Avengers Endgame

Avengers Endgame
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So was old cap from yet another timeline?

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It was the cap who returned to the past after he lived there for years.

Was there endcredit scenes?


Why was he so far away from the machine?
Why the machine looked like not working

Read this a lot, but noone explains it. Considering Hulk and Nebula said you cannot alter your timeline, I think it's a plot hole. But in case I am wrong... please change my mind

Anyone have a full list of spoilers so i can send it to someone.

Not only said but demonstrated
Nebula still existed after killing her old self

So did Loki split into another timeline when he portaled with the tesseract?

What's the Stan Lee cameo?

What are you talking about? . Past Nebula is from another timeline, he can kill Original timeline self with no consequences, that's not even a problem. The point is Captain America simply could not be there...

Its a huge plot hole. They spend the entire movie going on about how you can't change your timeline, altering your past doesn't change your future. They kill past Nebula and future Nebula doesn't die. They can't kill baby Thanos because it would do nothing to the older one. And yet Cap is able to go back and grow old in the same timeline. The screenwriter wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Tessarect can't do that
Everytime avengers visited the past caused a split timeline cause they interacted with the environment

thanos goes to a graveyard to exhume his corpse and they have a dance-off

>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?

Its the same cap. He just keeps his head down and doesn't interfere. Peggy never says who she marrys and she's fucked with alzheimers by the time cap gets thawed.

Bigger plot holes are loki running off with the tesseract and thanos/gamora/nebula being removed from the timeline.

It wasn't another timeline
It became another timeline the moment they traveled there
Why couldn't captain be there?

>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
He's like an old man disciplining children who don't understand the value he has given them.

And it was present nebula that killed past nebula not the other way

Of course, sorry, my mistake.

Because Original Timeline can't change that way?

So the post credits was just the sound of Iron Man making his first suit in the cave right:?

A younger CGI version of Stan Lee drives by an army base yelling something about making peace not war, it's pretty underwhelming.


>Natasha and Bruce go for the Soul Stone
>you know, they don't
>Natasha sacrifice herself
>Hulk goes crazy, scream, cry, destroy the top of the mountain
>reappear in lake, calm and sad, looking at the Soul Stone in his hand
>Sent back to the current time
>Where is Natasha?
>Open his hand with the Soul Stone
>Everyone understand and touch his hand with sadness

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Yeah, for it being his final fucking cameo, I was disappointed

>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
Because past-Thanos understand that these fuckers won't accept their destiny and the better place he has to offer, so he is tired of our shitty planet.

I'm just pissed Stan Lee got his RIP moment in Captain Marvel instead of being cemented in the biggest MCU movie.

>Earth is also the only planet with Avengers despite being technologically inferior
The Galaxy is fucked.

>Go back to moments just before Thanos snaps away half the universe
>Actually chop Thanos' head off
>Explain to their past selves that they're from a future where Thanos wins and they need to borrow the gauntlet to undo shit and they'll brb and return it when they're done.

He didn't change the timeline. He was always Peggy's husband, but never told anyone.

I thought you had to sacrifice some one to get the soul stone. Both of them fighting over it and trying to save each other seemed like it defeated the purpose

Hey guys how's it going.

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Did he fuck his niece?

It's actually Loki, you wouldn't expect it because it didn't work earlier in the movie.

Yeah he didn't give her up out of pure willpower, he just saved his own skin



FUCK user that's actually really fucking clever
literally too smart for the movie

Peggy's niece, not his own. They aren't related by blood, and he did it at a time when he wasn't aware they'd eventually be family. This isn't quantum physics, c'mon guys.


>Was there endcredit scenes?

and it's were
pic related

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This. Cap is not the problem. The whole Thanos/Nebula/Gamora is.

Let me explain this, I don't know how they handled in comics and I don't care, I am talking about the logic movie gives me.There's also another problem, according to how they explained it and how time works...You couldn't go back again to bring the stones back. Basically you can just go back in your timeline and at that point you create a new branch everytime, but you cannot go back to that branch again, you must be from that specific timeline after the branch was created. So 2014 Thanos was perfectly safe, he was just missing a stone at that point, but Past Nebula (being sync'ed with Future Nebula) would have learned enough to help in the direction of time traveling. Considering their technology I am pretty sure they had a guy with a brain or two...


No the biggest one is Loki

Pretty sure it's just to bring him back later.

The way the Banner explained it to the Ancient One, once the stones are back in place, it unfucks everything. Cap replacing the Pwer Stone unfucks Thanos/Gamora/Nebula, and replacing the Tessaract in 1970 unfucks Loki, because Loki getting away in 2012 never got a chance to happen, because New York Team was never in New York for future Stark to drop the case.


That happens in a different timeline. In the original timeline the problem is Captain America on that bench...Considering you cannot alter your timeline.

