This shit has singlehandedly turned every casual film watcher into some armchair critic who feels he has to seek out...

This shit has singlehandedly turned every casual film watcher into some armchair critic who feels he has to seek out perceived "plotholes" in every single film and no longer enjoys the art of filmmaking, just sees every film as some battleground where he has to "beat" the filmmaker and outwit them with a "Ha! Gotcha! Found something you didn't think of!" as if they'll ever hear about it.

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i think plinkett has also a lot to do with this tendency

And most of them are regulars on Yea Forums


>REEEEs when he sees Drumpf
>Removes sins when Rwey does Mary Sue shit

That's sexist.

Its not that hard to see plotholes that are so blatant. It becomes a point where it is harder to ignore than it is to notice it.


>production company spends millions of dollars
>puts a 10 second logo in the start of the movie
Fuck this faggot

>there's a white man on screen

wow, so generous. to spend millions of dollars to later collect millions more than you invested.

It’s not generosity, it’s business and isn’t a cinematic sin


Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to /pol/ for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.

The terrible truth of /pol/ is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.

You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".

/pol/ is the Hurt Box.

Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. /pol/ is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.

You could have prevented this.


The best part of this is the original writer probably believed this trash

Need a hug?

Lmao shut up fag my life has gotten 100x better post redpill.

You're just an impressionable retard tourist. Fuck off.

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My favorite thing about /pol/ are these long, incredibly masturbatory posts they make about themselves. Some /pol/tard actually typed this shit out completely unironically once upon a time.

Yeah it went downhill real fucking quick. It used to be about genuine dumb shit in movies, nowdays it's about:
>Uh this scene reminds me of this one time in college so DING

Fuck this guy.

God I fucking hate cinemasins. It's a good example of how you can succeed without having any talent whatsoever. They an literally put in anything and make it a *Ding!* if you think about it.

>but she does this weird gesture *ding!*
>they don't follow this road *ding!*
>this color is awful *ding!*

It's entertainment for pure idiots desu.

>/pol/ is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.
kek, what absolute nonsense. /pol/ is essentially 100 percent propaganda.

Imagine losers with no understanding of cinematic criticism outside of “plot holes” trying to review Kurosawa, Bergman, Godard, Tarkovsky. Or even modern auteurs like Wong Kar-wai. This character did something I think is nonsensical, ruined the movie.” Or “the cinematographer is a hack, they move too slow and focus on things other than the characters.”

I miss film. These people are destroying the foundation of the medium.

OP is a faggot *ding*
This thread exists *ding*
OP is a redditor *ding*

He's a massive faggot because most of his criticism is baseless nonsense or issues that are resolved by literally noticing details that appear right after the scene he *ding*s.

But if you point out he's a hapless, incoherent moron when it comes to "plotholes", he'll play the cowards "it's just satire" card or the "I don't care--it's *funny*" defense.

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I hate these guys they are the reason why we have shitty lampshades in movies
>Who send Arnie in terminator genesis - those files were erased
>Why nobody saw the massive alien space ship on independence day 2

Film is trash anyway you pretentious fucks

>N-No but user you wouldn't understand, it's FUNNY my wife and I laugh are butts off every time he uploads. We're tier 1 patreons too!

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Here's an actually accurate graph.

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A good three quarters of the plinkett prequel reviews are artistic criticism, like George's atrocious cinematography. I haven't seen much of cinema sins, but I don't think I've ever seen them criticize cinematography, except for them maybe complaining about lens flare.

>main character is a black bull
>-100 sins *reverse ding*

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Took two faggots breaking the SEO of Youtube to turn people into this. Go figure.

>A good three quarters of the plinkett prequel reviews are artistic criticism
Nah. A good chunk of Plinkett's criticisms have to do with the plot/perceived plotholes. There's not much in terms of cinematography (basically it's just "shot/reverse shot is overused" and "the dropped my lightsaber shot is overused").
And to bring it back to the original point, plothole complaints are common because they're easy to make. You need pretty much zero knowledge of film to cry that something don't make no sense. You need to take at least one film class (or do a little research) to start talking about cinematography.

>+1 million sins

I was legit mad when I saw that they made a video about spider-verse
and that people didn't unanimously dislike it
fuck this

>"Down the hall and to the left."
one billion sins, no joke, were added

I'm not giving him shekles or views but I'll trust your word for it

He added ten in Oceans Eleven because one of Trump's buildings showed up.

>falling for the /pol/ meme
heres how a pol thread simulator work
>someone posts a literally who on twitter
>canadian posts
>someone calls him a shill
>he calls him shareblue
>he calls him migatard
>he calls him incel
>he calls him lefty
>he calls him mad
and this goes on for 300 hundred posts until the thread dies. Hope you didn't think people posting there were genuine did you? Thinking everyone was actually behind Trump.

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>he forgets Trump was literally king big dick before he ran for president
>all of a sudden he's racist cheeto hitler

Its like everyone forgot the last decades or so of painting the town gold. I mean, if you ever want to see what politics does to people, Trump is your focus group.

At least he did it for shit movies, this other guy is a retard

Cinemasins was fine when all he did was point out glaring inconsistencies and overused cliches. But now his videos all need to be 20 minutes long so he has to stretch that shit thin with stupid jokes and “plotholes” that are literally explained in the movie.