Imagine dying before the biggest summer blockbuster comes out, kek
Imagine dying before the biggest summer blockbuster comes out, kek
The first thing Americans reminisce on after their loved ones die is that they won’t be able to watch Disney superhero movies with them anymore
Imagine your husband dying and you're sad not because a piece of your life is gone, but because he won't get to see a children's movie. Yeah, who cares that he won't have kids, live a successful career, nah be sad because he doesn't get to see a toy commercial
>my husband forced me to watch every episode of a series of children's movies and now i'm going to watch the final one so i can finally put this horror behind me
>Marvel fan
>absolute unit
Color me surprised
Is the USA even real
Infinity War was a superior ending anyways. He didn't miss anything.
imagine being alive still and absolutely not giving a single shit
oh wait thats me haha
Based. I wish I'd die before seeing it as well so the last thing I would know is that Thanos won. And subsequently did nothing wrong
I wonder if his obesity had anything to do with it.
They'd obviously met pretty recently since she hasn't seen any Marvel movies before. They didn't love each other, they were still pretty much strangers to each other
shit. who knows if we'll be here on the day it premieres
you can go at anytime
maybe if your obese fucking husband had gone on a diet instead of eating giant tubs of popcorn covered with chemicals somewhat resembling butter he'd still be alive to watch his favorite kid's movie
ARE you alive?
plz respnd ;-;
It's completely surreal.
I usually like on shitting on this culture, but this time you've gone too far
many people reminisce on songs or movies they've enjoined with loved ones. It has a sentimental value
where is your heart?
thanos is defeated and dies
>shortly after this user was killed by an out of control vehicle, driven by a drunken RDJ
I want a WW3 to cleanse the west of weakness
wtf the bad guy loses?????
Ban this sick filth!
I usually like on shitting on this culture, but this time you've gone too far
many people reminisce on songs or movies they've enjoined with loved ones. It has a sentimental value
where is your heart?
wtf did you not see the sticky?
It was a blessing in disguise, this shit ass movie would have broken his cholesterol chocked heart and killed him in the theatre upsetting the children even more.
>Oh no! Now he will never know which childish superhero cardboard cast a super CGI beam at a childish supervillain cardboard!
America is going to destroy human society and they must be stopped at all costs.
Hey, his theories were probably better than this mess. He passed without seeing time travel shenanigans and Thanos characterization being thrown out the window.
Most anons on Yea Forums don't have experience with normal human interaction. How new are you, friend? This is the most soulless website on the internet.
Imagine having such a shitty life that the only bad part about dying is you missed out on capeshit
these movies are terrible anyway. Outside of the Captain America ones, GoTG 1 and the first Iron Man, Avengers 1 and Infinity War, nothing holds up. It's all trash
He didn't miss anything. It was shit.
Was it because he was 400 pounds?
What happened after we die, bros?
Is there an afterlife?
most likely nothingness. just like it was before you were born
I'm American and this lady is a dipstick
All the first wave movies, Captain America 1, Thor 1, Iron Man 1, Avengers 1 were good. Literally all the rest is awful. No exceptions.
>infinity war
I hope you’re trolling
in tears rn
Heaven or Hell ya dingus
Is there Internet in any of them?
Jesus christ that is sad
You experience what it is like in your dreamless sleeps.
It's the only time you're in complete harmony.
>one of the hardest things
This is the problem. I can understand getting emotional about it since it's something you shared together. My little brother and I went to see the first Avengers film together and he loved it so much (he was like 10) and it was the first time he'd gone to a movie without our parents so it was even more special for him, just a really great bonding experience. Then he died a few years later, and I keep watching the Marvel movies because it reminds me of my brother and makes me happy. But I could not give a single fuck that he died before "seeing what happens to the Avengers", like how fucking autistic do you have to be to actually say something like that?
Pretty much every capshitter on Yea Forums
Song and paintings have great artistic value. The latest Disney corporate produced schlock is not even anywhere near the same league.
There’s nothing. The idea of an afterlife is to convince gullible saps you’ll be rewarded for doing good in life when really your time on earth is your heaven or hell
The good news is he also didn't have to see Captain Marvel either.
>i have also never read a book or watched a non-disney movie
Holy shit, what a fucking loser. His only role models and his only emotional support comes from a shitty capeshit franchise. That kind of people never get far in life.
Yep, that's it. The story is all over. Disney is done making superhero movies. Just gonna mothball those properties now.
Where is your brain ?
>read this entire thing assuming it was a woman
>it's a man
have sex
Americans have always been fucked up in the head
She's sad because he died before she could divorce him and get alimony. At least she can virtue signal.
stupid ESL dubuggoposter dumbfuck
user are you okay?
