Who won?
Who won?
I did for not watching those two gatekeeping shills.
Isn't this an old debate?
Oh man. It's so true. Everything Crowder said was so true. You know? Marijuana addicts refuse to recognize they have a problem. They refuse to recognize the damage done by their ADDICTION.
IDK man. I've always been against jailing people for marijuana offense, for sure, but you guys are so off your rocker when you try to deny all of the negative effects and impacts of what that stuff does to you and it's sociopathic on your part too cuz then kids believe you and go and do it.
crowder is an unfunny faggot. joe isn't funny, but at least he isn't a faggot
weed is a religion now
Both of them lost. Crowder for being an unfunny whore for Pissrael and Joe for being a pea-brained roid-raging ape.
Is that Steven "get off my show you're making me look bad" Crowder?
Yeah it's just these people who venerate it like it's the sacrament in their new 21st century religion.
It's like if you went back to the 80s and tried to tell some bible thumper that the cookie at church wasn't really "the body of Christ". You get the some kind of dogmatic, vehement push-back and flip-outs when you try to tell a marijuana addict that their drug is a drug, and it's addictive, and it's causing them negative effects and it doesn't really cure cancer, AIDs and anal warts.
>"get off my show you're making me look bad"
when did he say that
Steven "define autism oh wait woops we ran out of time stop making me look bad" Crowder?
joe gets really sensitive whenever someones talks down about weed
the weed won
he didn't bring it up when ben said smoking weed is stupid
then again, joe also was making circumcision jokes to milo aggressive as shit, but then didn't bring religion up at all to ben.
My friend swears up and down that he's not addicted but he'll get visibly anxious when he goes without it for 6 hours.
>autist doesn't get joke about using the term autism
It's like pottery
No worse than alcohol.
Main issue I have with it is that it's smoked and that leads to second hand effects.
Other than that, I don't see why it should be banned.
Both are faggots but Joe was the bigger faggot by keep going on about it when Crowder clearly did not care.
Joe was being a cunt but Crowder still got blown out for pulling facts out of his ass
the real shitshow was this one though
Joe does harder drugs than weed now. Gateway confirmed.
This is every one of them, too. Every single one of them. And if you try to tell them otherwise they'll tell you that you're IGNORANT and YOU'VE fallen for propaganda because "marijuana isn't addictive".
Then they'll make some lame joke about "Reefer Madness" a movie that literally came out 75 years ago, as if it's still relevant today, and then a joke about "injecting the marijuana" because apparently some housewife made a poster about "injecting marijuana" on the internet 20 years ago and now we all have to hear about it everytime a marijuana addict wants to appear smart, hip and edgy.
draw, both had strawmen and conformation bias
lame hissy fight disgused as epic war bro
>Then they'll make some lame joke about "Reefer Madness" a movie that literally came out 75 years ago, as if it's still relevant today
83 years ago! I'm sorry! 83 fucking years ago and the fucking pothead marijuana addicts still can't get over it!
crowder goes full passive aggressive canadian when he gets angry.
serious chronics that base their whole persona around weed and make it clear in what they wear and what they do, etc.. have smoked themselves stupid and now they suddenly don't have a sense of self image or life beyond that.
Yeah no.
The guy on the right. Literally just cited facts and the manlet's only "argument" was "but but but causation doesn't mean correlation. Who cares if car accidents went up literally 50% the literal day cannabis was legalized? There could be other reasons! Maybe a butterfly landed on someone's nose!"
Crowder acted like a snowflake all the way through and was intellectually OUTDONE by Joe's superior information seeking skills and overall ALPHANESS... But then Joe had to be a little bitch and apologize on Crowder's show just so he would come on some other time and rake in those anti-SJW bucks, everyone lost
>out of his ass
>literal studies you can Google yourself anytime if you weren't such a fat retard
When a pothead runs out of weed they get fever sweats and all agitated and basically act the same as someone quitting cigarettes. They can't get to sleep for like a week.
