Post yfw you realise THIS engineer IS Prometheus

post yfw you realise THIS engineer IS Prometheus.

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This movie was so fucking dumb
Fuck you Ridley Scott

i'll greentext some relevant posts from a thread a few days ago

>it honestly took me fucking years to make the connection between the greek prometheus myth, the name of the film and the opening scene where the engineer dies.

>yeah i thought the opening scene was Ridleys version of Prometheus bestowing fire upon mankind ? and that the ship being called Prometheus was just for normies.

>the engineer in the opening scene was the Greek God PROMETHEUS

>In a way, the Eagle tearing Prometheus to bits is also similar to a xenomorph bursting through a chest.

white alien
don't care

Apparently the Engineers chimped out against Humans because Jesus was an Engineer and we killed him.

I've read this on some blog/forum before, but is it actually ever mentioned/alluded to in the movie itself?

Can anyone explain why the jockey is a shredded bro

Fuck this

fuck no, supposed to be in the sequel but Scott went for muh xenomorphs instead

>Prometheus wore a diaper.
>Looked like an overgrown albino fetish/newborn.
What was Ridley trying to tell us here?

pretty interesting actually

Based demented director.

bump desu

according to canon Jesus was an Engineer.

Jesus was ultra Aryan.


it's true. we were so primitive that we mistook Jesus as divine descending from heaven when in fact hes an engineer wearing a jetpack.

now they're gunning for earth because we killed their bro.

thanks Jews

> You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?
>Ridley Scott: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, “Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.

>make the alien race speak a PIE language
>one of the later languages related to primitive steppe groups that maybe domesticated a horse
>not make them speak Sumerian or proto-Afroasiatic like people who actually started civilization
Bravo Lucas.

You have to be actually fucking retarded to not get this shit on the first watch. I honestly can't believe how anyone can miss this. The movie is so on the nose and explains fucking everything, it's hilarious how some people are still too dumb to "get it" when there's nothing to "get" that hasn't been said.

>You have to be actually fucking retarded to not get this shit on the first watch.

its because so many people dont actually know about the prometheus myth

pretty redpilled desu

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What do you expect from common core americans?

In slavlands we learn about that shit when we're about 8 or 9.
Fuck sake you absolute barbarians.

It's still so clear that you really have to be a brainlet to not get it. Big white dude swallows some shit, sacrifices himself to create humanity. It's not even subtle. I get that some people don't know the myth and might have to google it to get the meaning of that, but i don't think that's really necessary to understand what's going on.

Why did Ridley turn a simple horror sci-fi movie into a bizarre franchise about alien precursor civilizations designing humanity

to piss off reddit fanboys who just want to see le epic xeno

he probs binge watched a load of ancient alien documentaries

>Me smart
>Look upon me smart creation
>It's so smert you're given no explaination for anything
>That makes my movie great

>muh 3000 year old story

why is this movie shit on so hard?

>learning about pointless and irrelevant Alamo is more important

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alien fanboys who are still seething they didnt get to see a generic horror film for the 10th time

Alamo has more cultural relevance for Americans than Greek mythology does to 80 iq slavs

The Jesus engineer sounds so retarded.
What the fuck did the engineers expected from primitive humans?
Give blowjobs to Engineer Jesus?
Of course any primitive specie would rather kill whatever they didn't understand.

Imagine wanting to seem smarter than everyone else and needing attention SO BAD that you'd actually formulate a post like this.

Why does he have to drink all of the black goo?

Why not just extract his blood and mix it with the black goo before throwing it into the waterfall?

>some random myth upon which the whole of western civilization is based is less importante than a literal meme "battle" which had literally ZERO significance on anything at all.

Always relevant. Covenant and Prometheus are the biggest pleb filters in the franchise.

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I actually do have an interest in the Promethean myths and read up on a few of the more obscure ones, including why humans have no natural body weapons. I don't see any relation to the myth of Promethus.

>gods never die
>this nigga dies 5 minutes in
Whole lotta hoopla!
whole lotta hoopla!

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Greek influence on the west is highly overrated. Culture and myths aren't something to be studied, they have to be living and breathing in the society itself. Greek myths are as gay and dead as their statues.

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>the whole of Western civilization is based on some Greek storyteller's idea about how humans got fired

this was my biggest problem with these movies, they should have been made as a separate idea and not piggyback on alien, this just end up ruin both concepts. the two movies are filled with christian and greek mythology, this is very different from the simple concept of alien...

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But that's not the myth of Promethus. Promethus never died for humanity.

why did they even make humans in the first place

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>There will be three or four different players coming in to investigate. >One of which will be the Engineers arriving back to find their planet decimated. I think those ships come and go on regular intervals.
>I see them as the gardeners of space. Where we go next is obvious. We’re gonna actually go to that planet.

Ayylmao: Engineers vs Dabido-kun vs ayys vs unsuspecting humies

>sitting on the floor
Do Americans really do that?

It's the safest position to avoid being spotted by school shooters.