I believe in reincarnation
why? on what basis?
I don't speak Yea Forums language
I'm just a dubuposter I don't even like/care about k-pop
How do they do this? How do giant corporations like Apple and Disney brainwash these people to this extent? What causes this? I just don't get it.
I'm American and the first thing I reminisced about when my mom died was Captain Ron.
I unironically feel bad for this person
he's been hit by (((consumerism))) to the point that all he can emotionally relate to is a bunch of superheros from a CGI franchise made for kids
he seriously needs to read a book for grown ups
Masterful bait
lol no
we kill other animals daily, no one gives a shit
it's just that we're self aware so we started coping there's another life after this one.
Social capital has been declining in western countries since the 60's and people tend to fill that void with drug abuse, sexual degeneracy, and consumerism.
That is how fallen and degenerate our society is, that parents and long standinf traditions meant to teach you about intergenerational truths that assist you through life are replaced with comic book movies
Omitted from the picture:
>I'll be there with my new bull, Tyrone and his three kids I convinced my ex that were his. At least his legacy will carry on in memory. WAKANDA FOEREVA
No joke, Americans are actually just grown children. I immigrated here when I was 7, so I’ve gotten to know the culture very well and see it from the outside at the same time. Shit like this is par for the course, as is shit like kissing your dog and loving it more than you love your kids and being really fucking loud and have cartoonish, exaggerated emotional responses to nearly everything. This country is only a superpower because of an elite few that run its economy and create its tech, the vast majority of Americans are human garbage whose sole purpose is to be consumerist drones to keep the economy going.
Infinity War was fun because Thanos was a good presence on the screen, it was great seeing him BTFO Avenger after Avenger.
Such blatant disney astroturfing and emotional manipulation.
Timestamped pics of husbands grave or gtfo!
Dogs>kids tho
Religion, patriotism, social harmony and spiritual values in general are nonexistent in the West. So Apple and Disney step in to fill the void.
1/10 Copypasta
Literally none of this is true.
t. American born and raised
yall light weights. If I make it to the premiere (it is Thursday night here) I'll post this screen cap
If I don't make it. It's over. I'll see you back here again next time round
I'm done
>Shit like this is par for the course, as is shit like kissing your dog and loving it more than you love your kids and being really fucking loud and have cartoonish, exaggerated emotional responses to nearly everything. This country is only a superpower because of an elite few that run its economy and create its tech, the vast majority of Americans are human garbage whose sole purpose is to be consumerist drones to keep the economy going
You've also just described Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, South America, and most of Western Europe.
I don't know what kind of complete autistic you are, but you need to get out more.
How miserable do you have to be that the most important aspect of your life if a bunch of kiddie movies? No wonder he didn't last for so long.
cringe. people who type this post have not even read the western canon. society has declined in many ways but prole retards enjoying prolefeed is not especially symptomatic of it.
loud kek
So Britain was the same because the old boys ran things while the paroles shat around and it fell when the old boys couldn't do their thing anymore, will the US decline like that? I doubt it, it's ruled by Israel anyway.
- And That's A Good Thing
Come now. Rabid liberalism, politics everywhere, race baiting, literal pop culture worship, Goebbels tier LGBT propaganda, all these are exclusive to the West.
Yes it is.
I’m from one of those countries and no, the majority of people outside of the US aren’t like this.
>society has declined in many ways but prole retards enjoying prolefeed is not especially symptomatic of it.
... No, actuallt I think increased amounts of consumerism is in fact easily recognizable in modern society and one of the ways that we have declined you fucking brainlet.
>You haven't even read the western canon
I'm better educated than you are. By a lot.
it's always the fucking whites that does this shit. always. it's fucking embarissing.
Based user working this thread of dumb amerimutts into a seething rage
The marvel movies aren’t even fucking done. Why are people acting like a dramatic mess. There’s a fucking new Spider-Man movie coming out right after retards
at least he lived long enough for him not to see this huge disappointment of a movie
>the majority of people outside of the US aren’t like this
Nah they are , if they're in those places I've mentioned. Like I said, you need to get out more.
>race baiting
Look at the american using american tactics to try to pretend that not all Americans are like that.
When are nations of the world going to band together and wipe out Israel and it’s north American colony in a nuclear hellfire for the sake of humanity?
race baiting is exclusive to the West? retard. ethnic conflict and "politics everywhere" are probably the most universal things on your list. there is a lot wrong with "the west" but your shopping list is a very random assortment of pet peeves that doesn't strike at the heart of the problem.
>I'm better educated than you are. By a lot.
i hope i never type a sentence like this. it means you failed life
Never. (((We're))) going to own you forever.
