
ITT we discuss the greatest webcomic of all time

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WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU WANT? What could you possibly want! Do you know who you are and why I am so mad at you? WHO IS THIS!?

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So anyhow what's the deal with the one where Ray is rollerskating to prove it isn't gay? It appears to be an authentic Achewood in all respects but it does not appear in the archives


Wish Onstads heart was still in it.

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Is there more skating Ray?

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theres a bunch of subscriber-only content, that particular strip was used as a freebie to advertise said content

supposedly we're going to be getting some new books, which is amazing because i'm terrified of achewood disappearing forever

Man, those in-character blogs are a trip.

Never got too into them, but Ray's is great. I love the Jimi Hendrix animatronic story as well as the red snapper story.

I'm not sure which strip this because I didn't feel like opening it but I wanted to keep the thread alive.

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In my mind, it ended after the wedding. The best arc is still the Great Outdoor Fight

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Shit that was a downer, I posted it to normiebook when Kobe died. Nobody acknowledged it because I only interact with about six people outside of work and we just text instead.
Here's my fantasy football logo from this past season.

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Why do I have all these in such disparate file formats? Terrible.

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I keep telling myself I'm going to commit this panel's dialogue to memory and I never do.

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I love how Lyle has a specific stance for contorting his body to get maximum projectile vomit strength.
That doesn't just happen by not caring.

This one goes on normiebook every year on Selection Sunday for March Madness. Maybe I don't stay connected with other people beyond my immediate usefulness because I'm foolish enough to think they might also find this funny.

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I'm probably reaching, but it is vaguely reminiscent of Desmond Howard's (inaccurate) Heisman pose.

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you dis my dog you fluff my hog

i wish he drew more women characters
or porn


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honestly I'm kinda amazed Achewood doesn't get posted more on this site

For the longest time I've wanted to see if I could batch-upscale Achewood for a newer audience because A LOT of the text is a smudgy mess. I think the small size of the comic might deter new readers

what did you guys think of the animates pilot??
could it have worked?

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I don't think so. There are certain characters that you can DEFINITELY hear in your head, like Vlad and Todd, but I don't think a character like Roast Beef was meant to be put to audio. He's uses a weird combination of California surfer and southern black lingo that I don't think could be pulled off by anyone.

Actually, maybe a black guy COULD voice Beef. Never thought of that before.

He loves making that Otter suffer!

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roast beef has the soul of a black nerd, one of those kids that tries to actually power up to become super saiyan, gets a nosebleed, and passes out

He's is more a geek than a nerd. He did not excel at all studies but mainly technical ones.

>ITT we discuss the greatest webcomic of all time
Well, which is it?
Discuss your weird le boomer-dog humor comic or discuss the ACTUAL greatest webcomic of all time?

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You are stupid

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the stuff taken directly from the comic was all wrong. not terrible, but not good

the new stuff, however, was great. the intro and the conversation about scones

>scones are like what a teacher or prisoner eats

I had to change this filename so I could find it easily in times of need. Like now.

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They're all great. Roast Here's has one where Ray goes to a Korean barbecue restaurant and eats weird stuff, it's a slow day so all the cooks come out and make bets on what he'll eat, and an old man feeds Ray a live baby bird.

It's inactive, has a pretty high barrier for entry, really unremarkable art, and if you get past all that it's jokes that a lot of people absolutely refuse to think are funny, and they dismiss it as "too much dialogue"

Let's be honest, it was never the same after his divorce.

Sleepless domain is looking different, did they change artist again ?

He won't. Fool's old enough that furries are for him, as they say these days, 'cringe'.

This is gold.

Ah, yes, what man has never had the old willie-slippie problem?

This comic has more memorable lines and quips than the entire media industry had during the 80's.
>RIP in piece

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Everything about this comic is top tier.

So many great moments...

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It spoke to each and every one of us.

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