of the relationship between Ido and Alita, and her being destroyed by Grewishka. I suggest you watch it again even in shitty camrip - it's just 2 hours.

so does weed really make you hungry? I've never had any

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Again, I don't feel like watching a bad movie again.
>that lead to the breakdown of the relationship between Ido and Alita
Apparently I'm not the one who didn't watch it.

Serious question what are you types of movies? If you have any?

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You really cant remember the movie can you?? because if you didn't have alzheimer's you would remember that they did fall out...

Makes you feel like you haven't eaten in a day and a half. The chemical property of the cannabinoids in weed stimulate hunger.

>Books 3 and 4 have nothing to do with motorball.
Yeah, you're a good troll. Move along, everyone.

i know who this guy is, hes a marvel shill

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I'll make an allowance for English potentially not being your first language, but how else would you characterize the scene and the consequence of it?

>Books 3 and 4 have nothing to do with motorball
Maybe you should read them again.

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It’s turns all your senses x100 so everything that’s funny becomes hilarious, any smells become stronger and food looks extra good so you get the munchies.
I’d only recommend marijuana once a month or every two weeks desu. (Imo edibles hit you harder and smoking weed leaves a nasty ass aftertaste) Otherwise you don’t get the same high often. Also smoke weed when you’re motivated and doing okay, if you smoke it because you got the big sad or feel lazy it’s going to worsen it

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I don't have types, more like anti-types. I don't like capeshit or romantic comedies.

I do, and it wasn't because of whether she put on the body herself or not, it was because she wore it at all.

See above, also please show where my English was flawed.

You didn't read it, did you? Book 2 is all about motorball, book 3 is about her fighting barjack and book 5 is about her find Nova and Ido. Maybe read them instead of spewing whatever synopsis you found online. There is literally no motorball in 3.

I suspect we're talking about different releases, then. In the Viz release Yugo dies at the end of book 2, motorball is 3&4, Berserker Zapan is book 5. I assume this is also the case for whichever release Cameron read, since that's the only way his statement makes sense. They also seem to have made the motorball league smaller, since she starts in a Second League tryout, whereas in the manga she has to rise through Third League first.
>I missed a small detail
It's a major plot point and the entire reason the climax of Act 2 even happens. Pretty important detail to miss.

I think so. I'm talking about the Deluxe release that came out about 2 months before the movie.
>someone you're arguing misremembers a detail
What a surprise. Maybe if the movie was any good I'd remember it.

>See above, also please show where my English was flawed.
Your comprehension of the English language, as expressed in writing. It's a breakdown in the relationship between Ido and Alita and leads to her registering as a hunter-warrior against his will, and gets her almost killed by Grewishka.

I'm waiting for you to explain where anything I said contradicted that, which would have made you assume my English comprehension was flawed.

You posted
didn't you?

name your top 5 movies right now

>Sharknado 6
>Sharknado 3
>Sharknado 5
>Sharknado 4
Sharknado 2 gets an honorable mention but it just wasn't as good as the rest.

I did, and I stand by my point: her wearing the berserker body led to the breakdown, not whether she put it on or not. This conversation is getting boring, substantiate your argument or let's stop here.

Citizen Kane, Eyes Wide Shut, Seventh Seal, Krotkaya, Seven Samurai. It probably looks like a film student starter pack since Citizen Kane and anything by Bergman are like The Great Gatsby for literature students, but I'm not lying about my taste to appease the television and film board of Yea Forums on a thread about a capeshit movie.

It was his refusal to put her in the Berserker body that led to the breakdown. And if she'd put it on herself, she would have had the Berserker body in the fight against Grewishka too. I honestly find it hard to take you seriously here.