Probably the best MCU film, and one of the best capeshit movies ever.
No spoilers but "she" was only in it for two scenes (thank god) one had the only massive eye-roller moment in the film.
Overall A+, great stuff.
Probably the best MCU film, and one of the best capeshit movies ever.
No spoilers but "she" was only in it for two scenes (thank god) one had the only massive eye-roller moment in the film.
Overall A+, great stuff.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was okay. Infinity war was a LOT better. I just hope the MCU gets better into the future with someone like Dr. Doom
>I just hope the MCU gets better into the future
I really can't see that happening
>thor's arc being completely reversed for a single joke
A+ filmmaking
Boggles my mind people actually pay real money to watch capeshit especially when the film is online
Kek, who says I paid?
>the film is online
No shit
>Thor avoids his responsibilities, reversing his arc
>Captain America forgets about his "moving on", reversing his arc
>Black Widow completely goes against her "we don't trade lives" philosophy
They will obviously do crossover movies with New Avengers or X-Men reboot or whatever, but I doubt they can surpass the hype level of Infinity War and Endgame.
What? The Russo did a great job with Thor in Infinity War. Yes they toned Thor a bit in Endgame. But dual wielding Stormbreaker and Mjol is also a great moment for him.
Why are Russo's such shit directors the visuals, editing, camerwork are all mediocre.
Feels like the last my movie with good direction was gotg.
>pretty realistic desu
People are full of shit, and will change their philosophy like the wind when a new and better opportunity rises, news at 11
It was like most anime endings, mediocre and disappointing
>Probably the best MCU film
It's not. You're just consumed by the hype and the genuine great moments it had. It's pretty much "Plot contrivance" the movie
If it's not the best, or one of, then what is?
Civil war and Infinity war are better
Man fuck Thor. Don't even worry about it. Lang got it worse. I get they wanted him to be comic relief but did he need to have an IQ below 70 for them to pull that off?
That's because GOTG had an actual film director and not sitcom directors that do whatever the mouse wants without question.
Infinity War was better than this as was Winter Soldier. Honestly I think this is the Russo's weakest MCU film. It's fine but it's not the best
worst film of the entire MCU, zero story, nothing surprising happens at all, almost every single scene is fanservice.
It's the equivalent of Wrestlemania where each character gets their entrance and quip lines, then does a dance off and the curtain falls.
People just have a massive hard-on for Winter Soilder because the action choreography is so good, the muh "New World Order" storyline is pretty shity desu, and has been done way better before.
The only thing better about Infinity war is the ending, and Civil War better than Endgame? Nah.
>worst film of the entire MCU
Retard-tier opinion, worse than The Incredible Hulk? worse than Thor: Dark World? worse than fucking Captain Marvel?
yes absolutely, I dont remember 'The incredible hulk' anymore though but if that is the first hulk film then at the time of release I thought it was incredible.
These new movies are absolute trash tier. It's Deadpool-tier comedy nonstop, every fight is clearly predecided already, zero stress. I feel absolutely nothing when I watch Thanos or the Avengers win. Who cares? In a good movie I feel for a side and hate the other one. Thanos is such a ridiculous dude, the entire idea itself is retarded. Oh wow, kill half the universe. Like seriously? they will just fuck and makes babies and in ~200 years the same problem is there again. It's the most retarded story plot ever.
And now they added time travel so they can bring back all their "dead" friends, so apparently nobody can ever die again. Oh but no worries, it's totally limited because uhh... like some particles or something, we only have exactly as many as the plot requires, so it's still exciting!!
holy shit, you have to be an absolute mongrel child to think these movies are anything but total trash
>woah what an incredible movie that was exactly the same like the previous 69 gorillion movies before it! remember friends, don't spoil this absolutely oscar worthy movie for others that have waited their entire lives for it!
I really liked it but its fate was sealed as soon as they went the time travel route, even if it was better than expected since they don't just reverse time and instead just need it to pluck out the stones from the timeline.
But I can already see the sheer amount of (understandable) asspain because of the time paradoxes and plot holes that are present. Yeah, they probably shouldn't have used time travel as a plot device in the first place and they sure as hell shouldn't be throwing shade at movies like Back to the Future and Terminator for their illogical time travel rules. I don't even know if the "turn off your brain" retardation even applies here since time travel movies always end up like this (except maybe Primer but I still have problems with it)
>but if that is the first hulk film then at the time of release I thought it was incredible.
It's the second even more shitty one. and your point about Endgame being the worst MCU film is still retarded.
>"SHe" made full stones Thanos bent his knee
Shit show
Actually, even the idea for the movie is so uninteresting, it's like they stopped trying to make up a story entirely.
Fully grasp this, try it: The plot for Endgame was that they wanted to save a few more people than they did the last movie.
That's it. That is the plot for their final grand movie. "lets improve on the result of the last movie"
It is so stupid, I would not have predicted such an utterly irrelevant plot, actually it's offensive. Remember how there were rumors of another villain? Because that would actually make sense, but no... it's another 3 hours of Thanos but this time he's weaker without the stones but they still somehow dont just immediately win.
The plot is razor thin and yet there are still so many idiotic holes in it, it really is incredible how bad it is.
But the most incredible thing about all this is that human beings are incapable of seeing how trash it is. The imdb score is a testament to the stupidity of the human species.
It's a great movie to end the only part of the MCU that matters. Too bad being a contrarian hipster dosen't make you as cool in real life as it does online, eh guys?
actually let's add another point. Remember how they hyped up how this time finally there will totally be lots and lots of deaths because the situation is now totally serious right?
LOL only a single person died and at the very end, like as a gimmick. Actually they top that again. Not only does only a single person die, oh no oh nooonononoon HAHAHA. He dies *WITHOUT A REASON*. They were already clearly winning and outgunning Thanos with every single hero resurrected and blasting. But oh no, he has to die now because we already had enough Ironman movies.
Man this is such a joke, I cant believe how bad it is. I did kinda predict it though, I paid for Infinity war tickets but I didnt fall for it again, I knew this one was going to be shit too if they produce garbage like Infinity war.
In fact, I want to applaud Marvel for so violently disrespecting their fans but knowing that it will not matter at all. They truly are excellent businessmen. I congratulate them for calculating exactly how stupid their fanbase is and knowing that they could get away with a finale that has next to no impact at all on any future money making opportunities. Truly, this is a great movie for the company and they had to risk practically nothing. I bet the story was actually decided by a bunch of business majors and the writers were given the plot to ghostwrite around.
