What does Yea Forums think of this movie, Is it the greatest film ever made?

What does Yea Forums think of this movie, Is it the greatest film ever made?

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Kind of boring. But I may be saying this because I saw the Family Guy parody first

Looking back, it was kind of shit

What are better movies that you've seen?

I used to think it was the greatest movie ever made. IDK man. It is a powerful movie, but I think everyone has seen it about a million times now, lol. It loses it's emotional impact. IDK, plus my college professor fucking ruined it for me by trying to tell the class it was all "secretly about homosexual subtexts" and shit like that. Like WTF man? It's not about that. It's about freedom and stuff, and guilt, and oppression, and blame, and determination, and endurance, and the perseverance of the human spirit. It's about all that and more but it is literally NOT about fucking homosexuality and gay love. Fucking college professors ruin everything man, and they NEVER even know what they're talking about.

Pretty progressive for it's time with all the gay subtext.

>Is it the greatest film ever made?
Definitely one of.

It's an dishonest film.

It portrays child murderers (Freeman, didn't you know his character killed his wife and a kid in an insurance fraud gone wrong?) and other criminals in a positive light, while displaying those in chrage, the warden and his first man, as the real "criminals" of society.

adding some more things:

>everyone in the prison was innocent
they made it sound funny, but is it really a joke?

Tim Robbins character says that he was an honest man before he went to jail and he had to break the law once he got in. That's a big lie.
Who believe he could be a vice president for a bank before he was 30? You don't get there in an honest way. Also, he was drunk and drove a car... Stephen King is a known alcoholic that likes to write it as not being that big of a deal. Tim Robbins character drank half a bottle of whisky, and he is potrayed like he knew what happened, not a single doubt in his mind that he wrongly charged for murders that he did not commit. In my mind that is a dangerous line to potray.

The first thing Tim does when he went into prison is to order a picking axe. How is that innocent behaviour? And he had to have started digging pretty early. And how did he know what direction to dig, and what was on the other side, and why did the lignting have to thunder so he could knock the rusty iron with a stone? It has plot holes that are unnecessarily stupid.

Also, what kind of prison guard goes around and loudly screams that he just got £30000 among known criminals? Is that really something you talk about in prison?

The film is really well made, it's precisely directed to trick you into liking/disliking characters and events that you wouldn't like given all the facts. It's a pure pleb test.

The cinematography is great, it has darabonts style, the quality, soundtrack, scenery, acting, editing is also on point. But it's dumbed down, there's nothing to it. No depth, no symbolic analysis needed. It's all there in the plain. Perhaps that's why the general audience likes this movie so much. They can enjoy it and think they're smart while shutting down their brain. To me that is why it's a good movie (7.5/10). It's a similar movie to Saving Private Ryan.

Lmao no, mediocre at best. I'd rate 5/10. (Haven't seen it though.)

>(Haven't seen it though.)
what do you mean?

fucking based

The absolute state...

It's a great movie. Only contrarians disagree because reasons.

what do you mean with "great"?
an 8/10?
is it a top100 movie? a top250 of all time?
if so, please explain why.

to me it feels more of a social hype, u have to like it else you are what you said, a contrarian

never change Yea Forums

Why do you have to rank or rate it? It's a movie I enjoy. I have watched it 10+ times and loved it every time. Ranking it against Citizen Kane or The Matrix is meaningless.

Just define what greatness means to you or explain why you wrote:
>Only contrarians disagree because reasons

this, but unironically, LUL

prison kino:
white heat
prison on fire

Professors, and the majority of people these days, look for hidden subtexts or undertones in everything. Nothing is just as it appears anymore. There has to be something underneath every rock. Idiots, the lot of them.

definitely not...

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It's a great feel-good movie, but best of all time? Absolutely not.

You zoomers think watching a decent movie for once in your life makes it the best movie of all time?

There are 2 kinds of people

I have to say, it's ok. It's a good watch at your teen-age years, but after that, it's okayish. I'd rate it overall, 8.2/10.
My top 10?
The Mirror
Passion of Joan of Arc
Whisper of the Heart
La vita é bella
Blood Diamond
The Road Home
Woman Under the Influence

movies are for retards.


Surely no one thinks stephen king has any depth to go into. It's just an enjoyable process of revealing the simple story in an unpredictable way without letting your attention slide.