I'm that guy's neighbor and he died of ebolaids shortly after making that post.
Hopefully soon
Why do Americans get married with strangers? Explains the divorce rates
>a chapter in my life
because of capeshit. how do these people live?
Tbh this is not that bad. Every serious relationship has their silly traditions that become meaningful to them. Granted the whole making her watch every movie thing is weird but I can sympathize with this being important to her, not really for the movie itself but for their tradition
>I hope I never write this because it means you failed at life
Says the absolute moron who wrote this
>society has declined in many ways but prole retards enjoying prolefeed is not especially symptomatic of it.
I mean come on
The lower classes were not always obese drug addicted consumerists who had no sense of self you fucking moron. You'd know this if you had even minor amounts of academic experience.
>I’m from one of those countries and no, the majority of people outside of the US aren’t like this.
How would you know that if you immigrated when you were 7? You're basically an American.
Nigga who cares. Iron man dies
It wasn't important for her at all. She just pretended to watch it for her husband's sake. Women don't watch capeshit. They watch dramas and romcom shite.
he could have just read the comic if he wanted to know.
>Women don't watch capeshit.
Pretty much half the viewership of Marvel movies is women.
Hell, women are the only reason Thor movies made money, because they went to drool over him.
you read the article - they get them when they're young, this guy was 12 when Thor came out and from then on they had him hooked. A life long cash cow. They've been doing it for years with girls and all the "princess" movies, now they've done it with boys as well
I would bet everything I own he died because he couldn't stop stuffing his fat fucking face. Peak gluttony times we live in, but I'm supposed to feel sad for this fat fuck
Besides infinity war, I think you are right, all these movies suck
>an insta thot who posts ass pics and deep quotes wrote this and truly thinks it makes her unique
This is only going to intensify even further in the future isn't it? I guess being entranced by a piece of fiction, there's plenty of great books out there that can help you build character, but being obsessed over fgrown men in spandex going pew pew to a purple alien? Fuck.
I'm from NZ and lived in the UK, fair enough on most people in the first world being manchildren and womenchildren, Americans though have the monopoly on being twice as loud as anyone else in the world, Chinks are the only ones who come close. The exaggerating emotions is definitely a Yank thing too.
>The exaggerating emotions is definitely a Yank thing too.
You ever experienced Scots?
Indians do the same and their divorce rates are low as fuck.
seems pretty cool
Imagine dying before the greatest movie in history comes out.
That's because they get gangraped if they divorce
Couldn't have said it better
I agree, it would be awful to die without seeing Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019)
Death is preferable to this shit. I torrented it and I still regret wasting my time.
Shit, you're right. The jews have turned into drones.
>Imagine being a such a huge manchild that obsseses over childrens comic books brought to life on the silver screen that you have to drag your wife along to this shit, while telling her that you are so excited to see this through to a grand finale but you decide to eat yourself to death before that happens.
Cap America was popped before end game? Damn.
>My husband died but let me make this all about me whilst I reference huge corporate movie™ bound to make me go viral
that him in the profile pic? no wonder he dead
Keep doubting.
>ywn never remember the moment you became aware
You really nailed it literally all you said is true
I had a similar feeling when I get a new game or go to the movies since my best friend since middle school shot himself in 2016. like when I got botw and I realized that if he was still alive he would have been next to me on the sofa. It really hit me when I went to go see Halloween, he would have wanted to see it with me. I sorta have a new best friend now but it's just not the same, but I'm thankful. But I don't cry about it, it's more about the memories we could had have if things were different.
I sure hope so.
Do you really want to exist forever?
Given enough time, you'll do everything that can be done and think every thought that can be thought.
what do these jewish drones do?
Name me 10 white presidents in the 20th century, you can't. Protip Clinton and Bush family are 1000% jewish
those are arranged marriages and either one of them divorcing would be a disgrace to their family
didn't they do that before they turned into drones?
>I'll be there with my tissues
Is she gonna jack off in the theater?
They aren't even good movies.
The Last Jedi is better than every single Marvel flick
>one of the hardest things
The other hardest thing was the bull's BBC
If you were American born and raised, you wouldn't know, would you?
I was in the US for 2 years. Americans are loud, obnoxious and over dramatic.
I'm from a third world country and I thought people in the west were way more sophisticated. People in my country are loud and obnoxious. I was totally shocked the first time I went to USA. People in USA way worse than third worlders.
>I'm from a third world country and I thought people in the west were way more sophisticated.
I used to think the same, until i lived in the USA for a while and realized they're all robotic manchildren who have some really forced and fake emotions.
