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Thank God no non political cartoon or comic was stupid enough to reference the democratic primarys
See above on how to link within the site newfriend.
Also I feel bad for Bernie supporters. They really want to vote for a more social platform, but the only representation they have is Bernie who nobody in their right mind could expect to actually win.
I'm really down on how old all these fuckers are.
Minimum running age should be removed. It promotes the false impression that senile old fucks are any better for the common man than some zoomer.
Biden is just as much of a hack as every other neo-Con, but I thought it was genuinely fucking hilarious that he challenged some obese white trash who was heckling him at a promo event to a push-up contest.
This is not Yea Forums.
Minimum age should be reduced to 25 and the maximum should be 60
This is a board about cartoons user. Take the depressing political shit over to /pol/ where it belongs.
Elderly and out of touch but without Trump's ability to convince their bases that literally everything they say is true.
This shit never changes.
But it is cool
tell that too the meaningless mods on here
It’s because there’s a lot of fear that Trump would destroy Bernie in the election even if Sanders wins the popular vote. Because he might not be able to pick up Republicans that might dislike Trump because of his reputation as a socialist. Trump would constantly attack Bernie for being a communist. Young people adore Sanders but older folks are very skeptical, even older Democrats. There’s also skepticism on how he’d be able to deliver on promises such as eliminating student debt and ending college tuition, as well as Medicare for All without dramatically raising taxes. Which wouldn’t even have a chance of working if the Republicans hold onto the Senate. Even lesser if they take back the House.
It’s why the Democratic Party does not seem very keen to support him and hand him the nomination.
I think Joe Biden is fucking terrible (especially his views on climate) but he might be the only candidate that can have a fighting chance against Trump.
Bernie really took a major blow when Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out and immediately endorsed Biden. If he can’t get Elizabeth Warren’s endorsement when she eventually drops out, he’s finished. Really the only way I can possibly see Trump not completing an eight year term is if despite him getting re-elected, the Democrats keep the house and take back the Senate AND Mitch McConnel loses in Kentucky to a Democrat. This way if Trump were to be impeached again, there’s a greater chance he could get convicted.
cool comic or cartoon
But it's cool to see Americans seething. And it's even funnier when they eat each other when they don't support the same candidate from their party.
Old men running the world, a new Age!
I hope he picks a good running mate.
There's no way he's going to live for another four years.
No way sleepy biden has a chance against drumpf
That guy loses debates to himself, he would stutter himself into political suicide
Why do republican states even vote in the primary? If a state hasn't voted for a party in 5 generals that party should just ignore that state's input.
Yeah and let's be honest. Making a point is well behind zingers at this juncture for most people.
Biden can't really do either.
I know it sounds cruel, but the general is fucking cruel. If a guy in Massachusetts voted trump and a guy in Pennsylvania voted Clinton the Clinton voter is more responsible for Trump than the actual Trump supporter. This entire thing should literally just be ass-kissing the rust belt and Florida.
Biden is based. Since when is centrism bad? Fuck the left, and fuck the right. Capitalism and globalism ftw.
If Trump is going to win 2020 anyway the best outcome is that Biden gets the nomination and Sanders is remembered as the guy who could've won twice but didn't, then an anti-status quo candidate actually wins in 2024.
>then an anti-status quo candidate actually wins in 2024
>implying he'll live until 2024, even if he does, he might end up senile by then due to trauma from losing twice
for the average person life since the 1980s has been a series of lost decades with barely-growing real-terms wages compensated by massively growing real-terms debts. free trade is good, but the overall political economy adopted since the late 1970s has been a disaster for western citizens while the gains for non-western citizens could've been secured by maintaining the goal of full employment while opening up free trade. of course, the shareholders dividends would be lower - so why bother.
Find a downtown area, for a city with a population of less than 5,000, where more than half of the business buildings actually have businesses in them.
He’s not center, he’s center-right. Same as Bloomberg
Nah then you're basically gerrymandering on a national level.
implicitly that candidate isn't sanders.
Only redditors and trannies praise Sanders. I called it. Corbyn was exactly like that.
Same goes for woke comics/cartoons. The internet is nowhere near a reality irl.
