Obligatory Castlevania thread

Obligatory Castlevania thread.
>mfw the last thread died

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Whats wrong user? Don't you want to be a good boy?

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I'll be a good boy as long as my morningstar gets to kiss your face

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Reminder that Glitch Tech made a better Castlevania cartoon in one episode that the entirety of Netflix Castlevania.

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so watch it over and over user, if thats what you prefer

Eh I liked the Castlevania show, but they could have done more with the castle itself, in the games its like monster Disneyland inside, but here it just have like 7 rooms and a cool study.

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What all of the references to Dracula as a "Man of Science" feels like.

>its like monster Disneyland inside
I wish Disney would have an actual scary castle ride.

Why the fuck did he need to invent machines to block out the sun? Seriously, he’s THE head honcho warlock just summon that darkness like he summoned those LITERAL DEMON CREATURES FROM HELL
What a fucking mess of a script

Some vague spoilers based on reviews:
>Sypha and Trevor SEX
>Alucard goes to Stardew Valley
>Isaac learns that some humans are actually fine
>Hector and the red-head vampire have a BDSM thing going on
>Carmilla's lesbian harem isn't completely loyal to her
>Sypha and Trevor don't reunite with Alucard at the end

>>Alucard goes to Stardew Valley

What did you mean by this? The other stuff I had heard but not sure what that's about.

There's apparently a sequence in the first episode where he lives a pretty domestic life, fishing, gathering herbs and cooking etc.

>Isaac learns that some humans are actually fine
>You're one of the good ones.

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Isaac deserves nothing less than brutal disembodiment for being the author's pet.

Someone on Yea Forums (so take it with a grain of salt) said that redhead vampiress and Hector genuinely fall for each other in their own weird way and plan to run off together (so I guess she's de facto Julia?), but Carmilla finds out and kills vampire waifu for dissent which causes Hector to go berserk and sic his monster army on her.

IIRC there was another review implying they do fall in love so this might happen. I mean it's very likely, people were predicting he'd snap and sic his monsters on her last season.

>Why the fuck did he need to invent machines to block out the sun?
Is this some faggotry from Season 3 because Dracula is dead.

>most wholesome looking character is the most depraved

based nigger

that scene was some oscar-worthy shit

I felt horrible for him and also super uncomfortable seeing him cry. It was weird.

>Wanders around the castle, realizing how lonely his father felt and how much his mother must've meant to him
>sits down in the room where he and his father destroyed what they built
>remembers when he played with his mother and that she along with his father are gone forever
Fucking hell.

Apparently he's starting to lose it in the opening half of the new season, most of the reviews said he was beginning to go crazy but it wasn't elaborated on.

>start watching season 2 to catch up for S3
>it's fucking alright___
I dislike how most of the Trevor-Sypha-Alucard stuff is just banter in the library instead of the adventuring that actually happens in the game, but the show's entertaining.
After all that talk about Leon I hope we get Lament of Innocence for Season 5 or at least as a flashback episode if they don't cancel the show before then.

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Where the fuck is Death?

>that scene was some oscar-worthy shit
Besides how the oscars is bullshit, this dick sucking praise for such a flawed script is the reason why I'm not watching season 3.

You won't watch season 3 because people like a scene from the 2nd? Sounds like faggotry to me. Just say it's because you dislike the script bitch


All S3 needs to do is to set up the future Belmont generations and Dracula's rebirth cycle

Well we know for sure Trevor and Sypha are working on the first part according to spoilers.

It was a shit script and consoomers ruin everything.

>abloo bloo bloo
thats you
thats what you sound like
go back to Yea Forums

I don’t know if this show meets China’s guidelines, but Netflix probably left out any and all animate skeletons just to be sure.

>Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product
Honestly, complaining that people don't like product in an Mongolian Basketweaving forum is pretty gay.

China doesn't get Western streaming services because they compete with the CCP-backed one. It's why the Disney+ shows are doing much more of the SanFran-oriented identity politics stuff than the films: they don't have to worry about meeting the guidelines of the CCP censorship board.

Coronavirus can't work quickly enough.

Netflix has a huge Chinese audience, I'm very sure death and skeletons were left out for that reason.

