So Daenerys doesn't have slaves

So Daenerys doesn't have slaves...

...but how much does she pay the Dothraki and Unsullied?

It seems that their "payment" and "reward" is to fight and die for her just so she could rule Westeros. They make a big deal of "they're free so they choose to fight", but if fighting is all they do, then what will Dothraki do once there is no one to kill and conquer? Will she just force them to become farmers in Westeros?

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they do it for free

it's basically like gookmoot and the jannies

wait you mean to say that some people work for no monetary compensation whatsoever? thats crazy talk!

Westerosi women are the Dothraki's payment.
The unsullied are a slave army so it doesn't matter.

Bad writing and plot holes all around.

she is a female queen everything "just works" when she does it. And everything male kings do just fails and is evil. It's as simple as that.

>then what will Dothraki do once there is no one to kill and conquer?
there is always someone to kill.
You don't rule without enemies.

>This fucking blonde bitch tricked us and brought us from our comfy steppe grasslands to a fucking arctic wasteland and we now have to fight fucking dead people
>Shut it Boraggo, she is yass slay queen
There was literally zero disagreement about this shit, not a single dothraki complained or tried to mutiny, they just went along for some reason.

it's free military service

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How dare you question the power of golden pussy. The future is female, the force is female. Asgard is rules by black woman. Captain marvel is the strongest. 16 year old black girl is the smartest. All your old white make heroes are dead, only blacks and wymyn are the future. Stop asking questions incel

She promised them massive tax deductions.

How dare you question the power of golden pussy. The future is female, the force is female. Asgard is rules by black woman. Captain marvel is the strongest. 16 year old black girl is the smartest. All your old white make heroes are dead, only blacks and wymyn are the future. Stop asking questions incel

>...but how much does she pay the Dothraki and Unsullied?
More importantly, how much tax do they pay?

It makes sense with the dothraki because they have no concept of private property, they simply take what they need, and they always follow the strongest leader, which Hitlerys becomes after burning the khals alive and riding her dragons.
It makes absolutely no sense that the Unsullied are unpaid, she uplifted them from slaves to mercs herself. In the civilised world, nobody in his sane mind would do any kind of work for free if he's not a slave.

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Nah it's the opposite, Unsullied are still brainwashed into servitude even if technically free.
The Dothraki on the other hand should've been shown deserting in droves throughout this and the previous season. We can assume that they're not allowed to rape and pillage so they have nothing to gain by staying in a strange, cold, hostile land, having a "strong leader" isn't enough to offset the fact that they'd have zero desire or impetus to fight.


the dothraki and unsullied knew about her draconian tax policy upfront. it's their own fault they choose to stay with her.

It's do or burn, not do or whip, therefor It is not slavery. It is pyronism. You get paid in non-combustion time.

Slaves in early modern European slavery got wages

bill barr pls

>free to leave

They'll probably go back east. Missandei and Grey Worm are leaving after. There's no reason for any easterners to stay

The show is trash stop trying to understand it. They've completely forgotten that it's supposed to be realistic