Hell even in major cities find me a large building that actually has a large number of people in them. I cleaned a skyscraper in Chicago and it basically had two office spaces that had people in them regularly. I also cleaned a millionaire's apartment in Chicago once, Dude only goes there in June.
God damned so? Gerrymandering is how we do things, if you wanna run a party more effective than some dictatorship's fake opposition you'd run your party elections the way actual voters vote.
I don't even hate everything that Bernie says, but I'd respect him a lot more if he wasn't a giant hypocrite.
>We've gotta tax all the rich people! Except me. I *need* my several million dollars and my three homes and several Audis.
Also his insistence on praising dictatorships is weird.
Corbyn's platform wasn't as woke as you imply. He was elected Labour leader twice for offering an economic alternative to Labour's status quo (and because all of his competition were equally unelectable, but also boring and usually moderately evil), which was to consistently offer a slightly kinder version of the same shitty things the Conservatives would do anyway. Centrists usually played woke to try and undermine Corbyn for being "pale, stale and male." (this is part of why the current labour leadership contest is fun: now they have to turn the other way and insist that the male centrist candidate defeats the two female left wing candidates for leadership.)
>We've gotta tax all the rich people! Except me.
One of his main points is that the taxes will effect him too.
>I *need* my several million dollars and my three homes
Two of those homes he legally has to own as a senator, and one home was passed to his wife when one of her family members died. It's a one bedroom cabin in bumfuck Vermont.
>and several Audis.
Also, Assad is the lion of Damascus and America supports most of the world's dictators we just don't talk about it. We literally support a genocidal fascist state that uses chemical weapons on a civilian population on the reg.
I think the biggest change would be a maximum voting age of 65. People over 65 aren't deciding on their future. They've already lived their lives. They're deciding on other people's futures.
why is this shitty thread still up
This old fuck doesn't even have a propaganda comic, not even a single r34 drawing
Piss off with your local issues to its relevant board
>not even a single r34 drawing
I'll draw Joe Biden hentai just to make some hos mad
>No mentioning of his blowup last year where he was questioned about the fact that he and his wife raked in over a million last year and neither of them paid more than the minimum in taxes. And when really pushed he said "I wrote a successful book and I don't deserve to suffer for it!"
Bernie bros are blind.
It'd be nice knowing why the right are so concerned with hypocrisy. Even if Bernie was a hypocrite. Which he's not . Would it make him wrong? Would it make his policies wrong? This is the literally the old meme - I would support universal healthcare. But then I learned that Bernie has three houses and now I only support plutocrats.
the point is to make everyone play fair, not to disadvantage yourself by playing fair while everyone cheats.
he'll pay his taxes when he can't avoid paying his taxes. why should he pay them when everyone else is dodging them? that's stupid, all he's doing is buying a smug sense of moral purity while not actually changing anything.
I'm going to sober up and draw him making Sander's wife his bitch while Sanders watches from the left.
>Biden not having sex with his Granddaughter
Boo. No taste.
Then Trump may as well get inaugurated again today if there’s not a single candidate who can beat him in spite of his immense unpopularity
I guess the difference between him and another disliked president such as Dubya is that Trump has a cult like base that treats him like a God or the second coming of Christ
>Not cucking Trump with Ivana
You are fucking basic.
>all far right hick states that are going to vote red anyways
>took literally the whole nation rallying against a single old jew to make this happen
Someone post that Jeb edit of that ThePit comic. The "I'm wearing my hoodie!" one.
>immense unpopularity
He's 4 points behind Obama.
But he’s also way more hated than Obama was
It’s just that his base is large and loud which makes up the difference
Between the tea party, gamergate, and the evangelicals making a desperate last bid for survival, the stars did align for Trump.
Dude is literally invincible
I really do believe that he really could get away with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue
Hell he could announce that we’re now North Korea’s biggest ally and he’d still get re-elected
Except Bernie still says people who are wealthy or wealthier than him should pay more in taxes. There is no hypocrisy, that is a brainlet republican talking point to try and misdirect morons like you so that nobody would listen his platform about wealth inequality and how small circles of rich people are fucking over the American public.
