Carol beats Thanos' ass so hard he makes this face
Carol beats Thanos' ass so hard he makes this face
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why does she look like hillary clinton now?
initiate sexual intercourse
and then he one hit KOs her ass. i'm okay with that.
Tell me this isn't really true. I can't stand anymore feminist propaganda. I really can't. It doesn't even make me "angry" anymore, it just makes me feel depressed and hopeless now.
dont worry the west will collapse under its bullshit within the next decade
Wasn't the Living Tribunal supposed to stop Thanos or something?
I know man, this is why it makes me depressed.
It's true. All of it. Wanda raped Thanos even harder.
Dont you worry, because just the Roman empire, the west will crumble and pull everyone along with it.
why? when reality hits the white man he can finally snap out of his mental illness or die
it will be over either way
Since her powers literally originated from one of the stones it doesn't make much sense. If anything someone wielding the gauntlet should be her kryptonite.
I'm not sure how entering a second dark age is something to look forward to.
That would have been alot better, instead we get trimetravel and evull dumbo thanos with no sense, and all character development lost.
heh maybe if she was a man but a woman always finds a way!
lmao it's a superhero film stop crying
having to face real problems beats facing made up problems and seeing your own kin think themselves to death over made up bullshit
not true (I saw an early screening this week). The Captain Marvel actually is pretty tame from what I expected. There's one hamfisted grrrrrlpower moment in the big battle but throughout the whole movie they do a fair job of highlighting everybody's strengths in believable ways.
Thor and Strange are based as fuuuck and extremely OP and Captain America goes in hard throughout the final fight. 8.5/10 typical MCU flick but it is almost winter Soldier levels of good quality in many parts.
Cuz "the white man" isn't gonna snap out of his mental illness. He's just gonna die man. You don't realize lol if there hasn't been a mass consciuosness awakening by now, there's not gonna be. Plus you got an entire generation of people braindamaged by screen time, and we know that's true now and it's been observed, and these problems are only getting worse + pic related.
I don't want things to crumble bro. Like said the future you are describing sounds like it sucks. In the 2000s, despite Bush and Obama, I thought we were moving toward a cultural awakening and enlightened phase of consciousness or something. I thought everything was getting better and that the future would be utopia, but no.
Wake up you big fucking baby. You are crying over a girl in a capeshit movie, don't you have anything remotely important happening in your life or are you really this devoid of actual conflict and struggle?
if the white man doesnt wake up then he deserves to die
Fuck you man. It's not "a superhero film" it's political brainwashing of an entire generation using technology that is proven to entrain brainwaves into wavelengths that make them more susceptible to the implantation of ideas. That's what television and movies does. That's not something up for debate. It's not "just a superhero movie" STFU you ignorant vagina ridden cunt / marxist homosexual subversive.
It is a symptom, but its good that they get upset fromit.The more people realize evil feminism has destroyed most things, the better.
You fags are just as annoying the people you dislike. Neck yourself.
My disdain for Brie Larson is literally the only thing stopping me from seeing this movie and this thread isn't helping.
>this face
This face?
See response here you marxist dildo humping faggot.
Anyone have a webm of Wanda raping Thanos?
>the master race
>constantly crying about summer blockbusters
>You fags are just as annoying the people you dislike. Neck yourself.
>Literally is one of the people I dislike, SJWs, and one of the people driving all of this shit.
>Pretending he's totally not one and that he's an "enlightened centrist" and trying to paint sensible people speaking up against deliberate political brainwashing and indoctrination as "just as bad as SJWs"
Ok why don't YOU go neck YOURself then!
Yeah you faggot it's a 500 million dollar propaganda device to brainwash my people into destroying themselves. OF COURSE I'M GOING TO CRY ABOUT IT YOU NIGGER MARXIST TRANNY FAGGOT.
>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
>constantly crying about summer blockbusters
How dare those whites complain about mainstream media turning against them with lies and made up bullshit
Anyone got the full list of end game spoilers? want to send them to someone
there's literally a scene where Carol says the future is female and all the female superheroes line up and single-handedly fought off thanos's army off.
This post just made me realize that the stones aren't even used in the entire movie except for right here.
Break your conditioning goy
>claims to be the master race
>is fat
Dont forget
>all worlds in chaos after snap
>thinking bringing back 50% of the population back out of nowhere isnt gonna end in wars, food shortages
I haven't even read the comics but they really should stick to some of the plot points if they want to keep a cohesive story.
It's like with Star Wars where they take the elements from the books and just switch around the characters like it's going to be better with their new OC.
>projects his weight issues onto others
100% this
Fucking fortnite was still operational on Earth, so obviously things were moving along rather regularly
Doubling the population after the past five years have been spent downsizing and adjusting causes the exact problem thanos talked about
No not really
My brother is fucking 14 and is already complaining about cpt marvel hero being too powerful and said "jeez just because she's a woman". Not Even joking.
If a 14yo can look through that shit I bet a lot of other people can so chill your balls
>tfw these two sentences sum up the entirety of why I think a 3 hour long movie still wasn't enough
Fuck, why couldn't it be longer
GENZ isnt like millenialls they didnt go to school 90% white they are growing up with the diversity and you cant sell them the victim narrative that easily. Its also not hard to see how fucking the head millennial women with their women power shtick are so of course they are fed up with it
Marvel spent decade to build core character. this faggot superstar wannabe pops out of nowhere to steal all the glory for muh sjw agenda. fuck this shit.
All it needed is not to have a 5 year timeskip
What do you mean "no not really"? It's not a question up for debate. Watching television or film entrains your brainwaves. Period. This has been indisputably known and widely studied for over half a century. Shut up.
Stop being evil, if you're non-white. Stop undermining white people, who built your world.