Do you get paid for this or did someone drop you on your head?
>Who cares if car accidents went up literally 50% the literal day cannabis was legalized?
blame that on the endless legion of potheads that can't function without weed and pretend they're like totally cool to drive high man.. Its not like its legal to drive under the influence, and that goes for pills too, which *nobody* seems to give a fuck about
Usually they can stave off the withdrawal by smoking resin (black tar) that they scrape out of their pipes until either their dealer gets some more or they pawn off some item in order to get more cash
Rogan was on the right side of the argument, but he was such a bitch about it that he made Crowder look better.
Also 7 out of 10 people that I personally know that smoke weed are the kind of potheads who say they're not addicts but at the same time they say "I can't function without it".
Weed is fucking addictive but the effects are not as bad as other drugs.
Crowder is pathethic. Literally debates college kids on topics he's prepared for before hand with his little binder by his side. But he'll run away from anyone else willing to debate him like the little bitch he is, just like he has been running away from Seder all this time. And you can see why that's the case in this fight he had with Joe or that time he got fucking destroyed by based Yousef. He's just a dumb cunt, just like he's unfunny. He relies on being compared to uneducated young adults to seem the tiniest bit witty.
Where is that clip where Crowder got owned by some 20 year old?
jesus. that was rough
>Who cares if car accidents went up literally 50% the literal day cannabis was legalized?
I dont because its slimy stat that may or may not have enough context.
- how much did the population rise alongside the increase of car accidents?
- how many days did it maintain this exactly 50% higher rate?
- how many were violent high speed death causing collisions? did they rise or fall? how many were minor fender benders?
Plucked out stats with no context provided are literal homosexuals.
It's sad to see junkies winning the culture war
They both came across looking like assholes, Rogan apologized after.
Totally agree. We should try prohibition again. Alcohol is bad for you too and it worked out last time.
Kek, thank fuck I just saw it.
alcohol is shit too, its all poison
This is the only right answer.
Steven got proven wrong by a college kid on his “prove me wrong” TV show, so he cut the kid off mid-argument, and then kicked him off the show. Steven Crowder is a fucking joke, and I can’t believe anyone could think of him as someone to follow politically. Even that fast-talking jew is better than Crowder.
>Steven got proven wrong by a college kid
in what way
I've seen this and it's one of the few times Crowder definitively lost and gets upset
You can see his argumentative methods fall apart
Islam has no place in the west
>YouTube fag: chimpanzees are pussies change my mind
crying crowder was such a snowflake in this lmao
I'd say alcohol is much worse. The worst you're doing on weed is eating a box of cereal and falling asleep or potentially pop a whitey, where you'll probably throw up/fall asleep.
Booze on the other hand destroys your body and mind. Causes people to make poor decisions etc. Yet this is the social norm.
I'm a regular weed smoker, and although i don't like the fact it makes me lazy and sometimes anxious if i know I dont have any, i'll pick that over beer any day.
'smoke weed everyday'
>hip-hop man
Most of these are samefags.
Crowder makes shitty arguments and didn't give this dumb kid a fair shot, but socialism is still retarded and he's incredibly wrong about Scandinavia somehow being socialist.
I don't know who's dumb enough to think Scandinavia is socialist nowadays.
they point out scandinavia as socialist because they are more socialist than a lot of place, but calling it outright socialist is still wrong
>they point out scandinavia as socialist because they are more socialist than a lot of place
Funny thing is they're more capitalist than USA than a lot of ways.
Also why doesn't anyone ever mention Switzerland which is far far more capitalist than any of these countries and has higher living standards?
Why don't they point out poor countries that have socialism?
Libtards are liars.
The stormniggers have been triggered. Now watch as he spams the thread to the bump limit with his inane drivel.
>im a twat and nobody believes my commie babble anymore
>anyone who disagrees with my leftypol cringe is an evil nazi
imagine actually being a socialist LOL
Why the fuck haven't you simply killed yourself yet?
