
What are some good kinos/series about survival in the wilderness?

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Other urls found in this thread: care in camp/

Dersu Uzala is pretty great and was filmed all on location
>The Russian army sends an explorer on an expedition to the snowy Siberian wilderness where he makes friends with a seasoned local hunter.

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>manbearpig attacks

S2 is coming this summer btw.

>dropping an absolute masterpiece
You are the worst kind of user, user

Has reasons
Is good kino
Based on true story
Has magic bus
Surprised me by being one of the best films I've ever watched, despite being made by a woman

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new story?
feel weird if it still called the terror

>The Terror: Infamy mixes real history with fictional horror elements to tell a story with social and political overtones. Infamy follows the members of a Japanese-American community as they are haunted by an "uncanny specter", starting in their home in Southern California and continuing on through to their experiences in WWII, where many of them are forced into internment camps. The premise is reminiscent of season 1's, in the sense that it involves a group of people being hunted by a malevolent supernatural being against the backdrop of a major event in history.

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>new story?
kinda has to be...

>social and political overtones.

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>Americunt hippie dies the minute he steps into actual forest

Yeah, fucking awesome...

That's what happens most of the time, though.
Op didn't ask for fucking training videos.
Also: Did you not read the sticky?

>no war horror kino
fugggg we were so close

Complete garbage.

Good post. Well thought out, insightful but harshly critical analysis where needed of the various complex issues surrounding kino and it's appreciation.
Glad to have such clever people as yourself on the board, explaining what it's all about.
You utter fucking tit!

it's amazing how salty people get when you tell them their high school teachers favourite movie was utter dogshit.
We're meant to feel sympathetic towards an emotionally stunted retard who decides against all logic and reason to go and mess about in Alaska during winter.

And he does not think to himself at any point that this is something that needs to be prepared for or planned out.

The only people who like this movie are 40 year old female teachers.

The Japanese internment camps seem so boring compared to the last setting though.
The amount of people killed in them can be counted on one hand. Food and comfort was provided for,
Could have been a Russian gulag sometime during the 20th century. Isolated from civilization, hostile environment, lots of people who just vanished without a trace

I have a relative that's lived in Anchorage for a long time. The people in town have nothing good to say about him, and lots of people have stories that they considered him a dead man walking, because plenty of people warned him how hard living in the wilderness up there would be with no practical skills for it.
And, they hate him more because of the other snowflakes who have gone up there to emulate the retard, or put flowers and shit on the fucking bus. (there was an unofficial movement to have the bus removed, because it was potentially going to become a take out food source for bears.)
The dumbass shot a moose. That could have fed him all winter, but because he had no fucking clue how to dress and prepare the meat, he wasted all of it.
Trust me in that Alaskans wished that asshole had tried to survive somewhere else, for all of the unwanted attention it got from assholes like him, or the asshole who got eaten by grizzlies. Alaska is a place you don't fuck around in, especially past walking distance to a town.

Watch "Arctic" with based Mads. Its pure survival kino.

It's an over-romanticized fictional account of a retarded neckbeard hippy who thought he knew more than the collective wisdom of hundreds of years of people living in that state. Many of whom would have gladly taught him a lot of it, even for free, if he hadn't been such a narcissistic arrogant piece of shit.

The only disappointing thing is the bears didn't get a free meal.

That's a full blown YIKES from me dawgg

>The amount of people killed in them can be counted on one hand.
How many fucking fingers does your revisionist hand have?

Except the film itself is pretty interesting. Just because the character made a mistake (eating poisonous plant), doesnt mean the story cant be worthwhile or the film cant be interesting.

Mistakes and conflict are what make for interesting stories.

Also calm down with your rage son. Its not healthy.

The film itself is pretty fucking dull to be honest, made worse by an infuriating main character who insists on doing everything the most stupid way possible, for no reason.
Also, you really want to talk about his death? He reads ½ a page of a book about plants, and then decides to eat one before finishing the page.
Before he has even read whether or not it has any nutritional value, he decides to eat it simply because it was there and it was in the book.
He was a fucking retard, and you're a fucking retard if you enjoyed his movie.

The movie has no real message, other than 'don't try to survive in the wilderness with no real training or experience." Unless you consider people committing suicide by dumbness to be interesting?

Interesting to me is the show "Live Below Zero", showing people who know what they're doing, surviving.

>The film itself is pretty fucking dull to be honest, made worse by an infuriating main character who insists on doing everything the most stupid way possible, for no reason.
Expect it isnt. It might be boring TO YOU.

>The movie has no real message
Who the fuck says a film needs a "message"? Its not a fucking fable. Its the story of a man who died trying to survive in the wild.

>Interesting to me is the show "Live Below Zero", showing people who know what they're doing, surviving.
So youre saying that your personal interests determines quality?