Am I contrarian if I pretend the MCU doesn't exist after this? They revisited the past movies, It's called Endgame and there was no after credit scene. It's like they're telling me to stop.
I would rather it end gracefully than sink into mediocrity like it inevitably will
pretty good for a capeshit. captain marvel was garbage thoroughly and ruined any scenes she was in. best girl scarlet witch was kino as usual.
boomer thor was great, boomer thor joining the GOTG was absolute kino and im stocked for 3 now.
>Am I contrarian if I pretend the MCU doesn't exist after this?
No, I'm doing the exact same thing it's obviously going to hell from here on out because of the fucking mouse anyway.
Two people die but you're mostly right. The reason Iron Man had to sacrifice himself was because they needed to run to the van with the stones to return them to the original universe so that the timeline doesn't get fucked up, and as a result of running around like dumbasses with the full gauntlet in hand, Thanos guns for it with the purpose of erasing the universe and nearly succeeds resulting in Iron Man having to kill himself on the spot as soon as he steals the stones again because all the actual useful people like Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange are conveniently occupied. So the "reason" for his sacrifice should have not existed in the first place if it wasn't for the characters being absolutely retarded, since the van gets destroyed in the fight anyway and the logical move would be to just send the stones back in time after the battle instead of running around in full view of Thanos while carrying the gigantic glove above their heads Looney Toons style.
You cant even deny it. Try denying that the writers were given clear instructions on who was allowed to die and who wasnt.
Go ahead, try and deny it. I dare you to do it.
>good directing
Rewatch it and you'll see how amateurish it was shot.
>it's edgy to hate capeshit
Sonic Adventure 2 has a more compelling narrative
>it's edgy to hate capeshit
You're trying to say that it isn't?
It's definitely fan-wank: the movie, with all the good and bad that comes with that
Not him but no. It's not edgy to not like Superhero movies
The movie is way too long and slow for no reason. The end SUCKS. What a let down that was...
It's not edgy to hate capeshit or have no interest in them. I'd say it's a little edgy to constantly say how much you hate capeshit but not in a bad way, it's completely understandable to rag on something that's popular if you have genuine reasons. You only get into the edgy category if you dedicate time to shitting on the general populace who likes these popcorn flicks and call them sheep or retards or whatever, in the same way that people who shit on sports fans nonstop are usually edgy in that way.
You bunch of fucking losers
P.S. Captain America dies halfway through the movie
>get dragged along with my sister
>I hear people crying during the film
>they applaud afterwards
What the fuck's going on? I thought this shit only happened in America. I've never gone to a film where people actually clapped after.
>You only get into the edgy category if you dedicate time to shitting on the general populace who likes these popcorn flicks and call them sheep or retards or whatever
Oh, you mean like everyone on Yea Forums does?
absolutely based. most accurate post ITT
>Rewatch it and you'll see how amateurish it was shot.
Oh look, we've got a film expert here!
He thinks one of the Hulk moves is "incredible" Opinion disregarded.
Anyone who defends this mediocre piece of trash needs to be put down like a dog. There were so many plotholes, retcons, continuity errors and cheap fan service that it's hard to believe Kevin Feige would release this in the first place.
You're the fucking loser, you can't even post real spoilers, faggot.
mads mikkelson was completely wasted on that doctor strange villain. in my mind he would’ve been the perfect doctor doom
jesus christ its the same guy posting angry reviews
captain marvel really did break poltards
The only good movies are Iron Man and Captain America.
The rest is tv show tier.
people seething about her when the only thing she did that effected the movie was saving tony
I literally yelled and stood up when cap picked up mjolnir
Yeah, because the Nazis weren't broken before.
Captin Marvel is the equivalant of this in Endgame
Which is only a good thing desu, also not the same guy, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about btw.
The movie had one of the fewer plot holes in the MCU. Its a fucking kids movie, even a child could understand whatever so called plot whole you plan on listing. Not everything has to be told to you like a fucking kinder gardener.
The cameo from Thor's mom at the end was so weird. Why did they have to get Susan Sarandon in to beqeuath Asgardian knighthoods on all the Avengers? Is that canon?
>Susan Sarandon
Face blindness?
>Imagine watching, and enjoying, Capeshit®
Holy hell, Batman, we're surrounded by Incels!
yeah haha, so funny that they shit on Thor and make him seem even more irrelevant.
Thor is the only good franchise in MCU
the one with edward norton is unironically a great film. i think that is the one he was referring to. before marvel films got shit, great acting performances, tim roth most underrated villian in the MCU, and just an enjoyable film with actual stakes,set in reality, not fantasy wakanda black power land.
it's like gay marriage, now that the real thing doesnt exist anymore everybody can have it
Harley Keener Ty Simpkins is so handsome.
Can anyone confirm the rumour this is the end of the current Avengers story arc? No spoilers though please, still waiting to watch
Lads, lads, lads, check this one out
>AvenGAYs: EndGAYme
>complain about capeshit
>use the worst capeshit of all time as a refrence
Was Coulson one of the Hydra SHIELD guys?
Yes, it's the end of the current Avengers arc. The story that began with Iron Man in 2008 concludes with Endgame. There will be more movies going forward but Tony Stark is fucking dead, Captain America is an old man, Black Widow is dead, and Thor joins the guardians of the Galaxy
Ummm, excuse me??
The Batman movies directed by Tom Burton in the 1990s are the greatest superhero (NB not Capeshit®) movies of all time. They capture the essence of the true superhero, which is important to understanding how humans think and interact in the modern world.
>Tony Stark is fucking dead, Captain America is an old man, Black Widow is dead, and Thor joins the guardians of the Galaxy
You douchebag I said no spoilers!!!
look like it
No, they're both shit. I did a run-through the MCU before Endgame, and the 2008 Hulk is the only one I felt outright complelled to skip.
I put them in fucking spoiler tags. Are you retarded? YOU just spoiled it by linking them in your reply without tags.
>mfw someone started clapping in my screening and 0 people joined in
I'm glad most people have some sense
Harley Keener Ty Simpkins is so handsome.
Norton Hulk has exactly two good moments and they're both times Blonsky fights Hulk (before becoming abomination or whatever)
>my god he's doing it!
I pretend the MCU was finished after Infinity war. Thanos is sitting on a hilltop smiling somewhere. The End.
You got got.
All I know is that it felt like it and was a good end, I'm stopping here too because I don't like the look of where its heading. Look at Star Wars for reference.
