Can Steve Rogers win the presidency and save America from itself?

Can Steve Rogers win the presidency and save America from itself?

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Why does his gun need a scope? He can just point in the general direction and shoot.

Unless he is running against George Washington or Superman then yes

Superman isn't qualified to run for President, he's foreign born.

So Frank Miller created Nuke to be his response to the Regan era action hero's like Rambo or whatnot.

Isn't Miller pro, bomb all the Islamic terrorists?

Superman can't be President, he doesn't meet the requirements.

It's unfortunate that I'm not allowed to disagree with Steve Rogers without getting banned.
Honestly, comics like this should be sent to /pol/. It's what this thread is going to turn into anyway.

He's an abandoned foreign child in american territory who was adopted while he was a toddlee by american born citizens.

He's legally american.

Except for the fact that Superman himself confirms that he was born on another world.

you have to be native born to be president.

Im guessing you don't know American law. You have to be born in America to run for president, you can't move here and be eligable. The idea was that the founding fathers didn't want some French or British guy coming over, winning the election, and making us to vassal to a foreign power.

This means that Superman, as an alien from another world, can't legally run for president. Though, technically, Clark Kent can as long as no one figures out he is Superman because while WE know he wasn't really born in Kansas he has a birth certificate that says otherwise.

Well, I stand fucking corrected. Kind of shitty, since even in this case superman lived literally his whole life on earth amd only got to really know his kryptonian heritage well into his adulthood.

Everyone in America is an immigrant you dumbfuck Cap. It's the illegal ones we dont like

America does not want to be saved. Steve took over and set shit straight when he was the head of HYDRA. But America decided that they would rather be fat slobs than better people, and superheroes decided to kick Captain America in the dick.

It's like whenever any superhero takes over the world and makes it better - all of the lazy fuckfaces whose lifestyle of welfare and cramming their gullets full of Faygo and tendies get their panties in a bunch and for some reason the 'good guys' decide to save them from a regime that would make something out of them.

I thought there was a big to do about this and some fuckface writer had Jor-El put a birthing matrix in the rocket and fire that off, and the birthing matrix did not actually pop out baby Superman until it landed on US soil so that Superman could legally be an American.

Granted, some other fuckface probably undid that shit too.

an american soldiers job isn't to achieve peace, is to destroy a third world country and steal their resources

Miller is pro booze and pain pills, don't expect a lot of intellectual consistency from him.

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Clark Kent has a birth certificate and is according to the US government a natural born citizen, so unless someone can prove that that's not true, then he's still a citizen by technicality.

The only way to disprove what's written on his birth certificate would be to do a blood test against the Kents, but good fucking luck collecting a sample from Superman.

They dont need a blood sample from Superman if they already have one from Clark Kent. A sample from Clark would literally tell them that he is Kryptonian instead of human. We can already tell the difference between human blood and non-human blood via today's science. Advance comic book science would do even a better job at it.

>every Captain America run from here on out we'll be handed over to left-wing lunatics just to preach at people
Remender's run is looking a lot better in hindsight since that was the last Cap comic that wasn't used to spew garbage. Waid's run started out mediocre then went full retard because it's Waid. And then Marvel handed Cap to an even bigger lunatic than Waid and sure enough it's more of the same bullshit, but worse because it's also boring.

He spent so long satirizing right wingers that 9/11 utterly broke him

Probably not. I means they didn't even let Loki become president and he would have been a kick ass president

He'd be a good president.

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Sounds more like muslims than mexicans, but yea mexicans are shit too.

every Captain America run since the character's inception was written by a liberal

There's a difference between being a liberal and a left-wing lunatic. Admittedly that's becoming more rare these days, but Remender is a liberal who didn't use his Cap run as a soapbox to spew bullshit.

Well so is an american president's, so he's already got some experience in that area

The first part of this idea is right. What people forget, often willfully for their own personal gain, is the second. All nationalities belong.. because we want the same thing.

Or should that read "if" we want the same thing?

If you tear down American ideals under the guise of your nationality belonging so only your personal group of people can now exist in America, you do not fucking belong here.

>red pills induce rage to increase his killing potential in combination with his brainwashing

Surprised no one ever made a joke about that on this board.

There have been.
>most redpilled character thread
Someone posts him.

Based 50s Captain America. list is incomplete, President Trump can easily win against Captain America, also Superman can't compete

If Coates is still writing him, then hell no.

>Can Steve Rogers win the presidency
>save America from itself?
most likely
>Does he want to be the president?
read this fucking comic and you find out

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Discrimination never makes sense because if the person being prejudice towards others gets the same treatment then they're the ones to cry about it the most. In the end it's all hypocrisy.

Fucking kek, Captain America was beyond based, what happened?

>what happened?
(((They))) started handing the book over to America-hating garbage like Coates.

John Byrne, and yes, he is a fuckface.

>Captain SJW

That comes from a What if you dirty casuals.
What if Captain America were revived today (were today is now decades ago, but ironically still relevant to the current times)

Rogers would make a damn fine president. Military service, got his head screwed on right, can beat the shit out of potential assassins so we can save money on the secret service.

You fucking idiot. I said it was 50s Captain America because it was 50s cap in that what if issue.

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Waid is a piece of shit who hasn't written a good comic in years, but how's his Cap run from the 90s?

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don't try to damage control, casual retard.