>inane drivel.
ahh yes that so called "inane drivel" that you are completely unable to refute
>they're more capitalist than USA than a lot of ways.
how so? You can't have it both ways. Even they are more socialist or more capitalist. Genuine question
t. guy you're replying to
>well that country is actually more capitalist in a single way therefore your entire argument is invalid and I’ve won
The absolute state
this has to be shitposting bcuz nazis cant really be living in your head rent free everyday
In the same breadth Crowder said he was an amphetamine user
>how so?
more business freedom, lower regulations, lower government spending, lower taxes
>>well that country is actually more capitalist
Not in a single way, in a general sense.
is this some reddit meme I'm not aware of
and no, I don't smoke
so can countries be more capitalist and socialist?
>UAE is 10th
>but at least he isn't a faggot
>let me just move these goalposts a little bit
>ha I CRUSHED you with FACTS and LOGIC
Weed used to be cool like 2003 Eminem smoking weed I imagine made you feel like a rogue living on the fringes of society. Going to school baked was like being a magician in oblivion and everyone else was a regular npc living regular lives but I was transcending normal reality. Now it’s sold like candy. It’s like the end of Casino where all the npcs come in and ruin everything
>so can countries be more capitalist and socialist?
no shit
why do stupid people think countries are either capitalist or socialist and it's not an extremely complex set of factors that determine the level of economic freedom
>>UAE is 10th
didn't move anything bro
the airline with the non cancel-able ticket and new ticket
the left
I don't know who won, but i know the time I wasted watching these dimwits will never be recovered.
I guess it's my own fault for falling for this "hurr i'm a totally rational and objective (((goy))), but i'll only ever speak about the right opinions and i will never mention anything that could be deemed controversial whatsoever."
>Don't interrupt me you fuck
Literally nobody stopped smoking weed or started smoking weed or changed any weed related opinion because of this podcast.
Therefore, stalemate
see? unfunny but not a faggot
Is that Mumkey Jones?
Seriously though not wanting to partake is one thing but who in their right mind is such a douche to say you can't do something. Everybody you've ever met in your fucking life self-medicates.
The only major downside is that it turns you into a shut in autist. I also get extremely self conscious because I know I smoke it and feel like I’m hiding a massive secret from people.
All weed smokers I know agree that they are addicted to it.
Well crowder obviously. Rogan aped out, while crowder made reasonable arguments.
Notice how none of these posts articulate precisely how the kid was right and on what and how Stephen was wrong. It's interesting.
This was probably the only time Joe made a real ass out of himself. He got so touchy it was fucking hilarious and sad.
>I don't really care about weed man you can smoke it
Nothing was sourced fucktard
There was only one article and it was bullshit
Crowder is the stupid young conservative's smart person. Also he's dick. At least Joe is a chill guy mostly.
I feel like I'm being followed. Stay away from me Paul, or I will bring out Feng.
self concious is a nice way to say paranoid, because thats whats coming for you.
everyone but 2 of the people i knew that smoked/still smoke weed got off without major psychosis and a ton of them are really fucking stupid now. you know, just real fucking slow in everything they do with the attentionspan of a goldfish. they wont learn new things in their lifes, they dont have the capability for it anymore. every single one of them is caught in a loop of re-watching old spongebob episodes and getting stoned forever. they dont have the drive to do anything else. its what long term consumption does to you. probably the worst thing is when they get their yearly panic attack because they realize what they are and try to fix their shit up, but then have to realize that they are not capable of learning a new skill because they fucked themselves over a long time ago.
you're not paranoid if you're right
>will agree with almost everything guest says
>will lose his shit if you talk shit about weed or DMT
>no, i'm only joking, fuckface
>we are all friends
>socialism is still retarded
USA is a socialist country actually, though only for banks and military industrial complex lol
>That time Joe tried to convince ex-super addict Steve-o to try weed and was a bit disappointed that he Wouldn't.