As I understand it, the "time travel" is actually travelling to different dimensions/timelines
So shouldn't the 10 million+ timelines where Thanos wins still exist?
I'm not satisfied with it, but there's no easy solution is there? How were they going to cram balanced screen time for other key characters into a mere 200 minutes without toning down Thor's power with some debuffs? It's the same reason they had to give Hulk an early day off in the last movie
Didn't seem like it and no one came right out and said it, so...
You're deluding yourself if you think it isnt capeshit, Batman is the biggest capeshit of them all.
they will get themselves a new Ironman from a different timeline. Guaranteed.
Its almost like Coulson got a whole fucking TV show after Avengers
Wow, epic troll you fucking noob.
Get real. Batman is serious shit for men, none of this bullshit for chicks and kids. The Riddler is probably the best superhero villain, followed closely by the Penguin. Don't start me on the complexity of Catwoman - after all these years, I bet you don't even know - is she a good girl, or a bad girl? Even me personally, I'm sure of only one thing - she's a bad girl in my dreams.
a good "moment" for him? look, a story isnt a cake that you can divide up between a bunch of characters so everyone gets a piece. Thor had a character, an attitude, a purpose, a strength level. They took all that and made him into a joke. What's next, in the next movie maybe let's have another white male completely be depressed and cry for mommy?
Kid from Iron Man 3 was at the funeral. He should be the new one. Why not.
Harley Keener Ty Simpkins is so handsome.
Tony Stark builds a new Iron Man suit because Ant-Man takes his old one to fight in the Kromtosis battle
The absoulte state of self-deluding retards.
Harley Keener Ty Simpkins is so handsome.
Yes. It's not edgy to hate bad movies
What was the leak last week? I avoided it, what part did it spoil?
Calling them all bad movies is, however.
Kill yourself OP, seriously fucking killyourself
None of these marve movies are even good besides the first Iron Man
>Kill yourself OP, seriously fucking killyourself
You first you witless retarded faggot.
>'story plot'
hello boomer
Winter Soldier and Guardians 1 are objectively good movies. So is Ant Man.
Can you be more specific
What exactly leaked?
the final battle
there's a pastebin floating around that is a full summary of the movie also
>look at me im so cool i hate capeshit
I bet you like von Trier and think you have taste.
Von Trier is a shit director like every single shit director Marvel hires.
How about them apples?
Winter Solider was shit. Even Avengers 2 is better
Why the fuck would anyone come to Yea Forums and still worry about spoilers, how fucking stupid do you have to be exactly? whatever you do you'll still have a 80-90% chan of it being spoiled regardless.
You cunt!! Fuck off. Fuck you and your shit kiddy shit
>anyone taking contrarian Yea Forums's opinion seriously.
holy shit so much assmad in one place
I was talking to my wife's boyfriend after watching this at the midnight release. I absolutely agree, and did agree with him at the time, that there was just not enough diversity in this film sadly. Really brought it down from A+ to C at most. What were they thinking? Not enough black characters and why didn't Cap transition like he did in the comics? Pandering to the blue states while giving up on Oscars I guess.
>Yea Forums
This place is the most basic bitch normie zoomer board possible that talks about oscars and capeshit like every single shitpleb does at the exact same time they discuss those topics all over the internet
I wish Yea Forums was a little contrarian, this board is r/movies tier
People think Emma Stone is a great actress because she's been shilled in so many oscarbait shitflicks acting the same
Hulk vs the humvees was great "hulk smash" action.
yeah, exactly this. "she" only had about 5% of screen time thankfully.
Yeah when they're hitting him with the sound cannon, that was good. I kind of lump that in with the Blonsky fight though since they roll right into eachother.
The plot was horrible
>to the contrary
I'm of the same thinking.
It was just ok, whereas Infinity war felt like I'd just seen a big event.
Why did they just cut off Banner/Hulk's character growth? The build up in Ragnorok and IW felt like it had no payoff? This felt a thing throughout the film; we didn't get any character stories like in the first one they got isolated mini-arcs at best, no one actually grew in the film.
Captain Marvel being boringly overpowered undermined everything despite them trying to restrict her
Why was a gem-less Thanos stronger than one with all but 2?
There wasn't the building of dread and things slowly converging like in IW. It felt like they had to force in a big confrontation at the end just because. There was no tension to anything.
The eye rolling moment in the final battle was stupid, as was Valkyrie being the ruler of Asgard (has she shown any capability of ruling whatsoever?)
Wow woooow
Reminds me of that cheetos ad.
Nice job op
They shouldn't have gone time travel. Time travel always makes for a shitty plot.
>Thor joins the guardians of the Galaxy
You've got to be fucking shitting me
He's a masters in engineering while everyone else has a PhD in something.
are u guys unironically liking these movies?
I tried to watch the first one but I literally didnt know half of the heroes and stopped watching.
srsly theres literally 10 marvel movies a year and it gets old
or am I just too edgy here?
I'm 100% serious. He gives up the throne of Asgard and hands it to Valkyrie instead. There's a line about how they're now the (As)Guardians of the galaxy
This doesn't bode well for Quill when you remember that the Gamora they have is the one from before she fell in love with Quill, and now he has to compete with Thor who she is very attracted to
Valkyrie showed literal negative ruling capability. She abandoned her people to go drink herself to death on a junk planet and punch things. Her and Thor are made for each other. The only sign that she's semi-capable is when she's hauling boxes in the 2 minutes she had on screen, because apparently light general labor is enough to mark a Capable Waman.
i agree with some but that last bit with valkyrie ruling asgard, im pretty sure she was running it for 5 years? nothing would've really changed there
Thor promised to give her the throne in exchange for boning her ebony ass in the new MIB.
This entire boar is full of underaged fags or fags that are barely 18 physically or mentally. a lot of them actually watch all of and like most or a lot of them
but they are all trash
Fucking mod loser, combing through these threads to look for Tony Stark dies posts. Have fun you fucking virgins
Thought it was mediocre desu. First half was boring. Jokes were shit 90% of the time. Really weird change of pace going from nothing but humor to immediately people getting butchered. That happened more than once.
Nobody fucking cared that Widow died but they held a big ceremony for Tony. Only one interesting interaction with the time travel. Hulk was pretty much irrelevant the entire movie.
Infinity wars was obviously a better movie.