Brainlet detected. He sacrificed himself for humanity, without dying per se.

I know the pic is bait but other than the alien 3 one everything about it is unironically true

>Promethus never died for humanity.

he was punished with torture for "bestowing fire upon man"


I think that was more on Fox demanding him to do it as they got scared of the reception of Prometheus. Shame really, as the biggest flaws of Prometheus could had been fixed with a couple of edits and some minor re-shoots.

Learning of the history of the country you live in does have some importance, you know. There is the world history and then there is the history of your own country, both equally important.

Drinking goo was and disintegrating and reforming into humans is a very far cry from being punished for stealing fire. They're not even in the same moral bent. The overarching moral of the myth of Promethus was how the hubris of Promethus in thinking he could thwart the plans of Zeus. The moral of the movie is God knows what

imo the connection is

>giving freewill to mankind (greek myth)
>creating life on earth (the film)

both involve creation from a superior being

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Normal people got it from the beginning.
Low-iq uncultured subhumans like you didn’t.

And all this time I thought that the real Prometheus was the friends we made along the way

mad ngo

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Is he natty tho?

Wtf is wrong with his neck?

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Took tren and bought into the "shrugs" meme.

Nothing. That is what peak performance looks like m8

The idea is that they mention the ship that was supposed to leave for earth 2000 years ago, which is when Jesus. The other thing is the alien/xenomorph in the crucifix pose. seen here
So the inference is that engineers saw what humans did to Jesus (Jesus being an engineer or not makes no difference) and decided humanity should be goo'd.

Fucking kill yourself, you're the reason for the death of cinema.

This was one of the best films from 2012

I made this one

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Because most people who watch films like garbage like aliens and capeshit

am i the only one who likes prometheus more every time you watch it? it's not perfect or anything, but it looks so damn good. not just great CGI, but aesthetically.

i hated that covenant turned the whole trilogy back into generic alien shit.

the same happens with alien covenant it's actually fucking great and pure alienkino it's alien and aliens done better

fascinating to see how fucking dumb americans are


>Not sitting on the floor for story time
Eurocucks really do live in the last century

I'm an American who was in national honors society and one of the top of my class and i've always liked prometheus and realized that immediately in theaters when i first saw it. And i only had a standard public education and then uni but a good ones.

Covenant is actually borderline unwatchable because of the stupid annoying characters (I can't believe I'm saying this as I used to think Prometheus had unlikable characters).

Tennessee takes the cake. What a fucking obnoxious retard. The other people in Covenant are also despicable and annoying.

shrugs are actually the fastest way to build shoulder muscles

The characters are fine, it's actually great.

They aren't, it's not.

I just watched Alien's 4K 40th year remaster and then Prometheus and Alien Covenant.
Alien Covenant is better than Alien and on Prometheus' level. I'm sorry but it's true. It's a slightly different film and it takes time to get used to but it's classic alien horror done right, good pacing, Walter and the main girl are good. The girls who get slaughtered in the med bay are believable and good. It was pretty kino. Double fassy.

The entire ending from the evacuation scene to the end is like 30 minutes of greatness. And the score builds the first hour of the movie where shit hits the fan completely. It was nice.

The humans are Prometheus you plebs. We’re trying to steal technology from the god engineers and they struck us down for it.

>Alien Covenant is better than Alien and on Prometheus' level. I'm sorry but it's true.

Neither statement is true.

Both Prometheus and Alien Covenant are better than Alien. I used to think Prometheus was the best now I think Alien Covenant was actually the best. Prometheus might have had a better introduction but Alien Covenant was more consistent perhaps. Prometheus might have had a couple more highs but Covenant was great entirely.

The true ranking


is the engineer logan paul?

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according to the bible and the older sumerian text the "giants" needed "workers" so they created this hybrid form (humans) taking their own blood mixed with some other existing animal on earth (monkey?) some of the younger "giants" saw that the hybrid human females were pretty and started reproducing with them ...the elder giants saw what was happening and said enough!!! then they decided to destroy everything with a big flood and cataclysm...only a few survived... Noah was one of them (one of the giants told him about the event that was about to happen).... and here we are a shitty human-monkey hybrid

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No the engineer is cool and smart

this isn't outright stated

but the movie literally gives you all the relevant information to make you come up with a reason why they would want to fuck the Earth up, and the intended date of the planetary bombing would've been around the time christianity was becoming a thing

i thought prometheus was a human not a god, or am i being memed

how would that make sense?

this is from a thread a few months ago on /pol/

>Europeans are the purest descendants of the beings who first seeded civilisation on Earth (later deified in the pagan religions) and thus have within them a power that would render the existence of the other races unnecessary. Africans were bioengineered first as slaves. A great hero of our race, Prometheus, now only remembered as "Lucifer" or The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden, took pity on these slaves and sort to lay the foundations for a new race to emerge, one that would have within them the tools which would make them worthy of freedom in the eyes of the "Gods". Vril. Qi. Call it what you want, it is real and Europeans can channel it. Prometheus created The Aryan Race in his laboratory deep beneath what is now known as the Middle East by essentially mixing his own DNA with the DNA of humans that already existed.

feels like it's the next bandwagon meme in faggots misinterpreting this movie

this is why we got Covenant instead of Prometheus 2

>Ancient aliens Documentary

>those feet

>ctrl + F "Pandora"
>0 results
For fuck's sake Yea Forums the movie has a literal jar that unleashes pestilence if opened.