I feel like its probably better for everybody is trump wins over Biden. You know. Just, memes aside. It just seems a bit dumb to put that dude in charge of everything. I dont think he even remembers who he is half the time
You can't honestly think that makes a difference. This is a team sport, everyone who's on a team votes for that team regardless.
It's annoying that America literally has a fucking built in "Let's try it out" system for Presidents and retards still vote to keep the establishment in power
I heard the idea thrown around that Biden should just be given a fake White House and be told he's president to make him feel happy.
It’ll be Trump vs Hillary again but somehow even worse
It doesn’t matter man
Democrats doing whatever they can to prevent him to get the nomination and him being perceived as a literal communist will only be his downfall
Plus he’s 78 and suffered a heart attack only months ago. He’ll be 79 if elected when inaugurated and would be 88 if he doesn’t drop dead in 8 years if he gets another term. Is he gonna die before he even serving a term or two? That’s another concern.
The primaries are a God Damned joke, Pete won Iowa despite losing by thousands because the app one of his friends developed couldn't count.
I found a Bernie Sanders comic book in a bookshop once. I don't know if this is that or just a parody image, but could anyone story time the Bernie comic to make this even remotely Yea Forums related?
Person at 65 during the election day will on average live to see another 4-5 elections, retard. They have plenty of life left. If anything, minimum voting age should be increased to 25 or something.
Vote for mommy Gabbard
Fuck it, I'm old enough to run. Vote for me.
It's hard to guess who would be worse. Both Biden and Trump sundown in the middle of public statements. Biden's certainly further along than Trump is. But four years can be a long time.
>Stormfront publishing
When did Anglin get on the Bernie train?
Also the fact that Biden considers a war criminal like Dick Cheney to be a stand up guy is why he should just fuck off
It’s actually hilarious how he has such a massive chunk of the black vote, almost certainly because of Obama despite his rather questionable polices as a senator regarding black kids getting bussed to school
If you'll extend the F-35 program to all NATO states, then I'll interfere and make you win.
There's a difference to having another twenty years left and having a future. It's like brexit. A lot of people who voted for that died before it even happened.
Yeah but your mind will begin to degrade once you're past a certain age.
Yeah well it is impossible to become the president unless you’re loaded
Is Bernie Sanders really that leftist? The only thing he said that sounded really radical was cancelling all the student debt, which I doubt will happen. Otherwise I would say he is on the same level as Corbyn, Lula Da Silva and the Kirchners.
Fuck Evangelicals. They didn't get behind Rick Santorum, who's a bit of a kook but a genuinely alright guy who actually practices what he preaches, because they didn't want to be caught dead supporting a Catholic but they'll close ranks around a thrice-married adulterer and defend him to the death?
Everyone in Hollywood loves John Bolton all of the sudden, so you never know.
I'd slash that military industrial contractual garbage right away.
He is an actual socialist
Note that this is different than him being a communist or that he leans very hard to the left
Jesus is about forgiveness user.
It's hilarious that establishment dems think Biden has a chance. He couldn't keep up with a single person in the debates. Do they really think Trump isn't going to shit down his throat? Sanders, like his platform or not, is ironically the only one with the vigor and passion to keep up with Trump
At least give all your shit to us before you do. We'll help you smash it faster
I just think it's not the best course of action for literally anybody. Hes literally too old. I'm glad Bernie isnt getting it, but I dont think I like the monkeys paw of getting Biden instead.
You know the "seriously we cant let him have the nuclear codes" meme? This is that but for real. Hes literally losing his mind and in general I dont think hes up to the task of doing meetings and deals and handling threats.
I think the REAL play is to get him in office, then have him die peacefully in his sleep by natural causes, and two bullets to the back of the skull, and the chosen vice president will take over. Maybe this is how Hillary finally gets her greasy mitts on the White House
These are the people who think the best people to run the government are people who think governments are bad, so American retardation renders any point you make moot.
Reminder that Evangelicals love Trump despite his history of being a total sleaze bag with women
Some of the biggest televangelists literally defended him after his “grab em by the pussy” comments were leaked
Bernie will loss if he gets nominated. Working class that more than 100k don't want it capped half that.