What the FUCK does he want?
What the FUCK does he want?
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to destroy Wikipedia
Brans boi pussy
To time travel
They literally just said it on Sunday, he wants it to be night forever and he knows humans will never stop trying to kill him if he does it so he needs to kill them. And Bran is the only one who can share knowledge about beating white walkers so step one is killing him, so at the very least if this all happens again they won't remember how to kill them.
To crash this realm
taxes increased by 5%
baby sam
A flat rate tax policy
with no survivors?
really wish they fleshed out his character. he's literally the most generic villain possible in a series that tries to create interesting and believable characters.
But how will he conquer the world and bring the Long Night if he cannot sail beyond Westeros? He can fly on a dragon now, but his army can't.
In fact, Daenerys could simply btfo everyone on Essos with her dothraki and dragons, make an iron throne there and chill
>humans will never stop trying to kill him
They literally built a fucking giant wall and ignored him for 8000 years. He already had a massive swath of cold dark land and a supply to continue his race. There either has to be more to his character or he makes no fucking sense.
Some niggas just want to watch the world freeze
Isn't that the case, the nigh king is a metaphor of the environment, while we fight, a drought, flood or volcano eruption (endless night) could wipe out civilization.
To freeze the crushing interest rates of the Iron Bank
Dude just turn your brain off and enjoy the show
Why does he wear cheese grators?
Why dont they shoot him in the head with dragon glass arrow?
Why does he want night?
He wants his cock back. He lost it when he was still alive and it's been his mission in undeath to reclaim it. He'll be defeated when one of Tyrion's patented eunuch jokes shames him to the point that he drops his guard long enough for Sansa to stab him to death.
Nothing. Everything!
A progressive, socialist tax policy
It's comfy.
In a interview with GRRM in the early 00s, he joked and said he'd forgotten the goal of the white walkers. So the show is just pushed in a corner and said some bullshit "long night'
Crasters son that was promised to him
This show is so shit
That's what she should have done once the dragons were big enough to ride
I don't think he ever wanted to be limited to beyond the wall but he had to bide his time until he rebuilt his army
Fuck no. The villain should be a mystery.
Bad poosey
He wants to establish carbon tax credits to chill the world out, preventing global warming
>"ah blooo bloo tolkien wrecked the fantasy genre because now everyone wants to make their villain a dark lord who is evil because he is evil"
>"hey fat fuck what's the point of this guy?"
>"uhhh he's evil"
>*stomach grumbles* grrr stop asking questions or I won't finish the books!!! *cries*
Hope that fat fuck dies slow.
Free real estate
>That's what she should have done once the dragons were big enough to ride
Indeed, but Twitter was #stanning #jonerys too hard for the screenwriters to ease on the fanservice.
Reinstate Bush era tax policies.
I try not to take him too seriously. Gorm is really just a comicbook nerd who wrote some scifi back in the day and then got a little carried away with his War of the Roses fantasy fanfic.
Tolkien is one of the eternal masters of the English language.
>a few years ago
>random white walker walks to the Night Kings tomb
>"Awaken my masters! There is a threat that the humans cannot stop on their own!"
>"Speak of it." the Night King bellows in a chilling growl
>"She is the Cersei! We have been watching her since childhood. She's smarter than tyrion, braver than drogo, prettier than daenerys and sansa combined. And more ruthless than Tywin, Roose and Ramsay. She's the only one who can defeat us. We must march south! "
>"Truly these are the winds of winter. South we go. "
>smarter than Tyrion
>not smarter than Sansa
He's against Westeros' taxes being too damn high.
Also tv
that ass is nissa nissa
He's expecting pic related and is going to end up with a turbocharged autist in a wheelchair instead.
He wants to secure the existence of his people and a future for white walkers
>Fleshed out his character
Way to completely miss the point ya dingus. He's literally a force of nature, and nature doesn't have character. Central theme of the story has always been no matter what gay politics and dealings people do nature can and will still rekt them.
user he can raise the dead, he doesnt need to take an army with him with a dragon
who wouldn't tap that?
I would and it's not gay
is got an allegory to climate change?
Guys you’re all overthinking it. This guy lives in the far north and has for 8000 years. What is the north? Cold. What is the south? Warm. The Night Bro just wants to chill on the beach with his homies for spring break.
Unlimited power
This, he just wants a tan and bucket of Coronas while he checks out the beach babes.
Uhh I take it more nature (including disease and death in general). Writers inserting climate change metaphors seem to always lack subtlety and hit you over the head with it.
