Why is this happening so often now?
Why is this happening so often now?
wtf is this?
Black ladies with buns?
Why is this happening so often now?
i know right, why are women with man jaws so beautiful
Sonequa Martin Green has great facial symmetry. Never noticed. Thanks.
Not joking here, what did you mean by this
Are these different people or is this the result of plastic surgery/chi? What's going on?
American Negro Worship
Based phone autocorrect for ratting me out as a drunk phoneposter
Women and minorities are Israeli psyops. They're not real. It's all trannies and blackface.
best part is these "black" people arent even fully black. theyre mix with evil whitey
Nice strawman.
>literally happens every hour on Yea Forums and Yea Forums because a tan woman popped up in some incel's screen
yeah nah
It’s just the focal length of the lens used.
pandering to nogs because baizuo love virtue signalling. If it were about demographics they would be Latinos
no one likes niggers. deal with it
current generation of white american men are weak, they all complain online instead of actually doing something.
No wonder why you haven't won a war in decades
>this doesn't happen
>*literally makes it happen*
Imagine being this mad.
>How to expose a jew with one simple trick
Wait, are you suggesting either women or minorities are a good thing?
>Why is this happening so often now?
It's been happening since the mid 1990's when the hippies from the 1960's started ascending into positions of power such as chairmen of tv, music, and movie studios, ceo's of mainstream news and television networks, governors, senators, and president of the United States, and so on. Those hippies imparted their far-left and marxist ideology into everything they could. The exalting by Hollywood and news industries of the black minority has been going on for 25 years now.
So you deny the obvious propaganda in Hollywood? Because this is what this thread is abuut, not women or minorities (whites are the minority, btw., and by 2040 even in America, inevitbaly).
You are a strawmanning low IQ idiot.
Can't wait until the US collapses and some other culture takes over. Imagine a world where Hollywood is japanese and we don't have to deal with niggers.
but its racist to show black females as the only minorities.
I can’t imagine somebody thinking it isn’t propaganda. The directors of these films themselves admit that they are doing it to send a positive message of inclusion and appeal to more groups.
because black women are the future user
I mean yeah 55% of them in the US are obese and they have shockingly high rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and even HIV, but they are the future SO GET USED TO IT
left is ugly as sin, at least right is attractive
>The directors of these films themselves admit
i cant wait until they are replaced.
There are more Mexicans in the US than black people yet we are cast aside because our skin color isn’t as stark a difference, therefore we are nearly worthless to parade around by liberals.
How the fuck did things get so bad?
Good faith arguments right here, I'm sure.
It's only a thing because people like you make it a thing. No one was complaining about Blade you dumb motherfucker.
I'm the whitest of the white and "oh no I have to see a black person in a movie" is not even a seed of a thought back then. Shit nobody cared when GTA: San Andreas came out. Literally no one, we just played the game. It's only because of dumb fuckwits like you that there's friction now.
How's that working out for them.
holy fuck. someone on Yea Forums with rational thinking. Been missing people like this since the 2016 election turned the internet to shit.
Women and coloured people are the most ‘oppressed’ minorities so casting them is woke. White guilt means that blacks are most commonly cast despite there being more Latinos in America and more Asians worldwide.
Feminists don't like pretty women, because apparently looking good, is only giving in to traditional cis gender stereotypes, so we're stuck with ugly women being cast until this all blows over.
at least right is pretty
Sonequa is pretty.
because neither can act for shit, they are both just terrible. but they look okay on screen
Leftist/globalist agenda to promote white genocide and replacement.
this could improve Maisie though
this fag
I'd fuck the right one any day but the character is a mary sue written by brainlets and women
no one cares about spics
she cute
They're called 'minorities' for a reason, which makes it kind of weird when they are suddenly massively overrepresentated in (((media)))
>Why is this happening so often now?
Niggers that can't properly steal a movie and don't have A/C make up a disproportionate amount of people who go see movies in the actual theater.
you forget that in the golden age of the director, 1970s cinema gave us such dogfaces as Karen Allen, Sissy Spacek, Sally Field, Meryl Streep.
Because it's about time biiiiihhh
hollywood was established as a propaganda factory from the start
it's nice that it took like 80 years for you guys to get this
>when Americans think their multicultural shithole represents the rest of the world
How bigoted and racist.
You joke, but imagine a world with nothing but buff, well oiled white bros just bumping chests and frotting all day.
Whites have the lowest in-group bias of all racial demographics in america and white liberals actually manage to have a negative in-group bias, you do the math.
Unironically, the evil of unfettered capitalism has weaponized the children of the working class to turn attention away from the plundering of their country and toward the vulnerable "other" as a distraction. The only true solution is to dismantle the system democratically while steering clear of ideologues who insist that capitalism as a whole is evil, as opposed to the evils that it may allow without oversight from truly independent parties. Only once this has been achieved may we move forward as a nation, and as a species.
look into who runs Hollywood (and media at large)
>Show wants to profit from different types of demographics
Look at you
Crying about black women in Star Trek and Men in Black movies
Do you think Star Trek and Men in Black are 'The Peak of Aryan purity'?
Fucking idiot
Maybe the world doesn't revolve your anglo purity, get the fuck over it.
It's all about money.
Corporations don't care about racial identity,empowerment or the cultural marxism boogeyman.
Only money and influence by any means.
based boyega
user I...
dayumn she looks like that? why does she insist on wearing that black ball of lint on her head in the show?
Americans forcing their shit on everyone else.
Unironically, it’s because you care so much. If you retards didnt get triggered over it so much, it wouldnt be a big deal to them.
MIB international trailer literally did not have one funny scene in it
It's just comfier when it's your race. They keep making nigger shows like Empire and Blackish because blacks watch more TV than any other race, probably because they can't work computers.
You realize you're not forced to watch Empire or Blackish? Also Star Trek and Men in Black aren't comparable to those shows cause they aren't about race even if referenced
shut up you filthy kike
You can choose to ignore this content, and the kikes will stop producing it.
there are like four non wakandan black people in endgame
> sam
> ironmans black guy
> samuel L jackson
> the girl that was also in the MIB trailer before the movie
>when non americans feel attached to and represented by american culture
Smells like 9gag
please post more of her outside of STD, user.