So they say his fanbase is SU fan level cancerous, why is this and how can this be? I mean, he's just Starscream

So they say his fanbase is SU fan level cancerous, why is this and how can this be? I mean, he's just Starscream.

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Other urls found in this thread:!searchin/$20transformers$20fans$201985|sort:date/

all fanbases are fucking shit no exceptions

He's sometimes written as kind of effeminate, which makes a lot of mentaly ill fangirls and trannies project themselves onto him.
And, in a sort of positive feedback loop, they start rationalizing his typical behavior with such excuses as being the result of abuse from Megatron or someone else which only makes them project themselves onto him harder.

nobody says this, you are literally the first person to ever say this, nice strawman

Estrogen breeds insanity

I saw a lot of people say it in a lot of Transformers threads, and as someone who doesn't discuss TFs outside of Yea Forums and /toy/ I'm curious about it, hence the thread

It's basically a toss-up between G1 Starscream and Armada Starscream as to who has the whiniest fangirls

Yeah, I'm always hearing about how awful Transformer fanbases are--but I have to assume it's because all of the real fans are basement dwellers relishing the early 80s from their parents basements, posting on outdated message boards because newer ones are filled with actual children who have never bought a G1 toy

Prime Starscream fangirls are worse than either of them.

Honestly, Transformers threads are some of the most civil and friendly I've seen on Yea Forums. True, things got dicey when IDW was shitting the bed with mouthpiece characters, but overall Yea Forums is usually pretty chill when it comes to Transformers.

Apparently Starscream has fans who make death threats to people on social media

/toy/ on the other hand...

Because he's THE self insert for autistic girls.

I feel like the only girls who self-insert as Starscream are the one’s who want to fuck/get choked by Megatron. But they’re a dying breed in an era where you get threatened for shipping abusive ships.

Other than that, it’s less that they want to self insert as his but more they want to insert themselves with him.

Fangirls, shippers, gays and trans ruin everything they like. No exceptions.

Today I will remind them!searchin/$20transformers$20fans$201985|sort:date/

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Anyways, Starscream fans can get fucked.

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Can anyone recommend me some really complex/difficult Transformers toys to stimulate muh brain

Ask /tfg/

The fat guy?


I guess that didn't work

>comic where Megatron is the big bad abuser who made Starscream what he is and does the same to Rodimus
>in reality Starscream and Megatron were in a symbiotic relationship where Starscream would try to kill Megatron, Megatron would beat the shit out of Starscream, forgive him and onwards, and ended with both of them letting go and finding others to love and die for
>Megatron and Rodimus became best friends, deeply inspired, trusted and respected one another until the end

I wonder what the alternate universe that Starscream fangirls live in is like?

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I used to have a Universe Vector Prime, boggled me without instructions as a kid.

Man. I’d let Megatron choke me.

>I wonder what the alternate universe that Starscream fangirls live in is like?
The oddest thing is there are other G1 Decepticons who offered more for them to work with, who are friends with each other, or are loyal to and trusted by their leader, but they fixate on the one villain who doesn't even have those redeeming features.

And even then /toy/ is nice compared to the forums. Plus it's usually one, maximum two shitposters.

Leader class Optimus Prime from Revenge of the Fallen. Difficult but not frustrating.

Don't you know? Windblade is toxic and taking advantage of the poor guy!

Oh no, poor baby Starscream. Even before he joined the decepticons when he was a corrupt politician who edged the movement into violence it was definitely somebody else’s fault. He’s never done anything wrong. Ever. It’s the fault of whoever he was planning on betraying at the time, obviously.

Even the other seekers. They don’t have a direct nemesis to blame everything on/ship them with, though. Even prominent cons like Soundwave and Shockwave are too buddy buddy with Megatron. It has to be a bad boy/outsider to project angst onto and feel protective over.

Starscream is an emotional, petty, ego driven narcissist. He's actually very easy to relate to, too easy. To relate to Soundwave you have to have an understanding of loyalty and chain of command, to relate to Shockwave you have to relate to the idea of logic reigning supreme over emotions. To relate to other Seekers or other lower level cons, you have to relate to not being the star and just being a ditch digger pretty much which isn't glamorous.

I think it's pretty obvious why some personality types would be extremely drawn to Starscream, the issue is being deluded enough to think he's somehow a role model or sympathetic character when almost his whole purpose is to be the LEAST sympathetic. This is why self insertion is pretty much retarded.

Literally every character Starscream is pitted up against is in the wrong /s

Anyways, I dislike taao for feeding into that woobie shit. I know damn well it wouldn't be voted as the best comic running at the time if SS wasn't involved at all. I don't believe a good portion of its readers actually care about Windblade's character and her conflict by itself.

Lol I did care about Windblade. Anyway, the writer did have the sense to put Starscream in jail, though.

Starscream is always stirring shit up.

A good portion, not all. And agreed, though the "true self" sequence prior to that was pandering as fuck.

Zeta Toys Bumblebee will want to make you bust your fucking skull in.

I think the only Starscream fans that are actually sane are the male fans, and that'a because they don't self insert as him. They see him the same way they see Dan Backslide from The Dover Boys of Pimento University.

Armada Scream is at least understandable. He's closer to Dinobot with Starscream's name and face only.

Ironically that's the exact same sequence the crazies use to satanize Windblade.

What about TFA Starscream? He has to have lots of crazy fangirls.

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Girls don’t like Transformers

Chin. Even though he was the most competent and intelligent of the Starscreams. That's why the Animated staff benched him. Because they sucked at writing.

That's a fucking lie. My ex had an entire room full of Transformers figures, and was a massive Starscream fangirl. She used to post in these threads all the time. I'm actually only here to see if she posted.

