Was he really in the wrong?
Was he really in the wrong?
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Has he ever been in the right?
in all honesty he looks like some alternate dimension Chris-chan.
this is the face you arrest on principle and worry about the actual charges later
He exploited the incompetence of his bosses to ruin them. He's not right but he's not wrong.
He went to court over fucking SONIC OCs. If that's not wrong, then I don't know what is.
Notably, he exploited it to absolutely nobody's benefit and everyone's detriment. The things he did only caused pain and grief for everyone, including himself. He alienated everyone who ever enjoyed his work and ensured he would never work professionally in his chosen field again. He destroyed a comics franchise enjoyed by people who genuinely liked him. He undid the work of every creator who had ever collaborated with him or followed after him. The sheer magnitude of his dumbassey is hard to encapsulate.
True but I still put a lot of blame on Archie for allowing it to happen. How do you have only one physical copy of a contract?
You could argue it was really Archie's legal team that fucked up. When Scott Fulop did his lawsuit, it turned out there is a legal defense for things like old, lost contracts.
Yes. Being invited by some pretty cool people for an interview does not make a wrong man not wrong.
>Being invited by some pretty cool people for an interview
Right or wrong, I'm just happy he's responsible for the Freedom Fighters and Archie Sonic finally being retired. And I'm saying this as someone who's only interest in Sonic is the early comics and shows. Dead is better.
It seems that every Sonic thread someone says this and I am convinced that it's the same person. Yea Forums is not your personal blog.
Yea Forums is everyone's septic tank, let's be real.
Chris without the autism could have become much like him.
With Ponders, there's clearly something else going on. His OCs look disgusting but he doesn't seem to realize it at all.
Penders is either delusional or a scam artist. Likely both.
I think he's talking about the Midnight Edge interview.
>"is this sonic?"
>"it's better!"
>"no it's not"
It's kind of hard for me to say he's totally wrong, since I'm an advocate for creator's rights, creative freedom, and just generally stopping corporations from fucking over their creators...
...but Penders is one of those cases that seems tailor-made to stress test your morals and values.
He claims the rights to incredibly derivative characters and concepts.
Creative freedom gave him years to irreparably disassemble an IP that not only wasn't owned by him, it wasn't owned by the company hiring him.
He used his legal rights to take advantage of his employer for his own, undeserved gain.
The ultimate insult is that after all of this, after forcing the company to reboot the world he had put so much work into, after destroying the title that had existed long before him and long after him by getting it taken away from Archie, after making so many people lose so much money, and after finally getting the ability to use his precious characters, he does absolutely nothing with them except tease some nebulous future project for years on end with no sign of ever actually being made.
Penders wasn't wrong in that he his stuff was absolutely ripped off, but his choice of person to sue or attack was completely warped.
He should have gone after Bioware, not Sega. Bioware wrote and developed that game.
Archie's legal team must have been made a bunch of people who sat around doing nothing all day because they fucked up so hard with nothing to show that Penders signed away the rights that it basically broke the ties between it and Sega.
Like even if Sonic Archie went on for a couple more years after the suit, it was mortally wounded by the complete failure to shut down Penders.
He's only right because Archie was stupid.