If you're white, pay attention and wake up. Youre being attacked at every opportunity by people who want you gone.
hahaha cry more faggot fuck
It happens but Thanos uses the power stone and punches Carol out of the finale
Black Widow dies to get the Soul Stone
Tony dies to do the snap which kills Thanos and his cronies
get a job
>Stop undermining white people, who built your world.
That's not true, white people colonized, raped and pillaged.
Wanda is okay, though. She's hot.
>hulk is the weakest avenger
sounds about right
100000% Based Thanos!!!!
>>claims to be the master race
No one claims this but jews. This is how I know you're jewish.
I'm glad to know I can skip this shitshow thanks op.
Thanos destroys the stones so nobody could undo the snap; Thor kills him
Survivors discover time travel and go back in time to retrieve the stones
Black Widow dies to get the soul stone
Nebula gets caught and leaks the plan to Thanos
Thanos decides to destroy the universe and remake it from scratch
Iron Man does the snap, killing Thanos and his cronies, and dies
NIGGER. Where is the unedited version of this webm. Tell me right fuckin now
what's wrong with those eyes, man, they look creepy
Niggers got the raping and pillaging down to a T already though.
>Cap Marvel rounds up all the female MCU heroes and leads a charge
>She eventually 1v1s Thanos
>Thanos says "I am inevitable. No civilization, race or man can stop me." To which Cap Marvel smirks at.
>Thanos headbutts Cap Marvel. She is unaffected and Thanos recoils in pain. Thankfully Tony ends up getting the kill.
>Thor makes Valkyrie Queen of Asgard and fucks off, saying "You'll do better than I could have."
>Captain America goes back in time to live out his life with Peggy
>Comes back to the present as an old man played by Stan Lee
The movie was great but there was so many bothersome scenes.
Those two things are not mutually exclusive. Whites are also the only people to ever fight and die for the benefit of another race's freedom en masse, in the american civil war.
Without white people, there is no reason to believe in a future for european nations or derivatives. In other words, every single thing you consider essential to civilization today.
What does this mean?
just like everyone else did, unlike those others however, white people ended slavery and came up with the concept of human rights and accountable government
No not really as in if it doesn't work on the target audience then it doesn't matter. It's there but doesn't do anything so chill you enormous /pol/ tranny and have sex
Millenials are gone but genZ is based and are the strong men created by weak men.
if you're a white man and you think this then you've woken up. stop waiting for others and be the change you wish to see. if they die, they die, but don't be a faggot and lay in bed thinking "it's hopeless".
You are not my nigga
I'm just happy you angered the spic and tranny posters lol
why are people created using a small fraction of an infinity stone's power (i.e. Wanda, Vision, and Marvel) as strong as all the stones combined in the infinity gauntlet?
>hurr if you're not with them or me you must be in the center!
you're so bootyblasted I'm giggling like a retarded schoolgirl.
>time travel
>Thanos says "I am inevitable. No civilization, race or man can stop me." To which Cap Marvel smirks at.
Get the fuck out.
villains and their machinations are typically nerfed when they lose
My theory is that he's not actually "using" the gauntlet, which is why once he actually takes out and uses the power stone she gets BTFO so hard we don't see her until the funeral
It's not up for debate. It's been studied for decades openly. None of it is up for question. I don't care what your little brother thinks of Carol Danvers. It's meaningless in terms of this discussion.
They are everywhere. They outnumber us now in the USA. I hate it. Europeans keep your continent white. You are the last basion of "us".
Don't you have a sex change operation you should be getting to?
She's such a bad fucking actor
Cpt marvel gets btfo right afterwards
Gosh you pussies. Almost everyone I know can look through obvious shit by now, and it definitely makes you angry my man judging by your replies.
who authorized the pozzing of the MCU with captain marvel. i want to know whos idea was it to shoehorn this bullshit into the final 2 films of this shit. after the careful crafting of the first films this can be nothing else other than some higher up intervention.
who was it? iger? this does not make sense, this is their cash cow why are they trying to star wars it
>Cpt marvel gets btfo right afterwards
>welp it doesn't work on some peop-
Are you okay?
No one cares about race anymore gramps haha stfu
>time travel?
An 11 year old kid can write a better story than this.
H___ S__
It was the idea of a cultural marxism tranny and a cigar chomping, fat cat Jew who wants to drive the world into a two-tiered socialist system with everyone "equal" and race-mixed at the bottom, and a small cavalcade of Jews at the very top. They're using Marxist revolutionaries and the far left and racial tensions like BlackLivesMatter to accomplish their ends. That's why people like Soros fund them. They're the "useful idiots" of the 21st century.
Once the takeover is complete they're gonna kill of most of the worlds population down to 500,000,000 (see Georgia Guidestones) and then you AI drone technology to keep the rest of the population in line via authoritarianism.
With AI drone technology the entire world can be effectively enslaved to even just ONE jew who holds the key to the program at the top of the social ladder. It is the ultimate form of hierarchal authoritarianism that we are headed for and braindead, bullshit, pedantic left is the side of the useful idiots that are enabling them to do it.
We need RIGHT WING LIBERTARIANISM. We need RON PAUL. We need AMERICAN MILITIA GROUPS. We need all of the good things we had back in the day in this country. We need to dig in and protect our sovereignty, but now these lefty zoomer faggots want to tell you thats "racist" and "bigoted" and "horrible".
They want to tell you government is good and you should give MORE rights and authority to the government under socialism.
Yikes wow cringe. How fucking race-mixed are you? If you're white then you're just dooming yourself to a life of oppression and servitude.
What does this mean though?
No. Because I don't hate niggers.
So Does Black Widow permenatley die or does she come back to life?
You should shoot up a endgame screening man
It won't all be dark.
Comics haircut.
No, she's dead dead. Her cool action scene was jumping off a cliff.
