Bojack is over

>Bojack is over
>SU is on its last breath
Where do I get my feels from now?

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May as well jump on the Glitch Techs bandwagon


Vidya gaems

>he hasn't cultivated a tragic real life to experience first hand the full breadth of human emotions
dilettante alert

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You actually watch good cartoons and not the basic bitch ones that you only know because they are heavily shilled to you in advertising

From yourself, user.


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Create your own show for your feels. Its that simple.

There's simpler

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I have no hands to I cannot write

>Where do I get my feels from now?
The real world, you emotional cripple.

The real world kinda sucks ass tho if I do say so myself

So what have you done with your life?


>Lol go outside instead of watching cartoons
>On the cartoon board
What are you tards on about?

Post sad gems

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Dude wanted feels, so i reminded him of hi lack of experiences.


>not just refusing to get close to anyone altogether

Can't hurt if I don't get close

You scrape feels out of anything you can like I do

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