You’re just mad because he’s so based, strong, AND smart. You’re just a faggot.
Its not socialism if its for banks its graft
joe was testing him though if steve-o said yes then you knew it was all a sham
I smoke a lot, not at the moment though. Usually when I stop for a while I'll have trouble sleeping and mood swings for a couple days. Not the worst but there are definitely draw backs to over use and obviously there's nothing wrong with not smoking so yeah I'd agree you're probably better off not smoking it.
Has there ever been a more obvious closet gay than Steven Crowder?
I'm a heavy smoker, all day for months at a time. For me it's about 3 days and when I do sleep I have very vivid dreams. There's also the issue of people with a predisposition to schizophrenia smoking it as well as alzheimers. Fucked my short term memory a bit too.
This reaklly has nothing to do with stormniggry vs non stormniggry. Stephen crowders ignorance is bad for everyone, coming from a far right winger.
The whole socialism vs capitalism thing is long since relevant. The question today is nationalism vs globalism.
Prohibition obviously isn't the way but people should be more aware of the downsides.
>censor your political enemy
>claim victory because you didn't lose the argument
No, that's not how it works, nigger. If you have to quit the debate, you have automatically lost.
it’s so cringe when you realise that the entire tactics of these interviews is to just interupt them everytime they try to explain their point if it doesn’t immediately make them look bad
I heard that Joe made Crowder cry, which episode is that? I don't watch Crowder I just want to see what triggered it.
I am a former weed addict and you are absolutely right. It IS addictive, It WILL change your personality over time, your life WILL revolve around it and you’ll swear BLIND that it doesn’t have a grip on you.
Took me ages to truly quit and not be a dry-drunk about it. I just do cbd oil now as THC is evidently not my friend...
I'd say alcohol is better because most of the people who drink are not addicted to it and I saw very few people whom their life revolve around alcohol consumption
On the other hand the majority of weed smoker are addicted to it and it take a very large part of their life
On the other side having a large part of your population who just wagecuck enough to buy their weed then go home to consume film/etc and so don't any social revendications can be a good thing for people who sort themself out and have large income.
I am labeled as a far-right nationalist. I believe in my country, my people, my race, my culture.
That said, Stephen Crowder is foolish. He is an israel firster cuck, free market freedumb sillybilly, and just doesnt seem very well read at all.
Bought and paid for corporate shill.
It's been a long time since I watched it, but the kid makes a point that Crowder can't refute. So immediately Crowder starts invading his space and picks out an "inappropriate" word he used to start shaming him and trying to police his language like an SJW faggot. He totally abandons the debate to try and intimidate this kid over a word he used and then kicks him off. Crowder is a massive faggot.
>why do stupid people think countries are either capitalist or socialist
Because they believe the bullshit dichotomies thrown down by mass news media in America and literally don't know what they're talking about.
Also, Crowder is a bit of a dick but the whole pro-marijuana cult followers are super annoying. Smoke it if you want but it doesn't cure cancer and it can be super bad for you.
Motherfucker, I was coming here to post this
>Joe: "Hey dude, do you prefer cats or dogs"
>Crowder: "Huh?"
>Joe: "Cats or dogs bro, pick one"
>Crowder: "Man, i'm not doing this again...."
>Joe: "Fucking pick one you little bitch"
>Crowder: "Dude i really don't care...."
>Joe: "ahh that's adorable, the little bitch can't pick one...."
>Crowder: "...fine dude....dogs"
>Joe: "WHAT!!! So you hate cats bro? You dumbass! Hey, Jamie bring up some stats about how people who hate cats are sociopaths.
>Jamie: "Googling now..........ok, found it"
>Joe: "nah bro, i'm too high to read it...zoom in.......yeh cool. reading Washington Post, a survey of 10 people determined that 36.5% of people who disliked cats also registered as sociopaths..."
>Crowder: "...well i didn't say i dislike cats for starters and i..."