Faggots like you are the exact same reason why we can't have world peace, just like the Jews who want to push "oppressed" people above others.
I definitely look forward to it. Civilization sucks, a free libertarian right anarcho capitalist World sounds like the default for humans. Also what said. I'm tired of made up conflicts
She's still alive as evident by Banner mentioning it. Only issue is she's not on Earth.
So you admit the Jews are pushing this agenda and yet somehow I'm the "faggot who is the reason you can't have world peace" for calling it out.
Ok. Here's the truth. People like me are the cosmic good guys and we will always be maligned as the bad guys because it's just easier and more convenient for people. If you called out someone who as actually violent, and malignant, and hostile to you, then they might hurt you. But what is someone like me going to do when you call us out? Meekly beg for you to listen to us because all we're trying to do is fucking save our own people?
Sure. OK. I'm the bad guy. Say whatever you want. The people who are trying to engineer your destruction shouldn't be called out.
Oh yeah cuz I'm sure everyone who types a political internet post in capital letters must be violent and unstable, right?
Meanwhile here you are, literally trying to incite someone to commit a mass murder. What if I actually WAS an unstable person, huh? You would have the blood of like 30 people on your hands right now. Oh yeah, but I'm the bad guy cuz I typed a political post in capital letters amirite?
Anyone edit videos and use Premiere? I managed to get better color and more detail (bottom) but created a bit more noise in return. Any way to just denoise it? There's no effect called Denoise and I really don't edit videos often.
Because it means they can draw out the power of the stones in their body. Most people would just die from touching one, but these people can channel it. Thanos can do it, but only to an extent and needs a full gauntlet to use it exactly.
And that Michelle Carter picture on that post is cuz that's you. You're the same time of person. Sitting there all smug like I'm the crazy one, meanwhile you try to convince a stranger on the internet, who for all you know very well COULD be unstable, to commit mass murder. And why? Cuz it would suit your political agenda? OK. Figures.
>dat stupid face
Guys, you're missing the silver lining here.
This means that every Marvel movie from here on is going to fall in line with Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Everything will be diversity/feminism crap, and the core audience will stop caring at an increased rate, and capeshit will FINALLY DIE.
>getting overpowered while holding the gauntlet
>remove a single one of the gems and overpower her with it
how does this work exactly? Why is one gem more powerful than five?
Yeah I admit it, but you are just equally shit. You aren't the eternal good guys, you are the eternal reactionaryfaggot. You both want the destruction of one half of the people. Niggers and jews want whitupippo dead, you want niggers dead. None of you actually want objective peace. You are not the solution, you are part of the endless circlejerk bitch fight that is the curse of humanity. Get fucked, this species was braindead and doomed from the start
I mean YOU are basically Michelle Carter. You know? That's you. You're the same sort of broken, sociopathic, manipulative type who tries to subtly convince others to do bad things because I guess you would get some kind of thrill out of it, or it would ever-so-slightly benefit your position. IDK man. That is objective metaphysical evil in my view. You're basically a Michelle Carter except rather than trying to push someone who you think is unstable to suicide, you're trying to push them to mass murder, which is even worse.
I mean luckily for you I'm NOT actually an unstable person or anything like that, and I'm basically a god damn hippie pacifist who doesn't have any violent tendencies at all, or else you'd be an accomplice!
She is literally in front of nothing in real life.
Yeah, I think these parts were a bit too much too
>Tony dies on the battlefield, calls Cap Marvel and tells her she is now the leader the Avengers need
>After Falcon receives the shield from Captain America, he looks at Bucky smirks and says How this make you feel white boy
>Thor's mother telling his son Asgard is not a place, Asgard is female.
youre right what a great actress
Idc have sex incel
just turn off your brain and have fun bro
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
I'm the eternal good guy. I know this 100%. I have never advocated for anything with anything other than the absolute intention to simply tell the truth and stop the evil, malicious plan that is being enacted upon us all right before our eyes. Sorry. I have ZERO in terms of guilty conscience, so you'll never sell this one on me.
It's just easier for you. It's EASIER to make people like me out to be the bad guy, that way you don't have to incur any of the negative social and professional effects that come with speaking out against the popular ideology and narratives. You're a sell-out. That's all. IDK man. You might not have bad intentions toward people, but you sold your soul the minute you started putting people like me down and taking that easy road. Most people did. I dunno what else to say.
And I don't want anyone eliminated, or any "destruction". I don't want anyone "dead" even if they're niggers and even if I don't really like niggers. You're just full of shit and you have to vilify me in order to make your own life-path easier for yourself but whatever bud cuz that path is only going to be easier to walk in the short term. All you're really saying to your evil Jew-ass masters is "pls eat me last".
I'm not an incel so boo hoo to you. I'm a Chad white nationalist, alrite? Fuck I'm not even a white nationalist, I'm just a libertarian right-winger who knows what's going on and wants people to wake up to the plans we're being subjected to. And part of that means stopping the engineered demographic shift in the USA and especially Europe before it gets too bad.
Goddamn, I hope it’s even worse than you guys say it is. If your balls have dropped, you have no business giving a single shit about this money-making endeavor.
If you, you know, ever paid attention in IW, you'd know that the power comes from closing his first. Clearly, he can't.
MCU Thanos needs to physically activate the gauntlet with his hand in order to use the stones. See Infinity War, where Strange wraps his cape around Thanos's hand, completely preventing him from using the stones.
she's a shit actor that has been groomed to peddle feminist propaganda
Thankfully I NEVER go to the theater. I would never give my money to these hacks.