He doesn't alter his own timeline though

Snap 1: Erase half of world population randomly
Snap 2: Erase the stones
Snap 3: Bring back the erased on Snap 1
Snap 4: Dusted Thanos and his army.
How snap works in MCU?
Similar with wishing to Genie?

>Loki leaves with the tesseract
>They go further in the past
So they created two alternate realities. One of which they never went back to to drop off the stone.

Yeah, right, were they living in "a world without Captain America" ?

Half of those are easily explained, the other half legitimate grievances. For example >When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?

Steve knew when and where they would send him back from. He goes and sits on the bench, not hard.

It only works for those resonant and strong enough, but yes, it's basically wishes at the cost of potentially dying depending on how dumb your wish is.

The old captain on the bench is the one that went back in time 10s before. Instead of returning he just stays in the past and does not interfere.

Peggy never says who she marries.

>He doesn't alter his own timeline though
He travels backwards in time form a new timeline he created. Is that time line part of the "loki" time line or the "Five years later" timeline? Since we see old Steve in the main time line that means that there is a universe that never got unfucked

but he went in a different timeline, not that one

You seemed to miss the second part of that
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?

But that also means Bucky is in the same timeline as well right? Suffering???

So explain to me how they do a Vision TV series, Loki TV series, and Black Widow when they're all permanently dead?

Every single jump is normal Earth UNTIL they take a stone then it branches, him replacing the stones cuts off the branch.

set in the past


"That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve... Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would... who would become my husband as it turned out."

iT was sTevVe aLl aLoNg

Chris Evans just wanted to stop acting as Captain america period.

Loki isn't dead. He escaped in a timeline nobody fixed

Hey mate, so you're telling me they're not showing original timeline but another timeline? Considering you cannot go back in your timeline...They said that, not me.

wait until the Phase 4 Avengers movie when everybody renews their contracts and gets resurrected

They went back in time even further so Loki escaping never happened.

Infinity War was great but there was a noticeable drop in quality in this one.
- lot of stuff doesnt make sense
- jokes werent all that funny
- timeline shit is convoluted and obviously a mess
- the actual time travelling wasnt that interesting
- super cringy girl power moment that nobody fucking clapped at because everybody was embarrassed. jesus christ that was so stupid and forced

Why were there no cosmic entities in the movie?

>Chris Evans just wanted to stop acting as Captain America period.
He made the right choice and so did RDJ. They both go out in a blaze of glory. Scarjo has some pointless prequel

>Imagine not understanding time travel in a kids movie in 2019

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>Captain Cunt
incel detected, opinion discarded

That's not how it works. Hulk explained it. It's "The past" but they experienced it as their present. Going to the past can't change the future reality. So if the time traveling Avengers saw Loki escape they can't undo that by changing the past

That's why there's no "Kill baby Thanos" plan

It still happened though. sorry, bud.

What if Tony wish on Snap 4 is actually "Erased Thanos and his army, also fix the timeline when all infinity stones are returned to where they were stolen"

We'll never know, I guess.

Other times are other realities. The gauntlet can't do shit outside it's own reality. It's why Hulk couldn't bring back Black Widow

what happened to gamora at the end, she was back from guardians of the galaxy era and I thought she would stay in the present but she wasnt on the ship

surely her original timeline is already fucked because thanos etc came from there so why would she go back I thought she would get to know peter quil again

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She's Gamora from right before the events of GOTG. Peter is a complete stranger to her

Wheres sif

I heard so many people groan at that part. It was fucking hilariously forced

Scenes that threw me off

>Tony dies on the battlefield, calls Cap Marvel and his last words are you are now the leader the Avengers need
>After Falcon receives the shield from Captain America, he looks at Bucky smirks and says How this make you feel white boy
>Thor's mother telling his son Asgard is not a place, Asgard is female.

>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?

That was Tony's gauntlet, probably he could control it or something

Thanos snap
>half the population gone
Banner snap
>half the population comes back
Tony snap
>lmao only bad guys are now gone

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PLEASE, does hulk finally fuck shit up on a massive scale ?

Have sex


Fuck I didn’t think of that
They clearly established that going to different times were actually different dimensions, yet cap was able to go back in time in their own dimension even though he was meant to be returning the stones to their own dimensions?

does he have any significant action scenes ?

Yeah, he destroys the shit out of New York

Every single woman in my session freaked the fuck out and cheered extremely loudly when this happened. One even screamed "THIS IS WHAT I WANTED". Hell, every time Captain Marvel showed up on screen people went wild.


The Thanos from 2014 went to the future and died. They returned all the infinity stones to the past but not Thanos. What's happening if there's no Thanos in the past?


>Every single woman in my session freaked the fuck out and cheered extremely loudly when this happened. One even screamed "THIS IS WHAT I WANTED"

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I really hope someone like the Living Tribunal steps in to fix the shit up. I was disappointed there were no cosmic entities in Endgame

Cap from original timeline went to parallel 1945, grew old with Peggy there and returned to original timeline as an old man

Dunno lol

I think that, going by the logic of the flick, it would mean that 2 caps existed in the same timeline.

