Jedi Master Yarael Poof
Jedi Master Yarael Poof
That neck looks familiar.
they kill him off camera cause normies would think he was a kaminoan
fuck normies
can alien species that don't have hands become jedi?
Are there alien species without hands?
Darth Vader technically doesn't have hands and I'm pretty sure Jedi don't need to be able to use lightsabers, if some fucking slug thing can use the force I'm sure they'll let him in for diversity. There's this ugly legless motherfucker who's allowed on the council.
Imagine him sticking his head up Yaddle's pusy
yes in tales of the jedi there was a tree jedi, a triceratops jedi and a jellyfish jedi, they talked and move through the force, they didnt have a lightsaber though but they really didnt need it, they used battle meditation to make their enemies kill each oher
If they had grievous they should have also had an armless jedi who uses the force to make multiple lightsabers spin around his body super fast like helicopter blades
Have you been diagnosed with autism? Or are you just a stupid cunt?
Just trying to think like Lucas
They didn't have Mon Calamari pizza, because Mon Calamari are people, and I did not know that.
thats what darth traya does in the kotor 2 artworks
SW version of mordenkainen's sword
The most aesthetic Jedi Master.
Jedi Master Israel Faggot
kreia was a jedi who didnt use her hands, she floated the lightsabers around her
Small neck Yarael Poof