>Joe: "SHUT UP FK FACE don't interrupt me, i'm just presenting facts"
*one hour later*
>Crowder: "dude, i really don't care"
>Joe: "you seem like you care a lot dude"
>still not letting on the kids' point
It's been a year since I watched it and I'm not going to go rewatch it to remember what point he made that pissed Crowder off. You can go do that yourself, fag.
>joe doesn’t bring up chimps
Sounds fake desu
people under the influence of marijuana arent allowed to drive just like how people under the influence of alcohol aren't allowed to drive retard
Crowder's show is pretty good, but he's not very good at persuasive argument
I fucking hate stoners so goddamned much
Well to be fair the anons that bring a point to a discussion should back it up or clarify it.
>He totally abandons the debate to try and intimidate this kid over a word he used and then kicks him off.
That's not what happened at all, he does get a bit hung up on the use of the word autistic but the debate continues.
Crowder cried
Really shows that people are just out to bitch and complain and don't even bother looking into what actually happened.
>opinion and being factually incorrect is the same.
>main issue is second hand effects
Just because something is legal doesnt mean YOU have to do it. It means people who sit don’t go to jail.
>Majority of weed smokers are addicted to it and it take a very large part of their life.
What in the holy fuck are talking about? Do you really just take your retarded basic observations as fact?
So do I. Self indulgent pricks is what they are, trying to constantly justify their dependency with a bunch of dude bro talk & "but mah war on drugs".
Just because something is legal or made into a running joke by pop culture doesn't make it not a crutch, you fucking slave dinks. Recreational drugs are degenerate af, and so is getting hooked on (((medication))).
A dentist wrote me an opioid script after I had a bunch of work done. I thee it into the trash. Not today, you slimly jews.
>don’t do drugs but still retarded and lack control over my anger
almost like a retard is a retard whether they do drugs or not.
Funny, I dont feel angry. You smoked your morning bowl yet tho? Wake n bake, bro. Amirite??
I don’t smoke because I’m in the medical field. I’ve just never been personally affected by a stoner and know how to mind my own business.
This user is legit. Weed has benefits and isn't that bad but you can completely derail your life with it, more often than not without even noticing because of how mellow it is. Absolutely everything is an addiction. Working out, careers, sugar, children, hobbies, beauty products etc.
>a literal meme
Same argument lefty’s use for SJW and anti gun debates.
Cigs > dudeweed fight me
>jail/prison is good for a person’s physical and mental well being.
Literal retard.
I like weed because it makes me not suicidal.
Weed has never made me paranoid and I've talked to plenty of authority figures while high
Weed in their case is an effect and not a cause.
I was a depressed loser long before I ever did any drug. We're all just looking for some distraction before the void comes for us, anyways.
>Letting druggies & pushers roam the streets so they can influence others
You can't have a functional society without rules & consequences
have sex
not gonna spoonfeed you. just go watch it for yourself. im not going to watch it again so i can break it down for you.
How about we exert greater influence by way of education and opportunity. Works in some of the world's happiest countries.
I smoke weed like twice a month. Its not addictive.
Crowder is a literal 30 year old boomer neocon ideologue who thinks:
>Marijuana is a gateway drug"
>Marijuana is more harmful than alcohol
>Marijuana has no benefits
>Hitler was a liberal socialist
>Wanted Ted Cruz to be the Republican candidate
>Thinks humans have had no impact on global warming
>Thinks men should wait to have sex after marriage (24 year old virgin) bet his wife wasn't
>Thinks he’s a comedian without ever being funny
>Shoving over an old union worker who then kicks his ass to create fake controversy
Steven crowder is only good at dismantling and calling out the bullshit in left wing ideologues arguments and opinions while being a neacon ideologue who spouts bullshit. Just cause he’s against the left doesn’t mean he is someone you should listen to.