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In order to be possible, it has to be another timeline, not the original timeline. In original timeline that did not happen. By movie's logic, not mine, they can only create a branch from their timeline, but they couldn't go further back in time in a branch they created. It was just convenient to the plot, that's it.

The yass queen slay part was so unbelievably forced.
Bucky cucky'd out of being captain america by a black.
Did Tony kill past Gomorrah?


Pym particles

Whoops lol!

It just means that timeline got saved from Thanos, that's all.

Fucking this, at my cinema when the girls appeared nobody clapped, lots of girls, also when Danvers appeared nobody clapped too, sad.

Why did they need a portal to go back to the past but once in the past could move around further through time freely?

What good is returning the Space Stone when it's not in tessaract cube Form?

Sure, just not in the original timeline, it happened in another timeline.

Then how did old cap return to main timeline?

Alright here's a question, what the fuck was that banging hammer sound after the credits?


Too much for normies' brains

I refuse to think its that

Tony making his armor in the cave. I can't believe they're even carrying on with the MCU after this. It's fucking done. I guess it just makes way to much money to end gracefully

>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
He literally just remembered the date and sat down on the bench and waited. Are you retarded?

Then you are dumb

Oh then it's Riri and RDJ is going to come back and be her AI. Is that what you want?

You're fucking retarded

Man don't bother, there are so many brainlets in this thread who don't understand. They keep going on about parallel universes and shit. Clearly too dumb for marvel movies.

after killing thanos the first time, in the first 15 minutes, the film became just constant talking until the final battle which was really good.

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I'm not being serious user. Though a friend of mine actually wants that to happen. I should have pushed him out of the window

Prequel television is usually shit. I guess Disney+ is going to bomb.

i don't understand why the fuck king nigga's little sister had to be there with her twiggy arms

I was really hoping they would hint someone like Dr. Doom in the post credits scene

He didn't. In order to work (by movie's logic) it has to be a different timeline where everything happened exactly like that but with 2 Cap America around (one laying low after putting the stones back, another one doing what Cap America did). However I remember "a world without Capt. America?" (may be wrong) from Falcon, so I am not really sure what writers were trying to do there.

> Thanos just arrived with an entire army wanting to destroy earth
> user is angered because a black girl is there defending earth
Yes user we should turn her away cause you are an insecure /pol/ack

didn't see them sending in any other twiggy non-superpowered children with no history of fighting anything

This is probably the most awkward. No, he doesn't.
In fact, a lot of his character arc is just thrown out of the window. In IW, he doesn't want to come out because Thanos beat the shit out of him, so you'd think he'd be more willing as Bruce/Hulk. But no, he's not even stronger or anything.
And even then after Natasha dies, he still barely gets angry. Complete waste of an Avenger. Even Spider-Man gets more fight in him.

I guess he was always considered second class.

are we gonna pretend like the hulk didnt dab and fatfuck thor didnt scream at some kid on fortnite?

well they're not going to turn her away if she has a gun and is willing to fight are they ffs

Why not?

I understand different timeliness. Picking Infinity Stones and Thanos from different pasts. Loki taking the tessaract in a different timeline. All good. But then old Cap wouldn't happen in this timeline. Unless of course like you said it's just a big coincidence and some other cap was also in this timeline. Or maybe after Peggy died cap activated his time watch and went to the future? Dunno.

What about Sharon Carter? Steve just fucked her but no feelings? He goes back to fucking her aunt and leaves her at the first possible moment?



>"a world without Capt. America?" (may be wrong) from Falcon, so I am not really sure what writers were trying to do there.

Well I don't think at that point that he realised cap was gonna pass the shield on

hm but what if returning old Captain America is a skrull ?

>[shaking intensifies]

It fucking sucks. I was hoping they would make an appearance, not my fault normies are too retarded to understand abstract entities


Cap goes back in time and just lives. He just lays low and lets shit happen. When it reaches the time that he leaves he goes to the woods and sits on the bench.

Peggy never says who she marries and she has alzehimers anyways

What are the end credit scenes plz? How many are there?

the scene in the diner with the kids asking him for an autograph, he dabs as they are leaving

no end credits

Couldn't be the same cap since he would have been in another timeline its totally gonna be Hydra Cap

there was two

the second scene had Deadpool congratulating the Avengers.

Holy fuck, thor dual wielding was so cool

Why didnt they go back and stop Hitler?

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If it's all one single timeline then who did they fight in infinity war if 2014 Thanos went to the future and died there? Post 2014 there could not have been a Thanos.

There's two end credit scenes

Because they're not supposed to be the bad guys

There is no confusion. All the time travelling/reality hopping makes perfect sense and is internally rule consistent.... you are just stupid and don't get it. Sorry guys not even trolling... being dumb sucks.


