So did you guys like it?

So did you guys like it?
The scene where everybody that has been in the MCU walks onto the battlefield was easily the most beautiful thing I could have witnessed in this movie. The culmination and years that it took to get to that point, I couldn’t help but cry. Captain America wielding Mjolnir & then getting what he longed for in the end is all I needed to see.

The MCU means so much to me and I can’t explain in words how I felt when I saw everybody come together.

Attached: avengers-endgame-poster-bottom-half.jpg (782x449, 192K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Same. I just got out of the film and I teared up a little when that scene came. Call me a s.oyboy or whatever I don't care, this film was great and marvel really outdone themselve

I liked the movie but not so much that scene

Holy shit... That scene with all the girls. I was shocked. Such a rollercoaster of emotions.
Yes it was unnecessary and forced, but I tell you what, looking into my nine year old daughters eyes at that moment knowing that such an intense line up of strong and powerful female heroes had just set her heart ablaze will trump every single negative comment I see about that one "unrealistic" moment in a superhero movie.

Are these guys shills? Trolls? They can’t actually be serious right

>I couldn’t help but cry

What are you, 12?

The movie was mediocre. The first 2 and a half hours are boring. Only the final battle is interesting.

The only good thing to come out of this piece of shit was Cap Murrica. The Mjolnir scene was good, and I liked that he finally had a happy ending.

10/10 if you watched, enjoyed and remembered all the mcu.

7/10 as a standalone, but it definitely lives up to the hype

This. I expect a superhero fight, not a fight between armies. It would have been much more impactful if we saw the avengers only against thanos' army.

Not so good.

Thanos is now a bigbad dumdum bruiser teehee so evil xD

Thor loses all development

Cpt. Marvel is teehee female powrr

Timetravel, to make it worse.

Are you the guy who cried for the Star Wars trailer?

The level of detail in this movie was so gracefully handed, i would easily call this a masterpiece of direction and writing due to the utmost confidence and consistency

Infinity war was much much better of a movie. I feel like they completely went back on everything they did there. And they were like
>lol source material? What the fuck is that lmao
And made a clusterfuck. Caps end makes no sense either.

It's weird, it does feel like IW was better, but EG is still a fun movie.

>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?

i liek da part wih the energy boom vrroom marvel girls screee blam! and then it was like the after the hulk energy stick loki lol
captin America is my friend

have sex

we've been telling you to turn off your brain for 11 years now and yet here you are, still angry on an image board

stop crying at kiddo brainless summer flicks

>marvel really outdone themselve

Russo brothers deserve the credit here for both

Can someone send me the full list of spoilers so i can send to someone.,

No memes and no shill larping bullshit.I will give honest props for one big thing: they handled grief exceptionally wellin this movie, especially for capeshit. Seeing how Thor and Stark confronted the reality of the snap was well done.

This. It sort of felt like lining up and parading around action figures, and not an honest fight. There is such a thing as too theatrical

bad guy loses in ironic but satisfying way

good guys win...but at what cost

the end...or is it?

what's left without most of the avengers?

So, the population that got dusted wasn´t exactly dead, but trapped inside the Soul World or whatever? If that's so then, is there a general Soul World that can be accessed by any Soul Gem in the multiverse? Or every Soul Gem has its own Soul World? Because if it's the latter, then it should be impossible to return the people using another Soul Stone, right?

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>there are people who think watching the movies equates to them being hardcore Marvel fans even though they've never read the source material.

Like shit isn't this stuff suppose to generate enough hype that people get invested into the material it comes from? Game of Thrones got people to read the books, Witcher games got people to read the books. Capeshit viewers though? lol fuck reading!

>thanos dies in first five minutes

Send him this.

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Imagine being angry at a copypasta. Noob

>Infinity war was much much better of a movie
>source material? What the fuck is that lmao
Yeah because Thanos's reasoning for wiping half the universe was from the source material

yeah it was done quite well and as a shock because you wonder where the fuck the rest of the film will happen but you get the climatic battle at the end because he comes back through the same time travel hole they use to get all the stones

Just tell me which scenes bring out audience reactions.

Is it just a subtle "oohh" and "aahhh" or a full on pop?

They kill him in a post apocalyptic future but then go back in time to stop him from ever getting the infinity gauntlet. So he's technically alive again.

It's a full-on snap!

Who was the cute twink near the back of the crowd at stark’s funeral? I didn’t recognise him

This is a good way to rate the movie imo.
It's a sliding scale based on how many of the other films you've seen, because it's honestly littered with references and callbacks.

I'd say 7/10 standalone, but boosted to 8/10 just from seeing Infinity War.

It feels freeing, knowing I never have to watch an MCU movie again. I don't feel the need to care about a massive final boss again. They literally cannot top Thanos.

At my theater, the scenes that got most reactions were:
>fat thor
Everyone was laughing for a good 30 seconds.
>black widow dying
>"Avengers... assemble!"
>tony's funeral
>the hammering sounds post-credit

The boy who helped Tony in IR3.

Harley. The kid from Iron Man 3. Potato gun kid.

If they introduce Nova, Inhumans and shit like that, Annihilation could easily top Thanos. It's a whole different universe teeming with literal cancer.

Reminder that he's rumored to be the next Iron Man

I meant "There's".

I know nothing about that, but
Bad news; they tried and failed horrendously. They've literally been snapped out of existence.
That's separate from the Nova Corps, right?

I want Dr. Doom. If they introduce doctor doom and he's actually good that's all I want. I just want dr. Doom already


My favorite moment in the movie. He was so smug when he did it too.

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>Thanos is now a bigbad dumdum bruiser teehee so evil xD
EG Thanos hasn't had to kill Gamora. He's also seen that he succeeds in his life's goal but is being undermined by the avengers -- he's understandably fucked off. I personally do miss the more jaded Thanos from IW though.

>Thor loses all development
I disagree. Thor is coming off the back of several consecutive losses, and it has finally taken its toll on him. The talk with his mother was great; he's finally given permission to be himself, rather than who everyone needs him to be.

