Disney forcing theaters to show Captain Marvel over Avengers Endgame

Sad, pathetic, and more negative reviews incoming for Captain Wagegap.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-4-25 Report Disney Requires Theaters to Show Captain Marvel During Avengers Endgame& (779x680, 214K)

>Mommy, I want the new Avengers lego set!
Everyone in the store watches the woman, with her apparent son, a 30 year old man.
>Mommy I ate all my vegetables! I want my avengers set now!
>You forgot to clean your room sweetie. No more legos for you.
An old couple watches as the man grabs an entire case of onions and puts in it the grocery basket.
>user, we already bought a case yesterday..
>I finished that one! You know I need to keep up my protein! Look at my gains.
Some teenagers laugh out loud as he tries to flex on his mom.
OP runs out of the store crying, and waits at mommy's car to go home.

Full article.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-4-25 Report Disney Requires Theaters to Show Captain Marvel During Avengers Endgame& (792x1622, 345K)

Thanks for the bump =)

>He thinks I bumped his thread.
This post isn't a bump either, haha you fucking retard capeshitter.

Oh, is the sage function finally back?

I was walking through Wal-Mart yesterday and passed the toy section. There was a man in his 30s explaining to his mother the subtle variations in funko pop dolls. He had three in his arms happily explaining the slight color difference to her "See this one is a little different! His pants are blue on this one!". It was incredibly sad. Manchildren are pathetic, if you are an adult "collecting" mass produced kids toys you belong in a facility.

>the film only grossed $400 million
Lol, where are all those Disney shills who said it would make a billion? It pretty much flopped.

That's just domestic son. There's a lot of stupid foreigners who bought into the scam movie.

I manage a movie theatre with 16 screens and we definitely aren’t showing any movie other than endgame Thursday night after 5pm.

I don't understand the article, so you pay for an Endgame ticket and you are forced to watch Brie instead? Or 6 hours of Brie+Endgame?

No, it's not quite that heinous. It's just that they're forcefully taking screening time that would allotted to show Endgame and instead giving it to Captain Marvel in a pointless attempt to make people like it.

I guarantee you the MCU is done after Endgame. Normies love the RDJ/CH/CE combo. Replacing them with Brie Larson sounds like a Star Wars level disaster waiting to happen

Basically they want to force theaters to not be able to drop Captain Marvel while showing Endgame, which in some theaters means that a limited spot being taken up by Marvel can't be given to Endgame, and other theaters will lose money by doing so because Endgame is actually worth a ticker.

That depends on whether they showcased their determination by urinating over their own hands and waving with it at the crowds.

>Mommy I trolled the altright on 4channel today!!

why is this even allowed? shouldn't avengers REPLACE cap marv?

>That's just domestic son. There's a lot of stupid foreigners who bought into the scam movie.
They're fake numbers from asia. The rest of the world isn't fond of capeshit expecially obscure superheroines. For example, WW made more domestically than in every other country combined. Capeshit is an US mental illness

Yeah the t rick is that you show up and they tell you Endgame is full but there's seats for Captain Marvel instead. They believe if you came to the theater you don't want to return home without watching something. And you'll come back for Endgame anyway. Theaters have another trick, the clerk sometimes directs you to the wrong screen. If you don't pay attention you realize it when the film is starting. They believe you'll will stay and watch your movie another time. So it's not just Disney, it's also those theater owners trying to jew you at every corner. here's your $50 popcorn user

Attached: NuIewLF.jpg (300x400, 32K)

>Watching jewish propaganda

B-but I thought this movie was doing incredible?

whats the point? disney makes money anyways and avengers is more cap marvel wank so i call this bullshit
also kid movies so just let go retard

I'd rather sit through a movie about Kamala or Monica than Carol.
Only reason I ever gave a shit about Carol was because Rogue stole her powers.