Will we ever get an accurate Brexit movie?
Will we ever get an accurate Brexit movie?
Not much into traps lads, but the qt on the right there, man...
Watch what you say about my wife!
I don't get people who watched the state of Europe for the past hundred or so years and go "yeah, sign me up for some of that."
Well technically they hope that the EU will make sure Europe is very much NOT like the last 100 years.
They look like they fuck Paki guys
even if they do, so what? they every right to do so.
only based pakis
t. pakis
gib brexit muffin gf
>Nigel Farage: Indian and Australian immigrants better than eastern Europeans
I wonder how many australians will come to the UK
>Let's show these damn libs, we are exciting!
>I wonder how many australians will come to the UK
How times have changed, everyone complaining about all these bloody Australian bartenders and waitresses and their chirpy happiness throughout the 90's and 00's and now it's all "plz aussies start coming back again", broken bloody Blighty.
They clearly have a thing for middle aged white guys.
Her sister is hotter.
>attractive women
Are we sure it's Britain?
>liking her posts
why do you do this?
sh-she's 18 right
she's nice. looks like a mutt though.
the blonde is prettier.
IG name?
fucking lol
Not yet. Legal here though.
Is that her daddy?
I believe.
>No woman who is 17 is in her prime!
Anglo women walk around half naked before they turn 18???
What drives rich young girls to take part in political shite like this? They should be having fun instead.
You are a nigger.
He is right, I will take conservative Indian and Aussie immigrants over slavshit subhumans any day.
They are slags way before then. I'm banging a 17 year old who's been with a gross amount of guys already.
Who is that on the far left she looks very familiar?
No one cares about Indians or Australians, it's Pakis everyone dislikes.
Brit women are fucking disgusting, especially the "traditional" ones. They put on a facade to settle down with some unsuspecting beta after having their fill of African and Arab cocks while they are younger.
What, that both sides broke electoral rules an no one knows how to deliver it because there isn’t a consensus on what Brexit actually entails?
Yeah right. Why would you care about the wellbeing of your country when you could be out partying and getting trains run on you?
Poland isn't sending their best
I want her to jerk me off while she's wearing those gloves lads
Every single one of them would fucking get it
>before they're 16
It's pretty obvious at this stage that Brexit will leave the UK thoroughly diminished. The UK will either end up as a junior partner to Europe under some variant of a Norway deal or Turkey deal, or else the integrity of the union will be sacrificed on the altar of a no deal Brexit. Brexit means vassalage or dismemberment.
What did she mean by this pose?
refugees welcome
Are they working their way through every right wing politician in Britain?
>posh girls in barbour jackets
My ultimate fetish!
These people are fucking idiots.
>Mfw I irl creep on her
T. Discord tranny.
why are those two on every fucking brexit photo? so organic.
Make all the assumptions you want it doesn't change the fact they're dumb as fuck for going against their own interests. Your reply tells me you are also a fucking idiot.
Why though, Poles at least try and integrate and are generally alright. I know quite a few Croats and Slovenes and they're cool too.
It's the manky Romanians, Albanians and Bosnians who are shit
>this triggers the shit eating kraut
>i know what your interest are better than you. it is in your interest for more immigration trust me you idiot.
They're just on the ones posted here because this board is full of lonely incels.
Hahaha holy shit talk about tl;dr how opinions are just products to be consumed for identity - its a pervasive part of fucking relationships to the extent that even tinder thots sloganslag their way to the top.
Just call them gypsies
>brainlet teenage whores in politics
I would personally kill every Remainer just to see her pretty smile
>men like politics
>women like getting money and attention from men
You do the math
Ten years ago we had no Romanians, Albanians, and Bosnians and it was the Poles and the Hungarians, Croats, Czechs, and Slovenes that didn't integrate. In ten years time nobody will think about Romanians et al anymore and we'll be complaining about the Latvians or some other nation.
Meanwhile the cultures that do not integrate and carve out their petty suburban sheikhdoms are above suspicion from the public eye. Indian communities (including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) are so insular and unmobile that they haven't changed since the '60s.
>muslim immigrants: rape, attack, build mosques, vote for more immigration
>polish immigrants: work shitty jobs that even chavs think they're too good for
Gamergate as a 90s miniseries.
Indians are based immigrants, Pakis aren’t.
You’re not white Szymon
Depends. Sikhs are chill, but there's a big Indian community in my town and they're insufferable. Literally all "Bengal famine" this and "British Raj" that. If they hate Britain so much then why are they living here? They might even get a bit of sympathy if they weren't banging on about it 24/7.
Anyone have that blind item about jacob being into BDSM?
Imagine getting flogged by the Mogg
Went to India for business and accidentally got in a hotel taxi instead of the corporate car sent to pick us from the airport. Driver spent the whole 2 hours complaining about the British leaving India. Fuck off dude we're literally here working with you guys, don't ask for independence if you can't fucking hack it.
it's all they have
>Mogg enters the chamber - you're strapped to a cross, bound by your hands and feet, as catholic choir music gently fills the room
>"user, a little bird tells me you were talking down my leadership prospects to fellow members of the ERG. This floccinaucinihilipilification of my election chances shall not continue. You must be punished."