>he did the thing and i clapped!
jesus fucking christ. no wonder these films make millions with tards like you. you cant even understand why reversing and characters entire arc is a bad thing - but at least he got to wield le epic hammer!
Not the best by any means. Good fun. Decent conclusions for characters, except Thor. Hemsworth must have pissed Feige off or something. What a waste of a character, besides Hulk.
Follow the rules and you will not have any problem kid.
Thanks, I am.
>but pol
>who is also ANOTHRER boogeyman who is posting reviews which don't exist in this thread
Did you get mindbroken?
There's only one thing sadder than paying to watch capeshit. And that's being so poor yet cucked by it that you'll subject yourself to a shitty camrip to see it. Only a self-delusional fool tells himself he doesn't care about capeshit and then goes out of his way to watch it in bad quality because he can't stop himself.
>yfw the time paradox shit is all to plan
>yfw the X-Men shows up with basically the same origin they had in the Ultimate Universe thanks to the time fuckery
>All of this arguments just for capeshit
Seems you guys just get Marpilled
I haven't seen captain marvel, but after watching endgame, i finally understand all the hate. My god, how can a character be so unlikeable?
overall a solid movie though, even if some scenes shouldn't played out differently.
Also, how about that after credit's scene lads.
She got snapped. Likely back to the past with memories erased same as everyone else. She's destined to be fodder for the soul stone.
>back to the past with memories erased same as everyone else.
Were we just supposed to assume that's what happened?
deaths for the soul stone are permanent
I didn't mean with Gamora in particular, but everyone getting dusted. Using the same effect to transport them back with mindwipes as you did when killing everyone in the last movie seems like a very foolish idea.
brainlet here. What was the whole point and idea of Loki teleporting away and how did they obtain the stone anyway.
Infinity War was so fucking awesome in comparison:
>Loki killed
>Hulk btfo
>Thor left for dead
>Strange, Iron Man vs Squidward
>Spider-man, Iron man saves Strange
>GoG vs Thanos
>Thanos kills his own daugther
>Thor gets new hammer
>Strange, Iron man, spider-man, GoG vs Thanos
>Thanos kills Vision
>Thor almost kills Thanos
100% kino. Summarize Endgame in a similar manner and you'll see how boring it is in comparison
>tfw Hollywood retards nominate Endgame for Best Picture and a shit-ton of tech awards
Hello darkness my old friend....
Lemme guess, you want Joker to win it amirite
The whole point was to resurrect and free Loki up for future Guardians of The Galaxy movie hijinks. They obtained the stone by going even further back in time.
>Stark mopes
>Avengers mope
>Captain Fungus kills Thanos
>Avengers mope
>Ant-man wants timetravel
>bunch of bullshit/rehash from older films
>Thanos attacks HQ
>Stark snaps fingers and dies
Endgame the best marvel movie ever?? Mmmmm... I think not!
>Captain fungus kills Thanos
WRONG, you haven't watched ths movie, Thor beheads Thanos.
oh that makes sense seeing as Thor also joined their crew. Looking forward to boomer Thor banter
>talking about a movie you haven't seen
Fuck off.
Can someone explain to me how the time travel works because I think it makes no f****** sense whatsoever. they traveled back in time to get the stones and the bald Mitch tells Banner that he cannot take the time Stone because he will f****** the timeline and make branches. but then Santos goes from the past into the future and they kill him in the future which means the Thanos never collects all the Infinity Stones and does the events of infinity war. which would have been fine but then they have captain go back in time and then survive long enough into the future but it doesn't make sense because that future is no longer the same future that they made if Thanos died in the future while coming from the past
I agree, but I just assumed they were warped back instead of the writers not being TOO stupid to make them cease to exist before GotG1 and IW.
If they never return the stones the time I would be f***** up is that what you're saying right. but guess what Thanos dies in the future having never done the events of infinity war which means that endgame would have never happened
infinity war was better
I dunno it's fucked like
>Loki is still alive
>They took Mjnolir back but not the baseball glove
>Gamora is still alive but they can't get a copy of Black Widow from the past because reasons
>Nebula = wtf
>Capt brought a shield from the past into the future but had to take Mjonlir back etc etc.
It's bizarre and i've read a few books on Quantum Mechanics and I still can't wrap my head around the branch theory they were going on about because they have clearly fucked it up themselves.
>The best MCU film
Shit basically literally said of every Marvel movie that comes out
It sucks. Ironman died snapping the finger and black widow died sacrificing herself so that Hawkeye can retrieve the infinity stone as it’s the “rule”
And why does cap give his shield to Sam when he turns old ? Doesn’t make sense when Bucky is right behind Sam
>latest MCU movie is best yet
Do you know how I can tell you're lying ?
The branch theory is basically the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and they tried to use it in this movie but they completely f***** it up and because there's no explanation for why the f*** fanos going into the future and the past and dying in the future would still have everything else play out the way it did it all makes absolutely no sense even if you include branches but guess what they said that branching isn't allowed that's why they had to return all the s*** back into the past because branching was not allowed and yet branching must have happened if Thanos died in the future from the past because otherwise the whole movie wouldn't exist
They answered that in the movie. Basically: you can alter time that easily. What are you're changing it's essentially your future; like another timeline or so. At least that's what I understood from the shitty CAM I watched last night. That and that the infinity stones are its own powerful thing that can't be removed from their time period.
Why are you censoring yourself?
I can only assume that they're going to use Cap going back in time and fucking with the continuum as their way to retcon the X-Men and Fantastic Four into the MCU. The next giant crossover might even be them having to fix the time continuum, with Reed being the time-travel expert.
If it hadn't been for the Cap part I would have just assumed they were wrong about the time travel, and that they'd just taken a trip to an alternate universe and taken their stones/Thanos. Sidestepping between dimensions using the quantum dimension that connects them all sounds like it makes way more sense than timetravel. But that was blown away with Cap not returning old in the suit.
Implying he could do shit without captain marvel. she literally does all the work for them. if she didn't exist Thor never would've gotten his chance. Stop acting like I'm wrong when you both know I'm right in hindsight
Thor is a problematic character in Endgame
Old Cap giving the shield to the black guy is the representation of the death of the white men in America. And how they peacefully go in to extinction or at least becoming a minority passing the torch to the minorities they have always oppressed. Recognizing they were wrong thinking they were superior.
Basically "the age of the White Man is over"
Careful you don't trip with all that back-pedalling, faggot.
