Which Avatar guy do you like the best, Yea Forums?

Which Avatar guy do you like the best, Yea Forums?

Attached: Bois.png (3500x3831, 1.94M)

Where's Iroh? I don't want to fuck, I want to drink some tea and think about how to fix my life

Where the fuck is Sokka

Who are the last two guys? Keep in mind I haven't got past season 2 of lok

So hot!

Attached: Huan ref.jpg (1223x1540, 582K)

Why does he look like Sokka? Oh right, Suyin's his daughter

in your heart, you know it to be true

Attached: 1581387296753.jpg (800x600, 70K)


Now I'm imagining him in the underwear picture with a massive and round bulge, but bits of cabbage are visible sticking out of his waistband.


Bolin, stocky guys are the best.


They’re OCs.

From LoK? Tenzin, no doubt about it. I always found him the most compelling and really enjoyed his role. I was rather irritated when I saw how little he had to do on season 4.
Second would come Varrick because, c'mon.

I think that the last one and the one over him are Rule 63 Korra and Asami

Attached: tumblr_m4bb1rO1Pp1qfrrfso1_1280.png (1280x914, 670K)

he cute!

Attached: sokka_just_wanted_a_bath_by_go_devil_dante.jpg (700x957, 112K)

Based and true.

>Not including Varrick

Attached: 5CED925D-29C9-45E0-BA47-A0643CB91ABF.gif (1000x562, 915K)

I think water tribe girls are the best, do you all think water tribe guys are the best?

Mako and General iroh



They also have the best daddies.

Attached: 255BSuyohara255D2BFree2BTumblr2BAwards_p15-1.jpg (1131x1202, 657K)


Attached: Nuktukitty.gif (365x205, 821K)

Attached: 1414959824468.gif (500x200, 974K)


Attached: Bolin the Twin Magnet.jpg (1100x1514, 337K)

Attached: 321 - Sozin's Comet, Part 4 - Avatar Aang.mp4_snapshot_05.01_[2017.03.11_14.33.21].png (1440x1080, 1.96M)

Damn, Aang is rip.

>this guy slaps your ass
wat do?

Attached: 321 - Sozin's Comet, Part 4 - Avatar Aang.mp4_snapshot_05.36_[2017.03.11_14.33.59].png (1440x1080, 1.96M)

Very nice, Aang. Very nice. HOWEVER!

Attached: Ozai Defeating the Avatar with His Superior Skills.png (642x518, 213K)

My ass would be destroyed. Hoping Aang bends it back whole.

i would destroy bolin's vagina
but keep him gagged so i don't have to hear his annoying quips

Nice head-canon

Attached: 321 - Sozin's Comet, Part 4 - Avatar Aang.mp4_snapshot_11.45_[2017.03.11_14.28.17].png (1440x1080, 1.96M)

No, the last two are OCs like the other user said. The artist wrote each character's name on their underwear; "Leon" and "Shui" don't appear in the show. If you look up the dA page where the art originates from, the image description confirms it too.
The one you interpret as R63 Asami is just Tahno.

Attached: Legend of Korra 1x05 - The Spirit of Competition.mp4_snapshot_09.43.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Attached: sweat3.jpg (125x125, 5K)

God I want him to be real so bad

Attached: 2CF3D272-3088-4F85-839F-6BF5AB9A656F.jpg (499x438, 28K)

>ywn hold bolins hand walking around the market at Ba Sing Se
>ywn laugh so hard at his jokes that you spit your tea out at Irohs shop
>ywn spoon him on a cold night as he does some lava bending to warm the room up
>ywn choke on his dick
I can't handle this bros

Attached: 24554f80cd9536539d2c31bede4d4127.jpg (1057x2048, 160K)

Well, by the time he was on his deathbed, he was probably about as rich as the Fire Lord, so if you're lookin' for a sugar daddy ....

Well, at least you sure as hell can't fault Korra for character design

>nobody has mentioned Wang Fire
Plebs, the lot of you.

Attached: 2B7724C9-0EE7-4B74-BED4-5D88081ACB7C.png (333x250, 80K)

Wang by name and Wang by nature. He is too powerful and manly for us.

>Don't fall in love with a traveling girl, she'll leave you broken, broken hearted (8)
But what about traveling guys, Chong? Can I fall in love with you?

Attached: Chong.png (333x250, 128K)

I wouldn't be surprised if these were traced

Fire nation men are hot

Attached: 81314526_604335430361985_4894996102700149425_n.jpg (640x640, 55K)


He's a breeding stud; too faithful to his wife.

Attached: file.png (936x502, 415K)

Trap/twink boy is best boy. OP truly is a faggot for not including this beautiful faggot.

Hippie dick is bomb.