>the absolute state of this board

>Expect it isnt
>doesn't proceed into any kind of counter argument at all
It's a dull film hamstrung by the fact that the main character does not give a shit about anyone apart from himself, is so full of himself he thinks that surviving the winter in Alaska is even remotely feasible without any training or preparation, and justly dies.

>Its the story of a man who died trying to survive in the wild.
And what's the point of it? It's not entertaining, the acting is bland. It's not funny at any point.
If it doesn't even have (or need) a message, it's got to be one of the dullest cinematic experiences in existence. Especially because the only thing you want the entire time you watch it, is for the main character to just die as the pathetic dickhead he is, and when he does, it's in the least eventful way possible, simply due to his own stupidity and short shortsightedness.

At least with that Treadwell retard, it's a funny scary movie. "Tsk. Well, why are you so grumpy today, Mr Bear, that's not very OH MY GOD THAT'S MY LEG YOU ASSHOLE BEAR!"

This retard starved to death in meat wonderland, in one of the areas that's lucky for him relatively bear-free.

This show sucked

Aw, is wittle Timmy twiggered?

The movie is retarded, you're a fucking retard because you think it's "interesting", like watching a retard die of being retarded has ANY interest to anyone with an IQ over room temperature.

I can at least respect the passion and the effort Treadwell put into his misadventure. The key difference is Treadwell knew and understood the risks and chose to break some rules.
This guy came off as someone who had no idea what the fuck he was doing and wasn't interested in learning anything at all.

See, that's the even bigger part of his story that makes it extra special retarded - he died in August. He never faced a winter there. He wouldn't have lasted a week in the winter there. He was there from late April, until August. That part of the year, it's pretty mile there - the sun doesn't go below the horizon, it's pretty warm, in the 70's, and pretty fucking nice, to be honest. I've been in Denali in the summer, if the pigeon sized mosquitos don't suck you dry, it's a gorgeous area. Everything is in full bloom, and the hunting and fishing is incredible. If he hadn't been a retard and just hiked along the bigger rivers and lakes, he could have survived off fishing all summer.

So how many people did get killed by the guards then?

I would argue that Treadwell understood. He thought he was a bear whisperer. He didn't respect them for the behemoth predators that they are, he anthropomorphized them, and they tolerated it, for a while.
He was also channeling some serious issues from being a junky. I don't think he was sane. But that's my opinion, I think it's better to focus on what a fucking retard this Magic Bus faggot was.

>So how many people did get killed by the guards then?
How many people were denied proper food, clothing and access to medical care?
Something something geneva convetion...

>It's a dull film
Again a film isnt "dull" just because you personally were bored.

>And what's the point of it?
Whats the point of any survival film? Whats the point of films at all?

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So how many people died from starvation or the cold then? Geneva contention also only pertains to captured foes, not your own citizens, stop being a fucking brainlet for a second

2000 out of 100,000 or so. In a country that was producing more warships a month than the Japs were producing fighter planes. Thats not negligence, that was purely out of spite.

>Geneva contention also only pertains to captured foes, not your own citizens, stop being a fucking brainlet for a second
So by that logic Germans were in the right to murder Jews in camps, since they were their own German citizens aswell?

>tfw your high school bro will never tell you to eat him if he dies first and you've got no other option

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Still waiting for your reply "brainlet".

The Endurance (2000) is a documentary about another crew on a doomed ship to explore the northwest passage I think. Liam Neeson narratives it. The last I looked it was on YouTube for free

Not everyone lives on the internet turbosperg.
Your 2000 number is the amount of people who died from disease
>The WRA recorded 1,862 deaths across the ten camps, with cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis, and vascular disease accounting for the majority. care in camp/
So you're firstly full of shit.
Secondly no one ever accuses the Germans for breaking the geneva convention for killing jews, they were accused of violating human rights and committing genocide, which was retroactively made illegal with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Not really a SURVIVAL movie ...

Cool. Will have to check it out.
Heard about Shackelton before. Guy was a badass.

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can't wait for some more white devils guilt trip kino

Holy shit you can't be playing up the innocent nip. My great uncle was on the burma railway and me grandpappy was on Kokoda. You think the Japs are innocent you need to go cut your dick off and feed it to the neighbour's dog.

>social and political undertones
It's like the person who greenlit this didn't even watch the first season.

And I'm out

The Edge
Life Below Zero

That's it

the tartar fortress
stalingrad 93
Memphis Belle

watch the survivalist
>low budget kino
>meaningful realistic relationships in post apocalyptic world
>shot of protag jizzing into plant pot so as not to waste water
>later sharing semen potatoes with two women

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Quads don't lie

He cute

>Dersu Uzala
seconded. Heartwarming stuff.
Arctic was really good. No stronk womyn or token black person. No drama or introspection of feelings. Just gritty survival.