I was wondering why he didn't just lighting the spaceship out of the sky until Capt Fungus turned up
Shit explanation.... They say they ant even interact with themselves etc because it'll change the future making their reality not happen. That's why they have to return Mjolnir etc. But then they fucking g allow.... Thanos... In the future and kill him there.... So means Thanos isn't around in infinity war and endgame never happens which means they don't go Into the past which means Thanos never dies and Infiniti war happens again. So they're stuck in a time loop
>Red Skull gets banished to Vormir and forced to guard the Soul Stone all because he dared to try and hold the Space Stone
>now everybody's just passing the stones around like it's no big deal because they have a gauntlet for them
Red Skull got screwed. If only he'd known all you need is a specially made glove.
>Moving the goalpost now that you've been proven to be a liar
I hate Brie as much as you faggots but at least I don't waste my time lying about a film because she's in it. It was Banner who punched Thanos and set up the kill for Thor, not Danvers.
Google is censoring me. Voice to text
When Cap offers his shield to Sam, Sam instinctively looks back towards Bucky because he knows of their friendship and relationship. Viewers in that moment are thinking Bucky could/should be the next Captain America. But Bucky nods, indicating that he's okay or even agrees with Cap's decision to anoint Sam the new Captain America. I don't think the world would embrace a Captain America who bombed the UN, killed Tony Stark's parents and committed countless other atrocities in service of a terrorist organization.
>5 year timeskip
>Wakanda still hasn't shared their miraculous technology with the rest of the world, improving the quality of life for the half of humanity that remains
fucking stingy
Wakanda had no king for 5 years all them nigs were probably chimping out for the throne
They had specially made gloves? I must have missed that. I kept wondering why people were handling them without a care in the world suddenly.
thats niggers for you
So, Tony's sacrifice play was noble and all, but wouldn't there also be massive problems caused by suddenly bringing everyone who was snapped back?
3'rd world countries who might truly have prospered from having a part of the population cut down?. Imagine having been freed from your abusive rapist parent for 5 years, then suddenly they're back, standing in your living room.
Does Doctor Strange show up in this movie? Spoil me, please, he's only guy I like.
Already decided I’m not gonna watch it.
Yeah Strange is in it a lot. He does cool shit as usual.
Soul stone rule is literally soul for a soul. You need one person to take it back and one to die.
At the end
Does he live or what? I assume he'll be in future Dr Strange movies?
>>Thor avoids his responsibilities, reversing his arc
>>Captain America forgets about his "moving on", reversing his arc
>>Black Widow completely goes against her "we don't trade lives" philosophy
Theres also been five years chronlogically and hell of alot of trauma in between.
No wonder they've changed their tunes.
For the greater good.
Yeah he lives, and Doctor Strange 2 is already confirmed. He'll probably be one of the more major characters going ahead into the next phase. I was hoping they'd do the Illuminati plot from the comics and have him keep the stones in secret but tell the rest of the plebs they've been destroyed/returned
And I misspoke by saying he's in it "a lot". He was a lot more present in Infinity War, but he comes back for the big battle in this one.
>When Cap offers his shield to Sam, Sam instinctively looks back towards Bucky because he knows of their friendship and relationship. Viewers in that moment are thinking Bucky could/should be the next Captain America. But Bucky nods, indicating that he's okay or even agrees with Cap's decision to anoint Sam the new Captain America. I don't think the world would embrace a Captain America who bombed the UN, killed Tony Stark's parents and committed countless other atrocities in service of a terrorist organization.
I didn't even think of that. Makes way more sense. Not to mention I think Cap probably told Bucky his plan before he went into the time machine, he's his best bud. Of course he would've said.
Hi James
My impression from Infinity War is that Bucky is tired of fighting anyway and probably wants to retire.
You're too smart for this place
Tell me about the last time you saw moviegoer casuals getting into a theater to see the ending of a blockbuster saga that took 20+ movies of emotional investement just to make sense.
I’m not defending the MCU, yet it changed the way people percieve moviegoing in a decade without forcing anyone to sit through the ride. People willingly started to care about nerdy details and shared timelines for the first time in their lives because of it, so leave them clapping. They sat through all this because they wanted to, they deserve it.
Oh wait, Hulk did that. Tony snapped Thanos
>Illuminati without Tony and Reed Richards
nah, they screwed themselves out of that chance
I still sometimes can't believe that they managed to make Rocket Raccoon a fucking household name.
By all reasonable expectations the MCU should not have worked as well as it did.
I know nothing about comics user, but now I'm curious. Can you tell me what happens in those comics? Sounds fun.
>don't worry she has help
>all main female mcu characters move on screen
i'm not remotely incel but holy fuck I cringed
>By all reasonable expectations the MCU should not have worked as well as it did.
never underestimate how infantilized and stupid modern society has become
It's been a while, but it's mostly about Tony, Strange, Professor X and a few others coming together to try and figure out if they should form an all-superhero kind of shadow government. Unfortunately it's predicated on events that either didn't happen in the MCU or happened very differently (the drive to form the group is that they realize each of them had specific knowledge of alien threats and could have stopped them earlier if they'd worked together and shared information)
I still think it would have been a cool after-credits scene to have Strange and a few others agreeing in secret to keep the stones and lying to the others. But apparently that creates timeline fuckery in the MCU so it can't happen.
Captain Marvel fucking ruined it. She has no charisma - her inclusion is completely out of place.
Anyone else hear that line about an underwater earthquake that Wakanda didn't check out and get hopes for a Namor movie?
That scene will be remembered as one of the cringiest in popular culture after feminism stops being a meme. Give it five years or less.
Oh, I see. I was worried he went evil and rogue for a second.
fuck off sexist
Marvel has Richards now though don’t they
>Namor standalone movie
I dare them to try
>pirate it
>YAAS scene happens
>niece is visibly excited
>both nephews simultaneously say "cringe"
>I'm cringing inside but don't let them know
>get them ice cream
>secretly give nephews $5 each
>she just flies through everything on her own anyway, because she doesn't need any fucking help from all those people who are way less powerful than her
It was 100% made up by some suit who didn't really give a fuck.
Sure, they have the rights to him, but he obviously hasn't been introduced yet. I guess they could still do it in the future.
Professor X and Namor are also major characters in Illuminati so you'd have to wait for them too.
>She has no charisma
She is tough, that's her character.