I dont give a shit if he likes it or not but the 'complaining about consoomers' for anyone who enjoys anything spamming here and all through Yea Forums is so fucking tiresome.

I think that the writers think that Death is just dumb. It isn't like they respected the source material.

They'll probably have Season 4 be Curse of Darkness, and then maybe jump to SOTN for 5.

>'complaining about consoomers'
The difference between a fan and an consoomer is ability to make arguments for the product and being able to consider negative opinions.

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>harem isn't loyal
Of fucking course not, they want dick.
>no reunion
It's official. We have to kill people. I'll get my gun.

>>no reunion
>It's official. We have to kill people. I'll get my gun.
Kinda funny how tone deaf Ellis and the directors are that they didn't at least allow them a brief union, even if just a passing thing.

One of the only changes that I like in Season 2 is Alucard not sleeping until SotN.

>sad Alucard didn't even get his fairy's lullaby

Dropped the ball there, desu.


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>Dracula, not even at half his power or half-assing the fight
>barely beaten by an experienced Belmont, expert wizard, and his own goddamn son all doing the best they can to stop him
what are we going to get after the first resurrection or the second?

He'll get it in season 3 probably.

His crying was perfect without any music accompanying it.

Less human, more demonic, more angry.

The English cover of Nocturne is one of those precious few song dubs that actually outdoes the original.

The only other one I can think of is Heritors of Arcadia from FE:Echoes

First resurrection might be an insane abomination, like one of his demon forms or the pillar of faces in 3.
Second resurrection, he'd probably be humanoid again but more pissed off and evil, probably fighting Simon, Richter, or Alucard depending on how much of a boner the show's staff have for Alucard.

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Could be a lead in to him going to sleep until SotN?

Sorry, I don't quite follow.

Possibly. From all the reviews I've been reading though this season leaves alot hanging as if they're pretty sure they're getting a fourth season which Netflix won't agree too for a few months (if they agree to it at all). So yeah if they're leaving a lot of intentional loose ends like is Alucard going to sleep and various other things it could be really bad.

Daily reminder that there's a seldom acknowledged Dracula-tier demon form for Alucard that's only seen on the game over screen and very rarely when he's petrified.

I hope this season has its own Bloody Tears moment. Castlevania has one of the best soundtracks in the entire medium, it'd be a crime to not use Vampire Killer or Beginning at least once in this show's run.

Watched the whole show last week. Isaac is based.

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Oh right, I see. Never actually ever made that connection, that's funny.

do you know something you'd like to share with the class user?
Please tell me there's rumors he appears in that form?

I very much doubt it'll happen in the show, I've only ever seen it mentioned once or twice on the wide web as it is.
Everyone thinks they'll recognize the baleful beast when it rears its head, but never when it needs them.

now this is autism

most of you would gladly eat bugs if she told you to

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No more autistic than screeching over Grant not being in the show.

I would, yeah.

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Not with that five-head.


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>and very rarely when he's petrified.
>If Alucard is turned to stone while performing a Double Jump, instead of his normal stone form he will be turned into a large winged gargoyle statue. While in this state, rather than becoming more vulnerable, Alucard instead becomes invincible.

>Isaac is based.
Not really. He is kind of a retard; but unlike Hector, that wasn't done on purpose.

i fucking hated her. her and hector being a retard damn near ruined the season for me

Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain (pic related)
Show Trevor:
>Militant atheist (like the show's writer who's never played the games)

Yet another source material raped by Netflix

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shut up

Yet another season where the Church is the main villain. This writer is a mentally ill redditor.

>A month has passed since Dracula’s demise and Trevor and Sypha find themselves making an extended stay in the little hamlet of Lindenfeld. However, their travel destination seems to be ripe with a sinister underbelly and suspicious figures, most of which are associated with the priory and the church. Prior Sala and the other church members are eager to find those that killed Dracula and resent that his death has closed them off to a certain aspect of existence.

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He's never played the games and brags about raping the source material. This show made for reddit and tumblr is not Castlevania

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

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Why are Western atheist writers like this?

You guys always ruin these threads with your hysterics

Because atheists are a literal cancer.

These threads always devolve into a The War on Christmas FOX News segment.