>To relate to Soundwave you have to have an understanding of loyalty and chain of command
He was very underused in the cartoon, but Skywarp had the same appeal.
So did Rumble, who can also appeal to short people.

It's OK to like Starscream if you understand he's an absolute bastard who will occasionally receive deserved comeuppance, and shouldn't be redeemed, shouldn't be made sympathetic. Just enjoy him being evil.

...I thought people just thought it was funny that he was such an asshole. Like how heels in wrestling have fans.

The Transformers fanbase is actually pretty chill and doesn't take itself too seriously.
I'm a woman who likes Starscream but I've never been attracted to a robot in my life... I like Starscream just for his wacky antics. Grimlock is best boy btw.

I'm a female TF fan, I used to like Starscream but got soured on him after a while. Am I basic for having OP and Megatron as favorites?

>Girls don’t like Transformers
You must be new here. No really, I know it's surprising but....yeah, there are a lot of female TF fans on the net, at least a lot compared to other similar "boy" franchises.

I think it's because they're inhuman robots and not muscle men or something maybe making it easier to relate to, I'm not sure.

Ha. The fact that it's robots that resemble muscle men attracts them. If the Braves series had more exposure, they'd be all over that more so than Transformers.

In the same boat, Megatron has always and always will be my ultimate favourite. I’m even considering dropping money on the big new Flame Toys Megatron.

Starscream and Soundwave both need to go away for a while.
Shockwave is getting close, too, but I'm not there yet.

It worked for Megatron. I was sick to death of him by the end of Prime, but his total absence in RiD2015 and the refreshing redemption arc gave me the break from "Evil Decepticon Ruler" that I needed.

SS and SW need similar sabbaticals.

My general understanding is that it started with Armada giving Starscream more depth and layers to his character. Animated took Armada's ball and ran with it and made Starscream incredibly charismatic and likeable, things just kinda spiraled downward from there.

nah, girls like starscream all the way back in the 80s. They liked starscream like little boys would watch shera and like hordak

I was very surprised RID didn’t bring him back as a reluctant ally/Combiner Wars style Old Man Megs.

Disagree. Soundwave needs more important roles IMO. I could do with less Starscream, but honestly I don't need him to go away, I just need him to not be such a central character whole plots revolve around so much. Gimme more Soundwave being an all seeing eye/spy patrol leader and his cassettes actually doing something for once always menacing the Autobots.

IDW 1 pretty much made him too different to me, he was cool in Prime/RID but he was basically just Megs enforcer who showed up to be badass every here and there. Cyberverse he pretty much did zilch.

Shockwave has been pretty consistent over everything though, he's gotten a big push in recent times I feel.

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Nah man, Masterpiece Megs. Over 100 steps.

>Shockwave has been pretty consistent over everything though
u wot m8
Shockwave is one of the most famous examples of differences between universes. In some media he's intensely loyal while in others he's trying to overthrow Megatron.

user didn't ask for "most complicated". They asked for "complicated".

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Mp44. Enjoy.

And in others his and Megatron's goals are very similar... until they aren't.

Nah, they're basically the dads of the franchise.

His G1 cartoon and Animated versions are pretty much the only ones who go for the Megatron loyalist version, everything else in modern times has kind of been the more G1 comic version only less of an actual threat to Megatron usually, but still more of the cold logical scientist with his own goals thing.

Cyberverse, Prime, IDW, they're all more or less the same type of plotting mad scientist Shockwave character.

Cyberverse Shockwave mentioned plotting against Megatron ONCE and then sacrificed himself for Megatron's plans.

Prime Shockwave was loyal to Megatron

I'd say his fanbase is more like Lokifags, where they try to turn him into an "uwu smol bean uwu" or whatever the fuck. Still annoying as fuck.

I forgot how different of a design Animated Shockwave was. Not even purple.

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Nah, OP and Megatron are the best ones.

Oh he does turn purple. Eventually.

Starscream just has the appeal of being the equivalent certain villains like Bill Cipher or The Onceler are. He's smug. He's charming. He's mistreated by his superiors. He's literally everything these women want to be inseminated by. And above those, he's older than most others.
now don't get me wrong anyways starscream is still hella based

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>He's charming.
Not in G1, that's just their imagination. Starscream is an obnoxious pathetic weasel in G1 people seem to retroactively remember as being sly and cunning, but he was just a shrill voiced guy who got his ass beat and begged for his life constantly.

He had his moments

>Starscream's Brigade
>everything in the movie
>backstabbing Unicron

It also helps that literally every series after G1 ramped up his competence

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I'll mantain it, Animated was Starscream at his best. Too bad they found a way to keep him out of focus.

Wanna know what I find really appealing about Starscream? Really truthfully appealing?
As I child, I always found that fighter jets were really cool. Star scream has always been the first transformer that comes to mind when I think of fighter jet transformers. Jet toys are just more fun. I wish the transformers toys I had as a kid were as cool as they are now so I could have enjoyed them. I'm envious of how cool transformers are now that I'm no longer a kid.

The best thing about being an adult is that nobody can tell you what to do with your money, and unlike when you're a teenager you don't have to worry about looking cool. Just buy toys like all the other adults who still think toys are cool.

Hell it's not even like it's not socially acceptable now that geek culture is prevalent. Everyone owns some anime statues or plushies or POPs, at least you'd be dignified in buying a real action figure.

>So they say his fanbase is SU fan level cancerous
Half of transformers fans are trans, despite transgenders being only 1% of the population.

Plus, you have access to Masterpiece figures and third party Transformers, stuff that were UNHEARD of back in the day.