Yeah let's just forget about past Thor who is minus a hammer now.

...and they were? Describe them.

>mfw everyone returned through the magic portals
>mfw spiderman started talking

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Well you can pick which way you want it to work. both have plot holes. Either cap being on the bench is a plot hole or thanos/gamora/nebula leaving the timeline is.

Imo cap on the bench is fine, thanos and co is a bigger plot hole

Im confused...whos the girl Iron Man that shows up at the end? Im watching the camrip and I have no idea who it could be

Shes shooting beams out with him in a silver iron man suit

Is that captain marvel?

Once again, I am not sure what writers were trying to do, I am just telling you how it could work by movie's logic. THAT could NOT happen in original timeline, but it could easily work in the timeline he visit in order to put back the stones or in another one where everything happened exactly like that but with another Cap around. There's also a problem with visiting the same timeline twice, more likely it would create a new branch, but it's more related to how time actually works than movie's logic.

Cap returns the hammer when he returns the stone

This is a disgusting level of cuckoldry.


No it doesn't, that universe is effectively unbalanced now. Destroyingthe fucking INFINITY stones is supposed to fuck shit up. The Living Tribunal should step in if they don't just say fuck the source material

It's Pepper.

It's pepper potts

That's a different plot point entirely. I was remarking on the idiots ITT that don't get the time travelling.

but Cap went to an alternate timeline when he went to the past
if he waited years instead of using the Pym Particles to return then he would stay in that alternate timeline


>Cap on bench
It could work in a different timeline, not the original one
We should know how Past Nebula managed to do that (and know more about the "time machine"), but we don't. The "portal" sounds convenient to the plot, so we just have to accept it.

>Cap is able to go back and grow old in the same timeline
but thats just wrong
in many other timelines cap is on ice betwen 1941-2011. he could stay with Peggy just fine, what is stopping him?

Talk about left fucking field

God you are dumb...

No that's not a different plot, that's how it should function if a universe becomes unbalanced based on the comics

What, they forshadow it at the start when cap visits tony to talk about timetravel. His kid is playing with the suit helmet

>that SUUUPER fucking cringey "girl power" moment
Completely unnecessary and immersion-breaking.

Thats peggy

Time travel is stupid anyway.
>There is no such thing as time since space is infinite, time is just a concept and a way to measure how many times the earth rotates around the sun
>if time travel was a thing and you went back in time then any and all alterations you make will always lead up to the same outcome because its all ready happened before.

He went from the actual 1970s to actual 1945 and married Peggy.

It just means timeline where Thanos has died in 2014 was created

What was the whole thing with antman and the van right at the end?

Dead, with like 99% of Asgards population.

Only part of the movie that felt forced along with cpt marvel
But i expected worse so im happy

She wasn't on asgard when hela came a knocking or on the ship to earth

If Spider-Man returns after five years, why aren't his friends 5 years older?

they all got thanosd

If you mean the fat friend, blame the asian genes.

Is there any series that gets actually BETTER when time travel is introduced? It just seems so dumb and full of holes that it ends up ruining a series

Because the script for Endgame was written after Homecoming?
I know homecoming being set in 2020 fucks it all up but its not like they would have known what the plot for IW and Endgame would be before making that film

Because it would not influence their own timeline, only create a new one.

So, what about all the people that commited suicide or did fucked up shit while their loved ones/friends got snapped? Sure, they came back, but how many an heroed?

with the gauntlet, you can will pretty much anything to happen. It's not limited to deleting people.

Dragonball Z

Doubt this is something that even crossed the writers' minds. Probably gone for good.

Holy shit you're right. This is the biggest plot hole. They should've graduated by now.

well yeah it's literally just the will of the individual, retard

Back to the Future
Doctor Who

Even worse
>half of Spidey's friends are now five years older than the rest

Better question: did the people who were snapped by Thanos actually age? If not, some of Peter's friends would be in college by now while he's still in high school.

There only two possible explanations about old cap
He is either our original who came back after living his life in the past
Or that's a cap that came from the future to the present a long time ago, basically creating a close loop
Meaning the whole thing was meant to be if it's the second

>time travel is a key plot device
>apparently the option to time travel back to the snap-point isn’t an option

Yeah really doesn't sound like it would cross their minds. The population on tons of planets would have been seriously effected due to people literally offing themselves when they think all hope is lost

Also, to clarify I meant "they came back" as in the ones snapped. I'm retarded

I thought about this too, I have no idea how the fuck they're gonna address this. Ned looked like he was pleased and overcome with joy to SEE Peter, which made me think he wasn't snapped. Not ALL of his friends could have been snapped, right?

This made me think of a deep fake with Peggy pegging Rogers while the niece watches...

gotta hate how they never appreciated the 2 most important figures in the universe saving quest.