>Mogg cracks the whip violently, then licks your cheek, his hot Burgundy scented breathing running across your face
wait they're just more tradthot insta whores?
This thread seems to prove otherwise? Just pictures of them being pretty faces at rallies and pictures with high-profile MP's. Typical shit.
Why is every right wing woman I "trad thot" to you guys. I'd agree with the term if they were pretending to be le perfect trad wife and not living up to it but they've never claimed to be.
It's the same thing with Southern being called a hypocrite for dating a mixed race guy in high school when she's never claimed to be a white nationalist or been against interracial dating.
BREXIT is a backlash against rampant liberalism and leftist policies, so............no.
Enjoy this news instead:
anybody have her social media?
>Russians and Americans triggered retard brits to self-destruct by pretending to be their friend of facebook
All of history is laughing at you, cucks.
Women who take selfies are thots because they make user horny when he looks at them.
>EU falag in twittle handle
Disgusting hyper nationalist scum.
Every single nigger shill that voted Leave is going to burn in actual hell with all the traitors.
It's funny to see them seething about that.
You sound like a faggot.
How does Nigel Farage still have support after lying so much to win the referendum and then bailing immediately afterwards? I've never seen a more embarrassing political display.
We are EU citizens we are one race help me Marx help me!
god I wish I had a lesbian gf....
bailing from what?
He's not a member of parliament or part of the British government.
All he could do is rally support for his cause. After the referendum it's out of his hands.
It's funny because from what I've seen Remain are some of the most flagrant traitors I've ever seen. They blatantly have more chauvinistic support for the EU than they do their own country. They often fantasize about "their" country failing horribly just so Remain can be proven wrong. They want the UK to crash and burn if it makes their precious EU more powerful or at least look good. They also hate democracy and the majority of citizens of "their own" country.
Left wingers truly are psychotic
>leaving the EU to restore your nation's sovereignty and put fate and control over Britain in the hands of Britain instead of the hands of a cabal of closed-door puppetmasters in Brussels is treason
Stay retarded.
You God-complex liberals just cannot fathom the fact that the masses DON'T want you as puppetmasters who engage in social engineering and decide all things for everyone.
PR dude deserves whatever he's being paid
imagine how hard it was to find an attractive brit girl
And he found two!
>Whole lot of white people there
Only once the dust has settled
>dumb cunt with an EU flag and a “we can do it” propaganda pic trying to be a bitch and imply someone who disagrees must be paid to do so
Why are conservative Brits so fucking based
Why are Remainers so O B S E S S E D with the bus?
Marxists are some of the biggest opponents of the EU for obvious reasons
lol, that girl has never done an hour of gardening in her life
Better resolution
The people who treat Marvel movies as a religious experience regard all adverts on buses as holy scripture.
Biggest opponents of the EU for years while doing nothing about it. Mysteriously quiet as soon as the right starts mounting a meaningful opposition to the project. Remember those 2 weeks when "lexit" was a thing?
take it as a compliment, traps are better women than actual women will ever be
Still against it. They are right, EU is a neoliberal scheme.
Aussies are just coming home, cunt
At least Australians and Indians are culturally British and integrate easily, I welcome more of them.
That dude on the right is so chill, like nothing is happening.
larping fag
>Australians and Indians are culturally British
Only in the minds of retards who post on /int/
How about no immigrants, britain remains british, and we chuck the ones already here out, simple as
go back to poland
I'm australian, cuck. The only thing we have in common is binge drinking and cricket
Are you implying aussies are not overwhelming of british stock?
And the queen, language, governance, history, family ties, similar outlooks in life. Yeah totally different
Yeah that's right we have four (yes that's right, count em, four) normal looking women!
>tfw Brexit has been the best comedy in years
My favourite part was when the parliament rejected around a dozen ideas for a deal AND the no-deal option.
So are Americans and calling Americans culturally British would be fucking retarded.
Some irrelevant celebrity and when she dies, bye bye monarchy.
It's the world language.
The only true part.
>family ties
No one gives a fuck about their having British heritage.
>similar outlooks in life
Objectively false.
Face the facts. From the boomers down, Australians at best feel apathy to Britain. Most of us fucking hate you and the vile fossils you send down here for retirement.
Still better than the liberals womens
Literally four of them!
Your sister is ugly af tho
>the liberals
American detected
And you should see the men too!
Ladies, calm yourselves!
Alright smartass, find me 4 normal looking UK women. And I mean normal for Europe, not the UK
16yo is age of consent here lad. or if you are over 14yo i think a 3 year difference. so 17yo and 14 can be together.
Really makes you think
Have to. English women's looks turn to shit once they turn 25.
Groundhog Day?
Lmao those lefties have nothing on the leave campaigns 4 (that's right you read it correctly 4) attractive women.
Spanish people were a mistake
This is a terrible meme because every place has ugly people and hot people.
Look at those pathetic liberal specimens
March to leave on the other hand...
if you do my garden chores, ill let you work on my garden
Exception to prove the rule
No, she wasn't
why won't they just leave and get it over with. fucking beta bongistanis are such cucks in everything they do