It's like the US in WW1
Jesus what a beta
I'm just disagreeing with you, you know different opinions. But since
>And I don't want anyone eliminated, or any "destruction". I don't want anyone "dead" even if they're niggers and even if I don't really like niggers
that becomes futile. I had the impression you were a non-peace wanting fag who just wants anyone but whitey dead. A part of the eternal problem of humanity
Also cut the hypocrisy of stamping anyone who disagrees with you as the Jews. People might listen to you then
>time travel
what a load of lazy shit
marvel is dead
wow this thread is gay as fuck
>peggy moved on, happily married and had a daughter and granddaughter that eventually ended up dating rogers
>and rogers spends a decade in the modern world, adapts, is reunited with his old friend and meets many more people, including peggy's granddaughter
Nah, just go back, destroy two generations of her family, any consequences that came with it and do fuck all to prevent the 1965 immigration act and 9/11, just so he could fuck that woman he spoke to maybe twice in the first movie.
Fuck Marvel
Bucky or Punisher should become the new Captain America, even US Agent
Cool I'm a beta. Call me whatever you want.
I don't care if you disagree with me because there is no "disagreement". That's not real. These aren't matters of "opinion". They're openly displayed. They're in plain sight. None of it is up for debate. None of it is being really hidden or obscured. The issue is that you don't want to face facts. It's easier for you to put me down. Like I said. Easier for you to put other people like me down. Our society will bestow you with karma and rewards for selling out your own people. You're get a promotion, or a good job. You'll get a girlfriend probably, even if you're not attractive, because you represent "the right thing" that she feels she's "supposed" to be with. You'll have more social opportunities. Everything will be better for you. If there's ever a dispute between someone like me and someone like you, the courts will probably side with you.
That's what you have gained by attacking me and putting me down and selling out your own people (presuming you're white). That was your decision you made. IDK.
None of it is "up for debate" though. None of it is "a matter of opinion". You're willfully trying to stay blind to the truth because on some level it must cut you and sting you knowing the evil of what you're complicit in, but you can't get away from it.
I didn't stamp out people who disagree with me as jews. Did I call you Jew? I said you're in league with your "Jew-ass masters" IDK, that's true. Wasn't Avengers Endgame produced by Jews? Jews are very powerful in our society. They occupy the top rungs. They're not the only powerful group, but they're the single MOST powerful group, which is incredible when you consider their numbers. They're intelligent. That's why you need to be careful of them. They're much more intelligent than the average goy. Even the average white. Esp the Ashkenazi Jews. And unfortunately most whites get cucked and convince to sell-out to them (as you have, presuming you're white).
>time travel
The future is bright
Here's Wanda raping Thanos. Why did Tony have to kill himself again? Thanos is a pushover without the Infinity Gauntlet.
Yasssss fuck Drumpf am i right
People with common sense do, nigger
Hey you tried your best with your shit rp b8 but now you're actively putting someone down who wants the same thing as you
>Jews are very powerful in our society. They occupy the top rungs. They're not the only powerful group, but they're the single MOST powerful group, which is incredible when you consider their numbers. They're intelligent.
They're also very tribalistic. You prob won't believe me and will think this is a LARP but I used to date 2 girls from prominent Jewish academic families, once of which you've almost certainly heard the name of, but it doesn't matter. They had to sneak out of their houses to see me and shit. And when they met other Jews it was like they were all in a cult. They all knew eachother from a young age. They knew every Jew within like a 3 state range. EVERY ONE. First name basis. Their parents really resented me. I dunno. The uncle of one of these women in particular is now perpetually all over TV bitching about Donald Trump and writing about "the rise of fascism in America" and all of this shit, and this entire family vehemently disdains non-jews. You can think this is a LARP if you want. It doesn't matter.
The only reason the tactic at the end worked was because it was Stark Technology, but it could also have been that no one else would make the sacrifice in such a split second decision. I'm more towards the former though even if it makes no sense that a gauntlet made on the spot can contain the stones, which it really didn't since Tony dies.
Next time you want someone to take you seriously, do not use r*ddit words, faggot
This is the thing that bothers me with so many superheros. They're super strong and can't get killed, why should I give a fuck in these fights if there's nothing to fear?
That's why Ironman and those like him are the best, they can actually die.
Have sex
So Jews are like high IQ left wing italians
>If anything someone wielding the gauntlet should be her kryptonite.
she can only be weakend by her period. WOMEN POWER!!!
>I'm not angry
>Fly into an autistic rage about a woman superhero
Jesus Christ
>the real men of the new world are discussing capeshit on a tibetan dog-boiling forum
I bet most of you faggots aren't even /fit/
I do. I do have sex. I was just discussing my previous sex life in my last post . Believe me or don't believe me. I'm not wrong. This shit is engineered from the ground up by Jews who disdain goys and want to dismantle them in subversive ways. The average Jew is far smarter than the average white. That's the problem. The whites who really sell out are usually homosexuals and trannies, who are metaphysically inverted. But aside from that, many ordinary, decent and well-meaning whites are just genuinely fooled by the Jew because the AVERAGE Jew is just SO much more intelligent than them.
>Hulk gets his ass kicked by Thanos to show viewers Thanos is a force to be reckon with
>lol but in Endgame we'll just have the females shit all on him
oy vey
Not an argument, ever
Jews and Italians get along pretty good. Ever watch Soprano's? Lol. Just a TV show, I know, but they went out of their way to illustrate the cozy relationship between Jews and the mafia. I think there's a line from that show too where they call Italians "Jews with better food".
Yeah they're like high IQ Italians, you could say that, but there is also a genuine religious component in their belief system, where they believe "God" entrusted them with some kind of divine right to rule over non-Jews and treat them as cattle, and that they are supposed to maintain the purity of their bloodline and shit like that.