>Hank Pym invented Pym Particle that allowed the time-travel in the first place

>Dr. Strange planned out the whole thing and teleported whole fucking army to the battlefield

Tony figured out the time travel without even messing with Pym Particle. what the hell

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>there was no other way tony.....I saved you so you can die 5 years later for all of us

The kid in the funeral is the kid from Ironman 3

Also populations that were on the verge of extinction before the snap would have collapsed after losing 50%. Even unsnapping the lost 50% wouldn't save the species.

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I don't get it. Can't Doctor Strange manipulate time anyway? Literally just reverse Ironman's death like how Thanos reversed Vision's death.

I like how Strange actually pushes Tony to sacrifice himself.

it's just a plot hole that they left in because it was 'cooler' to have him arrive the way he did.

Daughter! I gave you my cock. All of it.
Every day since you were born.
You had cummies galore, and yet here you stand against me.
Very well, daughter.
No more cummies for you.

Time Stone can't sign Marvel's contact, user.

Tony's death was infinity stone related? I doubt the time stone can reverse it's own doing.

They should've ended the movie with Stark's funeral and his message. Ending with Cap fucking back to the past just to get his waifu was stupid as fuck.

I think they wanted evans to resign but he declined, so they wrote him out

>Pym particle can reverse/advance your age
>Pym particle can time travel
>bascially Time Stone

tell me again why Pym Tech isn't borderline magic?

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What happens if you time travel back in time to when you were 12 and you fuck your past self? Is that self harm or pedophilia?

How did Cap return all the stones in one time jump and also go back to 1945?
Is Old Cap >110 years old?
Is Peter Parker now 5 years younger than he would have been in 2019? Did every single person at Peter's school also get snapped?
How did Gamora leave the planet?
Why has nobody gotten the soul stone before the Avengers if it's so incredibly easy to obtain?

>can god microwave a burrito so hot even he cannot hold it?

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If there's no alternate timelines how did Thanos and Nebula both die at the end when they have shit to do in the past to get to that point

Is this the last one?
Or are they gonna do more to save ironman and widow?

>Why has nobody gotten the soul stone before the Avengers if it's so incredibly easy to obtain?
Please, explain this! Anyone?


Infinity war had the same moment

so did nebula kill her younger self? Wouldn't that erase her?

Nobody knew where it was. Thanos tasked gamora with finding it and she destroys the map, she then takes thanos there.

I thought it was sick desu and at this point any of u incels who are still whining about feminism are worse than feminists at this stage.
Just get your fucking life together you pathetic virgins

>How did Cap return all the stones in one time jump and also go back to 1945?
He used the stones to travel everywhere he needed to go and then once he was at the last stop, appearing just after himself and Tony left Howard Stark's office with the tesseract, he used the pym particles to travel to 1945.

No he needs the time stone to do that
That wouldn't work anyways cause if he reverse tony's time the time stone will go back to the gauntlet preventing him for going farther back
And even if that could make it work somehow it would reverse tony's snap, that would defeat the whole purpose

Evans has said for a while now that he wouldn't be coming back.

They should have put his scene before Stark's funeral, or at least kept Stark's voice over going through part of it. Because it really fucked over the ending for me.

>Is this the last one?

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Felt like they were fighting a different character, the past thanos didn't even know the avengers like scarlet which, would have been better if present thanos fought them so he could make jokes about killing vision and shit, would have made the fight more personal

No because quantum causality actually doesn't give a fuck.

True, immortality+ perfect time travel wtf

>he used the pym particles to travel to 1945.
Don’t you need a quantum gate for that?

About to see the movie in like 10 mins, will post my thoughts later
>Inb4 paying for capeshit
Paid only 7 bucks

1-So they didn't try to revive Vision at all?
2-Where did Loki go in 2012 timeline?
3-Is it possible that Tony uploaded his consciousness to an holographic device like in the comics?
4-Where did past Gamora go after she kneed Quill in the nuts?
5-Why none of the Avengers asked for Nebula when they came back from time travel?
6-So Captain put the Reality Stone in its solid form?


felt like past thanos was stronger than his present self

Imagine if any African warlords got snapped by Thanos and now their countries somehow managed to find peace. But now they are back and their countries back into chaos.

>Nobody knew where it was. Thanos tasked gamora with finding it and she destroys the map, she then takes thanos there.
How’d she find it then.
Was Red Skull the guardian since 1942 or did his soul get sent back to the beginning of the universe in 1942?
How did Red Skull know how to obtain it? (and explain it in a way like he’s seen it be obtained)

Because she can fight and has super powered Wakanda tech?

>Thanos shutdown the forge and kill almost all the dwarfs so no one else can make another infinity gauntlet (require gauntlet made out of Uru metal to hold all the stones)
>cut to Endgame
>the Avenger made their own infinity gauntlet out of totally normal metal (or whatever used to make Iron Man armor)
>somehow can hold all the stones and can snap

wtf? this is the biggest plothole for me.