Bran boipucci
Hope that fat fuck dies fast so he never finishes those damn books
Bran. Do you not watch the show?
Here is the answer straight from the Show: youtube.com
skip to 1 minute
He just wants an endless night and to erase the world of men (especially Bran since he is the world's memories)
Why do people think Bran is the Night King when the show already showed him as a human? A guy with blonde hair and light colored eyes, he looks nothing like Bran. The guy in this scene also plays the night king, so you can't say he isn't the same white walker. Imagine believing it's a plot twist simply because they were unable to find an actor who looks like Bran 20 years older.
Show has nothing to do with the actual (book) cannon.
>a role wasn’t recast therefore it can’t be another character
This is Dabid and dabid were talking about brainlet. I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if they made it fucking hodor
Bran can warg into people
yeah it fucks them up, but he can ASSUMING CONTROL
>he wants it to be night forever
whats he gonna do? switch off the sun?
>What's he gonna do?
Kill pic related
lol he's "evil". like drumpf dude. He doesnt need a reason to invade people (hitler man, seriously bad guy, disgusting). So he's like Hitler, now shut up and consume !!
The white walkers are peaceful migrants! They only want to escape the hardships of their country which was RUINED by the Westerosi.
Does he live in a city with the walkers back home or do they just wander the ice?
What a garbage design
Why doesn't he just close his eyes or put a bag on his head or something? LOL.
I just saved him all that fucking trouble. Just close the curtains mate.
>turned into ice Kang by elf lesbos
>watches his own people team up with elf lesbos against him and get cucked to their tree religion
Basically a school shooter
Globalism is the night king, the refugees are the wights.
>What the FUCK does he want?
It doesn't matter, we don't negotiate with terrorists.
That's fucking garbage.
> Durr he's evil because he's evil
I want some dank shit like the Night King being Bran warged into that dude or something like Pirates of the Caribeean or Wrath of the Lich King where "there must always be a Night King".
If he's evil for the sake of being a bad guy and when he dies all the other White Walkers melt away, then that'll fucking suck.
he wants to increase the taxes on the nobles. specifically on lemon cakes.
That's what the doctor said when he pulled you out.
to cleanse the realm of the "living"
Yes. The sun has been a part of the intro for the entire duration of the show. It endless summer comes, it means the end of his race. He's going to go somwhere, to do something, to put out the sun.
Random =/= funny
It's right between obvious and random, keep looking, keep trying. Belive @ u
You want a puzzle, enough pieces to solve it but not the entire finished puzzle.
>he doesn't like night
I would have done the same, night is indeed comfy you pleb.
After season 4. But the first 4 seasons were the greatest TV in history
>Build up for 8 years
>Literally on a kill switch
>Will most likely be gone by episode 4
What a fuck up
Season 3 of the leftovers is the greatest television ever made.
>don't think he ever wanted to be limited to beyond the wall but he had to bide his time until he rebuilt his army
in da books walkers are not even that important, they show up like 2 times throughout the whole story, just a diffent race that lives beyond the wall and likes to kill humans
in the show they are a weapon created by children of the forest to fight humans which got out of control
books are also well behind the show lad
Crashing this kingdom...
he probably justs wants to die and can't until everyone's dead. poor guy's been freezing his balls off for 10,000 years and has a stone dagger in his chest. don't judge someone till you've walked a mile in their shoes. i'm rooting for him to get what he wants.
>He wants to secure the existence of his people and a future for white walkers
You know the sun still sets in the Summer, right?
not in the norf
what happened to him bros?
Not in the arctic
>whats he gonna do? switch off the sun?
the good girl but he needs the bad poosi
He need to have sex
>Millenniums of whoremongering, debauchery and violent subhumans ravaging the West(eros).
He simply wants to remove degeneracy and Make Westeros Great Again.
Were all those seasons of peripheral characters engaged in political maneuvering over scraps of power necessary for a story that caps itself off with a war against an zombie ice wizard trying to pull a Mr Burns and blot out the sun?
When is the undead Hodor going to turn up?
It's brilliant
Who wins The Lich King or the Night King?
The children of the forest were at war with humans (who invaded westeros) and they were losing so they shoved dragonglass into him and ordered him to kill the humans. After that he got out of hand and they couldnt control him anymore. The humans and cotf worked together to drive him back up north and the cotf helped with building the great wall with bran the builder.
a greater tax cut
to stop global warming
does anyone have a link to the original sopranos scene for this?
Jesus christ
Every single season has been The Walking Dead tier shit.