I AM angry. I didn't say I wasn't angry. I said I WAS angry. What am I like NOT allowed to be angry or something these days? I think I was pretty explicit about my anger here . I am very mad about it. Yes. I am very mad about what is happening. GIF related is how I feel when I talk to people like you and peeps on this board, and when I have dumb discussions like these. Like I'm screaming just trying to get the truth out, and everyone just laughs at you and doesn't want to hear it and makes you out to be some kind of monster when I'm not.
>an adult getting this upset about a CGI shitfest made for actual children because it has a woman in it
O I am laffin
>and then everyone clapped
Faggot I agreed with you
I'm just trying to say what it is. IDK. I don't have any kind of agenda other than "let's stop letting the peopel who are fucking us over fuck us over". I dunno. I don't know what else you think I'm trying to sell. Do you think feminism has helped women or something? Are you a woman who thinks it's helped you? Feminism has ruined your life. What do you get by defending it. Why do you want to see a female superhero? Superheroes are extensions of the male archetype of the warrior. This is a bio-evolutionary function. Do you want to go to war? Get your ass shot off? Beaten? Stabbed? Do you want to be like little boys on the playground, always having to physical fight wiht one another? Get punched? Broken noses? Broken bones?
Women fucking cry when someone accidentally brushes up against their boobs, I don't think they can really deal with that.
yeah "all" a group not just one, like thanos loose in IW againts a group.
please dont have sex
Alrite, just chill out fags. Maybe we can all go to /d/ later and jack eachother off, alrite?
Why are you watching leftist propaganda? How can you have watched this trash for so many years and only now noticed this shit?
Haha I read it all in Reddit Jones's voice woah
I want to fuck Alex Jones hairy ass so bad
Well I am sorry that you don't have positive and warm feelings towards me.
She's dead.
If you're a man, then you have a mental illness. You need to undergo conversion therapy to get over those demons. Vice President Mike Pence might be able to help you.
But luckily for you people like me are normally libertarians, so we will defend your right to be a gross degenerate unto death. But BTW just a warning, the second the powers that be feel like they have a real authoritarian grip on the world via socialism, all of this far-left progressivism is gonna go out the window. I've already seen the far left moving AWAY from "defending gay rights" and becoming more openly anti-gay as they are overwhelmed by more minorities and nonwhites (who are inherent social authoritarians) and as outright socialism and economic authoritarianism becomes more the focus of the party.
Thing is you can't really pick and choose your liberty, in practice. You have to either respect freedom and thus respect it for all people (Even when it's unpleasant for you or difficult) or you'll eventually fall under the hammer of authoritarianism yourself.
That's what the entire Alex Jones / Right-wing Libertarianism movement thing is all about. No clue why gays aren't natural libertarians since they're the ones that benefit the most from it, esp here in the west, but I chalk it up to the metaphysical inversion / mental illness aspect of homosexuality.
Pic related is your BF when he was young. You're welcome you fag.
Ass is ass. Doesn't matter if it woman or man, it's the same hole, logically speaking. So it's more of a fetish
Not him, but the only thing worth fighting for now is yourself. It's too late for society to be saved. And people won't realize it until we're too far gone.
Eeewwwwwwwwwwwwww you deviant.
Well.....IDK how I feel about what you say. You're not wrong but hopefully you're not right either.
No point, IMO, in even existing in a fully collectivist society. And that's what we're going toward. Zoomers and millennials are the most collectivist people on the planet. I'm a millennial myself, early 30s, but there's no doubt that there's been a mass shift in consciousness over just the last few years, where people just seem to conceptualize themselves as "part of a whole" now, rather than an individual.
It sucks. It's bullshit. It's like a pseudo-life. It's like a life of psychic-slavery. I think whether it's left-wing or right-wing authoritarianism (it will be left-wing, but ultimately the two won't be that different in the end) living as a slave to the whole fucking sucks.
I blame the fact that much of my generation, but especially peopel younger than me, didn't get to learn how to go out and make their own ways. They were children of single parents. Nobody taught them how to hunt or fish or build. Nobody taught them trades. Nobody taught them self-sufficiency. I guess if you don't have that "feeling" in you bones that you can just go out and be your own person, regardless of "the economy" or whether or not someone wants to hire you, or whether you have the right politics, or whatever the BS is, you just lose that sense of individuality.
It sucks cuz I think it's being engineered, along with all the chems in the water and air and brainwashing and bullshit. Human individuality is fading in exchange for collective-consciousness-enslavement. That's why we're so ideologically rigid today. Political correctness. Secular progressive church of academia. Nobody can deviate from the norm or they're "a heretic".
I mean it wasn't like that when I was in college man, and it wasn't that long ago. I left college merely a decade ago.
god capeshit is shit. thank fuck it's finally over.
Also I find it very fucking amusing that the mods let Yea Forums burn for years until this kiddy movie is releasing to start policing spoilers.
is there anything after the credits?
Except when captain america uses the stone/staff
Except when loki teleports
Except when hulk uses all 6 to snap everyone back
... I think I've proven my point that you're a retarded faggot
should I kill jews?
You know bro, it occurs to me that people like you often think people like me "hate you" IDK dude. I think you just don't "get" people like me. I hope you do understand that I'm not trying to put you down. I dunno. We just speak in different languages or something. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Have fun with your gross ass fetish. Here's one more for you. I would never in a million years want anyone to be able to hurt you or harm you based on your sexuality, or tell you who you can or cannot fuck. Or who's ass you can or cannot fuck. I feel like I would literally die to protect that right so I dunno.
A more paranoid person might say there is something happening beyond what we are told.
I hate captain fungus, but at the begining when she fucked up thanos from nothing was pretty based
She's in the movie for 3 minutes and has almost no lines. Immediately after what OP posted Thanos drops her. She really cold have been cut entirely and the script would only require minor changes
where can i watch this shit ? can't download as i'm on a work network
Go fucking jerk off to a Ben Shapiro compilation or something you bitter fuck
He needed the power stone of that. She was overpowering him before.