>Cpt. Marvel is teehee female powrr
She's barely in the film, they used her a perfect amount. She's clearly strong but they make it very clear that she's unable to 1v1 Thanos (similar to Thor, Iron Man, Dr Strange -- other powerhouses). If anything people should complain about Cap's power level here, but he's a man right so we'll let that slide.

If you're referring to the "girl power" scene I do agree it felt a bit forced, but it's a comic book movie and it doesn't hurt anyone to highlight the strength of the female heroes.

>Timetravel, to make it worse.
This is fair, if you don't like time travel as a narrative device then you probably won't be stoked about the film. I'm okay with the way they did it.

Nova is the guy who uses Nova Corp's brain as a source for his super-power, and is on par with Captain Marvel. He is one of the main characters in Annihilation crossover. They even befriend Thanos at some point due to how fucked up the universe gets. And then it gets much worse.

Nova is the last surviving member of the Nova corps and in the comics he chooses someone from Earth to replace him. They already set his arc up with Thanos destroying Xandar

>Captain America just chills and fucks Peggy for decades leaving Bucky to be tortured

My theater reacted positively when Capt Marvel put on her red and blue strap-on to fuck Thanos in the butt, turning him to dust.

They laughed when she mocked Peter's tiny, hairless white cock while she was comparing it to Black Panther's.

It was truly an experience.

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Just give me my Fantastic Four, Dr. Doom, Galactus and celestials. Then I won't need to care about the MCU anymore

I actually kinda liked that Peter had a MASSIVE boner for Captain Marvel for the half-second he saw her. Would totally be down with that /ss/.

>Over a superhero movie


How old are you? Get a life.

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>reed richards decides to be a dick
>ruins the universe


>They literally cannot top Thanos.
There's people that can easily top him.

yes exactly. So why don't you go swallow some more shit now that you finally have achieved self awareness.

Fuck yeah

I missed IW Thanos

Attached: Doctor_Doom.jpg (600x917, 310K)

Comic Thanos is better

It's a children's movie. Made to invoke emotion out of people aged 5+. Did you cry when you watched the Spongebob movie, or Bob the Builder?

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Honestly, the one thing I hope for out of the Big Gay Jewish Orgy that is the Fox Acquisition is that we get a proper Comics-Accurate mad psychopath Doctor Doom.

>buh-buh the time travel logic doesn’t make sense!
They made it very clear that every time jump was an alternate dimension and that they were able to return home to their own dimension, pay attention

I've got 10 years of investment in these dumb kid's movies, I'm allowed to shed a tear or two.


I swear if they somehow ruin him I'm going to be fucking pissed

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It's their chance to make an actual evil white male.

Doctor doom is an anti hero

Fuck Thanos and FUCK ANNIHILUS

Attached: This is for Nova Corps.jpg (2560x1931, 772K)

>no thanoscopter


I must not have being paying attention at some point over the last 10 years because i cant remember when in which movie it was revealed they were hydra agents

He's a gypsy.

Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier. Actually the entire scene was a great callback.

It doesn’t work as a stand-alone. If you have never watched any marvel movies you wouldn’t know what the fuck is happening

Imagine what someone with no prior MCU knowledge would think if they just walk in to this movie completely pure.

Why does only iron man die


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Costs to much to put him in new movies. He got millions for the 20 mins he was in spiderman

nobody talks about a fucking soul world

It was the only way.

>That scene with all the girls

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Soul World is inside the gem, or so I learned from Adam Warlock.

The Soul World route would have been much more interesting than the time travel shit

>easily the most beautiful thing I could have witnessed in this movie.
You are the reason why action scenes in the movies are absolute dogshit in the past decade.
You are the guy people talk about when they talk about a low IQ consumer, most likely clapping during the movies.
Let me guess - posturing with zoom around the '''heroes''' and then just mad run without any rhyme or reason, and then clash with bright lights and isolated slapfights.
Literally Hercules the Show tier choreography minus Kevin Sorbo.

Bottom of the barrel piss and shit.

have sex, incel


You will be back for another one, who the fuck are you trying to bullshit, cuck?

Yes, exactly. You sound like someone raised by single white mother.

If capeshit affects you on deeper level, then they should have never let you leave kindergarten.

Netflix and AOS characters don't make an appearance, right?

>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?

He remembered when they send him back, so he that day his alarm went off, and drove there waiting for them to come

>evil white male.
Doom is gypsy that defends his beloved homeland against the Amerimutts. Pretty based in my book.

This. Real men have a stiff... stiff upper lip.

Downey takes 60 million dollars per cameo. Understandably since he knows that as an actor he is dead.

Cry more millenial scourge.

Hulks explanation of time travel just contradicted itself in the movie. He is basically saying you can't alter the timeline because any alteration you make has already happened otherwise you wouldn't be at that point anyway?
So why the fuck is Nebula still alive after killing her past self?

>i only find battles interesting
12 year old detected

Not just Iron Man.
Black Widow and Vision are gone as well.
Cap is old man effectively dead.

Read more comics

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I do, just not capeshit.

What Strange is actually referring to his 1 in 14 million chance prophesy is MCU not having enough budget for RDJ's talent fee. That's why Strange let Tony die.

>looking into a nine year old's eyes

You are the reason western civilisation has turned to shit

She's inspired towards the truth of life:
might makes right and winning the battle of violence is the only thing that matters

There's a meth-head somewhere who's honest about his emotions of feeling amazing banging his head into a wall.

That doesn't make it a good thing.

There are 100,000 songs and stories that carry far more meaning than the MCU. If you're a lazy faggot who doesn't explore the world around you then yes, capeshit will move you to your core. Of course your core is skin deep and defined by corporate products.

But if you've actually taken some fucking initiative in life then the MCU is like a 2/10 in terms of emotionally moving.

So you're a faggot, and that's that.