I loved the scene where they’re teleconferencing
>being such an immense poorfag that you can't even take your nephews and niece to the cinema and instead have them watch a camrip
Christ that's sad. Did you all huddle up in front of a laptop screen as well?
her character is completely pointless and a charisma vacuum.
suck my dick, destiny. that's a girl's name.
imagine some young comic book fan watching Avengers back to back in 10 years time. the kid will be thinking, who the fuck is this jesus bitch with the deus ex machina abilities? terrible to make her so important to the plot.
they don’t have a Gamora, you litterally don’t see her after her and Quill’s little exchange on the battlefield. She may have been snapped since she was technically part of Thanos’ army, but we don’t see it either way.
also, even with returning the stones to alt-timeline, it’s completly fucked. Loki got away with teseract, Thor’s hammer got stolen (did Cap return it?) and everything post GotG is completly different because as far as that timeline is concerned Thanos vanished from existence (is alt-timeline Quill gonna wake up and just be able to steal Stone without opposition? Will Ronin get it and nuke Xandar?
i know sarcasm is hard to gauge on the internet but come on dude
>terrible to make her so important to the plot.
Oh yeah she was so incredibly important, what with fucking off for almost the whole movie and then doing nothing except take out a spaceship and fail to get the glove to the van.
i always hedge against that. that's why i made a destiny reference instead of going full incel.
I dont understand you faggots, why do you watch this normalfag pleb shit?
>also, even with returning the stones to alt-timeline, it’s completly fucked. Loki got away with teseract, Thor’s hammer got stolen (did Cap return it?) and everything post GotG is completly different because as far as that timeline is concerned Thanos vanished from existence (is alt-timeline Quill gonna wake up and just be able to steal Stone without opposition? Will Ronin get it and nuke Xandar?
the thing is...WHO CARES? the movie establishes that altering the past doesnt affect the present, so why do they give a shit about going back and fixing a load of separate timelines?
They should have just had the avengers not give a fuck about their actions changing the past, because their plan was always to use the glove to set the past right and wipe everyone's memories so it was like they never did anything. Then everything would have made sense by the time Stark snapped because we would assume that's what he did. Have Thanos disappear in a blink to differentiate it from the killing effect from the last movie. Could have given us a lot of Avenger vs. Avenger fights that I'm sure people would have loved.
>Thanos new plan was to double the resources
I lmaod IRL
I didn't see what was so bad for the survivors. I get that they lost loved ones and all but the earth seemed nice as fuck. No way, lots of space. I bet you could go cross country and it'd be so quiet, not a ton of cars on the highway etc. It seemed like a utopia.
I probably would have tried to stop the Avengers from reversing it too.
Instead of using the gauntlet to destroy the stones, Thanos should have used it to make everybody forget about his existence. Erase their memory of the snap. I'm certain he could have done that.
His resume literally says:
>Professional Super Villian
The accent would even work, but I think he would work best as an older doom unless they do de aging stuff.
A shame they wasted him as a means to an end.
Mick and Korg playing fort nite was epic
Not even joking
Spoil me on this Yea Forums, which part of the film do they say the assemble line?
What with the line about 50% of ALL life, as well as antman's first look outside being accompanied by bird song I think Thanos actually killed off 50% of all animal life as well. And with how low we've already brought them that probably resulted in a lot just dying off before they could benefit like the whales. It'd be the wrong kind of quiet.
I dunno if this is a plot hole or if Thanos really was stupid all along. He could have done that and it probably wouldn't even have maimed him like destroying the stones did.
He could have made everyone forget he and the stones existed and make everyone forget the snap even happened.
I found it very weak desu
Neat the end when they all pop out of magic Dr strange portals it's anti climatic and cringe
when literally every character that's ever been in the MCU lines up to face down Thanos and his Army. Big panning shot, Cap says it.
He talked of temptation. He was tempted to use them again himself, that's why he had to remove them.
I think it was just intelligent life. I didn't see any missing forests in the movie. He'd have no reason to target animals, considering how much we bitch slap nature on a daily basis anyway.
For what? A bigger dick? A new car? A vintage Finger Box? Thanos didn't seem the type to give a shit about anything else.
Will anyone watch the new Avengers with the bland replacements? Whitout Tony and Cap i honestly dont care
This so much.
The only way this could be okay is if they bring in the X-Men or some shit and just say that the time travel caused it all.
Remember at the end when starlord was looking at a picture of her? it had "Searching" on it, she and her sister probably fled somewhere in the galaxy and next guardians is going to be him looking for her
It doesn't come out until tomorrow. I had it and they wanted it. Are you retarded?
I really can't picture Brie carrying the franchise going forward. What's the best they have?Guardians, Spider-Man, maybe Doctor Strange if they get crazy with him.
We may be getting new X-Men, Fantastic 4 and all the stuff that comes with them like Galactus and Dr. Doom.
I thing Ive had enough MCU after Endgame. Just saw it, I had fun and felt it was satisfying. A good chunk of my enjoyment of the MCU in general was RDJ as Ironman and Chris Evans as Cap, without them the franchise doesnt feel the same. Maybe I'll be hype again if Doom and the Fantastic Four come in.
there was definitely a visual implication that animal life was snapped as well. after all, 'intelligent life' would be pretty hard for someone concerned with being fair and balanced to define. theres probably some species of near-sentient space slugs that would skirt the border of intelligent life somewhere.
much easier to just snap everything that contributes to resource consumption, i guess. idk
I think its just general temptation, for anyone. His way of denying anyone else from doing exactly what the avengers planned to do.
Though, an example of what Thanos would use it for, is to fight off the avengers or any other hero types when they come to gank him. What if he goes overboard and fucks up reality? he's dealing with the powers of a god, i think its in character for him to destroy it
All the time travel shenanigans definitely leads one to think avengers 5 villain is naturally Kang
He probably just didn't trust himself not to get second thoughts or fuck things up in the next 100 years or however long he'll life.
I always thought sacrificing what you love for the soul stone was a safety measure which would hopefully make you undo what you've done, and in that case he'd destroy them to make sure he didn't undo everything to get Gamora back. But they really fucked that up with this one so now I have no idea.
Everyone is confined to the Milky Way, why not just send the stones to the farthest separate corners of the universe beyond any mortals reach? The distance would be so great no one would find them till the death of the universe and then some. Plus it'd be nothing compared to destroying them and leave him healthy.
George of the Gungle?
Bless you.
>not watching the first decent Fantastic Four movie and seeing Reed replace the egghead parts
I don't think the marvel universe is confined to the milk way. There are probably other societies in other galaxies, plus new superheroes pop up every day and their powers just keep getting crazier and crazier.