She literally no sells and attack from Thanos that knocked out Thor.
Say what you want about the women in the movie, but the scene where Scarlet Witch nearly rips Thanos apart, making him desperate enough to bomb his own army was pretty kino.
But that's false. Tony, Thor and Cap wielding Mjolnir all get BTFO, yet Wanda and Captain Marvel nearly solo him on seperate occassions.
It was stupid. Thanos can overpower Thor and Hulk but Wanda is crushing him? There's no internal consistency in these movies.
So there are three timelines now
Adult timeline
Child timeline
Failed timeline
retard, the whole movie is full of plotholes and goofs
No. Cap going back in time and showing up as an old man proves that it's one timeline even though it makes no sense.
he's not here for you he here for Geofferey
but fat thor is still in the adult timeline being fat
why he can't close his first? can he close his second?
Im still convinced that fit Thor with his Axe is leagues above fat Thor with Axe+Hammer. If Thor would have kept training for 5 years he would have been able to 4/10 Thanos without Gauntlet
That is the most unconvincing "angry face" I've ever seen in a big budget action movie. Even Rihanna in that 2012 Battleship movie was a more convincing performance than this, or just Megan Fox in the Transformers movies.
The virginity is strong in this one. Your mom probably also never breast fed you for you to have this laughable hate against women
>you'd know that the power comes from closing his first
Can you snap your fingers with a closed fist? You spastic cunt
>Oh yeah cuz I'm sure everyone who types a political internet post in capital letters must be violent and unstable, right?
you certainly seem unstable from these posts yeah
He only snaps for the 50% AOE kill move. Every other time he used the gems individually, he closed his fist.
Thanos could only beat Hulk because he had the power stone then.
He wasn't using it. It's not lit up
Passive strength/durability boost, see GOTG1.
this fuck niggers, bad movie was bad
open to interpretation.
Banner thought about her whilst un-snapping. So either it was to show off that he was dead dead or that she was around somewhere
yeah i mean they push for females pretty hard right now.
i think they think they secured the male audience so now they pander to women.
I dont care about marvel anymore so they can just deduce it to another women schmock filmfest.
desu looking back at it, the movies were always pure reddit trash.
goodbuy marvel and the faggy tv threads about it.
You are an evil shill.
>genZ is based
LMFAO, boys turning ito trannys while the girls fucking niggers en masse.
Nope. We see what it looks like when uses it against Brie. Also, Thanos without the stones overpowers Thor and breaks Cap's indestructible shield but Captain Fungus just stares at him when he hits her.
Speaking of the Hulk, what a fucking waste. He didn't do jack shit in this movie. He had to be saved by fucking Ant-man in his giant form because apparently Hulk isn't strong enough to lift some rubble on his own.
That doesn't even make sense.Since when do Asgardians need to lift or workout at all? Their powers are magical.
True that
I mean it's kinda obvious that Thor wasn't at full potential after wasting 5 years drinking beer and playing fortnite.
Imagine actually typing this over a kids comic book movie lmao
>because apparently Hulk isn't strong enough to lift some rubble on his own.
Did you miss the part where the gauntlet nearly fucking killed him 2 minutes prior?
She's literally got her powers from a power stone though
>One movie make Yea Forums push their brain to the limit
I mean....SJWs usually are retarded school girls...
I get that the people that got their powers from sotnes supposed to be stronk (scarlet witch, the brother, capn marvel,dr strange), but why does vision with a fucking stone in his head feal so weak ?
yeah, generally stronger people do better. did you want spider-man to nearly solo thanos as well?
I was thinking this when the Black Girl from Black Panther killed the dude he and Wanda struggled with in Endgame.
>the movie that unlocks 100% of Yea Forums's brain is superheros
This film is marxist propaganda.
Why? Give some scenes as examples.
>gets depressed over comic book characters who have absurd powers
How about you just end it then? Its not like its going to get any better.
You know who also has destroyed Thanos, along with Doctor Doom and Galactus? Squirrel Girl.
So if you cant fucking cope with some fictional media ment for escapism and stuffing your fat fuck face with overpriced candy, you really fucking should just snap yourself out of existence and leave room for someone more mentally adept at life.
I have so fucking had it with you creeps, because i know it mostly isnt bait because so many fucking losers here live on the internet, and get their moods changed, not by actual articles, but by fucking screenshots of headlines of articles that might not even be real.
I hope you all reeeeee in hell soon. Fucking spergs.
Basically all the leaks and parody shitposts came true even the ball kicking scene
what is this horrible graph lol
who cares
After Zizek destroyed Peterson you'd think chuds would stop the "this is a Marxist conspiracy" nonsense, but I guess not.
Is there a camrip already?
>marvel spends 30 seconds on screen then returns to space
>strong enough to handle no-stones Thanos
>spends 20 years "helping people" in space but never once takes it upon herself to stop the Mad Titan who is going around killing 50% of entire planets
what was she doing all this time, honestly?
>>>I am an INCEL
Why didn't Starlord just shoot Thanos in the face while he was being restrained in IW?
>Nebula gets caught and leaks the plan to Thanos
The fuck, does she do anything more impressive, or is she just tossed aside?
That headbutt looked stupid
Where do you think that video is from?
>>> I am a FAGGOT
Shoots her old self and calls Starlord an incel
Welcome to my world bro
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a shitshow
wait who's the female iron man
>All their efforts are thwarted by Thanos hurling his twinblade into the van
nice girl power. Though Carol overpowering Thanos was a bit weird.
Speaking of
Did Scarjo piss Feige off or something, why was she sacrificed and excluded from the climax of a decades worth of capeshit? She's been there since the beginning
Holy shit she overpowered him when he had the glove with all stones? What cuckery is this?
damn he was close
>cutting it off right before he pulls out the Power Stone and punches her out of the movie with it
disingenous webm
he shouldn't need the stone
so why didn't Strange rewind time on Tony's destroyed body like he did for Wong in his movie after the fight was won?