It was boring. There were only a couple of scenes where I felt any real interest or emotion. The plot was painfully predictable, the entire premise was a forgone conclusion, the structure was rough, the pacing was rushed in some places. The dialogue was bland, characters rarely felt properly motivated, the humor was mostly poorly timed bathos or generally weak, and there was little to no emotional payoff anywhere in the film. The logic driving the plot was threadbare, the time travel barely made sense (when it wasn't outright contradicting itself) and there were plenty of other problems that I'm sure could be listed in detail on a second viewing, but I can't be fucked. Leave that to autists like Mauler or E;R.

If I was a film critic I'd give it a 3/7 at best.

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>maulerdrone and E;Rpologist
Nice "opinion" mate


Vision wasnt in the movie

>Trump(Thanos) is defeated not once but Twice by a diverse group of people, showing that diversity and love always beats hate
>Women showing that they belong on the battlefield and Captain Marvel literally closing the wage gap by overpowering Trumpos is sending a powerful message
>Tony(Rich white guy in control, AKA The Patriarchy) dies in the name of diversity, showing the audience what white people should do, put their lives on the line for all the oppressed POCs!
>The other symbol of patriarchal oppression(Cap) is moving to the past with his ideas of freedom just where they belong, handing over his role to a black man, the future isn't for white men, it's okay to be BLACKED, a good moral lesson
>Odin and Thor only ever brought war and destruction upon Asgard, as expected of white cis men, now Valkyrie, a strong independent POC woman will lead the asgardians into a peaceful future of prosperity
>resource problem as foretold by Thanos still exists, but it is of no concern now, as the audience understands that powerful black kangs like black panther will solve it in their levitating pyramids
What did they mean by this?

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you actually sound reasonable user, can't say that for the rest of this board

No, it was trash.

dont be so delusional user

Mauler actually liked Infinity War, and I don't think E;R has even touched the MCU - they're simply examples of the kind of autist that would be driven to make the kind of long winded analysis video that this movie deserves.

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where am I wrong?

So...what, you expected Thor to want to stay in a fuckin fishing village when he could travel with the Guardians instead?

Who gives a flying fuck about being king of New Asgard it means nothing its a fucking village in Natucket

If they were going back in time to collect all the stones, why didn't they just go to Thanos's hideout and kill him when he had them all and was already injured just after the snap? The second he escaped from Thor through the portal, he should have been hit again by Thor on the other side and killed.

Entire franchise of smartasses who can build a fucking time machine, yet they barely even think about how to use it.

THIS. I asked the same question and all anyone could say is some shit about how changing the past doesn't change the future. When I brought up that they could go 5 years back to the future after getting the gauntlet or just wait the 5 years to catch up to their own time, and only then undo the snap to satisfy Iron Man's condition, no one answered

ironman dies to kill thanos
fuck your stupid fucking fragile "spoiler" concept

Depressing mediocre movie with rapidly creeping SJW agenda. Dethrone all white men and replace with women and blacks. No thanks.


here, let me show you how much of a retard you are

>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?

they discovered where thanos was after tony and nebula came to earth, it's explained in the movie by rocket.

>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?

he wasn't looking into the pym particles, he was looking for what one could do in the quantum realm retard. It's also seen that was his first attempt with the quantum theory and scott lang already gave away multiple ideas before tony found out time travel.

>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out

Bruce literally tells in the movie how he could do that fucking retard. Are you that retarded that you need someone to explain it a million times before you get it?

>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works

Because they go back and return them in that time frame and place later. They say that in the movie, are you fucking dumb.

>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"

Because he found out that he would finally fulfill destiny and erase half of all life. He then realises that even when he does that, people will not accept their fate and that pisses him the fuck off.

>Captain America wielding Mjolnir
why was he able to do it again?

And since soul stone required the sacrifice of the one you love the most, does this mean Hawkeye never really loved his family and was a cheating bastard?
Or did Thanos get screwed over Red Skull if co-worker relationship was enough for soul stone?

>why was he able to do it again?
Because he's worthy.

Anyone who's worthy to wield it can wield it. The owners of Mjolnir changed in the comics multiple times

>Captain Marvel needs to get the glove through a big group of dudes
>Every female character shows up and says "don't worry, she's not alone"
>They each take out like one guy each then Captain Marvel just flies straight through the thousands of other dudes
All those other characters were super helpful.

>And since soul stone required the sacrifice of the one you love the most, does this mean Hawkeye never really loved his family and was a cheating bastard?
>Or did Thanos get screwed over Red Skull if co-worker relationship was enough for soul stone?

I'm sorry for you user

>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?

He remembered that place, duh...

>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?

two different gauntlets retard, It's fucking made by stark himself if you remember correctly dumbass.

>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?

That was never established, what the fuck are you talking about you retard?

Holy shit this is cringe, you're actually worse than capeshitters. You watched the whole movie thinking you actually really had something, but you are so stupid that you didn't actually understand shit that was going on. Even a fucking 10yr old could understand this movie better than you, holy shit kys

In Infinity War, Red skull said "You must give up that which you loves most"

Then in Endgame he just says "give up someone you love". Its a bit of a retcon I guess. Turns out Thanos could have didn't necessarily need to sacrifice Gamora after all.

They said someone you love, not everyhing you love. Im quite qure he would throw his bow away then too

>you can't alter the timeline because any alteration you make has already happened
>Thanos from the past jumps into the future and dies, immediately undoing everything he did since his GotG years including the snap which prompted all of this in the first place
the flick is fucking broken
it's like they weren't content with one time paradox and made 6 paradoxes happen

have sex

? That's legit question thou.
Even if it is capeshit, some standards have to be in place

I know you're just countering some explainable critiques, but I'm curious what you think of this. Kind of undermines the entire movie.


he phrase it differently, but he also says a soul for a soul, there's no retcon m8

If you think about it logically though.....