If you quit for more than a week you'd probably find that the weed is contributing to your depression and making you complacent. You're never going to improve your situation sitting around hitting bongs.
t. former daily weed smoker who has spent time in a mental institution for suicidal thoughts.
>>Marijuana is a gateway drug"
>>Marijuana is more harmful than alcohol
>>Marijuana has no benefits
>>Hitler was a liberal socialist
>>Wanted Ted Cruz to be the Republican candidate
>>Thinks humans have had no impact on global warming
>>Thinks men should wait to have sex after marriage
These are all true though.
I haven't been high in 2 weeks. I feel no less shitty then I did before.
We have that already, the job market & all sorts of opportunities are booming, yet people still wanna get high. Its a societal problem user. The current environment of people opting out of their natural progression & escapism doesn't help either. And schools can't overcome deadbeat parents at home, niggers treating public schools like zoos, etc. Its a mess.
Specialized prisons with a crash course on getting clean, then hooking them up with a good job whike monitoring them with mandatory piss & blood tests would be a better way I think.
>the job market & all sorts of opportunities are booming
>source: trust me bro, @realdonaldtrump says so
>I'm not going to properly articulate my point and explain myself because I can't even remember how shit went down and fuck if Im going to look it up to back up my opinion.
That suuuuure is convenient....
Blaming drugs for your problems is just another excuse.
>Man, I could have accomplished so much, if only I didn't smoke that joint!
Silly. Losers are destined to be losers no matter what they do or don't smoke. Symptom and not a cause.
>thinks he's smarter than your average dumbass college kid
really activates my almonds
That's fucking moronic. Of course people could accomplish shit if they didn't smoke. At one level it's as simple as spending time doing shit as opposed to smoking and being high. Also it fucks up your short term memory etc so it sure can make being efficient more difficult.
>Imma lazy entitled little shit so it doesn't exist, lol
Y'all need to get your heads outta your asses. Unless you live in a completely depressed shithole, there's good work to be had. And if you do live there, move. Quit waiting for shit to fall in your lap like in the movies.
Dont blame everyone else because you picked some shitty meme degree now can't find work.
>source: TRUST ME BRO
Do you even know how burden of proof works
who in their right mind would think these costumes looked even remotely good? jesus fuck
kek, beat you to it.
I guess you're fucked then I don't know. Smoking weed won't improve anything though, try literally anything else.
>Jamie fact checks him
>he complains he’s getting ganged up on
>tells them to use his website for proof
>gets proven wrong again and again, keeps moving goal posts
Joe looked bad but Crowder was a massive faggot.
>because I’m in the medical field
Male nurse detected. Why are you guys always so ashamed to say it?
t.weed addict
Crowder seems like such a disingenuous faggot to me. Like he has to take some anti-weed stance because thats what boomer conservatives want to hear, so he spouts mountains of bullshit with a nugget of truth in there and tries to moves past it so he can't get called out.
More like Joe called him out for being the disingenuous rat he is. And, obviously he does have a stance on weed by the amount of articles he's wrote about it
This place circlejerks harder than reddit now.
(pssst that's true for every single one of his views)
If they're not getting high they're going to play video games or watch sports. The more things change the more they stay the same. You can't change your destiny.
Muh bootstraps
That's his entire shtick, he is the 30 year old boomer. If it's on the republican party pamphlet, he agrees with it.
the jews
Joe won because he called out crowded on his bullshit.
>Why do you say marijuana makes people die?
“I never said that. That was someone on my website”
>Then why are you promoting it on your website?
“That’s besides the point”
That’s when I knew crowder was talking out his ass
Arent they always getting drunk on crowder podcast? They are getting hammered every time ive seen it.
what episode is this from?
watch the vid dipshit, he just overtalks and starts yelling whenever his position is challenged, Crowder is a brainlet
which vid
I must be some kind of super human. All these negative effects people claim have never affected me in the slightest. I have quit cold turkey for up to a year for jobs before and it wasn't an issue. I guess I have better self control than most.