>using spoilers
don't be a cuck to the janny
>Cuz "the white man" isn't gonna snap out of his mental illness. He's just gonna die man. You don't realize lol if there hasn't been a mass consciuosness awakening by now, there's not gonna be. Plus you got an entire generation of people braindamaged by screen time, and we know that's true now and it's been observed, and these problems are only getting worse + pic related.
>I don't want things to crumble bro. Like said the future you are describing sounds like it sucks. In the 2000s, despite Bush and Obama, I thought we were moving toward a cultural awakening and enlightened phase of consciousness or something. I thought everything was getting better and that the future would be utopia, but no.
Tales of utopia are just part of the game of evolution. Convince others that they should sacrifice for a noble goal while you work on your place in whatever future ends up being the case.
However, ultimately that self-centered tactic is going to fail for 99.999% of people because the people we are allowing to get BTFO'd by elites would have otherwise helped us.
is it watchable?
Not only that, at the beginning of the fight he fights Cap America (with Thor's hammer), Thor with his new hammer and Iron Man all at once and actually wins. And then Wanda and Captain Boring rape him with no effort.
stop using spoilers, cuck
leave him be faggot
this felt so disingenuous, i was loving seeing him slightly falter against all of them and still come out on top but then girl power happens and he starts fumbling? Everything involving senior stinger marvel makes me wince including whats in this movie, but thank god it doesnt end due to her
The more I think about it:
A white man actually beat Thanos: Tony Stark
A white man formulated the plan that would result in Thanos' demise: Stephen Strange
A white man was ready to face his doom against an entire army: Steve Rogers
White men actually developed the breakthrough technology that would allow that plan to work: Hank Pym, Stark and Bruce Banner
White men stood up alone against Thanos despite the gap in power, only using weapons that they created or proved worthy of and skill: Steve Rogers and Tony Stark
Women only fought Thanos because of their raw power. Yet Thanos beat them through guile.
Women only fought because they gathered.
Women were handed their powers by outside sources or were useless.
Based Russo actually showing who are doing the hard work and who is unfairly reaping the benefits.
hmm, based take
>the men had to earn their powers and weren’t given to them by other people
Literally the only person that is true for is iron man
Rocket did it
Stark owns the particles and some of Hanks tech
He didn't realize the particles could do that
He learned over time it's been plenty of years. In ragnorok he was able to form full sentences are rage hulk
They lost it to Loki then went back in time to retrieve it at an earlier point. Not sure if the new York Loki technically still gets away. He has a show coming up on disney+
That only contradicts the machine if they weren't returning the stones exactly 5 minutes after to their original places after they were stolen. The only plot hole is technically captain America growing old but shut the fuck up he deserves it
He knew he'd end up winning and it made him smug. He wanted to teach those who he already defeated a lesson. So he went all out.
He still had a pym particle on him. He had 7 and the 7th would be used to go back to his current timeline. He probably took it out, lived in a parallel world, left storm breaker/or the hammer (forgot which) somewhere, found an avenger with the tech, and then was able to return to this timeline after he was still strong and alive from the serum. Peggy died by that point and he got to live his life. Boom solved it
The gauntlet he made was made with his nano tech armor. Which his normal armor is covered with. He just slid them off him when he grabbed it. You see the stones slide into place on his before to you snaps
Time travel would make a separate time line if you stayed in it. Steve had pym particles to go back. BUT this does open up doors for alternative realities. He took a hammer or storm breaker with him. Whose to say that he won't find someone worthy in a different time line and we can get a female Thor without interfering with guardians of the galaxy+thor. Same with the Loki show, it's just a different timeline not our loki
Have no sex
No Peter tells her idk how you're gonna handle all that and then Wanda and michone show up and say she's not alone and then all the female heroes come out and they all, together make a path for Carol. It's the best way to do it. Didn't make carol op and all the girls got a moment
Strange too
>watch first 15 minutes
>they cut off his arm
turned it off right there and asked myself why they didn't just cut it off when he was unconscious in IW
turned it back on and Thor decapitates him
>Rocket Racoon: wh-what did you do?
>Thor mumbling: I aimed for the head
>audience bursts out into laughter
turned it off for good
I respectfully disagree.
Rogers was given a chance to be a super soldier because while he wasn't strong or skilled, he had the moral fortitude to wield his power for good.
The Dr. Strange movie also clearly mentions that magic can only be mastered through study and practice. He is the most gifted magician among his peers and manages to outdo everyone because he is smart about them since he maximized his time through astral projections. He even outsmarted a god.
Captain literally gives the shield to sam at the end
>get taught basic spells by a bald ultra-boomer
>get actual OP skills from an infinity stone Stark is the only one who actually built his stuff from scratch, every single other one (apart from maybe star chad) was given theirs by someone else
>WM: stark
>captain: stark snr and German Stanley tucci
>marvel: infinity stones
>falcon: dunno but government tech
>Thor: Odin
>Nebula: thanos
>gamora: thanos
>any-man: pym
>wasp: pym
>rescue: stark
>hulk: accident
It's always been Feige. Iger makes more money from the parks than he does movies, he doesn't give a shit about feminists.
He was exhausted fck from just having fought by the combined might of Thor, Cap and Tony. If anything, it makes Carol more pathetic if thats all she can do against Thanos after all the hype she received.
You ever just cringe so hard it hurts?
So his powers where given to him
Was fucking average and got BTFO by a magic cripple until he got the infinity stone then magically became OP. You’re wrong.
Starlord is half Celestial he doesn't count either.