This fucking shills are getting more and more retarded

nope, he just said what you love, not what you love most


>Thinks things like these are sexualised

I can tell you're a childless incel

>"his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
The wizard lady literally visualised the fucking concept for you with the glowy li es. There was one timeline, changing the past by taking the stone causes a new timeline to develop in which the stone has been taken, rather than changing the time that they came from. This is the only real way for a time travel narrative to make sense and they did an okay job with it. They even describe sending Steve back to "prune the branches" by returning the stones, stopping the separate timelines from developing or at least stopping them from diverging as much.

Films for teens, or culturally disabled.

gigantic faggot detected.

Isn't this Yea Forums's preferred age bracket?

Who and why would ever do that? I refuse to believe that there are people so ignorant and backward that are like "yeah, i'm gonna start this franchise from the end point and the movie will have to work for me perfectly, reguardless if it has to sacrifice time that could be spent better as a result".

1 out of 14 000 605

Thanos leaving his timeline changes that timeline, not the "main" one. It's clearly explained that you can't change the current timeline by going to the past and changing something, it just creates another timeline.

The time travel in this movie is not realistic enough.

I loved the scene, but it got cringy when they started flying towards each another. Special effects weren't done good there and it will get old faster than Balrog vs Gandalf, Avengers 1 or your mom.

Because Thanos would get rid of the stones immediatly as soon as he saw them

Imagine being too stupid to follow along with a childrens film and then getting this mad about it

Same fagging this hard makes my dick like WOAH

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>have sex
For fuck's sake just say "Get fucked"


Thanos in IW was based, Endgame hardly showed him

patiently waiting for my boy Shuma

Attached: shumagorath.jpg (400x291, 82K)

Webm of the queen teamup to kick some masculin toxicity ass?

>everything has an agenda
>everything has double-meanings
>everything is a competition

user, it's good to not trust everything that's thrown at you face-value, but going to the opposite part of the spectrum isn't much better. Consider that maybe, just maybe, some of modern day demons have been created by these fears alone, Warhammer 40k style.

Attached: consider.png (800x424, 293K)

> what you love, not what you love most
lmao, Red Skull screwed over Thanos hard then i co-worker relationships are enough for soul stone

Then why do they go back in time again to place the stones in their place if that just turns into a new timeline? And how does Steve gets old in the same timeline?

Mordo is definetly the next Doctor Strange villain, i'm guessing Shuma will be reserved for the third one or at best, twist villain of the second.
I just hope my boy Nightmare will get his chance someday.

because if they would had failed there(which they probably would since he had all the stones), the consequences would be much worse than this scenario(i.e second snap)

I know Spiderman is later this year but will Marvel finally calm down with the constant movie releases after this? They're not going to build up to ANOTHER big bad again are they?

But Nightmare is the villain of Doctor Strange 2, haven't you been paying attention?

> They're not going to build up to ANOTHER big bad again are they?
why would they continue pushing MCU films out after Endgame otherwise?

As I understand it, there won't be another crossover/team-up movie for at least 5 years.

So did they bring back the heroes who died in previous movies like quicksilver and yondu also?

>Why do they go back
To stop new timelines from developing or to prevent then from diverging too much
>Why did Steve get old
I think this is the only hole, unless they just shifted the narrative to the timeline which is identical except Steve grew old in it.

do you really love your coworkers user?

I'm guessing the next line-up will be revealed at San Diego Comic Con at the end of July. I'm willing to bet there's still a major movie that have been worked on in secrecy that's going to be released around November or January (because Disney is not dumb enough to have an MCU movie after Endgame compete against Star Whores).

No. Only the people who got Snap'd come back. The ones who died for other reasons are permadead.

It was stated in an interview 2 and a half years ago, i'm not sure they're going to keep that necessarely.

They bring pre-Guardians Gamora in to the current time but she might've been killed again by the Iron Man snap.


Can Marvel do the impossible and make a Fantastic 4 movie that isn't awful?

And when do they get X-Men back?

I'm just happy Brie Larson was barely in the film

>Thanos was about to snap again
>Carol stops it

Attached: 6596335-carol+danvers+mcu.jpg (1059x1681, 236K)

I get it man. Good for you and good for your daughter. They needed that scene.

Making a Fantastic 4 movie that doesn't suck shouldn't be too hard. The best one is still the Roger Corman version and even that one has problems up the ass.
Knowing how Fiege loves to play safe and plant seeds, i can already guess there will be a first one with origin story and Moleman as the villain, with Victor as supporting character who by the end becomes Doom, reserved for a sequel.

As for the X-Men, i have no clue. Wolverine is a guarantee, he alone brings publicity and money, but for the others i'm not sure. Deadpool has been confirmed already, so there's that.

steve is still the same steve that woke up in 2012 or whatever, it's basically a complicated arc.
>we get steve that is from the 40s who got frozen in this time frame
>while this is happening old steve time travels and lives with peggy.
> frozen steve still becomes the steve we know and the steve that also time travels.

it's like a circle or a oxymoron or whatever

Name One(1) new character introduced in this film

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Haven't seen the movie yet, does Carol have the rooster dyke haircut?

thye clearly didnt plan her for this movie

Lady Death

I was rewatching Iron Man 3 yesterday and kept thinking that the way Extremis is portrayed seemed like they could go back to it as an explanation for Mutants.

There's a whole scene where Killian is talking about how there's an "empty slot" in human DNA or whatever and how that means we're "destined to be upgraded"


Spoil me on the post-credit scene. Does it set up stuff or it's another "lol, you actually wasted your time watching the credits" one?

There isn't one

There isn't one. There is only the sound of a hammer striking an anvil reminiscent of when Tony made his first iron man suit.

Actually, they have two cuts for Endgame.
One where she is used more, and the one released.
They were wating on public response to decide which cut to use. I'm guessing despite the box office, Captain Marvel wasn't so well receive in the end.