Oh say can you see
>live a successful career
Imagine thinking this is any more important or respectable than seeing a toy commercial
God I fucking hope not. Life is pure shit, I don't want more of it after I die.
Imagine he will be forced to watch kinos in heaven.
Imagine commiting suicide 2 days before it like our poor bastard ex-president here in Peru
The Vatican's got better tastes than Yea Forums
Whoever wrote this is either a faggy European or an American who went to college (with debt lmao)
lol he looks fat af in the profile pic. typical marvelfag
>While I was battling depression, Iron Man was battling Captain America
While you were having premarital sex I studied the cape.
Anyone who "enjoys" marvel tier capeshit deserves to die alone and forgotten.
she'll be watching this with her new black bull
Says who? What is art to you? Whos to say there is no artistic value in capeshit?
I'm not american but dude you immigrated when you were 7 how the fuck would you know what life is like in other places? If you immigrated in your teens you would have an argument but you didn't really get to live elsewhere
yes literally all of us do it
Your nation doesn't matter.
Your race is a lie.
Your ethnicity holds no value.
Your job is a mandatory time sink.
Your views are frivolous fashion
Your wife is a convenience.
Your diet is gluttony.
Nothing matters except consuming the next product that gives you some temporary joy and an escape how pointless your own life is.
Honk honk
>nothing reminds me of my husband more than the Double Quarter Pounder from McDonald's™ with an ice cold Coca-Cola™
Why are americans like this?
lmfao what a fucking soifag
Because they won the war for freedom.
that is all kinds of pathetic. Jesus christ nuclear war when
Damn, this is fucking spot on
Also, it implies disney is ever going to stop shitting out these movies every 2 years for the rest of time
If your life hinges on "finding out what happens" even the slightest bit, it doesn't matter whether you die today or in 50 years, it makes no difference
>be me
>be nigger
>Messaged my wh*te friends on d*scord that iorn man dies (pic related)
>I didn't think they would take it so seriously
>They both get mad at me for posting iorn man dying
>one of them goes on a sperg rage
>He then tells me if I'm right then I can't talk to them again at college
>tfw I will probably get punched in the face
Time does not exist it is a human concept that gives us the illusion of cobtrol, there is no space or other planets we are trapped here in this realm, we are already dead are corpses have yet to decay, we are here to experience life and die,without death there is no meaning.
The ironic thing is that despite being consumer drones for giant corporations they still point their fat fingers at countries like China for their "lack" of freedom. Talk about being brainwashed.
Capitalism my friend
Your consciousness fades away and your memories are gone.
Then your consciousness comes back in a different timeline/universe because the consciousness coding is exactly the same as this one. Buddhist are unironically the closest groups that have gotten it right but they don't understand my consciousness theory. I'll be releasing my book in the consciousness theory in a few years.
Dogs have nothing to do with this, leave them out of this, turbo-numale.
>Zoomers are based
>hahaha what a faggot
One of those threads again
He should of lost some weight.
>while watching infinity war
>I don't feel so good, honey
you don't remember from before you were born? how???
literally nothing happens you're part of the universe already you just keep being the universe as you already are bro welcome to the family
I know what a loser YELLOW CAKE
Truly disgusting "people"
>Be American
>Get cancer
We need another world war, we've grown too soft.
A white mare with a black mane takes you to Equestria
>Be third-worlder
>get jelly
Checks out
>6.5 months later
> first thing
Wrong. I was four years old. I had sputters before then, but I remember when the engine finally turned and I understood reality, time, and permanance (and impermanence). The year after that, some bitch whose alcoholic mom drank all of their money and didn't get presents at Christmas spoiled for me that Santa Claus was fake, and then for 15 years after that I struggled to convince myself that although Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and friends were made up, it didn't mean that religious figures and the afterlife were made up. Finally, when I was 21, I realized that someday I'd lose the woman who is now my wife and my dog (yes I'm American and I do love my dog fuck you) and never get them back and never see them again. For a long time, I kept it inside because I didn't want to redpill my wife to suffering. Eventually, I couldn't hold it in any more and weot to her about my existential dread and crippling fear of cessation of conciousn and she chuckled. She said "I don't believe in it all either, but I for one can't wait for it to all be over, I'm just tired of having to do stuff." So at least I guess that's weirdly comforting. You try to do all you can to achieve contentness, and then you don't have to try anymore ever again.
Any way, this movie's great. My favorite three Marvel movie's are Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, and Thor: Ragnarok if it gives you guys a gauge on my taste. The final fight is between the protagonists of those three films and Thanos and each of them get satisfactory endings (Thor less so). Give it a watch, and thanks for reading my blog.