murdered two people

> murdered two people
>armed robbery

How did this guy get away with all that?

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Minority privilege

if you are a sport star they will pretty much forgive you for everything
also getting away is only half truth, he did do jail time. but everybody know the time he did is some light shit

Is this the guy from Naked Gun?

yep, that's him
also known as oj simpson, i heard he played football and shit but who cares sport is gay as fuck

That shit is bazar to watch now, especially when Al Qaeda shows up.

should do a jenner and get pity points for being trans

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> How come they never found Biggie and Tupac's murderers, but they could arrest O.J. the next day.
> Nicole Simpson can't rap!

OJ didn’t get off because the glove didn’t fit, it was about Mark Furhman, the LAPD detective that found the glove. Mark Furhman did some interview with some Hollywood roastie pretending to write a movie on corrupt cops that he didn’t know was being recorded and he ‘made up a bunch of stories’ about him and other LAPD detectives torturing black gang members and he was saying a bunch of racist shit. That got played during the trial and it was a big media scandal. Then the narrative is LAPD is racist and framing black people. OJ definently probably did it tho

The shit he’s saying in that tape is absolutely insane tho. Guy sounds like a complete psychopath and now I think Fox News has him on sometimes

But he didn't get away with armed robbery.

Any serious reporting on the trial has the Jurors as being complete and utter retards who refused to see the overwhelming proof of his guilt and decided to obsess of Mark fuhrmans use of the Word 'Nigger' 10 years earlier in a compoletely unrelated context.

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>minority privilege
>rich privilege
>football star privilege
>attorneys and their doctors literally being too fucking dumb to explain DNA evidence to the jury
The latter two are probably the most prominent ones. DNA evidence was relatively unknown at the time and they didn't properly explain the significance of DNA evidence to everyone so people were thinking it was just some stupid ramblings

see how big and imposing he actually is compared to even that amerilard specimen? the dude who plays him in that series is a pussy little beta who is half his height.

they look like they fuck black men
he looks like he fucks white women

This picture is so American.
Look at this fat fuck with his camo shorts and his cap backwards who decided to ask his favourite murderer to take a pic with him, probably to put on facebook.

got to maintain 13 committing 50

it's a sacred American tradition, oj was just doing his duty

at a fucking verizon booth no less

Why did black people celebrate his acquittal?


rodney king incident happened
>The four officers were tried on charges of use of excessive force; three were acquitted, the jury failed to reach a verdict on one charge for the fourth

>muh niggers got beat up is an excuse to burn down the city excuse
alright there jamal

that was a huge redpill that whites are still struggling with

the lesser races don't share their sense of objective justice and instead, correctly I might add, view life as a "race" between races

Nice trips, Satan
I fail to see the correlation between the two cases except they both share the same skin pigmentation

they saw it as revenge against white people, whom they despise

because rodney king cops

Yeah I'm sure all the blacks guy in jail just forgot their "I'm black" card in court

sounds pretty stupid of them to forget that, but nigs are dumb

what's even more fucked up was this show they produced

oops forgot to add pic

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Even if there are no racial differences, anybody who thinks you can integrate peoples who have a history like blacks and whites without blacks having a chip on their shoulder is an actual fucking moron.

Decades of blacks dominating populations in major Americans cities is going to severely sway the power in America. Expect thousands of more acquittals for blacks solely because as payback for history.

It's so fucking obvious.

Any cop out on the streets of LA for a long enough time probably starts fantasizing about doing those things to niggers and most cops aren't too right in the head to begin with.

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