>The scene where everybody that has been in the MCU walks onto the battlefield was easily the most beautiful thing I could have witnessed in this movie

I can hear your onions smile from here faggot

-6/10, if I ever rewatch these movies, IW is a fitting end for me
-the pacing was slow as molasses
-the nostalgia-pandering time traveling with the million cameos didn't work on me
-it had good scenes, but they were few and far inbetween
-nebula and thor were the highlight characters
-setting up the next phase fell flat on its face and you can almost sense the contempt the directors seemed to have for these bits, but it still soured the movie with their inclusion

The directors on the upcoming phase with the chosen cast have their work cut out for them. With the exception of BP, they're all charismatic black holes.

Thoughts on fat NEET Thor?

Ant-Man and the Wasp also provides a good excuse since it seems the quantum realm can alter human biology in some capacity.
It's capeshit, in the end they'll find something to cover their asses for the mutants to show up anyway.

Understandably so. The entire draw of IW/EG is that people have watched these characters for a decade come together and grow and change and play off of eachother.

To suddenly introduce a character that's stronger than all of them and has no personal connection to them is jarring and people don't like how it undercuts the previous struggles.

Why did Fury wait until people were literally dusted to call Carol? There's been dozens of times until now where she could have helped. It feels needlessly tacked on.

Captain Marvel suffers from a slight Superman syndrome where the only interesting thing about her is that she's really strong. This doesn't work well in a team-based story where everybody has to do their part.

>hey I know you have been following these movies for 10years now but heres captain marvel - she is the strongest there is and will kill thanos for you despite only being released 2 month before endgame with 0 hints that she have ever existed =)

Carol tanked a punch from Thanos who beat Thor easily, Thanos pulls out the Power Stone on the gauntlet and used it to punch her away.
base Carol is stronger than Thanos and Thor, i wish i was joking but i'm not.

onions is strong in your veins

Okay I will give you that one. but he was already introduced in the tv show.

So whatever happened to Cap's shield? It got destroyed during Thanos fight. Then Old Steve roll along with a perfectly intact shield. IIRC, Steve only brought Mjolnir and suitcase full of Infinity War to the past.

So did you guys like it?
The scene where everybody that has been in the MCU walks onto the battlefield was easily the most beautiful thing I could have witnessed in this movie. The culmination and years that it took to get to that point, I couldn’t help but cry. Captain America wielding Mjolnir & then getting what he longed for in the end is all I needed to see.

The MCU means so much to me and I can’t explain in words how I felt when I saw everybody come together.

pervert security guard

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me and my black gf went on opening night and saw Shazam.

the original shield the one Howard Stark made

*fingersnaps cap's shield back whole*

Captain Marvel is a rare mis-step for Marvel in the sense that they are usually good about staying consistent, but now we're meant to believe that Nick Fury witnessed a superhero fighting off an alien invasion in the fucking 90s, yet he's caught off-guard and surprised by future revelations of superpowered people.

Oh and SHIELD was already called SHIELD despite it being a running joke in Iron Man that they hadn't figured out a good name yet

lots of small things like that in Captain Marvel that they're usually smart enough to not mistake those kinds of mistakes

I need more webms. Spoil everything

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he stole it from the past where he stayed. thats why it got the old design.

this unfortunately, good thing they didn't make a big deal about this shit though.

the mary sue shit would have pissed people off if the bitch who comes at the end beats thanos.

I don't have any webms but how about a complete detailed summary?

In the first Avengers movie, he credited his whole raison d'être to Thor and his sheningans.
CM's retcon is extremely ill-fitting.

You can torrent the movie and make them yourself too.
It'll help to spread spoilers everywhere.

Yeah I heard they sort of forced captain marvel into the "old" phase instead of introduce her after endgame - therefore all these fuckups
luckly you can count her out and not that much changes, waiting for directors -cut-

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Yeah exactly that - he talks about the little skirmish with the giant robot being the thing that opened his eyes to how "hilariously outgunned" earth is

but what 10 years earlier he knew all about the Kree and Skrull and bitches that can fly at light speed. and he had her on SPEED DIAL.

I think maybe a good time to call her would have been the battle of new york
or Ultron
or at the beginning of IW when Tony gets lost in space and it's imperative that they gather their most powerful people to stop Thanos before he can do the snappening

but nope, just call her once it's too late

>doesn't like doom
Actual faggot detected

Okay but Hulk and Ancient One already said shit about the time travel being in a closed loop or whatever, not alternate reality shenanigans like back to the future. If Old Steve stole it from the past, then past Steve wouldn't use a shield, hence Steve that we know wouldn't use a shield because closed loop. See what I'm saying? It completely contraindicated what they said in the beginning.

I liked that fanart on the recent black hole image being the eye of galactus

Speaking of nick fury, sad to see they moved him from the main spotlight in the recent movies

The correct question you should be asking is, since 2014 Thanos came to 2019 and died, thus creating a branch, why is there still a need for Steve to return the stones?

How do people enjoy this shit?

Does anyone have an updated version of this? I've only really watched Iron Man 1/2, Thor and Captain America. With Endgame coming out I'm feeling like I should make a point of trying to watch some of them before they're completely spoiled.

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>tells Loki "you have made me very desperate"
not desperate enough apparently

>Tony and Nebula keep their sanity by playing paper football on the Benatar, but oxygen is about to run out. Tony leaves a message for Pepper. Captain Marvel just comes out of nowhere and guides the ship to Earth. Tony reunites with Pepper and Cap.
Fucking dropped
How the fuck am I supposed to take this seriously

The scene where everyone arrived was actually great, was a fantastic Dr Strange moment. Issue is trying to balance out screen time for the dozens of characters without being a clusterfuck. Infinity War managed to balance having a ton of characters without it being a mess, which didn't happen here. It also had a subtle and plausible girl power moment, Endgame's equivalent was about as subtle as a sledge hammer and so nonsensical my suspension of disbelief never recovered.

Ebony Maw, a highlight of the previous film, comes back and the extent of his villainy is to stop Black Panther from running with the gauntlet. No rematch with Strange or real confrontation with any lead.

Captain Marvel showing up pretty much destroyed any tension of the finale, she really was the worst part of the movie. It's been an issue since the first Avengers that Hawkeye and Black Widow are essentially redundant next to the likes of Iron Man but the Superman powers of Captain Marvel just make most of the cast seem pointless. Also, she's even less charismatic than I expected.