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>need a pump particles capsule 1 per person every time you want to time travel.
>thanks brings entire army, and massive battle ship through time with no pump particles at all.

What did marvel mean by this?

Death should have been here at least but nope they had to make thanos 2deep for you, fuck this.

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No apparently they only need the "time gps watch" to go back once they are inside (just like when Cap and Tony go back to the 70's when they were in the 2012 timeline).

No biggie

>How’d she find it then.

She found a map


thats interesting

It's an ending to the movies. It'd be stupid to start setting shit up.

just a comment but going dark on social media/youtube/Yea Forums until i watched it was fucking hard and the next time a cultural phenomenon comes around i hope the internet has filters or something so people can't spoil them

Have sex

maybe the banging at the end is doom and not tony

The Thanos that Tony snapped was also the younger version of the Thanos that did the original snap.
The younger Neb and Thanos were part of the split branch that was deleted when the stones were returned to the moment they were borrowed from.
The only real loose end is the Gamora that is from that same branch, but apparently got to stay in the prime timeline after the stones were returned.

>1-So they didn't try to revive Vision at all?
Vision is just Jarvis + mind stone. No need to bring back a gay robot

Did Luke Skywalker make it?

with the fucking suit, you dipshit. bruce said he could take as long as he wanted to come back. he took a whole lifetime

So out of the 14,000,605 possibilities this is the only one?

Why wouldn't Doctor Strange use a sling ring on the gauntlet and make it disappear in some other dimension?

>cultural phenomenon
>mandatory spoiler censors

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>How did Red Skull know how to obtain it? (and explain it in a way like he’s seen it be obtained)
Probably gifted with magic knowledge and shit. If he can know the name and parentage of anyone that visits the planet, he can know how getting the Soul Stone works.

So is Falcon Cap now because Bucky is the MCU version of White Wolf?

That’s literally the only reason I can think of, since Falcon would be a shit Cap

Its not though. thats why it kills Tony because of the gamma radiation, if it was the Tyrion gauntlet then Tony would have lived

its stunning to me that so many people can watch a kids movie with the simplest time travel plot ever invented and still not understand it

like, do you actually listen to the dialogue or do you just sit there on your phone the whole time?

gotta give the spotlight to the original team. if you really think about it, the sorcerer army alone could take down Thanos's army. Magic is op

When did the full flick drop? Links?

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but it seems kind of weird to just have one normal child with no combat experience charging into a war

like, if they were conscripting millions of children to make a desperate stand it'd make sense, but why the fuck is there just this one odd child thrown in?

Captain America won't be in the movies again, I'm sure. Nobody gives a fuck about Falcon or his actor.

It wrecked Hulk's arm and he's nearly indestructible and it killed Tony.

She does have combat experience though, she fought for Wakanda in BP. Plus she designed all the weapons cause she's like some child prodigy.

>389 KB

Link i want to send it to people?

Does that mean that in Civil War Cap made out with his own daughter?


He came back to the main timeline when he was finished getting his dick wet with no consequences

I don't understand this kind of reaction. Even if you know the ending, it's still enjoyable seeing how the story progresses toward it. And if it weren't, the movie wouldn't have been worth watching anyway.

i took no chances because i knew youtube was like the wild west with this sort of thing with no comment moderation, but the recommended video feed on youtube giving away the ending is hilarious

shut up slut
i bet you read wikipedia to spoil it for yourself before going to the theater
based and blackpilled

They literally did this
Minus Ultron. It was retarded as fuck

>if it was the Tyrion gauntlet then Tony would have lived
Pay more attention to the movie

>Secret Wars without Cap, Tony or Venom

It’s gonna be so shit isnt it?

i guess it works differently from the comic. It's not just about holding them together, you need to make them work together as well. housing power stone along with other stones will amplify other stones' power is one of the example.

Jesus Christ are you 16?


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This movie just felt rushed. The plot was not well thought out at all. Felt like rush job (which it was they made 2 movies at the same time)


I bet the Ruso's regret writing that one off fling now. Honestly it felt out of place anyway.

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Shut up homo it's hot.

What the fuck are you even talking about, if he would've used the suit he would've come out in the machine, not on a fucking park bench.

>secret wars
Nigger that's at least 5 years away. Wait first to see how well they introduce the Fantastic Four and the X-men

He used the suit to go to 1945.

It means he was always there. A stable time loop like the Terminator. The real question is how did Nebula not fuck up her own timeline by killing her past self?

Ok the movie ends on a happy note but what happened to resource depletion and overpopulation crisis?

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It's really doubtful the MCU is going to last beyond 2021.

Oh shit, I forgot. We getting Galactus, Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, a proper X-Team and everything.

What I don’t get is that...wouldn’t she (being 30 something) have met Cap at somepoint as her uncle?

