It's time to talk about the best film ever
It's time to talk about the best film ever
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Who's that?
The best boy
It's not even Wes Anderson's best movie.
Life Aquatic is.
Literally The Fantastic Mr. Fox: The Movie
Pretty boy >:(
>not royal tenenbaums
Life aquatic is a close second though so nice try
It's actually Bottle Rocket: the most flawless movie
Odd way to spell Darjeeling Limited.
I still haven't watched it unfortunately. Neither does Bottle Rocket.
Naw guys, you're all wrong. His best is Moonrise Kingdom.
fucking Wes Anderson made me a gay furry
Top 5 if generous.
Didn't you watch the movie? The moral of the story is that it's OK to be ~different~ (codeword for a gfur)
wtf I hate Wes Anderson now
The Grand Budapest Hotel is Wes Anderson's best movie. I love The Life Aquatic, though.
Fantastic Mr. Fox has the highest rewatch count for me. Comforting somehow. Makes me feel less lonely.
That doesn't look like The Master
HOLD THE PHONE,with Felicity being so pure and beautiful, how the fuck does this movie make you a fucking fag??
She's the town tart
because it's already normal to want to bang foxy fox ladies but the movie uses that to trick my young and susceptible mind into also wanting to frot with gay fox boys
It's fucking hard to pick what his best film is.
It's definitely out of Life Aquatic, Darjeeling, Rushmore and Tenenbaums, though.
Although I feel immense guilt in not having included Mr. Fox and Bottle Rocket.
Also, to expand the discussion: I think his films lost their soul after Moonrise Kingdom. They just became beautiful facades of what his films used to be, more effort put into visual aesthetics, and the plots, characters and relationships became hollow re-hashes of what he used to strive at.
I don't understand the general lack of appreciation for Grand Budapest, it's such a perfectly sad movie, easily the saddest movie I've ever seen
You're right. Plebs think a satirical film about the death of European aristocracy is just quirky. To me, it was profoundly sad and melancholic.
I did really like it, but I walked away from it not feeling the same as I would pre-Moonrise Kingdom. And then Isle of Dogs I was very excited for, given it was his second foray into stop-motion, but it fell flat.
Don't get me wrong, Budapest was a great film, but it just seemed to be missing something that his earlier films had, giving them a certain spark.
Why do you think it's more sad than his other films?
I really like TGBH, but I wouldn't have thought of it as the saddest. Especially with The Royal Tenenbaums.
Isle of Dogs definitely kinda fell flat, but Budapest is easily his best work so far.
IoD needs more porn
I dont get the appeal at all. Can someone redpill me on Wes Anderson?
go back to your containment area furgins
It's not even the best stop motion Wes film. Isle of Dogs was so much better.
You either like his style or not.
Like melted gold
from the best film ever
Moonrise Kingdom
Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket
----------------------------------- the movies below this line are not good
Grand Budapest Hotel
Isle of Dogs
Darjeeling Limited
Fantastic Mr Furry
Life Aquatic
Opinion immediately discarded for incorrectness
>Because im little
What is it with braindead newfags and not knowing the difference between namefags and tripfags? It's like holding up a giant red flag over your post saying "I CAME HERE FROM REDDIT LAST WEEK"
I'll drop some hard facts.
Life aquatic and the Royal Tenebaums are two of the worst movies i have ever seen. Zero redeeming qualities. Just trash, absolute trash.
Fantastic Mr Fox is, in fact, Fantastic.
Darjeeling is also Fantastic. I have a brother, maybe it helps having one.
Moonrise Kingdom legit i had tears welling in my eyes at the end, inb4 u gay, it was such an innocent, whimsical, beautiful story.
TRT is also very sad, but is far more bittersweet rather than tragic. The way TGBH ends should be obvious, it’s about how the world waits for no one, Gustave dies by war, Zero’s family dies by disease, Zero hangs on to the hotel and decays along with it, to try and keep old memories alive, the author leaves and never returns, and eventually all he is is a monument in a graveyard, yet a girl reading a book keeps both his and their memories alive far off in the future. It is a hopeful ending, but ultimately still entirely tragic. A lot of people think the movie is about old Europe, but it’s actually a tribute to the past in its entirety.
Where can I get a white gf who looks like this
EDIT-forgot Grand Budapest, also very good.
The patrician ranking is Moonrise>Darjeeling>Grand Budapest=Fantastic Mr Fox>>>>>>>>>Life Aquatic>>>>>>>>aids>>>>>>>>>Royal Tenebaums.
You’re not gay.
You’re a faggot.
>reddit anderson
This is good pasta, I’ll be saving this to detail future Wes threads
Based and redpilled.
Cuss you mothercusser.
You best start believing in fur threads ms turner
From an animation perspective, FMF is an absolute miracle.
My 8 year old niece loved this movie. Very rare we find something we both like.
I loved the book and fucking hated the shitty movie. The best thing Wes Anderson has done is Bottle Rocket, the rest is forgettable.
*whistle* *click click*
What the fuck? Gbh is his most praised movie.
Given that Wes Anderson films are entirely unique, you must have dementia.
If it’s a fox, cat or rabbit boy it’s ok, anything else and you are hella gay
based fox kino
Bottle rocket grinds to a halt after 40 minutes or so.
Dozed off and never brought myself to finish it. The heist scene was great though.
Its one of my fav movies. Everything about it is so endearing and CUTE
also one of the best wrist watch movies ever
enjoy your sloppy rat dick seconds
Ha. Beat me to it.
women xd
What about Isle of Dogs, then?
How can you think those are "two of the worst movies" and simultaneously love some of his other movies? That makes no fucking sense
Shut up faggot.
>no rushmore
>no bottle rocket
>putting tenenbaums that low
pleb babby opinions confirmed
it's good/10