Movie was alright, Cap welding Mjolnir was predictable but unironically amazing.

>They're not going to build up to ANOTHER big bad again are they?
They will. Hopefully it's Galactus. They can't kill someone like him

Thor is a fat alcoholic now and has never been shown to just be invincible. Hell Iron Man headbutts him and while it doesn't do a whole lot it still causes him to reel back. The problem isn't so much Thor's power level as it is Thanos's being inconsistent.

Watch Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2
Thor Ragnarok
Spiderman Homecoming
Civil War
Age of Ultron
Ant Man

that should be enough to get what's going on. Also Infinity War obviously.

you CAN watch Black Panther but there's not much of a point. He got his powers from drinking magical plant juice and now he's black panther. He wears his black panther suit and fights. That's all there is to him.

I only saw CA:TFA and the first Iron Man.
People keep telling me I should watch Endgame anyway. Are they right?

he took the shield probably after old cap freezed, so old cap still has a shield

oh and Dr Strange

They should've introduced Warlock. Fucking retards.

Here's the thing:

He's not the same Steve becaus3 he literally can't be. For starters, he still has the shield. The Ancient One says making changes cements a timeline's existence. Staying in the past, taking young Cap's shield, or else having a brand new, formerly one-of-a-kind item forged all qualify as sizable departures from the previous timeline. What this means is Cap laid low for 7 decades for literally no reason. Furthermore, the mechanics of an alternate reality setting would make it virtually impossible to return to a divergent timeline you'd previously created. The best you could do us schedule your arrival at the precise same time your previous visit occurred, but that *still* wouldn't be the one you'd visited before, because now there's two of you visiting instead of just one.

What makes all this shit even worse is that the Ancient One of all people should know this. The instant that Time Stone exits her reality, that means either Strange comes up with another way to defeat Dormammu or the Ancient One just doomed her entire reality to the Dark Dimension.

They could have just stuck with the relatively simple rules laid down in the comicw, but I guess they were too complicated for these lazy fucks to work with, so instead we get a setting where anyone can introduce infinite Infinity Stones to one reality with zero repercussions and Steve Rogers leaves his best friend in HYDRA's care for decades before he finally murders Tony's parents.

Fuck this.

>I couldn't help but cry
>Years later, cries over the death of a loved one
>Loved one's fw

Adam is reserved for 3, why do you think Thor joined the Guardians?
he will be the only one capable of facing Adam

you sound like a huge faggot

Really liked the heartwarming scenes like Tony and her father and Thor with all-mother. You could sense how important it was for the characters to be able to go back in time and speaking with them.

I genuinely like the MCU but I found this to be really disappointing. The first act is a complete mess, the second is just OK and some of the character choices I loathe. They redeemed Thor from Taika's mess in Infinity War and them made it ten times worse in this.

>The Thanos that was killed is from 2014, because 2023 Nebula and 2014 Nebula were entangled when trying to retrieve the Power Stone, so Thanos could see 2023 Nebula's memories through 2014 Nebula, and could prepare an attack. 2023 Nebula takes 2014 Nebula's place to bring Thanos to 2023 through the quantum tunnel, she ultimately gets shot dead by either 2014 Nebula/Gamora

What a fucking mess

Iron Lad you mean.
And we have a teenage Cassie Lang for stature, Hawkeye training his daughter in archery ala Kate Bishop.
Young Avengers is coming.

Thanos twirled his twinblade thingy around a bunch. Thanoscopter confirmed.

Lol what? He would already be injured from Thor's first attack at Wakanda, second he teleports to the other place nuThor brains his ass and they just take the gauntlet off his dead hand, he'd never expect it

>thor joining the gardians
A real suprise but I loved this
I wanted to see it happend but didnt think it would actually happen

Yeah the fact he is reserved for GOTG 3 is retarded.

Thor temporarily traveling with the Guardians was fun, but having him as a permanent member of the team makes the rest of them fucking pointless.
>guy with guns
>raccoon with guns
>large guy with knives
>green girl with various weapons
>tree monster
>alien girl with empath powers
that's a little unbalanced isnt it

The real question is
will this ever be topped or are we in downhill now?

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Have sex.

The point I got from that was that Thanos didn't really have anything else he really loves to sacrifice.

Considering Adam Warlock is the villain of Vol.3, the Guardians need some powerhouse like Thor. Makes sense.

Thats what will make it fun
thor will shit all over them and cuck quim

Honestly I don't think it even tops Infinity War, so we're already in the downhill.

Detail would explain how the sudden appearance of half the population wouldn't be a global catastrophe

Downhill until the next big phase-end movie, i can guarantee that. Phase 4 will most likely have sequels for the most recent movies, a couple more to introduce people like the F4 and then a movie against Galactus or Kang the Conqueror.

No the shield also went down with Cap during First Avenger.

Thor has nothing to do now, he doesn't want to rule.
he regressed back to Thor 1

>will this ever be topped
>who is Annihilus
>who is Galactus
>who is Doctor Doom
>Secret wars
They have tons of options to top it. The question is how they'll execute it

>not calling it 30 year old boomer Thor

what you don't get is that young cap only used that shield in the 40s. His shield in the present is different from the old one in many ways. old man cap finding and stealing a shield that is not being utilised or will be utilised is not a game breaking change in the timeline.
On the note about it fucking up the timeline also isn't wholy true. Young cap still exist in the same world as the old cap exists in, so the young captain america that get's found in the frozen lake will still exist and become later the old cap who timetravels. This can work absolutely flawless if you do as cap did and lay low for about 7 decades




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>Oh and SHIELD was already called SHIELD despite it being a running joke in Iron Man that they hadn't figured out a good name yet
Fury says it in the end credit scene
you can't "figure out" an acronym, it never really made sense

But Adam Warlock was a member of the Guardians of the galaxy though at one point


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desu I thought this was going to be where they did a sort of reboot to throw out the older actors while keeping the characters by utilising the multiverse.