Dude probably doesn't want to leave any chance for anyone to use them ever again.
Yeah that's a solid plan in a universe where there's teleportation magic and probably accio spells.
Can you imagine? We'll have Galactus as a threat now. We could even have a Doom spinoff or something.
He didn’t think he would need to, he talks about it before the final battle. He thought 1/2’ing universe population would create happy people living in paradise, and then went and lived on his farm and didn’t bother actually checking what happened.
After his past-self see’s the future, he realises he’ll have to make a new universe where no one knows how thier “paradise” came to be, so no one tries to reverse its creation. Until then he’d never considered that a possibility. He’s basically a religious zealot, or a fanatical orthodox Marxist who believes 100% in workers revolution creating utopia.
Pretty sure they are confined within this galaxy as traversing it alone is already massive. You guys have to remember just how big space is, traveling between galaxies is no joke even in scifi, which is why most of it is set in a single galaxy typically.
Seriously this movie has so many plot holes and further questions raised.
doesnt killing past thanos create a paradox?
nebula kills her past self is a paradox,
so the snapped people come back but its 5 years later so their familys ect have all aged 5 years so logicaly if Peter goes back to school no people he knew should be around unless they were also snapped, there are going to be a lot of awquard things like peoples husbands or wives coming back into existance and having their non snapped partner moved on in the 5 years, 5 years is a long time really.
Scott missed all of Cassies childhood pased like 10 or whatever she was in Antman 2 and seamingly doesnt care, if Steve marrys Peggy how come Peggy doesnt have any pictures or anything of him when he visits Old Peggy in winter soldier?
it is either or she was in disbelief with Quill being her lover and left people (Quill searching for gamora when thor enters their ship). They should have showed her flaking away if she did tho
>The womaniser gets a funeral
>The roastie doesn't
it's just - there's gotta be a marvel version of the Flash, right? That dude can run across the entire universe with his powers.
Comic book powers are crazy, man. They're magic, not sci-fi. Someone in that vast universe of marvel characters could probably travel between galaxies, or the stones would end up in some other galaxy, who knows.
Sure space is huge but they also have literal warp-jump technology. There's no reason they have to be confined to the milky way.
Once you have the space stone you can teleport to the other stones dummy
They have tried Fantastic Four several times. It has never worked out, especially the last one.
>and then the ice cream clapped
You have to know where they are though.
"They" have tried it. Marvel never has. I'm pretty sure they could scrap together something. The problem is that Reed Richards is a difficult character to get right.
The movie outright states that paradoxes arent created by interacting with the past, in at least 2 scenes
Try to pay attention
Infinity War was all set up. This was the pay off from that and also the last decade of Marvel movies.
I really really enjoyed and aside for one scene of cringe it's 9/10 level stuff. Hope they do an extended kino cut for the Bluray release.
>recreating the universe
>not just making everyone forget about the snap
>the way he made it sound like everyone would be grateful and worshipping him as god
I got the feeling that younger Thanos was getting megalomaniacal. As if him getting the stones a couple of years early had him unprepared for the power.
Going into the past creates split timelines. Everything makes sense except Old-Cap, that was dumb as fuck and broke thier internal logic.
If it were a singular timeline, the moment they removed an infinity stone the universe would fall apart because Thanos can’t snap, thus they never would have even tried to go back in time. With splitting timelines it all makes sense and no paradox’s.
They return Stones at end, to not fuck up alt-universes, but they’re already diverged. Since stuff happened in New York that didn’t happen originally. And the alt universe they create in 2014 GotG massively diverges from original, since Thanos and his army vanish.
Again, old cap is massive plot hole.
genuinely why didnt they just pull some bullshit like
>oh no thanos destroyed the space stone so marvel lost her powers/had them significantly weakened
>the one they stole from the past wasn't like really the same one so it doesnt work/she doesnt have as strong a connection to it so if she lost her powers completely maybe she got them back partially
would solve her being so fucking op and give the rest of the characters a chance to matter
the only problem would be that Wanda would have to lose her powers as well for it to stay consistent and as bland as she is her revenge scene was pretty cool
but then again consistency isn't their greatest strength
Man you niggers are fucking stupid.
There's one timeline that they're in, and they go back into that same one, but create new branches when they do because it's still their present. Not their past. Infinity War still happened, they just now have a new world we don't see where thanos is dead and won't get the stones and IW wont happen in that world. We don't see, nor do we NEED to see any of these changed branches because they don't matter.
Basically If you went back in time to change your past in the MCU, you would create a new timeline at the point where you changed something but your actual present and current self would stay the same and go back to the same life. Unless you have the reality stone you can't change your reality, but you can make new timelines that are different. It just won't back to the future your future self because it's not YOU, it's a past version of you. Like cap fighting cap, if our cap snapped past caps neck our cap would be fine but there is also now a snapped neck cap timeline we won't see
How do you think Widow died?
You know who’s an easy character to get right?
Infinity war was a more complete movie in almost every way
This is 3 hours of fanservice and completely undoing the gravitas of the previous films
Nope. Widow dies so Clint can get the Soul Stone and stays dead.
>The problem is that Reed Richards is a difficult character to get right.
How come? Don't know so much about him, except being smart and stretchy.
Quick rundown on *her* scene?
Does she call Thanos out on his toxic masculinity?
She takes a headbutt without flinching and brings thanos to his knees with one hand before he uses the power stone to just punch her away
>and also the last decade of Marvel movies.
Spiderman: Far from home is coming this summer.
I think old cap was supposed to be him after coming back from spending a long time in the past, but they didnt want to have him zap back on the platform for dramatic effect
It is confusing as fuck to the viewer though and if he did affect the present timeline breaks the entire plot of the movie
He's the "hero" of the F4, but he's also an enormous fucking dick. Reed Richards is an absolute piece of shit. So somehow you have to make that work. Doom is cooler and more likable than all 4 of them too.
He defeats her faster than he did to Hulk, with a single punch.
EXACTLY! I've been saying this from the start.
>no real fans
>shoe horned in woman
>flat as a board
>an actual bitch in the comics who forced the civil war 2 event
>her personality is that she is strong and emotional
Mix the shitty source material with an actress who has her head up her ass and you have a "HERo" who feels forced as shit.