Fair point, but if the planet got nuked doesn’t that mean he’s just a normal guy again
This is what the toddler Mods are protecting?
Yeah Starlord lost his god powers when they destroyed Ego. He's just a normal guy again.
SURELY this retarded "argument" would die already by now but it's almost like we are in the dark ages and witch hunting all over again.Of course saying "We want you gone by any means necessary because we can't compete with you on a fair level" wouldn't be so virtuous
Speaking of him he does literally nothing in Endgame to redeem his fuck up in Infinity War. Pretty bullshit desu
where can i watch the cam rip
He didn't even get to use the stones power, she stopped it before he could completely channel it.
cant Carol just take the gauntlet and snap?
what are the women even trying to do
he does get kick right in the infinity stones tough
>Gamora's death played as comic relief
My point about Rogers is that he was tested and found worthy before being given his power. As this post proves, a good majority of the characters were given their power but Rogers is one of the few who, in a way, had to earn this power by proving his worth.
And about Strange, it stands to reason that a novice, however gifted, couldn't beat a seasoned wizard. But ultimately he prevailed through guile. His resolve was also tested and he passed the test.
At the end, these characters' best traits aren't their raw power. It's their determination, their cunning, their upstanding morals. If you want to only bring down the discussion to whoever shoot the most powerful laser beam, then sure we can talk about Captain Marvel, surely your favorite character.
faggots still have sex and relationships and even friends
tony's last action was the snap, if he got tony back he would also undo the snap
>dive on fake grenade
>get given super steroids
>”earnt it”
You’re in full damage control mode dude
Just forget it. It’s an unsustainable system and people are realizing it more and more.
I know many women in real life that completely abhor feminism due to how negatively it’s being perceived. They didn’t really change but it indicates that things are getting better, albeit really slowly
So, what the fuck is the rules to time travel in this movie?
I thought it was a straight up multiverse sort of deal, no paradoxes, send and return only, but how the hell did rogers come the long way around if that was a separate universe?
Also, perhaps more importantly, does that mean he kissed his own grand-daughter in civil war?
Why is snapping his fingers even required?
yeah, why?
>also these anons:
>”woah, you think Jussie Smollet’s case ended unfairly due to left leaning politicians being the biggest pushers of corporate interests/injustice?”
>”Bruh, you don’t think it’s messed up how women are given free passes to cheat and seem to prefer actual literal rapists, criminals and deviants over decent guys that want to experience love? Fuck off, have sex and shut up and accept how things are”
It’s like you guys want to broadcast how stupid you are. Nobody else is buying it; no matter how much you willing lie to let the upvotes you get on reddit cloud your shitty views on society
They never give an actual explanation. Quite literally just don't think too hard about it.
so they wont avenge their own timeline?
PragerU have an uncanny talent for bad content
Yea Forums is ruined by obsessive idpol kiddos, I come here for some funny threads only to remind myself why I left
nowadays it's alt-right NPC board with dozens of threads about being triggered by some "stronk woman" character in a shitty capeshit
Yeah, becuase it’s extremely “NPC” to go against the grain and actually think for yourself beyond what reddit, Twitter and CNN tells you right?
You fucking moron
>people unironically complaining about marvel and wanda dunking thanos
>literally two of the most powerful heroes in comics
>he had no gauntlet
yall niggas dont even know half the shit in marvel universe you sound like incels
but he had the gauntlet
I'm neither Murrican, nor watching/reading mainstream propaganda like CNN
bitching about some clumsy feminist statements in a summer blockbuster is the peak of NPC autism
absolutely on the same level with whatever idpol bullshit of the day
you are getting cucked by top 1% and their pocket politicians daily but ofc some cocaine-fueled Hollywood "feminism" is the problem
>raises his hand up
>wastes time
can we get some hulk spoiiler webms up in here?
>Thor makes Valkyrie Queen of Asgard and fucks off, saying "You'll do better than I could have."
>a drunk who wanted to forget asgard and waste her life away is now queen over asgard
Sounds about right.
Yeah, I was saying to my normie friend about how I bet she turns up and saves the day and what do ya know she turns up with a lesbian haircut and just fucks Thanos' ship. They even make a point to show that she's stronger than Thor and Cap by having her almost take the glove off but Thanos pulls one of the stones out with his other hand and wallops her with it. Wish he fuckin smoked her.
Yo I clicked spoiler... sorry guys.
So this is the power of Western Men.
Everything will make a billion+?
or, he went back, and created that daughter and grand daughter that he made out with in civil war. ;^)
also, how did thanos' ship make it through the quantum teleporter if there were no pym particles left? Nebula used her return set to return then set the machine up, but there was then no particle on the other side to shrink the ship/protect it through the quantum realm.
its okay because he BTFO her with the power stone and Tony finishes him off anyway
jesus chris if you have this reaction because some woman beat a bad guy in a cape
shit film, you need some help and maybe some time off this site, genuinely,
Just got back from seeing it and it was the first time I witnessed audience clapping when the film ends in britbongistan and you know what, I actually joined in because I was impressed. Cap using Mjonir is one of my all time favourite cape moments now even tho I knew Tony was gonna die because of the spoilers I shed a tear when he died, when he said he loved his daughter 3000.
She's based. I don't give a shit what you fucking incels think, I'm glad there's finally someone who isn't nerfed to hell.
Yeah that's the whole thing about brainwashing man. It's gonna take time. See if your brother has the same opinion after 2 more years of feminist agenda being shoved into his brain through capeshit and other entertainment (i'm talking vidya games here too)
try not to be an inceloid, it helps
because the gauntlet cant read his mind
so they never undid the snap in their time line
The mental gymnastics I came up with was that she was absorbing the energy from the gauntlet (you can kinda see it if you really try)
Thank you for the bait kind sir it's rare to find such quality nowadays