This movie and IW are the peak comicbook movie. You cant get any better than them. They truly felt like pages upon pages of your beloved comics translated into the big screen. What an amazing achievement really. You can feel the same genuine excitement you felt in your childhood reading those books for the first time.

Starks kid

>In spite of sharing the galaxy with him for twenty years, Captain Plug-In has never run into Thanos, his fuckhuge ship, or his army if genocidal worshippers
>Just happens to find Tony and Nebula on their tiny-ass ship exactly when they need her to

>Tony can invent time travel with minimal effort
>Working with a hyper-advanced cyborg already familiar with the technology, he can't even repair a spaceship.

Fuck this shit.

*sips ale*

yeah but they found it also

What, like Into the Spiderverse?

I was laughing so fucking hard, they even gave him the sunnies holy fuck

have sex

>Tony can invent time travel with minimal effort
This is fine. He created free energy just as easily. And for time travel he needed Pym's research first.

imagine all the people that got together in the snapped years having to sort it out with returning partners

*steals the tesseract and teleports out*
nothing personnel avengers

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I was expecting them to at least mention/tackle the fact that some peoples lives might have greatly improved post-snap. Earth suddenly has an abundance of resources and half its population - the quality of life for those remaining would likely improve.

There should have been a faction that did not want to undo the snap.

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Asgard, and I’ve been involved in numerous Earth saving adventures, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in Asgardian warfare and I’m the God of Thunder. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Asgard and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Asgard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."

Boomer Thor yelling at Fortnite kids and dabbing Hulk were so hysterically stupid

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I'd place it below the first avengers, above AoU

Character arcs abandoned left right and centre, no one experienced any growth in the film.

Thanos was a great, complex villain in the first film, here he was just an angry punchbag that was somehow stronger than with inifinity gems.

There was no sense of urgency with all the time travel stuff and the final battle had no sense of stakes.

Including Captian Marvel in this at all was a total mistake.

Thor development has reached peak. He got powers in IW but not his mojo, not really. It was loss after loss and then he lost again.
Then mommy talks some sense into him and he's finally Thor.

Gotg3 is gonna be fucking awesome,prime time to set up beta Ray bill too.

>Quasar set up in cap marvel
>BRB confirmed in Ragnarok
>Shiar confirmed in dark pheonix which is gonna get retconned into my
>Nova confirmed next phase
>Surfer owned by marvel again
>Ronan alive again in the mc, he was on thanoss ship when it came to the future

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I hate this faggot so goddamned much

Mmm yes this shit sandwich is delicious trust me. A big steaming pile of runny diarrhea slapped between two pieces of delicious dickcheese infused bread. Mmmmm. What? You dont like it? But everyone eats shit now so you must be wrong.

It's funny that the moment in Shazam where he dabbed felt genuine and endearing because the hero is just some 14 year old goofing around, yet here it felt like really contrived pandering. Context is everything I suppose.

He's a fucking Slav.

The last hour was kinda fun, the final big battle was nice.
The first two hours were a fucking snorefest though.
Just how the fuck do you manage to make the self-praising premise of visiting many of the movies of previous years with time-travel shenanigans so fucking boring? That shit should write itself.

Thor talking to his mom was nice you nigger

Gypsies are not Slavs

>they can now make an infinite amount of movies based on split timeline bullshit
>mediocre capeshit will never end

Leaked footage from the final fight

Time travel is a terrible device and should not have been used.

>artistic mediums

jesus. theres no art here, only a corporate product drones like you consume

So Cap's an old man now, why don't they just use Scott's time machine to make him younger again?

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I didn't say that it wasn't you mongoloid. Thor and /ourguy/ Ant-Man stole every scene they were in imo

So uh
Can't they just time travel whenever they want to now?
It wasn't dependent on the stones. It's just technology and pym particles
let me guess, they ran out of pym particles and can't make anymore or something

Normies + capitalism = garbage

Because he doesn't want to. He's retired.

Last time they did they brought Thanos to earth. Not something you should really fuck with.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one thinking about that lmao

MCU Pym hates the Starks or everyone wanting to use his particles, Hank probably begrudgingly went to Tony's funeral.

considering the pym guy is brought back at the end i doubt it, they dont seem too concerned about running out

they can time travel wherever and whenever they want now

giving the shield to Falcon
Why? That's not his thing. That's not how he fights. The fuck is he going to do with it?

Idiocracy really was a documentary wasn't it

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Dude live that nine year old alone she is not your daugher and stop looking at children in general

forgot to add that Hank might not let anyone use his particles anymore

>Captain America wielding Mjolnir & then getting what he longed for in the end
He was selfish for abandoning his role of hero while still young.

No. But I guess even if they somehow find a way not to use it again you'll still be asking the retarded question so here's your free (You)

Hank is un-dusted now so they got a non-descript amount of them at their disposal, unless the plot says no.

George Orwell was a commie. Fuck him

Maybe he'll stickytape it on one of his wings or something

Brie shot her non-CGI Endgame scenes before the CM movie was even made.
According to her. She might be lying idk.

The movies gotta continue the tradition of only adapting the stupidest shit from the comics.

Thats the whole point.

Tony did something selfless and for the greater good when he's usually selfish, the scene with his dad even foreshadows this. Cap who is normally completely selfless did something selfish.

Too slow and pondering at the start and too rushed at the end where it needed to slow down a

Vol.3 is most likely gonna be about him being a villain only to turn on his creators in the end and becoming a good guy.

>has a homeland
It's like you don't understand how gypos function.

Black widow has a confirmed solo movie?

The Asgardians of the Galaxy

>first time I ever went to see a normie movie on opening night because my schedule worked out like that
>people all around me had to whipser or actually say the name of a character out loud whenever they appeared on screen
>everybody tried to finish sentences that had pauses even though they couldn't see the most predictable shit coming
>people actually fucking applauded
Are normies always like this? Is this normal?
The viewings I usually go to are pretty empty so this is the first time I've seen obnoxious behaviour like that.


