So Warren Ellis 's reboot for Wildstorm is Classifed as Canceled.
So now everyone's like " What are you goin' a do!?
>MilesStone fan murmerings
>Jim Lee IEC of Wildstorm, I mean DC.
So Warren Ellis 's reboot for Wildstorm is Classifed as Canceled
It's a shame. I really liked the wild storm.
Villalobos says the depression hit him, and that's why he never got the book off the ground.
I also think they couldn't find creative teams that wanted to do the other spinoffs
Sucks but not unexpected. Really looking forward to Lee running it into the ground again.
Does DC have exclusive artists. I'm not really keeping track. What's the pool like, who did we have to choose from; Who was our Warren Ellis Wildstorm Reboot dream team?
OH! I bet the entire thing was hinging on The Luna Brothers making up and being friends again, :-(
This, DC-Lee has got to be better than All Star Batman, I mean...
I mean doesn't it?
Doesn't it?
Ok, so what if we stop being retarded and we ask ourselves how much power Frank Miller could secretly have over DC by pivoting through Jim Lee?
What would DC look like if Frank Miller got to basically run the show over there without anyone holding him accountable for anything because Jim Lee had signed a double secret contract to take more then the brunt of any critisism?
most DC exclusive artists are already connected to things. They don't have many compared to Marvel.
Saw it coming, but it still sucks. Frankly, I always found Wildstorm to be a more consistent and better designed shared universe than the DCU. Granted, that's mostly because it was actually designed to be a shared universe from the beginning.
I was looking forward to more WildC.A.T.S and Gen13(which way better than it had any right to be).
>be one of the main big bads of the setting overall
>get randomly killed off by Jason Todd
Fuck the Nu52. Holy shit.
Ellis' writing Wildstorm characters is kategorikal kino, but the more I think about it the more it's obvious that Wildstorm and Image is just a Days of Future Past 2099 proposal gone too far. U.N. Space Station = Asteroid M but good guys. Kherabim vs Daemonites = Shiar vs Skrulls.
Miller, Lee and Ellis might be able to save DC as long as Chris Bachalo doesn't go overboard.
Lee to Miller, Miller to Morrison, Morrison to Ellis, Ellis to himself, Miller pulls Ellis Support, Morrison waiting on the wings to reboot the whole thing Jeph Loeb Style, just in case. Artists would be Quietly, Ryp, plus all the Earth 2 and recent JLA artists, plus the Super Suns artists, Jae Lee's return, and a very very careful implementation of Bryan Hitch. And the entire thing has to revolve around Brian Michael Bendis in order to prevent him from screwing it up. A gilded cage for Bendis.
where on Earth did you get the idea that Miller holds any sort of sway over the running of DC
I imagine that there's some immovable hiarchy between writer and artist that no matter where the artist goes that the writer will always have precedence over him. But I'm not using the word precedence.
Maybe since Frank Miller wrote All Star Batman, and Jim Lee illustrated it that Lee is buying guaranteed good writing from Miller.
If Jim Lee EIC means All Star Batman Quality Universe, doesn't that automatically put Frank Miller as the Dick Cheney to Jim Lee's W?
There I said it 3 different ways. Burn in he'll if you can't understand it.
4 ways, actually
are you having a stroke?
So does Chris Claremont secretly control DC as well? If Stan Lee was alive, does that mean he would get a say since Jim Lee drew Stan Lee Imagines Wonder Woman?
Does Loeb run things behind the scenes thanks to Hush? How many people are pulling Lee's strings????
the fuck are you smoking? It better be good cause nothing you just typed makes sense.
Nah, just Frank Miller and maybe one other person. Mostly because of the stylist similarities between 300/Sin City and the Snyder Films. Even BoP is kind of like 300/Sin City, almost Frank Miller-esque. Not good, but like maybe purposefully trolling, like another user said.
I mean mostly because Jim Lee becoming EIC draws a blank and the next name on the list relating to both Jim Lee is someone as influential as Frank Miller.
Lee isn't becoming EIC, he's just taking over full duties as publisher rather than co-publisher. Bob
Harras is still the EIC.
Also, WHAT? Nobody interested in Milestone?
If it's not important than why did it get brought up here?
what the fuck are you talking about?
Because at least half of Yea Forums is illiterate about where people exist in DC's executive hierarchy. I saw people saying "Lee's the publisher now!" when Didio was fired, only he's been publisher for years.
milestone's a legal clusterfuck that AT&T doesn't want to touch