I also find the camaraderie both King and Spielberg advocate for uninspiring, only serving to make those without it long for the authentic version of which, I'm convinced, doesn't exist beyond actual brotherly love. Every friend is always getting something out of an interaction with another. And those who don't believe this simple benefit the least and get used the most.

First saw it like a year ago stumbling upon it on HBO, only watched because I heard Clancy "Eugene Krabs" Brown was in it...it's pretty 'aight. The bit where Andy making the most of his captivity like rejuvenating the prison library for his other mates was nice. Aside from that though, there seems to be nothing else that's memorable compared to, say, stuff like Forrest Gump.

>Andy and Red's sincere, close friendship
>gay subtext
Whoever made such conclusions are sad strange little men, and they have my pity.

Drunk driving really wasnt a big deal until the 80s. Before that it was at worst, a $25 fine and a night in the drunk tank. More often than not it was "go straight home, I know where you live and if your car isn't there when I drive by in 15 minutes youre going to regret it."

I wish we still had a high trust society before a certain demographic ruined everything.


>Is it the greatest film ever made?
captain marvel

one of my english teachers did the same thing overanalyzing shit to bring up possible themes he thought authors or directors would put into movies, i had to sit through an entire year of that
this was probably my least favorite thing in english class and people brought it out of school and into the real world where they misconstrue things to fit their agenda and put it on twitter or something

did they ever explain why Freimans character was called "Red" when he was clearly "brown". Was he originally a native or perhaps a communist in Stephen Kings novel?

Anyone else thought Andy had a cute butt?
was the guy in control hot for andy or why did andy want to walk in his shoes?

>no avengers
how boring

The last Jedi and infinity wars

>Who believe he could be a vice president for a bank before he was 30?
so what? banks don't break any laws.
he was a good worker and he was obviously very smart.

>Also, he was drunk and drove a car
Like some other guy said it wasn't a big deal back then.

>The first thing Tim does when he went into prison is to order a picking axe. How is that innocent behaviour?
He wanted to get out of that shithole where the guards are obviously murders and crooks

>And how did he know what direction to dig, and what was on the other side
Andy was a smart fella, he probably studied the layout of the prison during his time in.
maybe he figured out where the piping goes.

>and why did the lignting have to thunder so he could knock the rusty iron with a stone?
to conceal the sounds of him breaking shit

>Also, what kind of prison guard goes around and loudly screams that he just got £30000 among known criminals?
Nobody would fuck with that guy and everyone was scared of him.

>Is that really something you talk about in prison?
when you are the fucker that can kill and get away with it you can talk about whatever the fuck you want.


It's a flick. It's probably a very high tier flick but it is in no way kino. It's an entertaining movie all the way through but it doesn't go any deeper than the surface narrative. Nothing wrong with films like this desu. But if you want a little something more, there are a lot better movies.

I've never seen any of those movies user, though I did watch Kicking and Screaming starring Will Ferrell last night which was pretty funny. I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it yet. Will coaches his son's soccer team and gets into some rather, if I can say so, quite zany, antics throughout the picture that are absolutely indelible

have sex

I used to watch this movie every day when i was a kid. No idea why

Red was irish in the novel. Darabont wanted Morgan Freeman because he like his voice even though Freeman never had narrated a movie before. Good call by the director.

Morgan Freeman fits like a glove.

what happened to this dude? Look at the top of his head

Attached: hollywood.jpg (612x587, 110K)

Vagina boob.

The eternal jew

If Shawshank wasn’t popular or was in a different language, but otherwise exactly the same, it would be beloved by Yea Forums

2001 A Space Odyssey is the best movie of all time.
No movie has ever encapsulated what it means to be human more than that film.

It was a decent movie, maybe in the top 30 all-time, but nowhere near the best


ah, postmodernism. the gift that keeps on shitting.

thin red line

Probably the most overrated movie ever made, next to the dark knight. The part where he asks the other dude "does you wife love you" is pretty cringe.

Oz reboot when?

>do you trust your wife?

>la vita e bela
lmao what?? That movie had atrocious acting, and it wasn't believable for even 1 second.

yeah that part, haven't seen it in a while

I rate Godfather 2 over it.

Blood Diamond as in that Leo movie? What the fuck?

this thread is gold