Absolutely Disgusting. Thanks Devon Stack for the breakdown



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I guess the real question is, will Scar Jo look hot in it?

I liked the movie overall but it has the same problems that pretty much all Marvel movies do.

Too much humor - it really undercuts the dramatic beats. Most of the quippy jokes didn't land. It became very predictable very fast.

Using classic rock/pop songs from the 70's in scene transitions. Old trick to change the tone of the film without really trying.

This movie is npc incarnate. Yes that's exactly how normies act. Like adult children.

They just need to do some split timeline bullshit. They managed to joink a Gamora from somewhere, they can do the same with her.


What the fuck was the tone of this movie?
It's like I was watching 2 different movies, one serious and one light-hearted/sometimes dark-comedic, that simply had their scenes put together.

I don't think she's looked hot since IM2

hopeful, user... it was hopeful...

I feel like I was the only person sitting there silently just watching. Why are you clapping in a movie theater? Fucking sit there quietly and just watch it instead of disturbing me.

Well, they cemented the end of the Avengers as we know them for sure. There's nothing left to be done with this group. Just sit back and watch some future abomination of Wimminz Avengers directed by Lena Dunham or some fuckload nonsense. I guess they had to do it on purpose so there's no speculation of people coming back. Though, who the fuck wants a Black Widow movie now that we know what happens????

She looked really hot at the Endgame premiere, so yeah I hope she will.

Also was the Natalie Portman stuff old footage? Or did she show up on set for an hour

Because Marvel movies are fucking shit? Lmao, they're made for children and the lowest common denominator you bumfuck incel. Everything I didn't understand - which was surprisingly little considering I've only watched past avengers and iron man movies - I could figure out intuitively or by asking on Yea Forums. Not like you'd be really missing much besides some referential quips and minor plot details anyways.

So, in about 7-8 years we will have Young Avengers featuring Lang's daughter, Stark's daughter, T'Challa's sister, Hawkeye's daughter, and who knows what other monstrosities?

>Ant-Man is turned into its own franchise with a focus on on practical effects
>he gets a bike and more suits
>Stan's old wish of combining american-style storytelling with japanese-style television becomes reality
This movie only made me want that more.

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And they'll all be played by proud stronk independent trans womyn of colour


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Either old footage or CG touchups. The fact you didn't see her face in the first scene was really suspicious.

Cassie is probably going to be in the third ant-man film.

Question is as the Wasp or Stature.

So Vision, given his shell remains, and return of Tchalla's sister Sookie, will be able to come back in some form because of the downloading of his core and then paired with a Stark energy button, he will be able to nano-procreate with Witch so they have a female to join the New Avengers.

Did anyone else find it jarring that Pepper was flying around in an iron man suit, as though she had done it in previous movies.

I really wish they kept Tony alive for expensive Spiderman cameos

Tony's suits have always been said to be super intuitive, and it's not too much of a stretch to imagine he would've showed the love of his life how to operate a suit at some point.

Wanda just probability manipulates their children into existence, as she has done before.

As much as there is to shit on, the new Iron-Man suit was great.
It's the first one I actually have any drive to try and build.

Nah it was long winded and pacing was a bit off.
Certain parts where very forced I didn't see captain America she wasn't explained at all and did nothing.
Thor handing off the kingdom to Valkyrie was idk not explained and made little sense
Tue movie had no resonance with me emotionally it was a jumbled mess
I'd rather they stuck the ending like they did with infinity war instead they undermined it

>EG Thanos hasn't had to kill Gamora. He's also seen that he succeeds in his life's goal but is being undermined by the avengers -- he's understandably fucked off. I personally do miss the more jaded Thanos from IW though

It's not just that he hasn't had the humbling experiences and is on the cusp of a destiny hard fought for, he's actually fighting for something that the avengers stole from him.
>I will enjoy fucking Earth very, very much
compared to the REJECTED line from IW
>Enjoyment isn't something one contemplates but this will bring a smile to my face

The dialogue they threw out from IW to keep the tone (which was genius) was miles better than the scenery chewing 15yo fan fiction dialogue they put in his mouth this time.
If they'd brought back that rejected line, the tone of the battle would have been way better.

Watched the movie 10 mins ago. The only moments where I laughed, were >muh female power
>muh wakandans

Also plot holes are massive in this one.

>Thor handing off the kingdom to Valkyrie was idk not explained and made little sense

I thought drunk bum thor handing it to valkyrie was hillarious as she was basically a drunk bum when they first met

Felt forced

>a proper Comics-Accurate mad psychopath Doctor Doom
Doom has had such an arc and such variety of writers that you can present him almost however you like and he's going to be comics-accurate.
He's not always a cackling mad scientist. He has plenty of range.
There are times he's pretty altruistic, in fact whenever Thanos and Doom appear in the same comic, one of them is usually trying to gain universal domination and the other one joining with heroes to stop them.

You'd think that after having his epic character moment with his mother and wanting to prove himself with the gauntlet he'd have more in store besides being Quippians of the Galaxy's latest member and crying a lot. What a waste.

I dunno on one hand I like the dude Thor big quipowski but it felt like parody as other anons have said

I usually try not to laugh at dumb shit happening in movies but I actually had to chuckle at the funeral scene.
Not because 3edgy4funeral but because Hawkeye's youngest kid kept looking straight at the camera and then straight forward again for the entire time he was on screen. Was that really the best take they had?
Fucking child actors.

Ultimate universe peaked at ultimates 2 when they fight the commie copies.

Chris Hemsworth has been typecast as a parody of himself at this point and I think everyone involved loves it.

It worked until the ending.
It lost me when he handed the kingdom over to Valkyrie

Oh yeah, that fucking sucked.
But how else are we gonna show that strong empowered WoC are the future?



Idk by her earning said kingdom like it took Thor 6 fucking movies Nd she just gets handed it with no gravitas