Cap Marvel was a horrible hero to pick and it was done simple to catch up to Wonder Woman and it will backfire. The MCU didn't need her.
she gets btfo pretty quick and then a straight white male gets the spotlight
Right, but now you have the problem of having multiple timelines where billions of people die that didnt previously exist
She re-creates the lighspeed ram from TLJ
There’s also a “GIRL POWER!” scene, but it seems half baked, all the female characters line up in a pose, but nothing really comes of it. Seems like it’s there for screenshots for emotional Facebook posts (and shitposting here).
Carol's going to be an interesting case to watch because her origin movie was sold on IW/Endgame hype and after all the marketing and ridiculousness, she barely shows up in Endgame. Not helped at all by Larson having a case of (fungus) foot-in-mouth syndrome too. You just know the mouse will try to shoehorn CM2 right before Avengers 5 releases too because they're going to go above and beyond to make her 'the' MCU figurehead.
>be Galactus
>devouring some world on the far fringes of space
>get dusted because technically you are a life form
>come back
>"What the fuck was that? I should go investigate."
congratulations avengers you played yourselves
I didnt watch captain marvel and am a casual watcher and her character irritated the fuck out of me. She has negative charisma and reminds me of that uppity manager bitch at work who everyone hates but has to play nice with
It will be interesting to see how she goes without endgame hype
There was a rumor that they made 2 versions of Infinity War. One where Captain Marvel plays only a small role, and another where it's bigger, depending on how well-received her movie would be. There was talk about her being in many more movies after Endgame, but Disney might change their mind and realize she isn't the right person to take over after Iron Man and become the new main character of MCU.
Technically Galactus is a god on par with Odin in the comics, though Odin was pretty heavily nerfed in the movies. In the comics Odin was no joke.
>thanks with 4 stones almost Lost to strange and Iron Man
>He solos Thor/mjolnir cap and stronger Iron Man at the same time without the stones
Fantastic Four > Captain Marvel.
>Almost lost
He fucking stomped them. The only thing they could do was delay their defeats. Thanos didn't use any stones for most of his fight against Tony. He only used the power stone to blast his shield.
>almost lost
Far from it. Their trickeries caught him off guard some times but it's all basically child's play for him
I hope they don't go with current asshole Reed or Ultimate Reed, actually. Just make the FF family fun-loving people gallivanting around in time, a more retro superhero team hearkening back to more innocent comic days, like a more PG-13 Guardians. Then Doom can be a serious asshole to offset that, and he'll fit in better with the MCU.
Sure but that doesn't mean he can't still get snapped. We're talking about all 6 Infinity Stones here - I think it would still effect him.
>"All that for a drop of blood."
They buttfuck in the pussy.
>almost lost
You retards need to stop building arguments from made-up, twisted narratives, it's embarassing.
Stan lee too?
no, he was in an earlier scene though, literally
>could have gotten cap returning old in the suit and Hulk freaking out thinking he fucked up, for comic relief, and it all would have made sense but it would have ruined the moment
>instead they chose to finally do something poignant with no comedic element, and instead fuck up the timetravel
In our alternate timeline we got the quip ending and there's no discussion, only quip-hate.
So what shenanigans will they come up with to bring back Widow for her movie?
None. Her movie is a prequel.
anybody got the clip of steve giving his shield to falcon?
So they went with the small role?
What about her billion box office, isnt that justification enough for her big role?
Or are those ticket sales are just fraud
>yfw Clint takes up her name in homage and finally gets a movie
Why would anyone pay to watch that knowing she will just die unceremonoiusly, its like a bad investment.
Where do you see the mcu going to from here
It's over isn't it?
Disney bought their own tickets because the movie was meant to help promote and hype Endgame, and set her up for the movies after Endgame. If media and fans would see that the movie did poorly at box office and the character wasn't liked then that would not do well for the future.
Beats me. I can't think of a single more boring stand-alone. Widow has always been a one-trick pony and it's not even a good trick.
>Do some roundhouse kicks
>Do that head-scissor takedown thing
>Shoot a 9mm pistol at God-level threats and reload dramatically
sounds riveting for 2 hours
Guardians 3
Introducing X-Men and Fantastic 4
Dr. Strange, Spiderman
New Avengers eventually
They're just getting started man. I don't think you realize how much shit there is to pull from the comics. They have barely even scratched the surface.
If the interest is there from the audience this shit will be with us for decades.
oh no is that galactus
who gives a shit just go back in time
is that magneto
just go back in time
is that DC shazam making a shit ton of money?
just go back in time
Anyone got the spoilet gif disguised as a titty gif?
It's not a fad anymore, it's a full blown sub-genre of films. It'll continue to make money so long as interest is there.
Why hadn't Thanos have figured out time travel?
I guess they are only human, afterall.
>watch the camrip
>audience is actually clapping and cheering
>she will just die unceremonoiusly
It was as ceremonious as it possibly could have been, tho.
But people are gonna get tired
thanos was the final boss teased back un Avengers but now it's over
There's nothing going on behind the scenes
Not understanding why people clap and cheer is a sign of social autism.
I'm hoping the line about an underwater earthquake means Namor is going to pop up.
The theater I'm going to see it at basically has a policy of "we know you're excited but please shut the fuck up during the movie so people can hear the dialogue"
I actually really like Hawkeye and Jeremy Renner. I'd be down.
It's almost as if putting her up against superhero beings is a bad idea, and the writers knew that and so made it a prequel where she's just a superspy doing shit like in Winter Soldier, which people liked.
>kid in the front row spent the entire movie taking pictures of himself , posting on Instagram and throwing popcorn on his Friends
Am I so out of touch with the younger generation?
Not understanding why somebody would be annoyed by noise while watching a movie is a much more significant tell for autistic behavior, user.
Imagine watching a movie in complete silence or the theater bobbies will come by and arrest you.
It's not enforced that strictly, they basically just say before big movies to be polite and don't hoot and holler over the movie itself.
Why are white people so afraid to openly enjoy a movie? I could barely hear some of the dialogue but I had a much better time because it's a group experience than I would in some gentrified PoS multiplex.
>My god, how can a character be so unlikeable?
No personality been "strong and powerful woman" she's shit in the comics and barely goes a year without a reboot, they literally want her to be their Superman right down to her name being Car-Ell now
You had me in the first two
No, just humanity. Those dipshits have always existed.
The kids were white and I'm black
But they were fucking abnoxious
Why didn't you do like Cap, and ask him to show a little respect? Did Cap teach you nothing?
The stones can not add to the universe.
It happened in my cinema too, never seen it happen here it Britain but it's worthy for a climax to the MCU