James Gunn re-hired for Gotg3

>Looks like space kino is back on the menu boys!!!!11!!!111!!!1

Attached: GitGunnd.png (844x603, 472K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Captain Marvel breaks $1 billion
>RT stops reviewbombings
>enthusiasm for Star Wars again
>Endgame gonna make $3 billion
is it over for incels?

Wow, really?

Fucking forgot pic, damnit

Attached: Slowpoke.gif (275x300, 15K)

Its over for them, all they can do now is go back in time and prevent RDJ from sobering up

>>Endgame gonna make $3 billion
I honestly think it has a real chance of beating Avatar. Apparently it made more than $100 million in day one.

But Thanos?

Attached: James-Gunn-Giving-Tree.jpg (975x535, 63K)

come on kids let's go and see GOTG

Attached: James-Gunn-expendables-1024x684.jpg (1024x684, 63K)

Everyone's excited because he brings a lot of young boi puccy to the set with him.

based gunn

>Asguardians Of the Peadalaxy

can't believe /pol/ got upset over edgy jokes

The only reason they rehired him was because of the rumours about him working with DC

What do you expect? /pol/ users have very high estrogen levels

He still is

>mfw antis btfo

>space kino

GOTG2 was complete garbage tho, i thought a different person made it at first but nope, Gunn just ran right out of talent after the first one


Okay now this is epic

james gunn is retarded but i'm obsessed with troma movies so i'm happy he's back on

>Every malware URL on URLhaus is associated with a host. A host can be either an domain name or an IP address (in case the malware URL is hosted on an IP address and doesn't use a domain name). This page shows all malware URLs that are associated with the host a.uchi.moe.


>Shares is

Attached: 1507806472312.png (645x729, 58K)

>boomer antivirus spyware on his browser

they got upset over rosanne getting fired and decided to retaliate via internet mob


Attached: ider-m-marvel-studios-james-gunn-youre-fired-hes-being-45310137.png (500x649, 166K)