Prometheus was a titan, not a god.

To be fair, Prometheus is about a rich old dude being afraid of death and asking aliens to make him immortal while dismissing the immortal robot he built as a disappointing novelty.

in greek mythology ? prometheus was a titan (Titan, in Greek mythology, are the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth) and their descendants. )

Wait, wait, wair, wait. Did you just implied Dragon Ball knew all this? Case in point the Freeza saga. The Freeza saga came how many years before the Prometheus movie?

>Freeza is an alien
>Freeza's alien race is a superior and very advanced race strong enough to enslave a galaxy
>keeps calling the saiyan monkeys
>the monkey race turns super saiyan and it's hair turns blonde

Toriyama an Alienfag now?

well yours is shit

yes, thats the hyperborean/atlantis/agharta mythos someway or another all this myths are inter-related. Plato also talks about the "mixing of races that brought atlantis to a state of decay to latter disappear (or be destroy)" this is very similar to the bible/sumer story of creation about the "giants" mixing with "humanoids" the original atlanteans were "demi-gods" according to Plato (BTW Plato took this story from egypt)... are this the original aryans? I don't know, do white people have a special spiritual capacity? no, I don't think so but what i think is evident is a good cognitive capacity (*in general !, because retards are everywhere....)

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I just realized Prometheus/Covenant are divisive for the same reasons Man of Steel/BvS are divisive.

The movies are too smart for normies, but too stupid for people who care about filmmaking/storytelling.

this. it has meaning behind it but is poorly executed.

Except Prometheus and Covenant are actually good

>The movies are too smart for normies, but too stupid for people who care about filmmaking/storytelling.

Prometheus and Man of Steel made Yea Forums really entertaining for a while.

But Prometheus is an allegory of technology. He gives the FIRE to mankind.
What does the engineer give here ?

Fire gives warmth and thus life. The sun gives life, and it's made of fire (burning gas).

>The Freeza saga came how many years before the Prometheus movie?

this are stories from the bible, theres a lot of media based on this, like this other movie, basically is telling the story of superman as a Christ archetype (an archetype is basically a figure that represents something bigger that just the figure itself, Christ represent much more than just the "son of a carpenter"):

>Man of Steel/BvS

>this. it has meaning behind it but is poorly executed.

I agree with you two.

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The titan Prometheus was credited with creating the human race. The movie obviously isn't a 1:1 reference to the myth. The engineers presumably created humans and aided their technological development, but aren't as selflessly benevolent as the mythical titan.


>The sun gives life, and it's made of fire (burning gas).
A lot of starts don't give life, user.

He's also linked to the molding of clay myth actually, which seems to be what scott went for. That explains the reference, but still it's pretty weak as a theme. The "giving of fire" is not really present in the movie.

these people are retarded

kys pleb

>Extraterrestial beings with spaceships wearing robes
I fucking hate this meme

American Education

Didn't Ridley make this movie for 1 BBC joke?

t. pencil neck faggot

Are the crews made turbo normie retards on purpose?

Aliens aged better than Alien, unironically


>david vs goliath
Bravo ridley

Unironically this.
Also, how would the pre-columbian people apply in the greek-related mythos? I know they are non-existant in the greek mythology, but they're really different from the AfroEurAsian people that co-existed

For All the shit DB gets as an entry-level kids cartoon, it was pretty based (especially the manga).
The Space Army trope was carried good and Toriyama (while being a hack) nailed the Time Travelling plot device that Avengers:Endgame fucked up

The problem with this film is how the characters make retarded decisions like interacting with alien plants without a helmet

There would be no horror movie without people dying and making mistakes. It's a fucking space horror movie. Men are inherently flawed. Survival of the fittest. In Alien every character but Ripley dies. In Alien covenant there are two human survivors and a robot.

Mankind isn't sending their best.

Fuck off Lindeloff

>they should have been made as a separate idea and not piggyback on alien
This x 1000.
Alien was grounded in realism. There's Star Trek and all the capeshit to explore retarded fantasy ideas. Why the fuck did they put it into Alien? It's like them doing a Mad Max sequel with a time travel plot.

Fuck off Cameron go work on your Avaturds

how much of a brainlet do you have to be to not realize this?

>how much of a brainlet do you have to be
Just American.

That's not prometheus, the greek god gave fire (knowledge) to humans and took them away from superstition little by little, (fire equals light, light equals less dark).
That's why the gods were so pissed with him, because humans spend less time worshipping, because they could control their animalistic fears.


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