What are some good movies about burning buildings??

What are some good movies about burning buildings??

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>why should a cultural icon that has stood for almost 1000 years get all that money?!?!

How much do I have to pledge to burn more Pakis?

>people should just be given a new house

wait a sec op why didnt the buildings collapse from all that fire? i heard quite a few american buildings have been "brought down" by fire in the past which makes me suspicious of this ones


It’s a stack of blocks. It’s value is immaterial

Fire can't burn timber. Notre Dame was a false flag

>massive car crash in fog
>don't get new car
>massive wildfire
>don't get new house


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I live near Grenfell and it's incredibly saddening that our own government can't even pretend go give a shit.
Also the edgelords in this thread are embarrassingly boring

>marxists once again reeing like bitches when their materialistic worldview is proven wrong by the 523524542th time
The superstructure matters more than the structure, sorry kidos, better luck in your next totalitarian shithole.

>what is insurance

>it is the fault of French billionaires that the British government hasn’t found new squats for the pakis after the government housing burns down

you are beyond retarded

Shithole tower block vs a French cultural icon


>I live near Grenfell
how brown are you?

0% Hammersmith is in my blood

I’ve seen a bunch of memes like this people on my Facebook keep sharing. It’s like Kony 2012 tier cringe. Reddit has the most obvious examples of this kind of social engineering, it’s disgusting.

one is a beacon of culture, the other is a generic building made of steel and glass
let's keep this brainlet facebook images where they belong

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Imagine how much better the UK would be today if they were still with us

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It's incredible to me that people are seriously outraged that people care about the culture they grew up with.

It was just a building. Any significance lended to it wasn’t real. There was a church there before it. There will be a church in the future that stood for a thousand years and that will burn too.

every single person who lived in grenfell has been offered free replacement housing. some don't think it's good enough so they're living in hotels paid by taxpayers

>It was just a building
and they were just people

Numbers and statistics mean nothing when it comes to human emotional nature.
You can have a statistic how thousands of kids in a whatever place in Africa are dying from a previously rare disease and that you are trying to collect some money for them, and with that story you will get less donations than if you get a story about just one child with a name and appearance and how they are fighting to live another day.

More people know and deeply care about the Notre Dame, especially French people, it's only normal for them to want to help with something they are connected to than a random generic apartment building going on fire. Notre Dame is a single thing, the 60 families are not.

>Gloria Trevisan
>Connor Murphy
Goddamn imagine being a white person in that building... Chilling

Yes, it's just a building, but it's not about the building, it's about what it means to people and that is very real. If you don't care about it, fine, you don't need to. But other people do care and that's what matters.

They were negroes and pakis.

No one likes amerisharts, you should all fucking burn.


Ice cold man...

>thread full of middle class cunts who live in places that end in shire

Top zoz

t. seething nigger

a couple of italians died as well

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>means to people and that is very real
What does it mean to people. Some symbol of faith and religion, human endeavors art and beauty? It’s all just an over evolved animal mind creating a illusion of meaning. Shadow puppets, seeing faces and patterns where there is nothing.

Okay, then nothing is real and everything is equally meaningless. That helps a lot.

called it >dude existence is materialistic
>ideas don't exist, and certainly don't affect history or culture in any way, shape or form

>dude there is no le meaning to anything lmao
you sound like a 13 year old edgemaster that discovered nihilism 5 minutes ago

Yes exactly, human's are separated from all other animals by their ability to believe in something they know doesn't exist. Companies, laws, love, memories, morals. These things have no material presence and yet we base our lives around them, just like what Notre Dame represents to people, it's not the psychical destruction of some stone, it's the destruction of what they stone means. If you don't realise this you are just a monkey in clothes.

you're not driving your house. the fire came to you

>a building that's very existence is the promotion of organised religion, therefore exploitation, grief and corruption is more important than human being's homes.

>houses are free

I'll sacrifice hundred of Paki nigger to get the original roof back

Go complain to corrupt British councilmen you mong

pickle riiiiiick xdddd

>muh relativism
>muh nothing really matters
>muh smoke weed every day
kill yourself

>you're not driving your house. the fire came to you
And what if they car came to me and hit me side on? What if im a parked car

If you think the only worth of Notre Dame is promoting religion you're a beyond dumb soulless cultureless emotionally unintelligent subhuman tranny zoomer.



all marxists get sent to an early grave.

>church stood for a thousand years cant survive few years with Muslim contamination

fucking liberals I swear.

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if anything it just prove that french are more based than brits

No no, I'm quite aware of its feats of architecture and culture (yawn), I'm a history student and history is my only passion.

Notre Dame is unironically far more valuable than the lives of everyone who lived in Grenfell Tower.

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Of course no-one died in the Notre Dame fire, the French are experts at running away

>culture (yawn)
>I'm a history student and history is my only passion
are you perhaps mentally ill

>tfw live in a place that ends in wood

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I honestly cant tell the difference between Yea Forums and Yea Forums anymore

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well the difference is video game vs tv show/ movie, but yeah i get what you mean
it is probably the same group of faggots spamming all the shit threads

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums
I can't tell the difference between this site and reddit.

you can't samefag on reddit without looking like a retard, you can totally do it on Yea Forums easily

And yet most people's attempts are completely transparent.

Yeah I agree

as if the child grooming keyboard trannies on reddit aren't all about making 389 accounts and logging into them to agree with themselves

And you’re a monkey who weeping over rocks. It’s not belief, it’s our reality humans perceive the world around them as meaningful because they are in the middle of it all and always have been. If there was something outside our reality looking in we wouldn’t look any different to them than electrons wizzing around a atom or planets flying through space. Just chemicals reacting.


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kino pic

woaaaaaah dude epic mind blow xD

even if this is true, i can easily check their profile and post/comment history and see it

>unironically being a materialist

thats so deep!

are you like... and intellectual? you should check out rick and morty dude

To deny the human experience is to deny being human

What you feeling is just chemicals in your head. What your seeing is just what the cells in your eyes get hit with and send signals to the cells in your head. This all evolved to keep you alive long enough to propagate your genes.

Retards like you are the most annoying people on the planet, thinking you're so smart and yet you can't even see why people would care about "a fucking building".

omgggggggg no way!

>dude they're just chemicals
>that must mean they're worthless
>so nothing really matters because everything is chemicals
>*hit bong*

we got a dr manhattan in the thread guise

wtfffff dude im having a panic attack rn why would u post this

Sometimes I wish Yea Forums had an account system, so you can look back at your posts in a few years and cringe

>60 families still need to be re-housed
I hear there is plenty of real estate in their home countries

>the fire came to you
Can confirm, Fire came by the other day, said he was depressed.
I hope he gets better.

Post yfw two different studios tried making the same kind of movie at the same time and rather than competing at box office with two movies with near identical premise, they co-produced just one movie together

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Feeling of anger at another ideology is a evolutionary trait stemming from when bands of apes fought for their territory.

>dude im so woke rn lmao 420 xDDD

They're deranged faggots that want everywhere to be a dilapidated slum of poor black and brown people.