It wasn't always like that. Look at Gargoyles. Netflix Castlevania just reeks of cynicalism and misanthropy. If the spoilers were true, why did Hector's relationship needed to be so sexually deviant? He was chained and naked and she was saved by someone who into that?

>look ma I posted it again!

It always happens at the same time of day too, hmmmm...

>Noooo don't point out how Netflix raped Castlevania!!! Just CONSOOM!

She's the worst part of the series and I have no idea why she's still in the show.

Will she die this season and will Hector take her place?


When will they introduce Best Girl?

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This will be the last season right?

Seems like according to reactions the ending is pretty open, so even if there’s not anything confirmed yet, the creators are expecting more.

Sounds pretty solid. I'm glad there's no reunion to placate those OT3 fags. Alucard isn't even supposed to be awake now, it's what makes him waking up in Symphony of the Night to fix Richter Belmont's fuck up more powerful. But since he was so popular they shoehorned him.

Seems like with the ending being as open as it apparently is, they might continue with Trevor trio for another ‘season’ to tie things up, if they actually get another one.

There's also supposed to be a sex scene with Alucard fucking those two girls he starts training, something that's making Tumblr seethe for some reason.

>Alucard gets a threesome

Yeah no she deserves mind breaking rape just for being such a dumb bitch.

Mostly because it's not the threesome they wanted?
I can relate to that, but if anyone can pull massive ass, it's Adrian.

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The threesome they wanted was never going to happen. I'm glad they got so utterly cucked from their retarded crackship.

I won't obey a misandrist bitch

I hope they give her big tits, all of the women are flat. I can't speak from Season 3 yet

Can't wait.

Didn’t it take a couple of centuries before Alucard met another Belmont in the games’ timeline? Like, he basically spent generations as a hermit until Maria Renard comes along and asks for his help with dear old dad, right?

In the games Alucard goes to sleep after CV3 and wakes up on his own right before SotN.

>no femdom red head vampire gf

Will we ever get to see Alucard pretending to be Japanese to the point were he even weebified his own name?

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Your post has no worth here. Begone.

Just give me more smug Trevor

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I always found this plot point very retarded

>why the hell did father reincarnate in a japanese kid
>because the ass...was fat

Its like Gladiator, but he becomes James Bond instead of a gladiator.

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Death doesn’t have dialogue between Lament and 3.

Needs to ride a giant skull. Preferably one with Medusa hair.

He got what he deserved.

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getting fucked by a qt ginger vampire?

He really did, he was a fucking idiot to trust Carmilla. Speaking of which her death better be gruesome and they better not hold back because she's a woman. I still think it's hilarious that this bitch thought she could actually take on Dracula when even in his weakened state he could have swatted her aside like an ant.

Kind of.
In Curse he legitimately was unaware of the extent of Dracula’s war and just abandoned it, leaving the monsters under his command that were supposed to guard Dracula to run amok causing Isaac to go after him with the rest, leaving Dracula exposed for Trevor and the crew.

In this he sort of shrugs his way into opposition and winds up taken captive by his collaborator. He was totally alright and aware of everything. The rebellion wasn’t even necessary for the defeat of Dracula.

>Speaking of which her death better be gruesome and they better not hold back because she's a woman.
She should also come back after, like Dracula.
She’s too big of a recurring enemy to just use once.

Even if its trapped in a bleeding mask/statue.

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Between this and the SUPER SUBTLE crown of thorns on every body, I suspect Legion is just going to be a flying ball of brainwashed Christian villagers.

It's been three years at this point you should just go back to bitching about Konami tanking the franchise.

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she entrapped him in her web of betrayal
>tfw she comes back and wants to fuck him in submission after being shown what a man he is when he BTFOs her

Wonder how raunchy the sex scenes are since the reviewers all seem mention it.


Konami tanked the franchise starting in 2010. It’s been an entire decade since the main Castlevania series got any content, unless you think mobile ports and Steam collections count for some reason.

Which means bitching about the Netflix spinoff is still the most topical issue right now.


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Hector is shown huddled in a cage naked, being pulled by a caller, and getting called a "Good Boy" by a sultry ginger vampire.

its some kinky shit

Post clitoris?

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