So that means she willingly knew and went with it?

That was delusional bullshit on Thanos's part.

Whomst knows

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Nothing is happening until I get my Fantastic Four movie

You're retarded too. He live in the different timeline with Peggy and went back to the original when he was already old.

Don't you move between timelines when you timetravel? He should be in another timeline on that bench, not in our one

Yea it doesn't make sense. Anyone trying to pretend that it makes sense are Marvel fanboys. This movie has a plot that is worse than Age of Ultron. Didn't think that was even possible.

this girl power shit was forced hard here.

it's only a few seconds of hurrah wahmen, so who cares, but really it's so easy to manipulate women with this silly shit.

black widow and scarlet witch are the only two interesting and capable females in this marvel universe.

everybody else is pretty much a gimmick or a mary sue.

No way. He goes to another timeline, that can easily happen...BUT in another timeline, not the original one. Future nebula can kill Past Nebula of another timeline with no consequence, I don't see a problem there.

So is it Dragon Ball Z time travel or is it Back to the Future Time Travel?

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30 year old boomer Thor was pure kino desu

It's a space-time travel device. Or did you not notice they used those suits to time-travel to New York, New Jersey, 2 different planets and Asgard, you dipshit? You can end up wherever the fuck you want.

Maybe he called himself Grant Rogers, his middle name, and by the time she was born he was starting to show his age, being 150 years old.

Thats not his daughter you brainlet cause in that timeline Peggy never got to see cap until her ovaries were dried up.

the one that's not linear

Exactly. I really do hope they meant it was a different timeline, where he laid low and let the other captain do the work. Anyway, by movie's logic, it can't be the original timeline.

Yeah she did.

>The Ancient One states, "The Infinity Stones create what you experience as the flow of time..."
What are the repercussions of the stones no longer existing, then? In the main timeline, Thanos used the stones to destroy the stones, and all the borrowed ones were returned, so at the end of the movie, there are no stones.

My ears are burning, what's all this talk about time travel? I happen to be an expert on this subject.

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Well as big of a plot hole as this is, its literally impossible for him to have a blood relative niece so it isnt full blown creepiness

How much of a clusterfuck is this movie, seriously? I generally hate time travel movies. Most of them don't make sense unless they discuss time travel itself.

So Dragon Ball Z time travel.

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The Ancient One was mainly talking about how without the Time Stone she can't defend the earth

also if you really want to handwave it you can say that Thanos destroyed the stones with the gauntlet and thus had the power to do it safely compared to ripping it out of the universe to take it to a parallel timeline

the stones will respawn.

Whether you think its forced or not you must be an absolute incel to not see why a billion dollar corporation would not put a scene like this in their movie.

I think you replied to the wrong person moron

I never said it was his daughter BRAINLET.

If Cap went back in time to the 70s, or even the 40s he would have met his 30 something year old NIECE at some point, or there would have been pictures of him, or SOMETHING

She would have had to know

It's not. They were super careful not to fuck it up.

This. The Infinity Stones being destroyed would literally destroy the fabric of the universe. They're using the stones as just another weapon when they're the literal representation and manifestation of the universes time, space etc. This is what happens when you diverge from the source material. It becomes shit. They should've just adapted the Infinity Gauntlet story more

Don't call me a brainlet you fucking brainlet.

Of course she knew, and she was into it.

>believing anything The Ancient Ones says
of course she has to make up some bullshit excuse as to why she doesnt want to give the time stone to some random green guy, Its the fucking time stone!

It really is Dragon Ball.

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This desu. The reality of the scene was that it was Captain Marvel and a bunch of side characters. People cheered for what the scene represented, not really for the characters or the story involved in it.

that's tony stark's mom from the past idiot.

It doesn't make sense. Literally only the Living Tribunal should be able to destroy them.

Time travel ruins everything, this movie is no exception.

Good to know you’re a fucking idiot

The only way I can see the Cap thing working is if he went back, eloped with Peggy, and never met any of her family. They couldn’y have lived together in a happy suburban home and have Steve dating his future niece as a plot point not be a complete plot hole.

Don't talk to me.

it's like the difference between safely removing hardware and pulling out a flash drive while it's copying a file

its time travel where they go to a different universe and not their own.

You can't destroy the stones. And you shouldn't be able to.

Dude we don't even know if the Living Tribunal as they are in the comics exist in the MCU. The most we got was a name drop in Doctor Strange of a group called the Tribunal. Doesn't mean they're the same as in the comics. The MCU changes shit all the time.

Doesn't the Living Tribunal make a cameo in Ant-Man? When Scott first goes to the Quantum Universe. You see his silhouette in one of the space clouds exactly.

Try Simpsons is so handsome.

Terminator Genisys time travel.

