You have five seconds to explain why Boogie Nights isn't kino.
You have five seconds to explain why Boogie Nights isn't kino
Pre-TWBB PTA are all flicks. He only started making films with that, and his only true kino was The Master.
>Look at me I'm trying to be Robert Altman!!
Inherent Vice was so bad. 15 year old tier humor.
but it is kino
Julianne is 58 and still the sexiest woman in any film she's in.
I, too, was 16 once
Lately I think about this movie a lot. Like how in the beginning the porn was fun and loving, but towards the end it was violent and zionist. Porn is just like that irl now.
it is, fuck you nigga
the master is the most kitsch thing produced in the 21st century
peak heather graham
it glorifies porn
nothing can beat Mr. Bean. change my mind
hard agree
From what I've seen
Punch Drunk Love > Boogie Nights > The Master > (something enjoyable) > Inherent Vice
What should I watch next?
stick to capeshit
I enjoyed 3 out of 4 of his movies that I saw yet that somehow makes me a marvel shill??? Jeez this fucking board.
>tfw no ginger mommygf
You rated his second worst film as his best, so yes
Fake dick at the end instead of Peter North or someone like that standing in
regardless of an argument the term kino is full-blast retarded and I defy someone on this godforsaken board to try and define it.
Jesus christ this place has gone downhill since the old days
To clarify my position, I think The Master and Boogie Nights are better films, but I PERSONALLY enjoy Punch Drunk Love more due to the fact that its PTA's take on an Adam Sandler comedy, and that type of experimentation just leads to a product that, while less than his other films, is more interesting to me personally as a creative effort. So is it as good as the others? Probably not. Do I appreciate it more as a thing that exists in the spectrum of cinematic experiments? Absolutely.
>implying Punch Drunk Love is PTA's most experimental film
I actually did not imply that. I said it is a more interesting experiment to me personally. I did not say it was the most experimental.
I believe that your reading comprehension skills are lacking in a few areas.
Look buddy, you can try to justify it however you want, you're still a pleb
>tries to attack someone for ranking PDL above other films yet ends up looking like an idiot in the process
Oh the irony
Boogie Wonderland never played once.
You're just getting desperate now. Maybe once you've grown out of comic book movies you'll grow some taste
>Punch Drunk Love, The Master, and Boogie Nights are now "comic book movies"
No, but your holding PDL in high regard (not to mention your dislike of Inherent Kino) most certainly reeks of an affinity for comic book shit
Boogie Nights is a solid 9/10. It's so beautifully tragic.
Did you even watch the movie, you fucking mong?
>He's a Thomas Pynchon fan
Pynchon was a hack and Gravity's Rainbow sucked ass. No matter how good of a director you are, you can't elevate something is terribly pretentious as Pynchon's work.
But let me guess, you probably never even read the source material you DCuck.
unironically not enough nudity and too over the top
plus the whole wholesome thing was so lame
It is kino. But it’s too long.
nah it's just right
magnolia is much more altman influenced though. boogie nights is just pure kino from start to finish.
She looks so pale and sexy in that movie.
love how she's sexy regardless if she's 38 or 58. she has aged amazingly and I would watch a movie starring her regardless of quality
She looks amazing in Savage Grace. Her pale skin and freckles are on full display.
julianne moore's hard pink nipples
Post them now
god imagine being that close to prime heather graham and her pretending you have an extraordinarily large penis
Love that movie. Her freckles are my favorite features of hers, pale skin being the second.
Freckles are my favorite too and the best thing about her pale skin is how it makes the freckles stand out more.
I still remember seeing her for the first time in that that bit part she had in the fugitive.
Thanks for reminding me to post yet another flawless screencap.
How does she do it? she was never ugly, and she never hit the wall. she just keeps morphing into the next phase of hotness. she's practically in GILF territory now.
momyyy, Mommmyyy!!!
If she had a penis shed be absolutely perfect
>this will never be your wife and daughter