What? No you dumbass. You CAN'T completely destroy infinity stones, if you would be able to that universe would become imbalanced and god knows what would happen
The Living Tribunal was name dropped in Doctor Strange. They literally said "The Living Tribunal" and Eternity was name dropped in GOTG 2. Cosmic entities exist in the MCU

Sharon Carter was Peggys GREAT Niece. Meaning its Peggys siblings grandchild. There is no blood relation at all to Steve.

However, its a little weird that she wouldnt know that Peggy married Cap. I know my great aunts/uncles pretty well, if one of them was a celebrity the entire family would know.

why are the wizards so cool, lads?
When Thanos made it rain and the wizards put up the shield here and there and the battlefield. so cool.

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>What are the repercussions of the stones no longer existing
Universe imbalanced. The Multiversal judge will have to fix the timelines

But Thanos says in the movie he used the stones to destroy the stones. He literally says it.

Did you read a bloody word I wrote? Just cause there's someone called the Tribunal doesn't mean it's exactly the Tribunal in the comics.

>How did Cap return all the stones in one time jump and also go back to 1945?
same way they traveled back the first time, with pym particles
>Is Old Cap >110 years old?
>Is Peter Parker now 5 years younger than he would have been in 2019? Did every single person at Peter's school also get snapped?
no because he said he turned to dust and it felt like passing out and when he woke up dr. strange was doing the circle ritual thingy to get back to the planet.

they did all get snapped, because the plotline for future movies would be ruined.
>How did Gamora leave the planet?
which planet, when?
>Why has nobody gotten the soul stone before the Avengers if it's so incredibly easy to obtain?
becuz earth is da best 8)

Nerdy men are easier, just shit out Star Wars and capeshit and even the ones that hate it will watch it at least once before they hit Youtube.

Goddamn auto-correct.
Harley Keener is so handsome.

They're just a bunch of humans who have learned universal cheat codes and abuse the laws of nature and physics. It's pretty cool.

Post a pic? I don't remember it

Falcon said he's sad he'll have to live in a world without Cap, to which Cap brings out his shield and gives it to him. Falcon says 'it feels like it belongs to someone else' and old man Cap says 'it doesn't.'

Heh, Sneeds like that are a diamond dozen.


Yeah, he destroyed the stones but not the energy inside them. So they just take another form somewhere else by following the law of energy conservation. It's the only explanation that makes sense, because if he completely destroyed the stones he would've virtually destroyed the universe

just assume they were all snapped

They say, and I quote
>"The Living Tribunal"

There's no one else named thar


Yeah, I agree. It doesn't make sense that these stones forged from the creation of the universe and hold ungodly power could just be snuffed out like a candle. Jus saiyan.

You're not fucking listening holy shit, I'm done.

Agents of SHIELD

They did have them. They stole them from future Nebula. Might be easy to miss in the camrip but Thanos holds them up and looks at them before the scene ends.

He exists, there's a staff of the living tribunal in Doc Strange but I doubt it's his, probably something an acolyte made

Just turn your brain off bro.


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I thought the whole conversation with the ancient one was to establish that theres only 1 timeline and that by returning the stones theyre pulling a stiensgate and keeping the timeline exactly as it was.

Did I just get this wrong or did they say somewhere else in the movie that alternate timelines were being created?

Also someone post the hulk bit please

Eternity also exists

true, sad to see this shit rotate towards women now though.

What is this reaction image supposed to convey?

You are correct, that is what the movie was trying to say. Everyone else overthinking it.

a split in the timeline from the point he went to the future, so a new separate arch wherein nothing in the movies we saw that involved thanos ever happened.

Panic, embarrassment and frustration i'd assume.

that the niggas a bad guy now

They only had 4 capsules. Each avenger needed on capsule each to time travel.

I know, I was mulling that over after the movie too. Just saiyan.

no she literally says:

"if i give up the time stone to help your reality i'm dooming my own."

then she draws the "timeline", then she takes out one stone and shows a change in stream from that point on.

she says, "this is what you EXPERIENCE as the flow of time." when referring to the stream. they explained the reality bullshit in the dr. strange movie.

>keeping the timeline exactly as it was
At the end, we're left with a Gamora in the main timeline that came from an offshoot, but somehow got to stay, even after that offshoot was supposedly pruned when the borrowed stones were returned.

I would have much prefered if Steve said Avengers Assemble after hearing Falcon on the radio and before everyone showed up. Like this they were already assembled when he said the line.

This makes more sense now hearing the actual lines again. Thanks
So I guess that ties up the "not returning thanos and co to the past" plot hole

yes, I assume pruning the timeline doesn't affect the present just like everything else they did

No you brainlet because Cap is with peggy in a DIFFERENT timeline to the one the MCU happens in.

It's very simple, entire MCU happens, Cap goes to alternate timeline, grows old there, and comes back to our timeline without changing anything else the MCU cap did. Like Hulk said, if you travel to the past, the past becomes your future. The only flaw is that he should have come back via the machine.